Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    num_nodes = 1
    num_blades = 10
    num_radial = 15
    num_cp = 6

    af_filename = 'airfoils/mh117.dat'
    chord = 20.
    theta = 5.0*np.pi/180.0
    pitch = 0.

    # Numbers taken from the Aviary group's study of the RVLT tiltwing
    # turboelectric concept vehicle.
    n_props = 4
    hub_diameter = 30.  # cm
    prop_diameter = 15*30.48  # 15 ft in cm
    c0 = np.sqrt(1.4*287.058*300.)  # meters/second
    rho0 = 1.4*98600./(c0*c0)  # kg/m^3
    omega = 236.  # rad/s

    # Find the thrust per rotor from the vehicle's mass.
    m_full = 6367  # kg
    g = 9.81  # m/s**2
    thrust_vtol = m_full*g/n_props

    prob = Problem()

    comp = IndepVarComp()
    comp.add_output('rho', val=rho0, shape=num_nodes, units='kg/m**3')
    comp.add_output('mu', val=1., shape=num_nodes, units='N/m**2*s')
    comp.add_output('asound', val=c0, shape=num_nodes, units='m/s')
    comp.add_output('v', val=2., shape=num_nodes, units='m/s')
    comp.add_output('alpha', val=0., shape=num_nodes, units='rad')
    comp.add_output('incidence', val=0., shape=num_nodes, units='rad')
    comp.add_output('precone', val=0., units='deg')
    comp.add_output('hub_diameter', val=hub_diameter, shape=num_nodes, units='cm')
    comp.add_output('prop_diameter', val=prop_diameter, shape=num_nodes, units='cm')
    comp.add_output('pitch', val=pitch, shape=num_nodes, units='rad')
    comp.add_output('chord_dv', val=chord, shape=num_cp, units='cm')
    comp.add_output('theta_dv', val=theta, shape=num_cp, units='rad')
    comp.add_output('thrust_vtol', val=thrust_vtol, shape=num_nodes, units='N')
    prob.model.add_subsystem('indep_var_comp', comp, promotes=['*'])

    comp = GeometryGroup(num_nodes=num_nodes, num_cp=num_cp,
        'geometry_group', comp,
        promotes_inputs=['hub_diameter', 'prop_diameter', 'chord_dv',
                         'theta_dv', 'pitch'],
        promotes_outputs=['radii', 'dradii', 'chord', 'theta'])

    balance_group = Group()

    comp = CCBladeGroup(num_nodes=num_nodes, num_radial=num_radial,
                        num_blades=num_blades, af_filename=af_filename,
        'ccblade_group', comp,
        promotes_inputs=['radii', 'dradii', 'chord', 'theta', 'rho', 'mu',
                         'asound', 'v', 'precone', 'omega', 'hub_diameter',
        promotes_outputs=['thrust', 'torque', 'efficiency'])

    comp = BalanceComp()
        eq_units='N', lhs_name='thrust', rhs_name='thrust_vtol',
        val=omega, units='rad/s',
    balance_group.add_subsystem('thrust_balance_comp', comp, promotes=['*'])

    balance_group.linear_solver = DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True)
    # balance_group.nonlinear_solver = NewtonSolver(maxiter=20, iprint=2)
    # balance_group.nonlinear_solver.options['solve_subsystems'] = True
    # balance_group.nonlinear_solver.options['atol'] = 1e-9

    prob.model.add_subsystem('thrust_balance_group', balance_group,

    prob.model.nonlinear_solver = NewtonSolver(maxiter=20, iprint=2)
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver.options['solve_subsystems'] = True
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver.options['atol'] = 1e-9
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver.linesearch = BoundsEnforceLS()
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver.linesearch.options['iprint'] = 2

    # Calculate the induced axial velocity at the rotor for hover, used for
    # non-diminsionalation.
    rho = prob.get_val('rho', units='kg/m**3')[0]
    hub_diameter = prob.get_val('hub_diameter', units='m')[0]
    prop_diameter = prob.get_val('prop_diameter', units='m')[0]
    thrust_vtol = prob.get_val('thrust_vtol', units='N')[0]
    A_rotor = 0.25*np.pi*(prop_diameter**2 - hub_diameter**2)
    v_h = np.sqrt(thrust_vtol/(2*rho*A_rotor))

