Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_all_rules():
    # pass
    config = assocparser.AssocParserConfig(ontology=ontology)
    a = make_annotation("GO:0006397", "ANY")
    a = ["blah"] * 16
    a[4] = "GO:0006397"
    a[6] = "ANY"
    a[13] = "20180330"

    test_results = qc.test_go_rules(a, config)
    assert len(test_results.keys()) == 2
    assert test_results["GORULE:0000026"].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
    assert test_results["GORULE:0000029"].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_all_rules():
    # pass
    config = assocparser.AssocParserConfig(ontology=ontology)
    a = ["blah"] * 15
    a[3] = ""
    a[4] = "GO:0006397"
    a[6] = "ISS"
    a[8] = "P"
    a[13] = "20180330"
    assoc = gafparser.to_association(a).associations[0]

    test_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc, config).all_results
    assert len(test_results.keys()) == 22
    assert test_results[
        qc.GoRules.GoRule26.value].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
    assert test_results[
        qc.GoRules.GoRule29.value].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_all_rules():
    # pass
    config = all_rules_config(ontology=ontology)
    a = ["blah"] * 15
    a[3] = ""
    a[4] = "GO:0006397"
    a[5] = "PMID:21873635"
    a[6] = "ISS"
    a[7] = "PomBase:SPAC25B8.17"
    a[8] = "P"
    a[12] = "taxon:123"
    a[13] = "20180330"
    assoc = gafparser.to_association(a).associations[0]

    test_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc, config).all_results
    assert len(test_results.keys()) == 24
    assert test_results[
        qc.GoRules.GoRule26.value].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
    assert test_results[
        qc.GoRules.GoRule29.value].result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def parse_line(self, line):
        Parses a single line of a GAF

        Return a tuple `(processed_line, associations)`. Typically
        there will be a single association, but in some cases there
        may be none (invalid line) or multiple (disjunctive clause in
        annotation extensions)

        Note: most applications will only need to call this directly if they require fine-grained control of parsing. For most purposes,
        :method:`parse_file` can be used over the whole file

        line : str
            A single tab-seperated line from a GAF file


        # Returns assocparser.ParseResult
        parsed = super().validate_line(line)
        if parsed:
            return parsed

        if self.is_header(line):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [{ "header": True, "line": line.strip() }], True)

        vals = [el.strip() for el in line.split("\t")]

        # GAF v1 is defined as 15 cols, GAF v2 as 17.
        # We treat everything as GAF2 by adding two blank columns.
        # TODO: check header metadata to see if columns corresponds to declared dataformat version
        if 17 > len(vals) >= 15:
            vals += [""] * (17 - len(vals))

        if len(vals) > 17:
            # If we see more than 17 columns, we will just cut off the columns after column 17
            self.report.warning(line, assocparser.Report.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS, "",
                msg="There were more than 17 columns in this line. Proceeding by cutting off extra columns after column 17.",
            vals = vals[:17]

        if len(vals) != 17:
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS, "",
                msg="There were {columns} columns found in this line, and there should be 15 (for GAF v1) or 17 (for GAF v2)".format(columns=len(vals)),
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

         gene_product_isoform] = vals

        split_line = assocparser.SplitLine(line=line, values=vals, taxon=taxon)

        ## check for missing columns
        if db == "":
            self.report.error(line, Report.INVALID_IDSPACE, "EMPTY", "col1 is empty", taxon=taxon, rule=1)
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        if db_object_id == "":
            self.report.error(line, Report.INVALID_ID, "EMPTY", "col2 is empty", taxon=taxon, rule=1)
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        if taxon == "":
            self.report.error(line, Report.INVALID_TAXON, "EMPTY", "taxon column is empty", taxon=taxon, rule=1)
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        if reference == "":
            self.report.error(line, Report.INVALID_ID, "EMPTY", "reference column 6 is empty", taxon=taxon, rule=1)
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        ## --
        ## db + db_object_id. CARD=1
        ## --
        id = self._pair_to_id(db, db_object_id)
        if not self._validate_id(id, split_line, ENTITY):
            print("skipping because {} not validated!".format(id))
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # Using a given gpi file to validate the gene object
        if self.gpi is not None:
            entity = self.gpi.get(id, None)
            if entity is not None:
                db_object_symbol = entity["symbol"]
                db_object_name = entity["name"]
                db_object_synonym = entity["synonyms"]
                db_object_type = entity["type"]

