Ejemplo n.º 1
def delete_shell(core_mol, del_mol, cut_off, in_out='in'):
    This function deletes molecules present in the passed argument
    del_mol that are far (in_out=out) or close (in_out=in) than the
    selected cutoff distance (in A) from the passed molecules core_mol

    core_mol: OEMol molecule
        The core molecules
    del_mol: OEMol molecule
        The molecules to be deleted if their distances from the core_mol
        molecules are greater or closer that the selected cutoff distance
    cut_off: python float number
        The threshold distance in A used to mark atom for deletion
    in_out: python string
        A flag used to select if delete molecules far or close than
        the cutoff distance from the core_mol

    reset_del: copy of del_mol where atoms have been deleted with
        reset atom indexes

    if in_out not in ['in', 'out']:
        raise ValueError(
            "The passed in_out parameter is not recognized: {}".format(in_out))

    # Copy the passed molecule to delete in
    to_del = oechem.OEMol(del_mol)

    # Create a OE bit vector mask for each atoms of the
    # molecule to delete
    bv = oechem.OEBitVector(to_del.GetMaxAtomIdx())

    # Create the Nearest neighbours
    nn = oechem.OENearestNbrs(to_del, cut_off)
    for nbrs in nn.GetNbrs(core_mol):
        # bv.SetBitOff(nbrs.GetBgn().GetIdx())
        for atom in oechem.OEGetResidueAtoms(nbrs.GetBgn()):

    # Invert selection mask
    if in_out == 'in':

    pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
    for atom in to_del.GetAtoms(pred):

    # It is necessary to reset the atom indexes of the molecule with
    # delete atoms to avoid possible mismatching
    reset_del = oechem.OEMol(to_del)

    return reset_del
Ejemplo n.º 2
def strip_water_ions(in_system):
    This function remove waters and ions molecules
    from the input system

    in_system : oechem.OEMol
        The bio-molecular system to clean
    opt: python dictionary
        The system option

    clean_system : oechem.OEMol
        The cleaned system

    # Copy the input system
    system = in_system.CreateCopy()

    # Create a bit vector mask
    bv = oechem.OEBitVector(system.GetMaxAtomIdx())

    # Create a Hierarchical View of the protein system
    hv = oechem.OEHierView(
        oechem.OEAssumption_BondedResidue + oechem.OEAssumption_ResPerceived)

    # Looping over the system residues
    for chain in hv.GetChains():
        for frag in chain.GetFragments():
            for hres in frag.GetResidues():
                res = hres.GetOEResidue()

                # Check if a residue is a mono atomic ion
                natoms = 0
                for at in hres.GetAtoms():
                    natoms += 1

                # Set the atom bit mask off
                if oechem.OEGetResidueIndex(
                        res) == oechem.OEResidueIndex_HOH or natoms == 1:
                    # Set Bit mask
                    atms = hres.GetAtoms()
                    for at in atms:

    # Extract the system without waters or ions
    pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
    clean_system = oechem.OEMol()
    oechem.OESubsetMol(clean_system, system, pred)

    return clean_system
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_shell(core_mol, check_mol, cutoff):
    This function checks if at least one atomic distance from the passed
    check_mol molecule to the core_mol molecule is less than the selected
    cutoff distance in A.

    core_mol: OEMol molecule
        The core molecule
    check_mol: OEMol molecule
        The molecule to be checked if inside or outside a shell
        surrounding the core_mole with radius equal to the cutoff
    cut_off: python float number
        The threshold distance in A used to mark atom inside or outside
        the shell

    in_out: python boolean
         True if at least one of check_mol atom distance from core_mole
         is less than the selected cutoff threshold

    # Create a OE bit vector mask for each atoms of the
    # molecule to be checked
    bv = oechem.OEBitVector(check_mol.GetMaxAtomIdx())

    # Create the Nearest neighbours
    nn = oechem.OENearestNbrs(check_mol, cutoff)

    # Check neighbours setting the atom bit mask
    for nbrs in nn.GetNbrs(core_mol):

    # Create predicate based on the atom bit mask
    pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)

    # Checking flag
    in_out = False

    # If just one chem_mol atom is inside the cutoff distance return True
    for atom in check_mol.GetAtoms(pred):
        in_out = True

    return in_out
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def around(dist, ls):
            This function select atom not far than the threshold distance from
            the current selection. The threshold distance is in Angstrom

            selection can be:
            mask = '5.0 around ligand'
            # at = system.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(idx))

            # Atom set selection
            atom_set_around = set()

            # Create a OE bit vector mask for each atoms
            bv_around = oechem.OEBitVector(system.GetMaxAtomIdx())

            # Set the mask atom
            for at in system.GetAtoms():
                if at.GetIdx() in ls:

            # Predicate
            pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv_around)

            # Create the system molecule based on the atom mask
            molecules = oechem.OEMol()
            oechem.OESubsetMol(molecules, system, pred)

            # Create the Nearest neighbours
            nn = oechem.OENearestNbrs(system, float(dist))

            for nbrs in nn.GetNbrs(molecules):
                for atom in oechem.OEGetResidueAtoms(nbrs.GetBgn()):
                    if atom.GetIdx() in ls:

            return atom_set_around
Ejemplo n.º 5
def DropLigandFromProtein(prot, lig):
    """delete atoms from the protein w/same coords as the ligand
    as well as any waters"""

    approximatelyTheSame = 0.05
    nn = oechem.OENearestNbrs(prot, approximatelyTheSame)

