Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    if len(argv) != 2:
        oechem.OEThrow.Usage("%s <receptor>" % argv[0])

    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, argv[1])

    if oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        print("Receptor has a bound ligand")
        print("Receptor does not have bound ligand")

    ligand = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    if oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        ligand = oedocking.OEReceptorGetBoundLigand(receptor)

    oedocking.OEReceptorSetBoundLigand(receptor, ligand)

def dock_molecules_to_receptor(receptor_filename):
    Dock the specified molecules, writing out to specified file

    receptor_filename : str
        Receptor .oeb.gz filename
    fragment : str
        The fragment name to dock to

    import os

    # Read the receptor
    from openeye import oechem, oedocking
    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    if not oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, receptor_filename):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to read receptor")

    if not oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        raise Exception("Receptor does not have bound ligand")

    #print('Initializing receptor...')
    dockMethod = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid2
    dockResolution = oedocking.OESearchResolution_Default
    dock = oedocking.OEDock(dockMethod, dockResolution)
    success = dock.Initialize(receptor)

    # Set up Omega
    #print('Expanding conformers...')
    from openeye import oeomega
    #omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions(oeomega.OEOmegaSampling_Dense)
    omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions()
    omega = oeomega.OEOmega(omegaOpts)

    # Dock molecules
    docked_molecules = list()
    for mol in molecules:
        dockedMol = oechem.OEGraphMol()

        # Expand conformers

        # Dock molecule
        #print(f'Docking {mol.NumConfs()} conformers...')
        retCode = dock.DockMultiConformerMolecule(dockedMol, mol)
        if (retCode != oedocking.OEDockingReturnCode_Success):
            print("Docking Failed with error code " + oedocking.OEDockingReturnCodeGetName(retCode))

        # Store docking data
        sdtag = oedocking.OEDockMethodGetName(dockMethod)
        oedocking.OESetSDScore(dockedMol, dock, sdtag)

        docked_molecules.append( oechem.OEMol(dockedMol) )

    return docked_molecules
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dock_molecules(receptor_filename, molecules, filename):
    Dock the specified molecules, writing out to specified file

    receptor_filename : str
        Receptor .oeb.gz filename
    molecules : list of openeye.oechem.OEMol
        The read molecules to dock
    filename : str
        The filename to stream docked molecules to

    # Read the receptor
    print('Loading receptor...')
    from openeye import oechem, oedocking
    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    if not oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, 'receptor.oeb.gz'):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to read receptor")

    if oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        print("Receptor has a bound ligand")
        print("Receptor does not have bound ligand")

    print('Initializing receptor...')
    dockMethod = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid2
    dockResolution = oedocking.OESearchResolution_High
    dock = oedocking.OEDock(dockMethod, dockResolution)
    success = dock.Initialize(receptor)

    # Set up Omega
    from openeye import oeomega
    omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions(oeomega.OEOmegaSampling_Dense)
    #omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions()
    omega = oeomega.OEOmega(omegaOpts)

    # Dock molecules
    with oechem.oemolostream(filename) as ofs:
        from tqdm import tqdm
        for mol in tqdm(molecules):
            dockedMol = oechem.OEGraphMol()

            # Expand conformers

            # Dock molecule
            retCode = dock.DockMultiConformerMolecule(dockedMol, mol)
            if (retCode != oedocking.OEDockingReturnCode_Success):
                oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Docking Failed with error code " + oedocking.OEDockingReturnCodeGetName(retCode))

            # Store docking data
            sdtag = oedocking.OEDockMethodGetName(dockMethod)
            oedocking.OESetSDScore(dockedMol, dock, sdtag)

            # Write molecule
            oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, dockedMol)
def get_receptor(receptor_file=None, use_hybrid=True, high_resolution=True):

    :param receptor_file: file to .oeb or oeb.gz with prepared protein receptor
    :param use_hybrid: whether or not to override using hybrid docking method
    :param high_resolution: set resolution for search
    :return: docking objector from OE, the receptor oemol
    from . import dock_conf
    from openeye import oedocking

    receptor = dock_conf.PrepareReceptorFromBinary(receptor_file)

    if oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor) and use_hybrid:
        dock_method = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid
        dock_method = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Chemgauss4

    if high_resolution:
        reso = oedocking.OESearchResolution_High
        reso = oedocking.OESearchResolution_Default

    dock = oedocking.OEDock(dock_method, reso)
    return dock, receptor
Ejemplo n.º 5
def receptor_from_file(receptor_filename):
    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    if not oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, receptor_filename):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to read receptor")

    if not oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        raise Exception("Receptor does not have bound ligand")
    return receptor
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def begin(self):
        receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
        self.args.receptor = utils.download_dataset_to_file(self.args.receptor)
        if not oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, str(self.args.receptor)):
            raise Exception("Unable to read receptor from {0}".format(self.args.receptor))

        # Initialize Docking
        dock_method = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid
        if not oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
            oechem.OEThrow.Warning("No bound ligand, switching OEDockMethod to ChemGauss4.")
            dock_method = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Chemgauss4
        dock_resolution = oedocking.OESearchResolution_Default
        self.sdtag = oedocking.OEDockMethodGetName(dock_method)
        self.dock = oedocking.OEDock(dock_method, dock_resolution)
        if not self.dock.Initialize(receptor):
            raise Exception("Unable to initialize Docking with {0}".format(self.args.receptor))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dock_molecule(receptor, molecule_smiles, n_conformations=10, n_poses=2):
    """Run the multi-conformer docker.