        if not self._validate_id(goid, split_line, ANNOTATION):
            print("skipping because {} not validated!".format(goid))
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        valid_goid = self._validate_ontology_class_id(goid, split_line)
        if valid_goid == None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        goid = valid_goid

        date = self._normalize_gaf_date(date, split_line)
        if date == None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        vals[13] = date

        ecomap = self.config.ecomap
        if ecomap is not None:
            if ecomap.coderef_to_ecoclass(evidence, reference) is None:
                self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.UNKNOWN_EVIDENCE_CLASS, evidence,
                                msg="Expecting a known ECO GAF code, e.g ISS")
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # Throw out the line if it uses GO_REF:0000033, see https://github.com/geneontology/go-site/issues/563#event-1519351033
        if "GO_REF:0000033" in reference.split("|"):
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.INVALID_ID, reference,
                                msg="Disallowing GO_REF:0000033 in reference field as of 03/13/2018")
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        references = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(reference, split_line)
        if references == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # With/From
        withfroms = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(withfrom, split_line, empty_allowed=True, extra_delims=",")
        if withfroms == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # validation
        self._validate_symbol(db_object_symbol, split_line)

        # Example use case: mapping from UniProtKB to MOD ID
        if self.config.entity_map is not None:
            id = self.map_id(id, self.config.entity_map)
            toks = id.split(":")
            db = toks[0]
            db_object_id = toks[1:]
            vals[1] = db_object_id

        if goid.startswith("GO:") and aspect.upper() not in ["C", "F", "P"]:
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.INVALID_ASPECT, aspect)
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        go_rule_results = qc.test_go_rules(vals, self.config)
        for rule_id, result in go_rule_results.items():
            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.WARNING:
                self.report.warning(line, assocparser.Report.VIOLATES_GO_RULE, goid,
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(id=rule_id, message=result.message))
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.ERROR:
                self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.VIOLATES_GO_RULE, goid,
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(id=rule_id, message=result.message))
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        ## --
        ## end of line re-processing
        ## --
        # regenerate line post-mapping
        line = "\t".join(vals)

        ## --
        ## taxon CARD={1,2}
        ## --
        ## if a second value is specified, this is the interacting taxon
        ## We do not use the second value
        normalized_taxon = self._taxon_id(taxon.split("|")[0], split_line)
        if normalized_taxon == None:
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.INVALID_TAXON, taxon,
                                msg="Taxon ID is invalid")
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        self._validate_taxon(normalized_taxon, split_line)

        ## --
        ## db_object_synonym CARD=0..*
        ## --
        synonyms = db_object_synonym.split("|")
        if db_object_synonym == "":
            synonyms = []

        ## --
        ## parse annotation extension
        ## See appendix in http://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-15-155
        ## --
        object_or_exprs = self._parse_full_extension_expression(annotation_xp, line=split_line)

        ## --
        ## qualifier
        ## --
        negated, relation, other_qualifiers = self._parse_qualifier(qualifier, aspect)

        ## --
        ## goid
        ## --
        # TODO We shouldn't overload buildin keywords/functions
        object = {'id': goid,
                  'taxon': normalized_taxon}

        # construct subject dict
        subject = {
            'id': id,
            'label': db_object_symbol,
            'type': db_object_type,
            'fullname': db_object_name,
            'synonyms': synonyms,
            'taxon': {
                'id': normalized_taxon

        ## --
        ## gene_product_isoform
        ## --
        ## This is mapped to a more generic concept of subject_extensions
        subject_extns = []
        if gene_product_isoform is not None and gene_product_isoform != '':
            subject_extns.append({'property':'isoform', 'filler':gene_product_isoform})

        ## --
        ## evidence
        ## reference
        ## withfrom
        ## --
        evidence_obj = {
            'type': evidence,
            'has_supporting_reference': references,
            'with_support_from': withfroms

