Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     super(BiblePlugin, self).__init__('bibles', __default_settings__,
                                       BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
     self.weight = -9
     self.icon_path = ':/plugins/plugin_bibles.png'
     self.icon = build_icon(self.icon_path)
     self.manager = BibleManager(self)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the environment for testing bible queries with 1 Timothy 3
     Registry().register('service_list', MagicMock())
     Registry().register('application', MagicMock())
     bible_settings = {
         'bibles/proxy name': '',
         'bibles/db type': 'sqlite',
         'bibles/book name language': LanguageSelection.Bible,
         'bibles/verse separator': '',
         'bibles/range separator': '',
         'bibles/list separator': '',
         'bibles/end separator': '',
     with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.Settings') as mocked_class, \
             patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as mocked_get_data_path, \
             patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_files') as mocked_get_files:
         # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_files()
         mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
         mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
         mocked_get_files.return_value = ["tests.sqlite"]
         mocked_get_data_path.return_value = TEST_RESOURCES_PATH + "/bibles"
         self.manager = BibleManager(MagicMock())
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     super(BiblePlugin, self).__init__('bibles', __default_settings__,
                                       BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
     self.weight = -9
     self.icon_path = UiIcons().bible
     self.icon = UiIcons().bible
     self.manager = BibleManager(self)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the environment for testing bible queries with 1 Timothy 3
     Registry().register('service_list', MagicMock())
     Registry().register('application', MagicMock())
     bible_settings = {
         'bibles/proxy name': '',
         'bibles/db type': 'sqlite',
         'bibles/book name language': LanguageSelection.Bible,
         'bibles/verse separator': '',
         'bibles/range separator': '',
         'bibles/list separator': '',
         'bibles/end separator': '',
     with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.Settings') as mocked_class, \
             patch('openlp.core.common.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as mocked_get_section_data_path, \
             patch('openlp.core.common.AppLocation.get_files') as mocked_get_files:
         # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_files()
         mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
         mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
         mocked_get_files.return_value = ["tests.sqlite"]
         mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = TEST_RESOURCES_PATH + "/bibles"
         self.manager = BibleManager(MagicMock())
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def initialise(self):
     log.info(u'bibles Initialising')
     if self.manager is None:
         self.manager = BibleManager(self)
     action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
     action_list.add_action(self.importBibleItem, UiStrings().Import)
     # Do not add the action to the list yet.
     #action_list.add_action(self.exportBibleItem, UiStrings().Export)
     # Set to invisible until we can export bibles
Ejemplo n.º 6
class BiblePlugin(Plugin):
    log.info(u'Bible Plugin loaded')

    def __init__(self):
        Plugin.__init__(self, u'bibles', __default_settings__, BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
        self.weight = -9
        self.iconPath = u':/plugins/plugin_bibles.png'
        self.icon = build_icon(self.iconPath)
        self.manager = None

    def initialise(self):
        log.info(u'bibles Initialising')
        if self.manager is None:
            self.manager = BibleManager(self)
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.add_action(self.importBibleItem, UiStrings().Import)
        # Do not add the action to the list yet.
        #action_list.add_action(self.exportBibleItem, UiStrings().Export)
        # Set to invisible until we can export bibles

    def finalise(self):
        Tidy up on exit
        log.info(u'Plugin Finalise')
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.remove_action(self.importBibleItem, UiStrings().Import)
        #action_list.remove_action(self.exportBibleItem, UiStrings().Export)

    def app_startup(self):
        Perform tasks on application startup
        if self.manager.old_bible_databases:
            if QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self.main_window,
                translate('OpenLP', 'Information'),
                translate('OpenLP', 'Bible format has changed.\nYou have to upgrade your existing Bibles.\n'
                    'Should OpenLP upgrade now?'),
                QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No)) == \

    def addImportMenuItem(self, import_menu):
        self.importBibleItem = create_action(import_menu, u'importBibleItem',
            text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'), visible=False,

    def addExportMenuItem(self, export_menu):
        self.exportBibleItem = create_action(export_menu, u'exportBibleItem',
            text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'),

    def addToolsMenuItem(self, tools_menu):
        Give the bible plugin the opportunity to add items to the
        **Tools** menu.