    receptor : openeye.oedocking.OEReceptor
        The openeye receptor.
    molecule_smiles : str
        The SMILES string of the molecule.
    n_conformations : int, optional
        The number of omega conformations to pass to the multi-conformer
        docker (default is 10).
    n_poses : int, optional
        Number of binding poses to return.

    docked_oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMol
        The docked multi-conformer OpenEye molecule.
    from openeye import oechem, oedocking
    import openmoltools as moltools

    if oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        dock = oedocking.OEHybrid(oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid2,
        dock = oedocking.OEDock()


    molecule_oemol = moltools.openeye.smiles_to_oemol(molecule_smiles)
    molecule_oemol = moltools.openeye.get_charges(molecule_oemol,

    docked_oemol = oechem.OEMol()

    dock.DockMultiConformerMolecule(docked_oemol, molecule_oemol, n_poses)

    return docked_oemol
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dock_molecule_to_receptor(molecule, receptor_filename, covalent=False):
    Dock the specified molecules, writing out to specified file

    molecule : oechem.OEMol
        The molecule to dock
    receptor_filename : str
        Receptor to dock to
    covalent : bool, optional, default=False
        If True, try to place covalent warheads in proximity to CYS145

    docked_molecule : openeye.oechem.OEMol
        Returns the best tautomer/protomer in docked geometry, annotated with docking score
        None is returned if no viable docked pose found
    import os

    # Extract the fragment name for the receptor
    fragment = extract_fragment_from_filename(receptor_filename)

    # Read the receptor
    from openeye import oechem, oedocking
    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    if not oedocking.OEReadReceptorFile(receptor, receptor_filename):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to read receptor")
    #print(f'Receptor has {receptor.NumAtoms()} atoms')

    if not oedocking.OEReceptorHasBoundLigand(receptor):
        raise Exception("Receptor does not have bound ligand")

    #print('Initializing receptor...')
    dockMethod = oedocking.OEDockMethod_Hybrid2
    dockResolution = oedocking.OESearchResolution_High
    dock = oedocking.OEDock(dockMethod, dockResolution)
    success = dock.Initialize(receptor)

    # Add covalent restraint if specified
    warheads_found = find_warheads(molecule)
    if covalent and len(warheads_found) > 0:
        warheads_found = set(warheads_found.keys())

        # Initialize covalent constraints
        customConstraints = oedocking.OEReceptorGetCustomConstraints(receptor)

        # Find CYS145 SG atom
        hv = oechem.OEHierView(receptor)
        hres = hv.GetResidue("A", "CYS", 145)
        proteinHeavyAtom = None
        for atom in hres.GetAtoms():
            if atom.GetName().strip() == 'SG':
                proteinHeavyAtom = atom
        if proteinHeavyAtom is None:
            raise Exception('Could not find CYS145 SG')

        # Add the constraint
        feature = customConstraints.AddFeature()
        feature.SetFeatureName("CYS145 proximity")
        for warhead_type in warheads_found:
            smarts = covalent_warhead_smarts[warhead_type]
            print(f'Adding constraint for SMARTS pattern {smarts}')
        sphereRadius = 4.0 # Angstroms
        sphereCenter = oechem.OEFloatArray(3)
        receptor.GetCoords(proteinHeavyAtom, sphereCenter)
        sphere = feature.AddSphere()
        sphere.SetCenter(sphereCenter[0], sphereCenter[1], sphereCenter[2])
        oedocking.OEReceptorSetCustomConstraints(receptor, customConstraints)

    # Enumerate tautomers
    from openeye import oequacpac
    tautomer_options = oequacpac.OETautomerOptions()
    pKa_norm = True
    tautomers = [ oechem.OEMol(tautomer) for tautomer in oequacpac.OEGetReasonableTautomers(molecule, tautomer_options, pKa_norm) ]

    # Set up Omega
    #print('Expanding conformers...')
    from openeye import oeomega
    #omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions(oeomega.OEOmegaSampling_Dense)
    omegaOpts = oeomega.OEOmegaOptions()
    omegaOpts.SetMaxSearchTime(60.0) # time out
    omega = oeomega.OEOmega(omegaOpts)
    omega.SetStrictStereo(False) # enumerate sterochemistry if uncertain

    # Dock tautomers
    docked_molecules = list()
    from tqdm import tqdm
    for mol in tautomers:
        dockedMol = oechem.OEGraphMol()

        # Expand conformers

        # Dock molecule
        retCode = dock.DockMultiConformerMolecule(dockedMol, mol)
        if (retCode != oedocking.OEDockingReturnCode_Success):
            #print("Docking Failed with error code " + oedocking.OEDockingReturnCodeGetName(retCode))

        # Store docking data
        sdtag = oedocking.OEDockMethodGetName(dockMethod)
        oedocking.OESetSDScore(dockedMol, dock, sdtag)
        oechem.OESetSDData(dockedMol, "docked_fragment", fragment)

        docked_molecules.append( dockedMol.CreateCopy() )

    if len(docked_molecules) == 0:
        return None

    # Select the best-ranked molecule and pose
    # Note that this ignores protonation state and tautomer penalties
    best_molecule = docked_molecules[0]

    return best_molecule