        ## Construct main return dict
        assoc = {
            'source_line': line,
            'subject': subject,
            'object': object,
            'negated': negated,
            'qualifiers': other_qualifiers,
            'aspect': aspect,
            'relation': {
                'id': relation
            'evidence': evidence_obj,
            'provided_by': assigned_by,
            'date': date,

        if len(subject_extns) > 0:
            assoc['subject_extensions'] = subject_extns
        if object_or_exprs is not None and len(object_or_exprs) > 0:
            assoc['object_extensions'] = {'union_of': object_or_exprs}

        return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [assoc], False, evidence.upper())
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def parse_line(self, line):
        Parses a single line of a GAF

        Return a tuple `(processed_line, associations)`. Typically
        there will be a single association, but in some cases there
        may be none (invalid line) or multiple (disjunctive clause in
        annotation extensions)

        Note: most applications will only need to call this directly if they require fine-grained control of parsing. For most purposes,
        :method:`parse_file` can be used over the whole file

        line : str
            A single tab-seperated line from a GAF file


        # Returns assocparser.ParseResult
        parsed = super().validate_line(line)
        if parsed:
            return parsed

        if self.is_header(line):
            # Save off version info here
            if self.version is None:
                # We are still looking
                parsed = parser_version_regex.findall(line)
                if len(parsed) == 1:
                    filetype, version, _ = parsed[0]
                    if version == "2.2":
                        logger.info("Detected GAF version 2.2")
                        self.version = version
                        logger.info("Detected GAF version {}, so using 2.1".format(version))
                        self.version = self.default_version
                        # Compute the cell component subclass closure

            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [{ "header": True, "line": line.strip() }], False)

        # At this point, we should have gone through all the header, and a version number should be established
        if self.version is None:
            logger.warning("No version number found for this file so we will assume GAF version: {}".format(self.default_version))
            self.version = self.default_version

        vals = [el.strip() for el in line.split("\t")]

        # GAF v1 is defined as 15 cols, GAF v2 as 17.
        # We treat everything as GAF2 by adding two blank columns.
        # TODO: check header metadata to see if columns corresponds to declared dataformat version

        parsed = to_association(list(vals), report=self.report, qualifier_parser=self.qualifier_parser(), bio_entities=self.bio_entities)
        if parsed.associations == []:
            return parsed

        assoc = parsed.associations[0]

        # Qualifier is index 3
        # If we are 2.1, and qualifier has no relation
        # Also must have an ontology
        # Then upgrade
        # For https://github.com/geneontology/go-site/issues/1558
        if self.gaf_version() == "2.1" and (vals[3] == "" or vals[3] == "NOT") and self.config.ontology:
            assoc = self.upgrade_empty_qualifier(assoc)

        ## Run GO Rules, save split values into individual variables
        # print("Config is {}".format(self.config.__dict__.keys()))
        go_rule_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc, self.config, group=self.group)
        for rule, result in go_rule_results.all_results.items():
            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.WARNING:
                self.report.warning(line, assocparser.Report.VIOLATES_GO_RULE, "",
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(id=rule.id, message=result.message), rule=int(rule.id.split(":")[1]))

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.ERROR:
                self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.VIOLATES_GO_RULE, "",
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(id=rule.id, message=result.message), rule=int(rule.id.split(":")[1]))
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS:
                self.report.message(assocparser.Report.INFO, line, Report.RULE_PASS, "",
                                    msg="Passing Rule", rule=int(rule.id.split(":")[1]))

        assoc = go_rule_results.annotation  # type: association.GoAssociation
        split_line = assocparser.SplitLine(line=line, values=vals, taxon=str(assoc.object.taxon))

        if self.config.group_idspace is not None and assoc.provided_by not in self.config.group_idspace:
            self.report.warning(line, Report.INVALID_ID, assoc.provided_by,
                "GORULE:0000027: assigned_by is not present in groups reference", taxon=str(assoc.object.taxon), rule=27)

        db = assoc.subject.id.namespace
        if self.config.entity_idspaces is not None and db not in self.config.entity_idspaces:
            # Are we a synonym?
            upgrade = self.config.entity_idspaces.reverse(db)
            if upgrade is not None:
                # If we found a synonym
                self.report.warning(line, Report.INVALID_ID_DBXREF, db, "GORULE:0000027: {} is a synonym for the correct ID {}, and has been updated".format(db, upgrade), taxon=str(assoc.object.taxon), rule=27)
                assoc.subject.id.namespace = upgrade