            The actual **Tools** menu item, so that your actions can
            use it as their parent.
        log.debug(u'add tools menu')
        self.toolsUpgradeItem = create_action(tools_menu, u'toolsUpgradeItem',
            text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Upgrade older Bibles'),
            statustip=translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Upgrade the Bible databases to the latest format.'),
            visible=False, triggers=self.onToolsUpgradeItemTriggered)

    def onToolsUpgradeItemTriggered(self):
        Upgrade older bible databases.
        if not hasattr(self, u'upgrade_wizard'):
            self.upgrade_wizard = BibleUpgradeForm(self.main_window, self.manager, self)
        # If the import was not cancelled then reload.
        if self.upgrade_wizard.exec_():

    def onBibleImportClick(self):
        if self.mediaItem:

    def about(self):
        about_text = translate('BiblesPlugin', '<strong>Bible Plugin</strong>'
            '<br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible '
            'verses from different sources during the service.')
        return about_text

    def usesTheme(self, theme):
        Called to find out if the bible plugin is currently using a theme.
        Returns ``True`` if the theme is being used, otherwise returns
        return unicode(self.settingsTab.bible_theme) == theme

    def renameTheme(self, oldTheme, newTheme):
        Rename the theme the bible plugin is using making the plugin use the
        new name.

            The name of the theme the plugin should stop using. Unused for
            this particular plugin.

            The new name the plugin should now use.
        self.settingsTab.bible_theme = newTheme

    def setPluginTextStrings(self):
        Called to define all translatable texts of the plugin
        ## Name PluginList ##
        self.textStrings[StringContent.Name] = {
            u'singular': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bible', 'name singular'),
            u'plural': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'name plural')
        ## Name for MediaDockManager, SettingsManager ##
        self.textStrings[StringContent.VisibleName] = {
            u'title': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'container title')
        # Middle Header Bar
        tooltips = {
            u'load': u'',
            u'import': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Import a Bible.'),
            u'new': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add a new Bible.'),
            u'edit': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Edit the selected Bible.'),
            u'delete': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Delete the selected Bible.'),
            u'preview': translate('BiblesPlugin',
                'Preview the selected Bible.'),
            u'live': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Send the selected Bible live.'),
            u'service': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add the selected Bible to the service.')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     super(BiblePlugin, self).__init__('bibles', __default_settings__, BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
     self.weight = -9
     self.icon_path = ':/plugins/plugin_bibles.png'
     self.icon = build_icon(self.icon_path)
     self.manager = BibleManager(self)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class TestBibleManager(TestCase, TestMixin):

    def setUp(self):
        Set up the environment for testing bible queries with 1 Timothy 3
        Registry().register('service_list', MagicMock())
        Registry().register('application', MagicMock())
        bible_settings = {
            'bibles/proxy name': '',
            'bibles/db type': 'sqlite',
            'bibles/book name language': LanguageSelection.Bible,
            'bibles/verse separator': '',
            'bibles/range separator': '',
            'bibles/list separator': '',
            'bibles/end separator': '',
        with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as mocked_get_section_data_path, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.AppLocation.get_files') as mocked_get_files:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_files()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_files.return_value = ["tests.sqlite"]
            mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = TEST_RESOURCES_PATH + "/bibles"
            self.manager = BibleManager(MagicMock())

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.manager

    def test_get_books(self):
        Test the get_books method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the books of the bible
        books = self.manager.get_books('tests')
        # THEN a list of books should be returned
        self.assertEqual(66, len(books), 'There should be 66 books in the bible')

    def test_get_book_by_id(self):
        Test the get_book_by_id method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the book of the bible
        book = self.manager.get_book_by_id('tests', 54)
        # THEN a book should be returned
        self.assertEqual('1 Timothy', book.name, '1 Timothy should have been returned from the bible')

    def test_get_chapter_count(self):
        Test the get_chapter_count method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the chapters in a book of the bible
        book = self.manager.get_book_by_id('tests', 54)
        chapter = self.manager.get_chapter_count('tests', book)
        # THEN the chapter count should be returned
        self.assertEqual(6, chapter, '1 Timothy should have 6 chapters returned from the bible')

    def test_get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id(self):
        Test the get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the number of verses in a book of the bible
        verses = self.manager.get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id('tests', 54, 3)
        # THEN the chapter count should be returned
        self.assertEqual(16, verses, '1 Timothy v3 should have 16 verses returned from the bible')
Ejemplo n.º 9
class BiblePlugin(Plugin):
    The Bible plugin provides a plugin for managing and displaying Bibles.
    log.info('Bible Plugin loaded')

