Ejemplo n.º 1
def start_server(authkey='PublicKey', address=None, port=0, prefix='server',
                 allowed_hosts=None, allowed_users=None, allow_shell=False,
                 allowed_types=None, timeout=None, tunnel=False,
                 resources=None, log_prefix=None):
    Start an :class:`ObjServerFactory` service in a separate process
    in the current directory.

    authkey: string
        Authorization key, must be matched by clients.

    address: string
        IPv4 address, hostname, or pipe name.
        Default is the host's default IPv4 address.

    port: int
        Server port (default of 0 implies next available port).
        Note that ports below 1024 typically require special privileges.
        If port is negative, then a local pipe is used for communication.

    prefix: string
        Prefix for server config file and stdout/stderr file.

    allowed_hosts: list(string)
        Host address patterns to check against. Required if `port` >= 0.
        Ignored if `allowed_users` is specified.

    allowed_users: dict
        Dictionary of users and corresponding public keys allowed access.
        If None, *any* user may access. If empty, no user may access.
        The host portions of user strings are used for address patterns.

    allow_shell: bool
        If True, :meth:`execute_command` and :meth:`load_model` are allowed.
        Use with caution!

    allowed_types: list(string)
        Names of types which may be created. If None, then allow types listed
        by :meth:`get_available_types`. If empty, no types are allowed.

    timeout: int
        Seconds to wait for server to start. Note that public key generation
        can take a while. The default value of None will use an internally
        computed value based on host type (and for Windows, the availability
        of pyWin32).

    tunnel: bool
        If True, report host IP address but listen for connections from a
        local SSH tunnel.

    resources: string
        Filename for resource configuration.

    log_prefix: string
        Name used to identify remote remote logging messages from server.
        Implies that the local process will be receiving the messages.

    Returns ``(server_proc, config_filename)``.
    if timeout is None:
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and not HAVE_PYWIN32:  #pragma no cover
            timeout = 120
            timeout = 30

    server_key = prefix+'.key'
    server_cfg = prefix+'.cfg'
    server_out = prefix+'.out'
    for path in (server_cfg, server_out):
        if os.path.exists(path):

    with open(server_key, 'w') as out:
        out.write('%s\n' % authkey)

    factory_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('openmdao.main',
    args = ['python', factory_path, '--port', str(port), '--prefix', prefix]

    if address is not None:
        args.extend(['--address', address])

    if tunnel:

    if resources is not None:

    if allowed_users is not None:
        write_authorized_keys(allowed_users, 'users.allow', logging.getLogger())
        args.extend(['--users', 'users.allow'])
        if port >= 0:
            if allowed_hosts is None:
                allowed_hosts = [socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())]
                if allowed_hosts[0].startswith('127.') and \
                   '' not in allowed_hosts:
            with open('hosts.allow', 'w') as out:
                for pattern in allowed_hosts:
                    out.write('%s\n' % pattern)
            if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
            else:  #pragma no cover
                logging.warning("Can't make hosts.allow private")

    if allow_shell:

    if allowed_types is not None:
        with open('types.allow', 'w') as out:
            for typname in allowed_types:
                out.write('%s\n' % typname)
        if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
        else:  #pragma no cover
            logging.warning("Can't make types.allow private")
        args.extend(['--types', 'types.allow'])

    if log_prefix is not None:
        log_host = socket.gethostname()
        log_port = logging_port(log_host, log_host)
        args.extend(['--log-host', log_host, '--log-port', str(log_port)])
        if log_prefix:  # Could be null (for default).
            args.extend(['--log-prefix', log_prefix])

    proc = ShellProc(args, stdout=server_out, stderr=STDOUT)

        # Wait for valid server_cfg file.
        retry = 0
        while (not os.path.exists(server_cfg)) or \
              (os.path.getsize(server_cfg) == 0):
            return_code = proc.poll()
            if return_code:
                error_msg = proc.error_message(return_code)
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup failed %s' % error_msg)
            retry += 1
            if retry < 10*timeout:
            # Hard to cause a startup timeout.
            else:  #pragma no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup timeout')
        return (proc, server_cfg)
        if os.path.exists(server_key):
class ExternalCode(ComponentWithDerivatives):
    Run an external code as a component. The component can be configured to
    run the code on a remote server, see :meth:`execute`.

    PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
    STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT

    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    command = List(Str, desc='The command to be executed.')
    env_vars = Dict({},
                    desc='Environment variables required by the command.')
    resources = Dict({},
                     desc='Resources required to run this component.')
    poll_delay = Float(0.,
                       desc='Delay between polling for command completion.'
                       ' A value of zero will use an internally computed'
                       ' default.')
    timeout = Float(0.,
                    desc='Maximum time to wait for command completion.'
                    ' A value of zero implies an infinite wait.')
    timed_out = Bool(False,
                     desc='True if the command timed-out.')
    return_code = Int(0, iotype='out', desc='Return code from the command.')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ExternalCode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.stdin = None
        self.stdout = None
        self.stderr = "error.out"

        self._process = None
        self._server = None

    # This gets used by remote server.
    def get_access_controller(self):  #pragma no cover
        """ Return :class:`AccessController` for this object. """
        return _AccessController()

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def set(self, path, value, index=None, src=None, force=False):
        """ Don't allow setting of 'command' by a remote client. """
        if path in ('command', 'get_access_controller') and remote_access():
            self.raise_exception('%r may not be set() remotely' % path,
        return super(ExternalCode, self).set(path, value, index, src, force)

    def execute(self):
        Runs the specified command.

        First removes existing output (but not in/out) files.
        Then if `resources` have been specified, an appropriate server
        is allocated and the command is run on that server.
        Otherwise the command is run locally.

        When running remotely, the following resources are set:

        ======================= =====================================
        Key                     Value
        ======================= =====================================
        job_name                self.get_pathname()
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        remote_command          self.command (first item)
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        args                    self.command (2nd through last items)
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        job_environment         self.env_vars
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        input_path              self.stdin
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        output_path             self.stdout
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        error_path              self.stderr (if != STDOUT)
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        join_files              If self.stderr == STDOUT
        ----------------------- -------------------------------------
        hard_run_duration_limit self.timeout (if non-zero)
        ======================= =====================================

        .. note::

            Input files to be sent to the remote server are defined by
            :class:`FileMetadata` entries in the `external_files` list
            with `input` True.  Similarly, output files to be retrieved
            from the remote server are defined by entries with `output`

        .. warning::

            Any file **not** labelled with `binary` True will undergo
            newline translation if the local and remote machines have
            different newline representations. Newline translation will
            corrupt a file which is binary but hasn't been labelled as

        self.return_code = -12345678
        self.timed_out = False

        for metadata in self.external_files:
            if metadata.get('output', False) and \
               not metadata.get('input', False):
                for path in glob.glob(metadata.path):
                    if os.path.exists(path):

        if not self.command:
            self.raise_exception('Null command line', ValueError)

        return_code = None
        error_msg = ''
            if self.resources:
                return_code, error_msg = self._execute_remote()
                return_code, error_msg = self._execute_local()

            if return_code is None:
                if self._stop:
                    self.raise_exception('Run stopped', RunStopped)
                    self.timed_out = True
                    self.raise_exception('Timed out', RunInterrupted)

            elif return_code:
                if isinstance(self.stderr, str):
                    stderrfile = open(self.stderr, 'r')
                    error_desc = stderrfile.read()
                    err_fragment = "\nError Output:\n%s" % error_desc
                    err_fragment = error_msg

                self.raise_exception('return_code = %d%s' \
                    % (return_code, err_fragment), RuntimeError)
            self.return_code = -999999 if return_code is None else return_code

    def _execute_local(self):
        """ Run command. """
        self._logger.info('executing %s...', self.command)
        start_time = time.time()

        self._process = \
            ShellProc(self.command, self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr,
        self._logger.debug('PID = %d', self._process.pid)

            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._process.wait(self.poll_delay, self.timeout)
            self._process = None

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %.1f sec.', et)

        return (return_code, error_msg)

    def _execute_remote(self):
        Allocate a server based on required resources, send inputs,
        run command, and retrieve results.
        # Allocate server.
        self._server, server_info = RAM.allocate(self.resources)
        if self._server is None:
            self.raise_exception('Server allocation failed :-(', RuntimeError)

        return_code = -88888888
        error_msg = ''
            # Create resource description for command.
            rdesc = self.resources.copy()
            rdesc['job_name'] = self.get_pathname()
            rdesc['remote_command'] = self.command[0]
            if len(self.command) > 1:
                rdesc['args'] = self.command[1:]
            if self.env_vars:
                rdesc['job_environment'] = self.env_vars
            if self.stdin:
                rdesc['input_path'] = self.stdin
            if self.stdout:
                rdesc['output_path'] = self.stdout
            if self.stderr:
                if self.stderr == self.STDOUT:
                    rdesc['join_files'] = True
                    rdesc['error_path'] = self.stderr
            if self.timeout:
                rdesc['hard_run_duration_limit'] = self.timeout

