Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, processors, sendee=None, sending=True):
        super(ChainProcessor, self).__init__(sendee, sending=sending)
        processors = tuple(processors)
        if not processors:
            raise ValueError("expected at least one element in processors chain, got zero")

        # front of the chain, where we push stuff
        self.head = processors[0]

        # create chain of processors, linking each processor's send function to
        # each successor's process() function....
        gb = GraphBuilder()
        nodes, starts, ends = gb.add_graph(processors[0].graph)
        assert len(starts) == 1 and len(ends) == 1
        if len(processors) > 1:
            succ_iter = iter(processors)
            for pred, succ in izip(processors, succ_iter):
                nodes, new_starts, new_ends = gb.add_graph(succ.graph)
                gb.new_arc(ends[0], new_starts[0])
                starts, ends = new_starts, new_ends
                assert len(starts) == 1 and len(ends) == 1
            assert succ == processors[-1]

        # set up the list that will collect what the final element pushes
        self.collector = list()

        self._graph = FrozenGraph(gb)