    def __init__(self):
        super(BiblePlugin, self).__init__('bibles', __default_settings__,
                                          BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
        self.weight = -9
        self.icon_path = ':/plugins/plugin_bibles.png'
        self.icon = build_icon(self.icon_path)
        self.manager = BibleManager(self)

    def initialise(self):
        Initialise the Bible plugin.
        log.info('bibles Initialising')
        super(BiblePlugin, self).initialise()
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.add_action(self.import_bible_item, UiStrings().Import)
        # Set to invisible until we can export bibles

    def finalise(self):
        Tidy up on exit
        log.info('Plugin Finalise')
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.remove_action(self.import_bible_item, UiStrings().Import)

    def app_startup(self):
        Perform tasks on application startup
        super(BiblePlugin, self).app_startup()
        if self.manager.old_bible_databases:
            if QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(
                    self.main_window, translate('OpenLP', 'Information'),
                    translate('OpenLP', 'Bible format has changed.\nYou have to upgrade your '
                                        'existing Bibles.\nShould OpenLP upgrade now?'),
                    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)) == \

    def add_import_menu_item(self, import_menu):
        Add an import menu item

        :param import_menu: The menu to insert the menu item into.
        self.import_bible_item = create_action(
            text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'),

    def add_export_menu_item(self, export_menu):
        Add an export menu item

        :param export_menu: The menu to insert the menu item into.
        self.export_bible_item = create_action(export_menu,
                                                   'BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'),

    def add_tools_menu_item(self, tools_menu):
        Give the bible plugin the opportunity to add items to the **Tools** menu.

        :param tools_menu:  The actual **Tools** menu item, so that your actions can use it as their parent.
        log.debug('add tools menu')
        self.tools_upgrade_item = create_action(
            text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Upgrade older Bibles'),
                'Upgrade the Bible databases to the latest format.'),

    def on_tools_upgrade_item_triggered(self):
        Upgrade older bible databases.
        if not hasattr(self, 'upgrade_wizard'):
            self.upgrade_wizard = BibleUpgradeForm(self.main_window,
                                                   self.manager, self)
        # If the import was not cancelled then reload.
        if self.upgrade_wizard.exec():

    def on_bible_import_click(self):
        Show the Bible Import wizard
        if self.media_item:

    def about():
        Return the about text for the plugin manager
        about_text = translate(
            'BiblesPlugin', '<strong>Bible Plugin</strong>'
            '<br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible '
            'verses from different sources during the service.')
        return about_text

    def uses_theme(self, theme):
        Called to find out if the bible plugin is currently using a theme. Returns ``1`` if the theme is being used,
        otherwise returns ``0``.

        :param theme: The theme
        if str(self.settings_tab.bible_theme) == theme:
            return 1
        return 0

    def rename_theme(self, old_theme, new_theme):
        Rename the theme the bible plugin is using making the plugin use the
        new name.

        :param old_theme: The name of the theme the plugin should stop using. Unused for this particular plugin.
        :param new_theme:  The new name the plugin should now use.
        self.settings_tab.bible_theme = new_theme

    def set_plugin_text_strings(self):
        Called to define all translatable texts of the plugin
        # Name PluginList
        self.text_strings[StringContent.Name] = {
            'singular': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bible', 'name singular'),
            'plural': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'name plural')
        # Name for MediaDockManager, SettingsManager
        self.text_strings[StringContent.VisibleName] = {
            'title': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'container title')
        # Middle Header Bar
        tooltips = {
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Import a Bible.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add a new Bible.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Edit the selected Bible.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Delete the selected Bible.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Preview the selected Bible.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Send the selected Bible live.'),
            translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add the selected Bible to the service.')
Ejemplo n.º 10
class BiblePlugin(Plugin):
    The Bible plugin provides a plugin for managing and displaying Bibles.
    log.info('Bible Plugin loaded')

    def __init__(self):
        super(BiblePlugin, self).__init__('bibles', __default_settings__, BibleMediaItem, BiblesTab)
        self.weight = -9
        self.icon_path = ':/plugins/plugin_bibles.png'
        self.icon = build_icon(self.icon_path)
        self.manager = BibleManager(self)

    def initialise(self):
        Initialise the Bible plugin.
        log.info('bibles Initialising')
        super(BiblePlugin, self).initialise()
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.add_action(self.import_bible_item, UiStrings().Import)
        # Set to invisible until we can export bibles