        ## --
        ## db + db_object_id. CARD=1
        ## --assigned_by
        if not self._validate_id(str(assoc.subject.id), split_line, allowed_ids=self.config.entity_idspaces):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # Using a given gpi file to validate the gene object
        # if self.gpi is not None:
        #     entity = self.gpi.get(str(assoc.subject.id), None)
        #     if entity is not None:
        #         assoc.subject.label = entity["symbol"]
        #         assoc.subject.fullname = entity["name"]
        #         assoc.subject.synonyms = entity["synonyms"].split("|")
        #         assoc.subject.type = entity["type"]

        if not self._validate_id(str(assoc.object.id), split_line, context=ANNOTATION):
            print("skipping because {} not validated!".format(assoc.object.id))
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        valid_goid = self._validate_ontology_class_id(str(assoc.object.id), split_line)
        if valid_goid is None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        assoc.object.id = association.Curie.from_str(valid_goid)

        references = self.validate_curie_ids(assoc.evidence.has_supporting_reference, split_line)
        if references is None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # With/From
        for wf in assoc.evidence.with_support_from:
            validated = self.validate_curie_ids(wf.elements, split_line)
            if validated is None:
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        with_support_from = self._unroll_withfrom_and_replair_obsoletes(split_line, 'gaf')
        if with_support_from is None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        assoc.evidence.with_support_from = with_support_from
        # validation
        self._validate_symbol(assoc.subject.label, split_line)

        ## --
        ## taxon CARD={1,2}
        ## --
        ## if a second value is specified, this is the interacting taxon
        ## We do not use the second value
        valid_taxon = self._validate_taxon(str(assoc.object.taxon), split_line)
        valid_interacting = self._validate_taxon(str(assoc.interacting_taxon), split_line) if assoc.interacting_taxon else True
        if not valid_taxon:
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.INVALID_TAXON, str(assoc.object.taxon), "Taxon ID is invalid", rule=27)
        if not valid_interacting:
            self.report.error(line, assocparser.Report.INVALID_TAXON, str(assoc.interacting_taxon), "Taxon ID is invalid", rule=27)
        if (not valid_taxon) or (not valid_interacting):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [assoc], False, vals[6])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parse_line(self, line):
        """Parses a single line of a GPAD.

        Return a tuple `(processed_line, associations)`. Typically
        there will be a single association, but in some cases there
        may be none (invalid line) or multiple (disjunctive clause in
        annotation extensions)

        Note: most applications will only need to call this directly if they require fine-grained control of parsing. For most purposes,
        :method:`parse_file` can be used over the whole file

        line : str
            A single tab-seperated line from a GPAD file

        parsed = super().validate_line(line)
        if parsed:
            return parsed

        if self.is_header(line):
            if self.version is None:
                # We are still looking
                parsed = parser_version_regex.findall(line)
                if len(parsed) == 1:
                    filetype, version, _ = parsed[0]
                    if version == "2.0":
                        logger.info("Detected GPAD version 2.0")
                        self.version = version
                            "Detected GPAD version {}, so defaulting to 1.2".
                        self.version = self.default_version

            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [{
                "header": True,
                "line": line.strip()
            }], False)

        # At this point, we should have gone through all the header, and a version number should be established
        if self.version is None:
                "No version number found for this file so we will assume GPAD version: {}"
            self.version = self.default_version

        vals = [el.strip() for el in line.split("\t")]

        parsed = to_association(list(vals),
        if parsed.associations == []:
            return parsed

        assoc = parsed.associations[0]

        go_rule_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc, self.config)
        for rule, result in go_rule_results.all_results.items():
            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.WARNING:
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                        id=rule.id, message=result.message),