    # mark ligand atoms for deletion
    bv = oechem.OEBitVector(prot.GetMaxAtomIdx())
    for nbrs in nn.GetNbrs(lig):
        r1 = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(nbrs.GetBgn())
        r2 = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(nbrs.GetEnd())
        if r1.GetModelNumber() == r2.GetModelNumber():

    # mark waters for deletion too
    for atom in prot.GetAtoms():
        res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom)
        if oechem.OEGetResidueIndex(res) == oechem.OEResidueIndex_HOH:

    pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
    for atom in prot.GetAtoms(pred):
Ejemplo n.º 6
def oesolvate(solute,
              salt='[Na+], [Cl-]',
    This function solvates the passed solute in a cubic box or a sphere by using Packmol. Packmol
    creates an initial point for molecular dynamics simulations by packing molecule in defined regions
    of space. For additional info:

    The geometry volume is estimated by the using the padding parameter and the solute size.
    The number of solvent molecules is calculated by using the specified density and volume.
    Solvent molecules are specified as comma separated smiles strings. The molar fractions
    of each solvent molecule are specified in a similar fashion. By default if the solute is
    charged counter ions are added to neutralize it

    solute: OEMol molecule
        The solute to solvate
    density: float
        The solution density in g/ml
    padding_distance: float
        The largest dimension of the solute (along the x, y, or z axis) is determined (in A), 
        and a cubic box of size (largest dimension)+2*padding is used
    distance_between_atoms: float
        The minimum distance between atoms in A
    solvents: python string
        A comma separated smiles string or keywords for the solvent molecules.
        Special water models can be selected by using the keywords:
        tip3p for TIP3P water model geometry
    molar_fractions: python string
        A comma separated molar fraction string of the solvent molecules
    close_solvent: boolean
        If True solvent molecules will be placed very close to the solute
    salt: python string
        A comma separated string of the dissociated salt in solution
    salt_concentration: float
        Salt concentration in millimolar
    neutralize_solute: boolean
        If True counter-ions will be added to the solution to neutralize the solute
    verbose: Bool
        If True verbose mode is enabled
    return_components: Bool
        If True the added solvent molecules are also returned as OEMol

    oe_mol: OEMol
        The solvated system. If the selected geometry is a box a SD tag with
        name 'box_vector' is attached the output molecule containing
        the system box vectors.
    oe_mol_components: OEMol
        If the return_components flag is True the added solvent molecules are
        returned as an additional OEMol
    def BoundingBox(molecule):
        This function calculates the Bounding Box of the passed

        molecule: OEMol

        return: bb (numpy array)
            the calculated bounding box is returned as numpy array:
            [(xmin,ymin,zmin), (xmax,ymax,zmax)]
        coords = [v for k, v in molecule.GetCoords().items()]
        np_coords = np.array(coords)
        min_coord = np_coords.min(axis=0)
        max_coord = np_coords.max(axis=0)
        bb = np.array([min_coord, max_coord])
        return bb

    if shutil.which("packmol") is None:
        raise (IOError("Packmol executable not found"))

    # Extract solvent smiles strings and mole fractions
    solvents = [sm.strip() for sm in solvents.split(',')]
    fractions = [float(mf) for mf in molar_fractions.split(',')]

    # If the smiles string and mole fractions lists have different lengths raise an error
    if len(solvents) != len(fractions):
        raise ValueError(
            "Selected solvent number and selected molar fraction number mismatch: {} vs {}"
            .format(len(solvents), len(fractions)))

    # Remove smiles string with 0.0 mole fraction
    solvent_smiles = [
        solvents[i] for i, v in enumerate(fractions) if fractions[i]
    mol_fractions = [mf for mf in fractions if mf]

    # Mole fractions are non-negative numbers
    if any([v < 0.0 for v in mol_fractions]):
        raise ValueError("Error: Mole fractions are non-negative real numbers")

    # Mole fractions must sum up to 1.0
    if abs(sum(mol_fractions) - 1.0) > 0.001:
        oechem.OEThrow.Error("Error: Mole fractions do not sum up to 1.0")

    if geometry not in ['box', 'sphere']:
        raise ValueError(
            "Error geometry: the supported geometries are box and sphere not {}"

    # Set Units
    density = density * unit.grams / unit.milliliter
    padding_distance = padding_distance * unit.angstrom
    salt_concentration = salt_concentration * unit.millimolar

    # Calculate the Solute Bounding Box
    BB_solute = BoundingBox(solute)

    # Estimate of the box cube length
    box_edge = 2.0 * padding_distance + np.max(BB_solute[1] -
                                               BB_solute[0]) * unit.angstrom

    if geometry == 'box':
        # Box Volume
        Volume = box_edge**3
    if geometry == 'sphere':
        Volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * 3.14159265 * (0.5 * box_edge)**3

    # Omega engine is used to generate conformations
    omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions()
    omega = oeomega.OEOmega(omegaOpts)