    def finalise(self):
        Tidy up on exit
        log.info('Plugin Finalise')
        action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
        action_list.remove_action(self.import_bible_item, UiStrings().Import)

    def add_import_menu_item(self, import_menu):
        Add an import menu item

        :param import_menu: The menu to insert the menu item into.
        self.import_bible_item = create_action(import_menu, 'importBibleItem',
                                               text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'), visible=False,

    def add_export_menu_item(self, export_menu):
        Add an export menu item

        :param export_menu: The menu to insert the menu item into.
        self.export_bible_item = create_action(export_menu, 'exportBibleItem',
                                               text=translate('BiblesPlugin', '&Bible'), visible=False)

    def on_bible_import_click(self):
        Show the Bible Import wizard
        if self.media_item:

    def about():
        Return the about text for the plugin manager
        about_text = translate('BiblesPlugin', '<strong>Bible Plugin</strong>'
                               '<br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible '
                               'verses from different sources during the service.')
        return about_text

    def uses_theme(self, theme):
        Called to find out if the bible plugin is currently using a theme.

        :param theme: The theme
        :return: 1 if the theme is being used, otherwise returns 0
        if str(self.settings_tab.bible_theme) == theme:
            return 1
        return 0

    def rename_theme(self, old_theme, new_theme):
        Rename the theme the bible plugin is using, making the plugin use the new name.

        :param old_theme: The name of the theme the plugin should stop using. Unused for this particular plugin.
        :param new_theme:  The new name the plugin should now use.
        :return: None
        self.settings_tab.bible_theme = new_theme

    def set_plugin_text_strings(self):
        Called to define all translatable texts of the plugin
        # Name PluginList
        self.text_strings[StringContent.Name] = {
            'singular': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bible', 'name singular'),
            'plural': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'name plural')
        # Name for MediaDockManager, SettingsManager
        self.text_strings[StringContent.VisibleName] = {
            'title': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Bibles', 'container title')
        # Middle Header Bar
        tooltips = {
            'load': '',
            'import': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Import a Bible.'),
            'new': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add a new Bible.'),
            'edit': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Edit the selected Bible.'),
            'delete': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Delete the selected Bible.'),
            'preview': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Preview the selected Bible.'),
            'live': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Send the selected Bible live.'),
            'service': translate('BiblesPlugin', 'Add the selected Bible to the service.')
Ejemplo n.º 11
class TestBibleManager(TestCase, TestMixin):
    def setUp(self):
        Set up the environment for testing bible queries with 1 Timothy 3
        Registry().register('service_list', MagicMock())
        Registry().register('application', MagicMock())
        bible_settings = {
            'bibles/proxy name': '',
            'bibles/db type': 'sqlite',
            'bibles/book name language': LanguageSelection.Bible,
            'bibles/verse separator': '',
            'bibles/range separator': '',
            'bibles/list separator': '',
            'bibles/end separator': '',
        with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as mocked_get_data_path, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_files') as mocked_get_files:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_files()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_files.return_value = ["tests.sqlite"]
            mocked_get_data_path.return_value = TEST_RESOURCES_PATH + "/bibles"
            self.manager = BibleManager(MagicMock())

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.manager

    def test_get_books(self):
        Test the get_books method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the books of the bible
        books = self.manager.get_books('tests')
        # THEN a list of books should be returned
        assert 66 == len(books), 'There should be 66 books in the bible'

    def test_get_book_by_id(self):
        Test the get_book_by_id method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the book of the bible
        book = self.manager.get_book_by_id('tests', 54)
        # THEN a book should be returned
        assert '1 Timothy' == book.name, '1 Timothy should have been returned from the bible'

    def test_get_chapter_count(self):
        Test the get_chapter_count method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the chapters in a book of the bible
        book = self.manager.get_book_by_id('tests', 54)
        chapter = self.manager.get_chapter_count('tests', book)
        # THEN the chapter count should be returned
        assert 6 == chapter, '1 Timothy should have 6 chapters returned from the bible'

    def test_get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id(self):
        Test the get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id method
        # GIVEN given a bible in the bible manager
        # WHEN asking for the number of verses in a book of the bible
        verses = self.manager.get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id('tests', 54, 3)
        # THEN the chapter count should be returned
        assert 16 == verses, '1 Timothy v3 should have 16 verses returned from the bible'