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.ERROR:
                                  msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                      id=rule.id, message=result.message),
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS:
                                    msg="Passing Rule",

        assoc = go_rule_results.annotation  # type: association.GoAssociation

        split_line = assocparser.SplitLine(line=line, values=vals, taxon="")

        if not self._validate_id(
                str(assoc.subject.id), split_line, context=ENTITY):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        if not self._validate_id(
                str(assoc.object.id), split_line, context=ANNOTATION):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        valid_goid = self._validate_ontology_class_id(str(assoc.object.id),
        if valid_goid is None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        assoc.object.id = association.Curie.from_str(valid_goid)

        if not self._validate_id(str(assoc.evidence.type), split_line):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        if assoc.interacting_taxon:
            if not self._validate_taxon(str(assoc.interacting_taxon),
                                  "Taxon ID is invalid",
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        #TODO: ecomap is currently one-way only
        #ecomap = self.config.ecomap
        #if ecomap != None:
        #    if ecomap.ecoclass_to_coderef(evidence) == (None,None):
        #        self.report.error(line, Report.UNKNOWN_EVIDENCE_CLASS, evidence,
        #                          msg="Expecting a known ECO class ID")

        # Reference Column
        references = self.validate_curie_ids(
            assoc.evidence.has_supporting_reference, split_line)
        if references is None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # With/From
        for wf in assoc.evidence.with_support_from:
            validated = self.validate_curie_ids(wf.elements, split_line)
            if validated is None:
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [assoc], False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def parse_line(self, line):
        Parses a single line of a GAF

        Return a tuple `(processed_line, associations)`. Typically
        there will be a single association, but in some cases there
        may be none (invalid line) or multiple (disjunctive clause in
        annotation extensions)

        Note: most applications will only need to call this directly if they require fine-grained control of parsing. For most purposes,
        :method:`parse_file` can be used over the whole file

        line : str
            A single tab-seperated line from a GAF file


        # Returns assocparser.ParseResult
        parsed = super().validate_line(line)
        if parsed:
            return parsed

        if self.is_header(line):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [{
                "header": True,
                "line": line.strip()
            }], False)

        vals = [el.strip() for el in line.split("\t")]

        # GAF v1 is defined as 15 cols, GAF v2 as 17.
        # We treat everything as GAF2 by adding two blank columns.
        # TODO: check header metadata to see if columns corresponds to declared dataformat version

        parsed = to_association(list(vals), report=self.report)
        if parsed.associations == []:
            return parsed

        assoc = parsed.associations[0]
        # self.report = parsed.report
        ## Run GO Rules, save split values into individual variables
        go_rule_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc,
        for rule, result in go_rule_results.all_results.items():
            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.WARNING:
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                        id=rule.id, message=result.message),

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.ERROR:
                                  msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                      id=rule.id, message=result.message),
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS:
                                    msg="Passing Rule",

        vals = list(go_rule_results.annotation.to_gaf_tsv())
            db, db_object_id, db_object_symbol, qualifier, goid, reference,
            evidence, withfrom, aspect, db_object_name, db_object_synonym,
            db_object_type, taxon, date, assigned_by, annotation_xp,
        ] = vals
        split_line = assocparser.SplitLine(line=line, values=vals, taxon=taxon)

        if self.config.group_idspace is not None and assigned_by not in self.config.group_idspace:
                "GORULE:0000027: assigned_by is not present in groups reference",

        if self.config.entity_idspaces is not None and db not in self.config.entity_idspaces:
            # Are we a synonym?
            upgrade = self.config.entity_idspaces.reverse(db)
            if upgrade is not None:
                # If we found a synonym
                    "GORULE:0000027: {} is a synonym for the correct ID {}, and has been updated"
                    .format(db, upgrade),
                db = upgrade

        ## --
        ## db + db_object_id. CARD=1
        ## --
        id = self._pair_to_id(db, db_object_id)
        if not self._validate_id(
                id, split_line, allowed_ids=self.config.entity_idspaces):