    # Create a string code to identify the solute residues. The code ID used is based
    # on the residue number id, the residue name and the chain id:
    # id+resname+chainID
    hv_solute = oechem.OEHierView(
        oechem.OEAssumption_BondedResidue + oechem.OEAssumption_ResPerceived)
    solute_resid_list = []
    for chain in hv_solute.GetChains():
        for frag in chain.GetFragments():
            for hres in frag.GetResidues():
                oe_res = hres.GetOEResidue()
                    str(oe_res.GetResidueNumber()) + oe_res.GetName() +

    # Solvent component list_names
    solvent_resid_dic_names = dict()

    # Neutralize solute
    ion_sum_wgt_n_ions = 0.0 * unit.grams / unit.mole
    if neutralize_solute:
        # Container for the counter-ions
        oe_ions = []
        # Container for the ion smiles strings
        ions_smiles = []
        solute_formal_charge = 0
        for at in solute.GetAtoms():
            solute_formal_charge += at.GetFormalCharge()
        if solute_formal_charge > 0:
        elif solute_formal_charge < 0:

        # Total number of counter-ions to neutralize the solute
        n_ions = abs(solute_formal_charge)

        # print("Counter ions to add = {} of {}".format(n_ions, ions_smiles[0]))

        # Ions
        if n_ions >= 1:
            for sm in ions_smiles:
                mol = oechem.OEMol()
                if not oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol, sm):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Error counter ions: SMILES string parsing fails for the string: {}"

                # Generate conformer
                if not omega(mol):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Error counter ions: Conformer generation fails for the molecule with "
                        "smiles string: {}".format(sm))


                if sm == '[Na+]':
                    solvent_resid_dic_names[' NA'] = mol
                    solvent_resid_dic_names[' CL'] = mol

            ion_sum_wgt = 0.0 * unit.grams / unit.mole
            for ion in oe_ions:
                # Molecular weight
                ion_sum_wgt += oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(
                    ion) * unit.grams / unit.mole

            ion_sum_wgt_n_ions = ion_sum_wgt * n_ions

            # Create ions .pdb files
            ions_smiles_pdbs = []
            for i in range(0, len(ions_smiles)):
                pdb_name = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.pdb'))
                pdb_name = ions_smiles[i] + '_' + pdb_name

            for i in range(0, len(ions_smiles)):
                ofs = oechem.oemolostream(ions_smiles_pdbs[i])
                oechem.OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, oe_ions[i])

    # Add salts to the solution

    # Solvent smiles string parsing
    char_set = string.ascii_uppercase
    salt_sum_wgt_n_salt = 0.0 * unit.grams / unit.mole
    if salt_concentration > 0.0 * unit.millimolar:

        salt_smiles = [sm.strip() for sm in salt.split(',')]

        # Container list of oemol salt molecules generated by using smiles strings
        oe_salt = []

        for sm in salt_smiles:
            mol_salt = oechem.OEMol()
            if not oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol_salt, sm):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Error salt: SMILES string parsing fails for the string: {}"

            # Generate conformer
            if not omega(mol_salt):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Error salt: Conformer generation fails for the "
                    "molecule with smiles string: {}".format(sm))

            # Unique 3 code letter are set as solvent residue names
            solv_id = ''.join(random.sample(char_set * 3, 3))

            # Try to recognize the residue name

            for atmol in mol_salt.GetAtoms():
                res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atmol)
                if res.GetName() == 'UNL':
                    oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atmol, res)
                    if solv_id not in solvent_resid_dic_names:
                        solvent_resid_dic_names[solv_id] = mol_salt
                    if res.GetName() not in solvent_resid_dic_names:
                        solvent_resid_dic_names[res.GetName()] = mol_salt


        n_salt = int(
            round(unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA * salt_concentration *

        # for i in range(0, len(salt_smiles)):
        #     print("Number of molecules for the salt component {} = {}".format(salt_smiles[i], n_salt))

        salt_sum_wgt = 0.0 * unit.grams / unit.mole
        for salt in oe_salt:
            # Molecular weight
            salt_sum_wgt += oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(
                salt) * unit.grams / unit.mole

        salt_sum_wgt_n_salt = salt_sum_wgt * n_salt

        # Create salt .pdb files
        if n_salt >= 1:
            salt_pdbs = []
            for i in range(0, len(salt_smiles)):
                pdb_name = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.pdb'))
                # pdb_name = salt_smiles[i] + '_' + pdb_name

            for i in range(0, len(salt_smiles)):
                ofs = oechem.oemolostream(salt_pdbs[i])
                oechem.OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, oe_salt[i])

    # Container list of oemol solvent molecules generated by using smiles strings
    oe_solvents = []

    for sm in solvent_smiles:

        if sm == 'tip3p':
            tip3p_fn = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'oeommtools', 'data',
            ifs = oechem.oemolistream(tip3p_fn)
            mol_sol = oechem.OEMol()

            if not oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol_sol):
                raise IOError(
                    "It was not possible to read the tip3p molecule file")

            mol_sol = oechem.OEMol()

            if not oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol_sol, sm):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Error solvent: SMILES string parsing fails for the string: {}"

            # Generate conformer
            if not omega(mol_sol):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Error solvent: Conformer generation fails for "
                    "the molecule with smiles string: {}".format(sm))