            # Send inputs.
            patterns = []
            textfiles = []
            for metadata in self.external_files:
                if metadata.get('input', False):
                    if not metadata.binary:
            if patterns:
                self._send_inputs(patterns, textfiles)
                self._logger.debug('No input metadata paths')

            # Run command.
            self._logger.info('executing %s...', self.command)
            start_time = time.time()
            return_code, error_msg = \
            et = time.time() - start_time
            if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
                self._logger.info('elapsed time: %.1f sec.', et)

            # Retrieve results.
            patterns = []
            textfiles = []
            for metadata in self.external_files:
                if metadata.get('output', False):
                    if not metadata.binary:
            if patterns:
                self._retrieve_results(patterns, textfiles)
                self._logger.debug('No output metadata paths')

            self._server = None

        return (return_code, error_msg)

    def _send_inputs(self, patterns, textfiles):
        """ Sends input files matching `patterns`. """
        self._logger.info('sending inputs...')
        start_time = time.time()

        filename = 'inputs.zip'
        pfiles, pbytes = pack_zipfile(patterns, filename, self._logger)
            filexfer(None, filename, self._server, filename, 'b')
            ufiles, ubytes = self._server.unpack_zipfile(filename,

        # Difficult to force file transfer error.
        if ufiles != pfiles or ubytes != pbytes:  #pragma no cover
            msg = 'Inputs xfer error: %d:%d vs. %d:%d' \
                  % (ufiles, ubytes, pfiles, pbytes)
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %f sec.', et)

    def _retrieve_results(self, patterns, textfiles):
        """ Retrieves result files matching `patterns`. """
        self._logger.info('retrieving results...')
        start_time = time.time()

        filename = 'outputs.zip'
        pfiles, pbytes = self._server.pack_zipfile(patterns, filename)
        filexfer(self._server, filename, None, filename, 'b')

        # Valid, but empty, file causes unpack_zipfile() problems.
            if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
                ufiles, ubytes = unpack_zipfile(filename,
                ufiles, ubytes = 0, 0

        # Difficult to force file transfer error.
        if ufiles != pfiles or ubytes != pbytes:  #pragma no cover
            msg = 'Results xfer error: %d:%d vs. %d:%d' \
                  % (ufiles, ubytes, pfiles, pbytes)
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %f sec.', et)

    def stop(self):
        """ Stop the external code. """
        self._stop = True
        if self._process:

    def copy_inputs(self, inputs_dir, patterns):
        Copy inputs from `inputs_dir` that match `patterns`.

        inputs_dir: string
            Directory to copy files from. Relative paths are evaluated from
            the component's execution directory.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.

        This can be useful for resetting problem state.
        self._logger.info('copying initial inputs from %s...', inputs_dir)
        with self.dir_context:
            if not os.path.exists(inputs_dir):
                self.raise_exception("inputs_dir '%s' does not exist" \
                                     % inputs_dir, RuntimeError)
            self._copy(inputs_dir, patterns)

    def copy_results(self, results_dir, patterns):
        Copy files from `results_dir` that match `patterns`.

        results_dir: string
            Directory to copy files from. Relative paths are evaluated from
            the component's execution directory.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.

        This can be useful for workflow debugging when the external
        code takes a long time to execute.
        self._logger.info('copying precomputed results from %s...',
        with self.dir_context:
            if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
                self.raise_exception("results_dir '%s' does not exist" \
                                     % results_dir, RuntimeError)
            self._copy(results_dir, patterns)

    def _copy(self, directory, patterns):
        Copy files from `directory` that match `patterns`
        to the current directory and ensure they are writable.

        directory: string
            Directory to copy files from.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.
        if isinstance(patterns, basestring):
            patterns = [patterns]

        for pattern in patterns:
            pattern = os.path.join(directory, pattern)
            for src_path in sorted(glob.glob(pattern)):
                dst_path = os.path.basename(src_path)
                self._logger.debug('    %s', src_path)
                shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)
                # Ensure writable.
                mode = os.stat(dst_path).st_mode
                mode |= stat.S_IWUSR
                os.chmod(dst_path, mode)
def start_server(authkey='PublicKey',
    Start an :class:`ObjServerFactory` service in a separate process
    in the current directory.

    authkey: string
        Authorization key; must be matched by clients.

    address: string
        IPv4 address, hostname, or pipe name.
        Default is the host's default IPv4 address.

    port: int
        Server port (default of 0 implies next available port).
        Note that ports below 1024 typically require special privileges.
        If port is negative, then a local pipe is used for communication.