            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # Using a given gpi file to validate the gene object
        if self.gpi is not None:
            entity = self.gpi.get(id, None)
            if entity is not None:
                db_object_symbol = entity["symbol"]
                db_object_name = entity["name"]
                db_object_synonym = entity["synonyms"]
                db_object_type = entity["type"]

        if not self._validate_id(goid, split_line, context=ANNOTATION):
            print("skipping because {} not validated!".format(goid))
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        valid_goid = self._validate_ontology_class_id(goid, split_line)
        if valid_goid == None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        goid = valid_goid

        date = self._normalize_gaf_date(date, split_line)
        if date == None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        vals[13] = date

        ecomap = self.config.ecomap
        if ecomap is not None:
            if ecomap.coderef_to_ecoclass(evidence, reference) is None:
                    msg="Expecting a known ECO GAF code, e.g ISS",
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        references = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(reference, split_line)
        if references == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # With/From
        withfroms = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(withfrom,
        if withfroms == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # validation
        self._validate_symbol(db_object_symbol, split_line)

        # Example use case: mapping from UniProtKB to MOD ID
        if self.config.entity_map is not None:
            id = self.map_id(id, self.config.entity_map)
            toks = id.split(":")
            db = toks[0]
            db_object_id = toks[1:]
            vals[1] = db_object_id

        ## --
        ## end of line re-processing
        ## --
        # regenerate line post-mapping
        line = "\t".join(vals)

        ## --
        ## taxon CARD={1,2}
        ## --
        ## if a second value is specified, this is the interacting taxon
        ## We do not use the second value
        taxons = taxon.split("|")
        normalized_taxon = self._taxon_id(taxons[0], split_line)
        if normalized_taxon == None:
                              msg="Taxon ID is invalid")
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        self._validate_taxon(normalized_taxon, split_line)

        interacting_taxon = None
        if len(taxons) == 2:
            interacting_taxon = self._taxon_id(taxons[1], split_line)
            if interacting_taxon == None:
                                  msg="Taxon ID is invalid")
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        ## --
        ## db_object_synonym CARD=0..*
        ## --
        synonyms = db_object_synonym.split("|")
        if db_object_synonym == "":
            synonyms = []

        ## --
        ## parse annotation extension
        ## See appendix in http://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-15-155
        ## --
        object_or_exprs = self._parse_full_extension_expression(
            annotation_xp, line=split_line)

        ## --
        ## qualifier
        ## --
        negated, relation, other_qualifiers = self._parse_qualifier(
            qualifier, aspect)

        ## --
        ## goid
        ## --
        # TODO We shouldn't overload buildin keywords/functions
        object = {'id': goid, 'taxon': normalized_taxon}

        # construct subject dict
        subject = {
            'id': id,
            'label': db_object_symbol,
            'type': db_object_type,
            'fullname': db_object_name,
            'synonyms': synonyms,
            'taxon': {
                'id': normalized_taxon

        ## --
        ## gene_product_isoform
        ## --
        ## This is mapped to a more generic concept of subject_extensions
        subject_extns = []
        if gene_product_isoform is not None and gene_product_isoform != '':
                'property': 'isoform',
                'filler': gene_product_isoform

        object_extensions = {}
        if object_or_exprs is not None and len(object_or_exprs) > 0:
            object_extensions['union_of'] = object_or_exprs

        ## --
        ## evidence
        ## reference
        ## withfrom
        ## --
        evidence_obj = {
            'type': evidence,
            'has_supporting_reference': references,
            'with_support_from': withfroms

        ## Construct main return dict
        assoc = {
            'source_line': line,
            'subject': subject,
            'object': object,
            'negated': negated,
            'qualifiers': other_qualifiers,
            'aspect': aspect,
            'relation': {
                'id': relation
            'interacting_taxon': interacting_taxon,
            'evidence': evidence_obj,
            'provided_by': assigned_by,
            'date': date,
            'subject_extensions': subject_extns,
            'object_extensions': object_extensions

        return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [assoc], False, evidence.upper())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def parse_line(self, line):
        """Parses a single line of a GPAD.