        # Unique 3 code letter are set as solvent residue names
        solv_id = ''.join(random.sample(char_set * 3, 3))

        # Try to recognize the residue name

        for atmol in mol_sol.GetAtoms():
            res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atmol)
            if res.GetName() == 'UNL':
                oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atmol, res)
                if solv_id not in solvent_resid_dic_names:
                    solvent_resid_dic_names[solv_id] = mol_sol
                if res.GetName() not in solvent_resid_dic_names:
                    solvent_resid_dic_names[res.GetName()] = mol_sol


    # Sum of the solvent molecular weights
    solvent_sum_wgt_frac = 0.0 * unit.grams / unit.mole

    for idx in range(0, len(oe_solvents)):
        # Molecular weight
        wgt = oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(
            oe_solvents[idx]) * unit.grams / unit.mole
        solvent_sum_wgt_frac += wgt * mol_fractions[idx]

    # Solute molecular weight
    solute_wgt = oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(
        solute) * unit.gram / unit.mole

    # Estimate of the number of each molecular species present in the solution accordingly
    # to their molar fraction fi:
    # ni = fi*(density*volume*NA - wgt_solute - sum_k(wgt_salt_k*nk) - wgt_ion*n_ion)/sum_j(wgt_nj * fj)
    # where ni is the number of molecule of specie i, density the mixture density, volume the
    # mixture volume, wgt_solute the molecular weight of the solute, wgt_salt_k the molecular
    # weight of the salt component k, nk the number of molecule of salt component k, wgt_ion
    # the counter ion molecular weight, n_ions the number of counter ions and wgt_nj the molecular
    # weight of the molecule specie j with molar fraction fj

    div = (unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA * density * Volume -
           (solute_wgt + salt_sum_wgt_n_salt +
            ion_sum_wgt_n_ions)) / solvent_sum_wgt_frac

    # Solvent number of monomers
    n_monomers = [int(round(mf * div)) for mf in mol_fractions]

    if not all([nm > 0 for nm in n_monomers]):
        raise ValueError(
            "Error negative number of solvent components: the density could be too low"

    # for i in range(0, len(solvent_smiles)):
    #     print("Number of molecules for the component {} = {}".format(solvent_smiles[i], n_monomers[i]))

    # Packmol Configuration file setting
    if close_solvent:
        header_template = """\n# Mixture\ntolerance {}\nfiletype pdb\noutput {}\nadd_amber_ter\navoid_overlap no"""
        header_template = """\n# Mixture\ntolerance {}\nfiletype pdb\noutput {}\nadd_amber_ter\navoid_overlap yes"""

    # Templates strings
    solute_template = """\n\n# Solute\nstructure {}\nnumber 1\nfixed 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.\nresnumbers 1\nend structure"""

    if geometry == 'box':
        solvent_template = """\nstructure {}\nnumber {}\ninside box {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f}\
        \nchain !\nresnumbers 3\nend structure"""
    if geometry == 'sphere':
        solvent_template = """\nstructure {}\nnumber {}\ninside sphere {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f}\
        \nchain !\nresnumbers 3\nend structure"""

    # Create solvents .pdb files
    solvent_pdbs = []
    for i in range(0, len(solvent_smiles)):
        pdb_name = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.pdb'))

    for i in range(0, len(solvent_smiles)):
        ofs = oechem.oemolostream(solvent_pdbs[i])
        oechem.OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, oe_solvents[i])

    solute_pdb = 'solute' + '_' + os.path.basename(
    ofs = oechem.oemolostream(solute_pdb)

    if solute.GetMaxConfIdx() > 1:
        raise ValueError("Solutes with multiple conformers are not supported")
        oechem.OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, solute)

    # Write Packmol header section
    mixture_pdb = 'mixture' + '_' + os.path.basename(
    body = header_template.format(distance_between_atoms, mixture_pdb)
    # Write Packmol configuration file solute section
    body += solute_template.format(solute_pdb)

    # The solute is centered inside the box
    xc = (BB_solute[0][0] + BB_solute[1][0]) / 2.
    yc = (BB_solute[0][1] + BB_solute[1][1]) / 2.
    zc = (BB_solute[0][2] + BB_solute[1][2]) / 2.

    # Correct for periodic box conditions to avoid
    # steric clashes at the box edges
    pbc_correction = 1.0 * unit.angstrom

    xmin = xc - ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom
    xmax = xc + ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom
    ymin = yc - ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom
    ymax = yc + ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom
    zmin = zc - ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom
    zmax = zc + ((box_edge - pbc_correction) / 2.) / unit.angstrom

    # Packmol setting for the solvent section
    body += '\n\n# Solvent'
    for i in range(0, len(solvent_smiles)):
        if geometry == 'box':
            body += solvent_template.format(solvent_pdbs[i], n_monomers[i],
                                            xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)
        if geometry == 'sphere':
            body += solvent_template.format(solvent_pdbs[i], n_monomers[i], xc,
                                            yc, zc,
                                            0.5 * box_edge / unit.angstrom)