    # Climb:
    climb_velocity_nondim = np.linspace(0.1, 2., 10)
    induced_velocity_nondim = np.zeros_like(climb_velocity_nondim)
    for vc, vi in np.nditer(
            [climb_velocity_nondim, induced_velocity_nondim],
            op_flags=[['readonly'], ['writeonly']]):

        # Run the model with the requested climb velocity.
        prob.set_val('v', vc*v_h, units='m/s')
        print(f"v = {prob.get_val('v', units='m/s')}")

        # Calculate the area-weighted average induced velocity at the rotor.
        # Need the area of each blade section.
        radii = prob.get_val('radii',
        dradii = prob.get_val('dradii',
        dArea = 2*np.pi*radii*dradii

        # Get the induced velocity at the rotor plane for each blade section.
        Vx = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.Vx', units='m/s')
        a = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.ccblade_comp.a')

        # Get the area-weighted average of the induced velocity.
        vi[...] = np.sum(a*Vx*dArea/A_rotor)/v_h

    # Induced velocity from plain old momentum theory (for climb).
    induced_velocity_mt = (
        -0.5*climb_velocity_nondim + np.sqrt((0.5*climb_velocity_nondim)**2 + 1.))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(climb_velocity_nondim, -induced_velocity_nondim,
            label='CCBlade.jl (climb)')
    ax.plot(climb_velocity_nondim, induced_velocity_mt,
            label='Momentum Theory (climb)')

    # Descent:
    climb_velocity_nondim = np.linspace(-4., -2.5, 10)
    induced_velocity_nondim = np.zeros_like(climb_velocity_nondim)
    for vc, vi in np.nditer(
            [climb_velocity_nondim, induced_velocity_nondim],
            op_flags=[['readonly'], ['writeonly']]):

        # Run the model with the requested climb velocity.
        prob.set_val('v', vc*v_h, units='m/s')
        print(f"vc = {vc}, v = {prob.get_val('v', units='m/s')}")

        # Calculate the area-weighted average induced velocity at the rotor.
        # Need the area of each blade section.
        radii = prob.get_val('radii',
        dradii = prob.get_val('dradii',
        dArea = 2*np.pi*radii*dradii

        # Get the induced velocity at the rotor plane for each blade section.
        Vx = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.Vx', units='m/s')
        a = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.ccblade_comp.a')

        # Get the area-weighted average of the induced velocity.
        vi[...] = np.sum(a*Vx*dArea/A_rotor)/v_h

    # Induced velocity from plain old momentum theory (for descent).
    induced_velocity_mt = (
        -0.5*climb_velocity_nondim - np.sqrt((0.5*climb_velocity_nondim)**2 - 1.))

    # Plot the induced velocity for descent.
    ax.plot(climb_velocity_nondim, -induced_velocity_nondim,
            label='CCBlade.jl (descent)')
    ax.plot(climb_velocity_nondim, induced_velocity_mt,
            label='Momentum Theory (descent)')

    # # Empirical region:
    # climb_velocity_nondim = np.linspace(-1.9, -1.5, 5)
    # induced_velocity_nondim = np.zeros_like(climb_velocity_nondim)
    # for vc, vi in np.nditer(
    #         [climb_velocity_nondim, induced_velocity_nondim],
    #         op_flags=[['readonly'], ['writeonly']]):

    #     # Run the model with the requested climb velocity.
    #     prob.set_val('v', vc*v_h, units='m/s')
    #     print(f"vc = {vc}, v = {prob.get_val('v', units='m/s')}")
    #     prob.run_model()

    #     # Calculate the area-weighted average induced velocity at the rotor.
    #     # Need the area of each blade section.
    #     radii = prob.get_val('radii',
    #                          units='m')
    #     dradii = prob.get_val('dradii',
    #                           units='m')
    #     dArea = 2*np.pi*radii*dradii

    #     # Get the induced velocity at the rotor plane for each blade section.
    #     Vx = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.Vx', units='m/s')
    #     a = prob.get_val('ccblade_group.ccblade_comp.a')

    #     # Get the area-weighted average of the induced velocity.
    #     vi[...] = np.sum(a*Vx*dArea/A_rotor)/v_h

    # # Plot the induced velocity for the empirical region.
    # ax.plot(climb_velocity_nondim, -induced_velocity_nondim,
    #         label='CCBlade.jl (empirical region)')
