Ejemplo n.º 1
def start_server(address='localhost', port=None, allowed_hosts=None,
                 debug=False, server_out=None, args=()):
    Start server process at `address` and `port`.
    Returns ``(proc, port)``.

    address: string
        Server address to be used.

    port: int
        Server port to be used. Use zero for a system-selected port.

    allowed_hosts: list[string]
        Hosts to allow access.
        If None then ``['', socket.gethostname()]`` is used.

    debug: bool
        Set logging level to ``DEBUG``, default is ``INFO``.

    args: iter of str
        Other command line args to pass to server.
    if port is None:
        port = get_open_address()[1]

    if allowed_hosts is None:
        allowed_hosts = ['', socket.gethostname()]
    with open('hosts.allow', 'w') as out:
        for pattern in allowed_hosts:
            out.write('%s\n' % pattern)
    if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:

    server_path = os.path.splitext(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]+'.py'

    if server_out is None:
        server_out = 'as-%d.out' % port
    server_up = 'as-%d.up' % port
    if os.path.exists(server_up):

    # Start process.
    args = [sys.executable, server_path, '-d',
            '--address', address, '--port', '%d' % port, '--up', server_up] + args
    if debug:

    logging.info("start_server: args=%s" % args)

    #print("starting ShellProc:",args)
    proc = ShellProc(args, stdout=server_out, stderr=STDOUT)

    # Wait for valid server_up file.
    timeout = 30  # Seconds.
    retry = 0
    while (not os.path.exists(server_up)) or \
          (os.path.getsize(server_up) == 0):
        return_code = proc.poll()
        if return_code:
            error_msg = proc.error_message(return_code)
            raise RuntimeError('Server startup failed: exit code %s (%s)'
                               % (return_code, error_msg))
        retry += 1
        if retry < 10*timeout:
        # Hard to cause a startup timeout.
        else:  # pragma no cover
            raise RuntimeError('Server startup timeout')

    # Read server information.
    with open(server_up, 'r') as inp:
        host = inp.readline().strip()
        port = int(inp.readline().strip())
        pid  = int(inp.readline().strip())


    return (proc, port)