    # Packmol setting for the salt section
    if salt_concentration > 0.0 * unit.millimolar and n_salt >= 1:
        body += '\n\n# Salt'
        for i in range(0, len(salt_smiles)):
            if geometry == 'box':
                body += solvent_template.format(salt_pdbs[i],
                                                int(round(n_salt)), xmin, ymin,
                                                zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)
            if geometry == 'sphere':
                body += solvent_template.format(salt_pdbs[i],
                                                int(round(n_salt)), xc, yc, zc,
                                                0.5 * box_edge / unit.angstrom)

    # Packmol setting for the ions section
    if neutralize_solute and n_ions >= 1:
        body += '\n\n# Counter Ions'
        for i in range(0, len(ions_smiles)):
            if geometry == 'box':
                body += solvent_template.format(ions_smiles_pdbs[i], n_ions,
                                                xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax,
            if geometry == 'sphere':
                body += solvent_template.format(ions_smiles_pdbs[i], n_ions,
                                                xc, yc, zc,
                                                0.5 * box_edge / unit.angstrom)

    # Packmol configuration file
    packmol_filename = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.inp'))

    with open(packmol_filename, 'w') as file_handle:

    # Call Packmol
    if not verbose:
        mute_output = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        with open(packmol_filename, 'r') as file_handle:
        with open(packmol_filename, 'r') as file_handle:
            subprocess.check_call(['packmol'], stdin=file_handle)

    # Read in the Packmol solvated system
    solvated = oechem.OEMol()

    if os.path.exists(mixture_pdb + '_FORCED'):
        os.rename(mixture_pdb + '_FORCED', mixture_pdb)
        print("Warning: Packing solution is not optimal")

    ifs = oechem.oemolistream(mixture_pdb)
    oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, solvated)

    # To avoid to change the user oemol starting solute by reading in
    # the generated mixture pdb file and loosing molecule info, the
    # solvent molecules are extracted from the mixture system and
    # added back to the starting solute

    # Extract from the solution system the solvent molecules
    # by checking the previous solute generated ID: id+resname+chainID
    hv_solvated = oechem.OEHierView(
        oechem.OEAssumption_BondedResidue + oechem.OEAssumption_ResPerceived)

    # This molecule will hold the solvent molecules generated directly from
    # the omega conformers. This is useful to avoid problems related to read in
    # the solvent molecules from pdb files and triggering unwanted perceiving actions
    new_components = oechem.OEMol()

    bv = oechem.OEBitVector(solvated.GetMaxAtomIdx())
    for chain in hv_solvated.GetChains():
        for frag in chain.GetFragments():
            for hres in frag.GetResidues():
                oe_res = hres.GetOEResidue()
                if str(oe_res.GetResidueNumber()) + oe_res.GetName(
                ) + chain.GetChainID() not in solute_resid_list:
                    atms = hres.GetAtoms()
                    for at in atms:

    pred = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
    components = oechem.OEMol()
    oechem.OESubsetMol(components, solvated, pred)


    # This is necessary otherwise just one big residue is created

    # Add the solvent molecules to the solute copy
    solvated_system = solute.CreateCopy()
    oechem.OEAddMols(solvated_system, new_components)

    # Set Title

    # Set ions resname to Na+ and Cl-
    for at in solvated_system.GetAtoms():
        res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(at)
        if res.GetName() == ' NA':
            oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atmol, res)
        elif res.GetName() == ' CL':
            oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atmol, res)

    # Cleaning
    to_delete = solvent_pdbs + [packmol_filename, solute_pdb, mixture_pdb]

    if salt_concentration > 0.0 * unit.millimolar and n_salt >= 1:
        to_delete += salt_pdbs
    if neutralize_solute and n_ions >= 1:
        to_delete += ions_smiles_pdbs

    for fn in to_delete:

    # Calculate the solution total density
    total_wgt = oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(
        solvated_system) * unit.gram / unit.mole
    density_mix = (1 / unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA) * total_wgt / Volume
    print("Computed Solution Density = {}".format(
        density_mix.in_units_of(unit.gram / unit.milliliter)))
    # Threshold checking
    ths = 0.1 * unit.gram / unit.milliliter
    if not abs(density -
               density_mix.in_units_of(unit.gram / unit.milliliter)) < ths:
        raise ValueError(
            "Error: the computed density for the solute {} does not match the selected density {} vs {}"
            .format(solute.GetTitle(), density_mix, density))

    if geometry == 'box':
        # Define the box vector and attached it as SD tag to the solvated system
        # with ID tag: 'box_vectors'
        box_vectors = (Vec3(box_edge / unit.angstrom, 0.0,
                            0.0), Vec3(0.0, box_edge / unit.angstrom, 0.0),
                       Vec3(0.0, 0.0,
                            box_edge / unit.angstrom)) * unit.angstrom

        box_vectors = data_utils.encodePyObj(box_vectors)
        solvated_system.SetData(oechem.OEGetTag('box_vectors'), box_vectors)

    if return_components:
        new_components.SetTitle(solute.GetTitle() + '_solvent_comp')
        return solvated_system, new_components
        return solvated_system
Ejemplo n.º 7
def applyffExcipients(excipients, opt):
    This function applies the selected force field to the

    excipients: OEMol molecule
        The excipients molecules to parametrize
    opt: python dictionary
        The options used to parametrize the excipients

    excipient_structure: Parmed structure instance
        The parametrized excipient parmed structure

