Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_course_access(course_key, user=None, ip_address=None, url=None):
    Check is the user with this ip_address has access to the given course

        course_key (CourseKey): Location of the course the user is trying to access.

    Keyword Arguments:
        user (User): The user making the request.  Can be None, in which case
            the user's profile country will not be checked.
        ip_address (str): The IP address of the request.
        url (str): The URL the user is trying to access.  Used in
            log messages.

        Boolean: True if the user has access to the course; False otherwise

    # No-op if the country access feature is not enabled
    if not settings.FEATURES.get('EMBARGO'):
        return True

    # First, check whether there are any restrictions on the course.
    # If not, then we do not need to do any further checks
    course_is_restricted = RestrictedCourse.is_restricted_course(course_key)

    if not course_is_restricted:
        return True

    # Always give global and course staff access, regardless of embargo settings.
    if user is not None and has_course_author_access(user, course_key):
        return True

    if ip_address is not None:
        # Retrieve the country code from the IP address
        # and check it against the allowed countries list for a course
        user_country_from_ip = country_code_from_ip(ip_address)

        if not CountryAccessRule.check_country_access(course_key,
            log.info(("Blocking user %s from accessing course %s at %s "
                      "because the user's IP address %s appears to be "
                      "located in %s."),
                     getattr(user, 'id', '<Not Authenticated>'), course_key,
                     url, ip_address, user_country_from_ip)
            return False

    if user is not None:
        # Retrieve the country code from the user's profile
        # and check it against the allowed countries list for a course.
        user_country_from_profile = _get_user_country_from_profile(user)

        if not CountryAccessRule.check_country_access(
                course_key, user_country_from_profile):
            log.info(("Blocking user %s from accessing course %s at %s "
                      "because the user's profile country is %s."), user.id,
                     course_key, url, user_country_from_profile)
            return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_mfe_context(request, redirect_to, tpa_hint=None):
    Returns Authn MFE context.

    ip_address = get_client_ip(request)[0]
    country_code = country_code_from_ip(ip_address)
    context = third_party_auth_context(request, redirect_to, tpa_hint)
        'countryCode': country_code,
    return context
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Test Setup

        self.url = reverse('mfe_context')
        self.query_params = {'next': '/dashboard'}

        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
        self.country_code = country_code_from_ip(ip_address)

        # Several third party auth providers are created for these tests:
        self.configure_google_provider(enabled=True, visible=True)
        self.configure_facebook_provider(enabled=True, visible=True)

        self.hidden_enabled_provider = self.configure_linkedin_provider(