        Return a tuple `(processed_line, associations)`. Typically
        there will be a single association, but in some cases there
        may be none (invalid line) or multiple (disjunctive clause in
        annotation extensions)

        Note: most applications will only need to call this directly if they require fine-grained control of parsing. For most purposes,
        :method:`parse_file` can be used over the whole file

        line : str
            A single tab-seperated line from a GPAD file

        parsed = super().validate_line(line)
        if parsed:
            return parsed

        if self.is_header(line):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [{
                "header": True,
                "line": line.strip()
            }], False)

        vals = [el.strip() for el in line.split("\t")]

        parsed = to_association(list(vals), report=self.report)
        if parsed.associations == []:
            return parsed

        assoc = parsed.associations[0]

        go_rule_results = qc.test_go_rules(assoc, self.config)
        for rule, result in go_rule_results.all_results.items():
            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.WARNING:
                                    msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                        id=rule.id, message=result.message),

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.ERROR:
                                  msg="{id}: {message}".format(
                                      id=rule.id, message=result.message),
                # Skip the annotation
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

            if result.result_type == qc.ResultType.PASS:
                                    msg="Passing Rule",

        vals = list(go_rule_results.annotation.to_gpad_tsv())
            db, db_object_id, qualifier, goid, reference, evidence, withfrom,
            interacting_taxon_id, date, assigned_by, annotation_xp,
        ] = vals

        split_line = assocparser.SplitLine(line=line, values=vals, taxon="")

        id = self._pair_to_id(db, db_object_id)
        if not self._validate_id(id, split_line, context=ENTITY):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        if not self._validate_id(goid, split_line, context=ANNOTATION):
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        valid_goid = self._validate_ontology_class_id(goid, split_line)
        if valid_goid == None:
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)
        goid = valid_goid

        date = self._normalize_gaf_date(date, split_line)

        if reference == "":
            self.report.error(line, Report.INVALID_ID, "EMPTY",
                              "reference column 6 is empty")
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        self._validate_id(evidence, split_line)

        interacting_taxon = None if interacting_taxon_id == "" else interacting_taxon_id
        if interacting_taxon != None:
            interacting_taxon = self._taxon_id(interacting_taxon_id,
            if interacting_taxon == None:
                                  msg="Taxon ID is invalid")
                return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        #TODO: ecomap is currently one-way only
        #ecomap = self.config.ecomap
        #if ecomap != None:
        #    if ecomap.ecoclass_to_coderef(evidence) == (None,None):
        #        self.report.error(line, Report.UNKNOWN_EVIDENCE_CLASS, evidence,
        #                          msg="Expecting a known ECO class ID")

        ## --
        ## qualifier
        ## --
        negated, relation, other_qualifiers = self._parse_qualifier(
            qualifier, None)

        # Reference Column
        references = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(reference, split_line)
        if references == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        # With/From
        withfroms = self.validate_pipe_separated_ids(withfrom,
        if withfroms == None:
            # Reporting occurs in above function call
            return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [], True)

        ## --
        ## parse annotation extension
        ## See appending in http://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-15-155
        ## --
        object_or_exprs = self._parse_full_extension_expression(
            annotation_xp, line=split_line)

        subject_symbol = id
        subject_fullname = id
        subject_synonyms = []
        if self.gpi is not None:
            gp = self.gpi.get(id, {})
            if gp is not {}:
                subject_symbol = gp["symbol"]
                subject_fullname = gp["name"]
                subject_synonyms = gp["synonyms"].split("|")

        assoc = {
            'source_line': line,
            'subject': {
                'id': id,
                'label': subject_symbol,
                'fullname': subject_fullname,
                'synonyms': subject_synonyms,
                'taxon': {
                    'id': interacting_taxon
            'object': {
                'id': goid
            'negated': negated,
            'relation': {
                'id': relation
            'interacting_taxon': interacting_taxon,
            'evidence': {
                'type': evidence,
                'with_support_from': withfroms,
                'has_supporting_reference': references
            'subject_extensions': [],
            'object_extensions': {},
            'aspect': self.compute_aspect(goid),
            'provided_by': assigned_by,
            'date': date,
        if len(other_qualifiers) > 0:
            assoc['qualifiers'] = other_qualifiers
        if object_or_exprs is not None and len(object_or_exprs) > 0:
            assoc['object_extensions'] = {'union_of': object_or_exprs}

        return assocparser.ParseResult(line, [assoc], False)