    # OpenMM topology and positions from OEMol
    topology, positions = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(excipients)

    # Try to apply the selected FF on the excipients
    forcefield = app.ForceField(opt['protein_forcefield'])

    # List of the unrecognized excipients
    unmatched_res_list = forcefield.getUnmatchedResidues(topology)

    # Unique unrecognized excipient names
    templates = set()
    for res in unmatched_res_list:

    if templates:  # Some excipients are not recognized
        oechem.OEThrow.Info("The following excipients are not recognized "
                            "by the protein FF: {}"
                            "\nThey will be parametrized by using the FF: {}".format(templates, opt['other_forcefield']))

        # Create a bit vector mask used to split recognized from un-recognize excipients
        bv = oechem.OEBitVector(excipients.GetMaxAtomIdx())

        # Dictionary containing the name and the parmed structures of the unrecognized excipients
        unrc_excipient_structures = {}

        # Dictionary used to skip already selected unrecognized excipients and count them
        unmatched_excp = {}

        # Ordered list of the unrecognized excipients
        unmatched_res_order = []

        for r_name in templates:
            unmatched_excp[r_name] = 0

        hv = oechem.OEHierView(excipients)

        for chain in hv.GetChains():
            for frag in chain.GetFragments():
                for hres in frag.GetResidues():
                    r_name = hres.GetOEResidue().GetName()
                    if r_name not in unmatched_excp:
                        if unmatched_excp[r_name]:  # Test if we have selected the unknown excipient
                            # Set Bit mask
                            atms = hres.GetAtoms()
                            for at in atms:
                            unmatched_excp[r_name] += 1
                            unmatched_excp[r_name] = 1
                            #  Create AtomBondSet to extract from the whole excipient system
                            #  the current selected FF unknown excipient
                            atms = hres.GetAtoms()
                            bond_set = set()
                            for at in atms:
                                bonds = at.GetBonds()
                                for bond in bonds:
                            atom_bond_set = oechem.OEAtomBondSet(atms)
                            for bond in bond_set:

                            # Create the unrecognized excipient OEMol
                            unrc_excp = oechem.OEMol()
                            if not oechem.OESubsetMol(unrc_excp, excipients, atom_bond_set):
                                oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Is was not possible extract the residue: {}".format(r_name))

                            # Charge the unrecognized excipient
                            if not oequacpac.OEAssignCharges(unrc_excp,
                                oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Is was not possible to "
                                                     "charge the extract residue: {}".format(r_name))

                            # If GAFF or GAFF2 is selected as FF check for tleap command
                            if opt['other_forcefield'] in ['GAFF', 'GAFF2']:
                                ff_utils.ParamLigStructure(oechem.OEMol(), opt['other_forcefield']).checkTleap

                            if opt['other_forcefield'] == 'SMIRNOFF':
                                unrc_excp = oeommutils.sanitizeOEMolecule(unrc_excp)

                            # Parametrize the unrecognized excipient by using the selected FF
                            pmd = ff_utils.ParamLigStructure(unrc_excp, opt['other_forcefield'],
                            unrc_excp_struc = pmd.parameterize()
                            unrc_excp_struc.residues[0].name = r_name
                            unrc_excipient_structures[r_name] = unrc_excp_struc

        # Recognized FF excipients
        pred_rec = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
        rec_excp = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OESubsetMol(rec_excp, excipients, pred_rec)

        if rec_excp.NumAtoms() > 0:
            top_known, pos_known = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(rec_excp)
            ff_rec = app.ForceField(opt['protein_forcefield'])
                omm_system = ff_rec.createSystem(top_known, rigidWater=False)
                rec_struc = parmed.openmm.load_topology(top_known, omm_system, xyz=pos_known)
                oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Error in the recognised excipient parametrization")

        # Unrecognized FF excipients
        pred_unrc = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
        unrc_excp = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OESubsetMol(unrc_excp, excipients, pred_unrc)

        # Unrecognized FF excipients coordinates
        oe_coord_dic = unrc_excp.GetCoords()
        unrc_coords = np.ndarray(shape=(unrc_excp.NumAtoms(), 3))
        for at_idx in oe_coord_dic:
            unrc_coords[at_idx] = oe_coord_dic[at_idx]

        # It is important the order used to assemble the structures. In order to
        # avoid mismatch between the coordinates and the structures, it is convenient
        # to use the unrecognized residue order
        unmatched_res_order_count = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(unmatched_res_order):
            res_name = unmatched_res_order[i]
            for j in range(i+1, len(unmatched_res_order)):
                if unmatched_res_order[j] == res_name:
            if i == (len(unmatched_res_order) - 1):
                num = 1
                unmatched_res_order_count.append((res_name, num))
                num = j - i
                unmatched_res_order_count.append((res_name, num))
                i = j

        # Merge all the unrecognized Parmed structure
        unrc_struc = parmed.Structure()

        for pair in unmatched_res_order_count:
            res_name = pair[0]
            nums = pair[1]
            unrc_struc = unrc_struc + nums*unrc_excipient_structures[res_name]

