Ejemplo n.º 1
    def min_aggregate(self, goal_latents, goal_latents_recon, goal_image,
                            pred_latents, pred_latents_recon, pred_image):

        n_goal_latents = goal_latents_recon.shape[0]
        # Compare against each goal latent
        costs = []  # (n_goal_latents, n_actions)
        latent_idxs = []  # (n_goal_latents, n_actions), [a,b] is an index corresponding to a latent
        for i in range(n_goal_latents):  # Going through all n_goal_latents goal latents
            single_costs = self.get_single_costs(goal_latents[i], goal_latents_recon[i], pred_latents, pred_latents_recon) #(K, n_actions)
            min_costs, latent_idx = single_costs.min(-1)  # take min among K, size is (n_actions)


        costs = torch.stack(costs) # (n_goal_latents, n_actions)
        latent_idxs = torch.stack(latent_idxs)  # (n_goal_latents, n_actions)

        #Sort by sum cost
        #Image contains the following: Pred_images, goal_latent_reconstructions, and
        # corresponding pred_latent_reconstructions
        #For every latent in goal latents, find corresponding predicted one (this is in latent_idxs)
        #  Should have something that is (K, num_actions) -> x[a,b] is index for pred_latents_recon
        min_costs, min_goal_latent_idx = costs.min(0) #(num_actions)
        sorted_costs, best_action_idxs = min_costs.sort() #(num_actions)

        if self.plot_actions:
            sorted_pred_images = pred_image[best_action_idxs]
            corresponding_pred_latent_recons = []
            for i in range(n_goal_latents):
                tmp = pred_latents_recon[best_action_idxs, latent_idxs[i, best_action_idxs]] #(n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
            corresponding_pred_latent_recons = torch.stack(corresponding_pred_latent_recons) #(n_goal_latents, n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
            corresponding_costs = costs[:, best_action_idxs] # (n_goal_latents, n_actions)

            # pdb.set_trace()
            min_corresponding_latent_recon = pred_latents_recon[best_action_idxs, latent_idxs[min_goal_latent_idx[best_action_idxs], best_action_idxs]] #(n_actions, 3, 64, 64)

            # pdb.set_trace()

            full_plot = torch.cat([sorted_pred_images.unsqueeze(0), # (1, n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
                                   corresponding_pred_latent_recons, # (n_goal_latents=K, n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
                                   min_corresponding_latent_recon.unsqueeze(0) #(1, n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
                                   ], 0) # (n_goal_latents+2, n_actions, 3, 64, 64)
            plot_size = self.plot_actions
            full_plot = full_plot[:, :plot_size] # (n_goal_latents+2, plot_size, 3, 64, 64)

            # Add goal latents
            tmp = torch.cat([goal_image, goal_latents_recon, goal_image], dim=0).unsqueeze(1)  # (n_goal_latents+2, 1, 3, 64, 64)
            full_plot = torch.cat([tmp, full_plot], dim=1) # (n_goal_latents+2, plot_size+1, 3, 64, 64)

            #Add captions
            caption = np.zeros(full_plot.shape[:2])
            caption[0, 1:] = ptu.get_numpy(sorted_costs[:plot_size])
            caption[1:1 + n_goal_latents, 1:] = ptu.get_numpy(corresponding_costs[:, :plot_size])

                             '{}/mpc_pred_{}.png'.format(self.logging_directory, self.image_suffix), caption=caption)

        return ptu.get_numpy(sorted_costs), ptu.get_numpy(best_action_idxs), ptu.get_numpy(min_goal_latent_idx)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plot_action_errors(self, env, actions, pred_recons, file_name):
        errors = env.get_action_error(ptu.get_numpy(actions))  # (B) np

        full_plot = pred_recons.view(
            [5, -1] + list(pred_recons.shape[1:]))  # (5,B//5,3,D,D)
        caption = np.reshape(errors, (5, -1))  # (5,B//5) np
                         '{}/{}.png'.format(self.logging_dir, file_name),