Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_add_from_command_for_a_presentation_thumb(
            self, mocked_get_section_data_path, mocked_image_manager):
        Test the Service Item - adding a presentation, updating the thumb path & adding the thumb to image_manager
        # GIVEN: A service item, a mocked AppLocation and presentation data
        mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = Path(
            'mocked') / 'section' / 'path'
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.has_original_files = False
        service_item.name = 'presentations'
        presentation_name = 'test.pptx'
        thumb = Path('tmp') / 'test' / 'thumb.png'
        display_title = 'DisplayTitle'
        notes = 'Note1\nNote2\n'
        expected_thumb_path = Path('mocked') / 'section' / 'path' / 'thumbnails' / \
            md5_hash(str(TEST_PATH / presentation_name).encode('utf8')) / 'thumb.png'
        frame = {
            'title': presentation_name,
            'image': str(expected_thumb_path),
            'path': str(TEST_PATH),
            'display_title': display_title,
            'notes': notes,
            'thumbnail': str(expected_thumb_path)

        # WHEN: adding presentation to service_item
        service_item.add_from_command(str(TEST_PATH), presentation_name, thumb,
                                      display_title, notes)

        # THEN: verify that it is setup as a Command and that the frame data matches
        assert service_item.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command, 'It should be a Command'
        assert service_item.get_frames()[0] == frame, 'Frames should match'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_add_from_command_for_a_presentation(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding a presentation
        # GIVEN: A service item, a mocked icon and presentation data
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        presentation_name = 'test.pptx'
        image = MagicMock()
        display_title = 'DisplayTitle'
        notes = 'Note1\nNote2\n'
        frame = {
            'title': presentation_name,
            'image': image,
            'path': TEST_PATH,
            'display_title': display_title,
            'notes': notes,
            'thumbnail': image

        # WHEN: adding presentation to service_item
        service_item.add_from_command(TEST_PATH, presentation_name, image,
                                      display_title, notes)

        # THEN: verify that it is setup as a Command and that the frame data matches
        assert service_item.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command, 'It should be a Command'
        assert service_item.get_frames()[0] == frame, 'Frames should match'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_add_from_command_without_display_title_and_notes(self):
        Test the Service Item - add from command, but not presentation
        # GIVEN: A new service item, a mocked icon and image data
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        image_name = 'test.img'
        image = MagicMock()
        frame = {
            'title': image_name,
            'image': image,
            'path': TEST_PATH,
            'display_title': None,
            'notes': None,
            'thumbnail': image

        # WHEN: adding image to service_item
        service_item.add_from_command(TEST_PATH, image_name, image)

        # THEN: verify that it is setup as a Command and that the frame data matches
        assert service_item.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command, 'It should be a Command'
        assert service_item.get_frames()[0] == frame, 'Frames should match'