    prefix: string
        Prefix for server config file and stdout/stderr file.

    allowed_hosts: list(string)
        Host address patterns to check against. Required if `port` >= 0.
        Ignored if `allowed_users` is specified.

    allowed_users: dict
        Dictionary of users and corresponding public keys allowed access.
        If None, *any* user may access. If empty, no user may access.
        The host portions of user strings are used for address patterns.

    allow_shell: bool
        If True, :meth:`execute_command` and :meth:`load_model` are allowed.
        Use with caution!

    allowed_types: list(string)
        Names of types which may be created. If None, then allow types listed
        by :meth:`get_available_types`. If empty, no types are allowed.

    timeout: int
        Seconds to wait for server to start. Note that public key generation
        can take a while. The default value of None will use an internally
        computed value based on host type (and for Windows, the availability
        of pyWin32).

    tunnel: bool
        If True, report host IP address but listen for connections from a
        local SSH tunnel.

    resources: string
        Filename for resource configuration.

    log_prefix: string
        Name used to identify remote remote logging messages from server.
        Implies that the local process will be receiving the messages.

    Returns ``(server_proc, config_filename)``.
    if timeout is None:
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and not HAVE_PYWIN32:  # pragma no cover
            timeout = 120
            timeout = 30

    server_key = prefix + '.key'
    server_cfg = prefix + '.cfg'
    server_out = prefix + '.out'
    for path in (server_cfg, server_out):
        if os.path.exists(path):

    with open(server_key, 'w') as out:
        out.write('%s\n' % authkey)

    factory_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('openmdao.main',
    args = ['python', factory_path, '--port', str(port), '--prefix', prefix]

    if address is not None:
        args.extend(['--address', address])

    if tunnel:

    if resources is not None:

    if allowed_users is not None:
        write_authorized_keys(allowed_users, 'users.allow',
        args.extend(['--users', 'users.allow'])
        if port >= 0:
            if allowed_hosts is None:
                allowed_hosts = [socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())]
                if allowed_hosts[0].startswith('127.') and \
                                '' not in allowed_hosts:
            with open('hosts.allow', 'w') as out:
                for pattern in allowed_hosts:
                    out.write('%s\n' % pattern)
            if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
            else:  # pragma no cover
                logging.warning("Can't make hosts.allow private")

    if allow_shell:

    if allowed_types is not None:
        with open('types.allow', 'w') as out:
            for typname in allowed_types:
                out.write('%s\n' % typname)
        if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
        else:  # pragma no cover
            logging.warning("Can't make types.allow private")
        args.extend(['--types', 'types.allow'])

    if log_prefix is not None:
        log_host = socket.gethostname()
        log_port = logging_port(log_host, log_host)
        args.extend(['--log-host', log_host, '--log-port', str(log_port)])
        if log_prefix:  # Could be null (for default).
            args.extend(['--log-prefix', log_prefix])

    proc = ShellProc(args, stdout=server_out, stderr=STDOUT)

        # Wait for valid server_cfg file.
        retry = 0
        while (not os.path.exists(server_cfg)) or \
                (os.path.getsize(server_cfg) == 0):
            return_code = proc.poll()
            if return_code:
                error_msg = proc.error_message(return_code)
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup failed %s' % error_msg)
            retry += 1
            if retry < 10 * timeout:
            # Hard to cause a startup timeout.
            else:  # pragma no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup timeout')
        return (proc, server_cfg)
        if os.path.exists(server_key):
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ExternalCode(ComponentWithDerivatives):
    """ Run an external code as a component. """

    PIPE   = subprocess.PIPE
    STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT

    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    command = Str('', 
                  desc='The command to be executed.')
    env_vars = Dict({}, iotype='in',
                    desc='Environment variables required by the command.')
    resources = Dict({}, iotype='in',
                     desc='Resources required to run this component.')
    poll_delay = Float(0., low=0., units='s', iotype='in',
                       desc='Delay between polling for command completion.'
                            ' A value of zero will use an internally computed'
                            ' default.')
    timeout = Float(0., low=0., iotype='in', units='s',
                    desc='Maximum time to wait for command completion.'
                         ' A value of zero implies an infinite wait.')
    timed_out = Bool(False, iotype='out',
                     desc='True if the command timed-out.')
    return_code = Int(0, iotype='out',
                      desc='Return code from the command.')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ExternalCode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.stdin  = None
        self.stdout = None
        self.stderr = "error.out"

        self._process = None
        self._server = None

    # This gets used by remote server.
    def get_access_controller(self):  #pragma no cover
        """ Return :class:`AccessController` for this object. """
        return _AccessController()

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def set(self, path, value, index=None, src=None, force=False):
        """ Don't allow setting of 'command' by remote client. """
        if path in ('command', 'get_access_controller') and remote_access():
            self.raise_exception('%r may not be set() remotely' % path,
        return super(ExternalCode, self).set(path, value, index, src, force)

    def execute(self):
        Runs the specified command.