        # Set the unrecognized coordinates
        unrc_struc.coordinates = unrc_coords

        # Set the parmed excipient structure merging
        # the unrecognized and recognized parmed
        # structures together
        if rec_excp.NumAtoms() > 0:
            excipients_structure = unrc_struc + rec_struc
            excipients_structure = unrc_struc

        return excipients_structure
    else:  # All the excipients are recognized by the selected FF
        omm_system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, rigidWater=False)
        excipients_structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(topology, omm_system, xyz=positions)

        return excipients_structure
Ejemplo n.º 8
def extract_aligned_prot_lig_wat_traj(md_components,
    Extracts the aligned protein trajectory and aligned ligand trajectory and aligned
    Water trajectory from a MD trajectory of a larger system that includes other
    components (eg water).
    The passed in setup mol must have the topology that matches the trajectory, and its xyz
    coordinates are the reference for the alignment. The alignment is done on the
    alpha carbons (atom name CA) of the active site residues within cutoff
    from the ligand. Once the alignment is done, the protein and ligand trajectories
    are each placed into a separate OEMol, one conformer per trajectory frame.
    Water trajectory is selecting the nmax waters from the ligand and protein CA
    within the cutoff distance for each trajectory snapshot

        md_components: MDComponents object
            The md components carrying the setup starting flask.

        flask: OEMol
            The system flask

        trj_fn: String
            The filename of the hdf5-format MD trajectory or Gromacs .trr file format
        water_cutoff: Float
            The cutoff distance between the PL binding site and the waters in angstroms
        nmax: Integer
            max number of waters to select
        multi_conf_protein: A multi conformer OEMol for the protein, one conformer per frame.
        multi_conf_ligand: A multi conformer OEMol for the ligand, one conformer per frame.
        multi_conf_water: A multi conformer OEMol for the waters, one conformer per frame.

    # Extract protein, ligand, water and excipients from the flask
    # protein, ligand, water, excipients = oeommutils.split(flask, ligand_res_name="LIG")

    set_up_flask, map_dic = md_components.create_flask
    protein = md_components.get_protein
    ligand = md_components.get_ligand

    check_nmax = nmax_waters(protein, ligand, water_cutoff)

    if check_nmax < nmax:
            "The selected number of max waters cannot fit around the protein binding site: {} vs {}"
            .format(nmax, check_nmax))

    void, traj_ext = os.path.splitext(trj_fn)

    traj_dir = os.path.dirname(trj_fn)

    if traj_ext == '.h5':
        trj = md.load_hdf5(trj_fn)

    elif traj_ext == '.trr':
        pdb_fn = glob.glob(os.path.join(traj_dir, '*.pdb'))[0]
        trj = md.load_trr(trj_fn, top=pdb_fn)
        trj = trj[1:]
        raise ValueError(
            "Trajectory file format {} not recognized in the trajectory {}".
            format(traj_ext, trj_fn))

    # System topology
    top_trj = trj.topology

    # Ligand indexes
    # lig_idx = top_trj.select("resname LIG")
    lig_idx = map_dic['ligand']

    # Protein indexes
    # prot_idx = top_trj.select("protein")

    # It is safer to use OE toolkits than mdtraj which is missing the protein caps
    prot_idx = map_dic['protein']

    # for at in protein.GetAtoms():
    #     prot_idx.append(at.GetIdx())

    # Water oxygen indexes
    water_O_idx = top_trj.select("water and element O")

    # Protein carbon alpha indexes
    prot_ca_idx = top_trj.select("backbone and element C")

    # Cutoff for the selection of the binding site atoms in A
    cutoff_bs = 5.0

    # Carbon alpha binding site indexes
    ca_bs_idx = md.compute_neighbors(trj[0],
                                     cutoff_bs / 10.0,

    # Carbon alpha binding site and ligand indexes
    ca_bs_lig_idx = np.concatenate((ca_bs_idx, lig_idx))

    # Image the protein-ligand trajectory so the complex does not jump across box boundaries
    protlig = trj[0].atom_slice(np.concatenate((prot_idx, lig_idx)))
    protligAtoms = [atom for atom in protlig.topology.atoms]

    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
        with contextlib.redirect_stderr(devnull):
            trjImaged = trj.image_molecules(inplace=False,

    # trjImaged = trj.image_molecules(inplace=False, anchor_molecules=[protligAtoms], make_whole=True)

    count = 0
    water_max_frames = []

    # trjImaged = trjImaged[:10]

    for frame in trjImaged:
        # print(count, flush=True)

        # Water oxygen binding site indexes
        water_O_bs_idx = md.compute_neighbors(frame,
                                              water_cutoff / 10.0,

        # Pair combination water indexes times ligand indexes
        wat_lig_pairs = np.array(np.meshgrid(water_O_bs_idx,
                                             lig_idx)).T.reshape(-1, 2)

        # Distances between the waters and the ligand in nm
        wat_lig_distances = md.compute_distances(frame,

        # Reshape the wat_lig_distances
        ns = np.reshape(wat_lig_distances,
                        (len(water_O_bs_idx[0]), len(lig_idx)))

        # Min distances in nm between the oxygen waters and the ligand
        min_wat_O_lig_distances = np.min(ns, axis=1)

        # Pair combination water indexes times protein binding site carbon alpha indexes
        wat_ca_bs_pairs = np.array(np.meshgrid(water_O_bs_idx,
                                               ca_bs_idx)).T.reshape(-1, 2)

