def _check_cavity_type(cls, cavity: str) -> str:
     Make sure the cavity type is GePol as this is the only kind supported.
     if cavity.lower() != "gepol":
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{cavity} is not a supported type only GePol is available.")
     return "GePol"
 def _check_solver(cls, solver: str) -> str:
     Make sure valid solver is passed.
     solvers = ["IEFPCM", "CPCM"]
     if solver.upper() not in solvers:
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{solver} not supported please chose from {solvers}")
     return solver.upper()
 def _check_cavity_mode(cls, cavity: str) -> str:
     Make sure that a valid cavity mode is passed.
     if cavity.lower() != "implicit":
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{cavity} is not supported via QCSubmit only implicit can be used for collection based calculations."
     return "Implicit"
 def _check_codata(cls, codata: int) -> int:
     Make sure the codata is a valid option in PCM.
     datasets = [2010, 2006, 2002, 1998]
     if codata not in datasets:
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{codata} is not valid only {datasets} are supported.")
     return codata
 def _check_units(cls, unit: str) -> str:
     Make sure the units are a valid option.
     units = ["au", "angstrom"]
     if unit.lower() not in units:
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{unit} is not valid only {units} are supported.")
     return unit
 def _check_radii_set(cls, radiiset: str) -> str:
     Make sure a valid radii set is passed.
     radiisets = ["bondi", "uff", "allinger"]
     if radiiset.lower() not in radiisets:
         raise PCMSettingError(
             f"{radiiset} is not a supported set please chose from {radiisets}"
     return radiiset
    def _check_solvent(cls, solvent: str) -> str:
        Make sure that a valid solvent from the list of supported values is passed.

        solvent_formula = cls._solvents.get(solvent.lower(), solvent.upper())
        if solvent_formula not in cls._solvents.values():
            raise PCMSettingError(
                f"The solvent {solvent} is not supported please chose from the following solvents or formulas {cls._solvents.items()}"
        return solvent_formula