        # Distances between the waters and the protein binding site carbon alpha in nm
        wat_ca_bs_distances = md.compute_distances(frame,

        # Reshape the wat_ca_bs_distances
        ns = np.reshape(wat_ca_bs_distances,
                        (len(water_O_bs_idx[0]), len(ca_bs_idx)))

        # Min distances in nm between the oxygen waters and the protein binding site carbon alpha
        min_wat_O_ca_bs_distances = np.min(ns, axis=1)

        metrics = min_wat_O_lig_distances + min_wat_O_ca_bs_distances

        metric_distances = dict()

        for wat_idx, m in zip(water_O_bs_idx[0], metrics):
            metric_distances[int(wat_idx)] = m

        water_list_sorted_max = sorted(metric_distances.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1])[:nmax]

        if len(water_list_sorted_max) != nmax:
            raise ValueError(
                "The ordered water list has the wrong size {} vs expected {} for the frame {}"
                .format(len(water_list_sorted_max), nmax, count))


        # print(min_wat_O_ca_bs_distances)
        # print(pairs[:len(lig_idx), :])
        # for p,d in zip(wat_ca_bs_pairs, wat_ca_bs_distances[0]):
        #     print(p,d)

        count += 1

    # Put the reference mol xyz into the 1-frame topologyTraj to use as a reference in the fit
    setup_mol_array_coords = oechem.OEDoubleArray(3 *

    setup_mol_xyzArr = np.array(setup_mol_array_coords)
    setup_mol_xyzArr.shape = (-1, 3)

    trj_reference = trjImaged[0]
    # convert from angstroms to nanometers
    trj_reference.xyz[0] = setup_mol_xyzArr / 10.0

    # Fitting
    trjImaged.superpose(trj_reference, 0, ca_bs_idx)

    # Delete Original Trajectory to save memory
    del trj

    # Molecule copies
    ligand_reference = oechem.OEMol(ligand)
    protein_reference = oechem.OEMol(protein)

    count = 0

    # Create the multi conformer protein, ligand and water molecules
    for frame in trjImaged.xyz:
        # print("Trj Image loop", count, flush=True)

        # Extract coordinates in A
        xyz = frame * 10

        # Set flask Coordinates as the current frame for the water extraction
        water_list_sorted_max = water_max_frames[count]

        # print(water_list_sorted_max)

        # TODO The following solution to extract the waters do not
        #  keep the water order

        # Mark the close water atoms and extract them
        bv = oechem.OEBitVector(nmax * 3)
        water_idx = []

        for pair in water_list_sorted_max:

            ow = flask.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(pair[0]))

            # Select the whole water molecule
            for atw in oechem.OEGetResidueAtoms(ow):

        pred_vec = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
        water_nmax_reference = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OESubsetMol(water_nmax_reference, flask, pred_vec)

        # TODO The following solution to extract the waters
        #  keep the water order but is it seems extremely inefficient

        # water_list = []
        # for pair in water_list_sorted_max:
        #     bv = oechem.OEBitVector(3)
        #     water_idx = []
        #     ow = flask.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(pair[0]))
        #     # Select the whole water molecule
        #     for atw in oechem.OEGetResidueAtoms(ow):
        #         bv.SetBitOn(atw.GetIdx())
        #         water_idx.append(atw.GetIdx())
        #     pred_vec = oechem.OEAtomIdxSelected(bv)
        #     water = oechem.OEMol()
        #     oechem.OESubsetMol(water, flask, pred_vec)
        #     water_list.append(water)
        # # print(len(water_list))
        # water_nmax_reference = oechem.OEMol()

        # for w in water_list:
        #     oechem.OEAddMols(water_nmax_reference, w)

        # ligand and protein conf coordinates
        lig_xyz_list = [10 * frame[idx] for idx in lig_idx]
        lig_confxyz = oechem.OEFloatArray(np.array(lig_xyz_list).ravel())

        prot_xyz_list = [10 * frame[idx] for idx in prot_idx]
        prot_confxyz = oechem.OEFloatArray(np.array(prot_xyz_list).ravel())

        # Initialize the protein, ligand and water molecule topologies
        if count == 0:

            multi_conf_water = oechem.OEMol(water_nmax_reference)

            if multi_conf_water.NumAtoms() % 3 != 0:
                raise ValueError("Number of Water atoms is not multiple of 3")

            # Clean ResNumber and Chain on the multi conf water molecule
            # oechem.OEPerceiveResidues(multi_conf_water, oechem.OEPreserveResInfo_All)
            multi_conf_water.SetTitle("Water_" + str(nmax))

            res_num = 0
            i = 0
            for at in multi_conf_water.GetAtoms():

                res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(at)
                if i % 3 == 0:
                    res_num += 1
                i += 1

            multi_conf_ligand = oechem.OEMol(ligand_reference)
            multi_conf_protein = oechem.OEMol(protein_reference)

        # Attach the conformers on the multi conformer protein, ligand and water molecules
            water_confxyz = oechem.OEFloatArray(
                water_nmax_reference.NumAtoms() * 3)


        count += 1

    return multi_conf_protein, multi_conf_ligand, multi_conf_water