        First removes existing output (but not in/out) files.
        Then if `resources` have been specified, an appropriate server
        is allocated and the command is run on that server.
        Otherwise the command is run locally.
        self.return_code = -12345678
        self.timed_out = False

        for metadata in self.external_files:
            if metadata.get('output', False) and \
               not metadata.get('input', False):
                for path in glob.glob(metadata.path):
                    if os.path.exists(path):

        if not self.command:
            self.raise_exception('Null command line', ValueError)

        return_code = None
        error_msg = ''
            if self.resources:
                return_code, error_msg = self._execute_remote()
                return_code, error_msg = self._execute_local()

            if return_code is None:
                if self._stop:
                    self.raise_exception('Run stopped', RunStopped)
                    self.timed_out = True
                    self.raise_exception('Timed out', RunInterrupted)
            elif return_code:

                if isinstance(self.stderr, str):
                    stderrfile = open(self.stderr, 'r')
                    error_desc = stderrfile.read()
                    err_fragment = "\nError Output:\n%s" % error_desc
                    err_fragment = error_msg
                self.raise_exception('return_code = %d%s' \
                    % (return_code, err_fragment), RuntimeError)
            self.return_code = -999999 if return_code is None else return_code

    def _execute_local(self):
        """ Run command. """
        self._logger.info("executing '%s'...", self.command)
        start_time = time.time()

        self._process = \
            ShellProc(self.command, self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr,
        self._logger.debug('PID = %d', self._process.pid)

            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._process.wait(self.poll_delay, self.timeout)
            self._process = None

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %.1f sec.', et)

        return (return_code, error_msg)

    def _execute_remote(self):
        Allocate a server based on required resources, send inputs,
        run command, and retrieve results.
        # Allocate server.
        self._server, server_info = RAM.allocate(self.resources)
        if self._server is None:
            self.raise_exception('Server allocation failed :-(', RuntimeError)

        return_code = -88888888
        error_msg = ''
            # Send inputs.
            patterns = []
            for metadata in self.external_files:
                if metadata.get('input', False):
            if patterns:
                self._logger.debug("No input metadata paths")

            # Run command.
            self._logger.info("executing '%s'...", self.command)
            start_time = time.time()
            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._server.execute_command(self.command, self.stdin,
                                             self.stdout, self.stderr,
                                             self.env_vars, self.poll_delay,
            et = time.time() - start_time
            if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
                self._logger.info('elapsed time: %f sec.', et)

            # Retrieve results.
            patterns = []
            for metadata in self.external_files:
                if metadata.get('output', False):
            if patterns:
                self._logger.debug("No output metadata paths")

            self._server = None

        return (return_code, error_msg)

    def _send_inputs(self, patterns):
        """ Sends input files matching `patterns`. """
        self._logger.info('sending inputs...')
        start_time = time.time()

        filename = 'inputs.zip'
        pfiles, pbytes = pack_zipfile(patterns, filename, self._logger)
            filexfer(None, filename, self._server, filename, 'b')
            ufiles, ubytes = self._server.unpack_zipfile(filename)

        # Difficult to force file transfer error.
        if ufiles != pfiles or ubytes != pbytes:  #pragma no cover
            msg = 'Inputs xfer error: %d:%d vs. %d:%d' \
                  % (ufiles, ubytes, pfiles, pbytes)
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %f sec.', et)

    def _retrieve_results(self, patterns):
        """ Retrieves result files matching `patterns`. """
        self._logger.info('retrieving results...')
        start_time = time.time()

        filename = 'outputs.zip'
        pfiles, pbytes = self._server.pack_zipfile(tuple(patterns), filename)
            filexfer(self._server, filename, None, filename, 'b')
            ufiles, ubytes = unpack_zipfile(filename, self._logger)

        # Difficult to force file transfer error.
        if ufiles != pfiles or ubytes != pbytes:  #pragma no cover
            msg = 'Results xfer error: %d:%d vs. %d:%d' \
                  % (ufiles, ubytes, pfiles, pbytes)
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        et = time.time() - start_time
        if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            self._logger.info('elapsed time: %f sec.', et)

    def stop(self):
        """ Stop the external code. """
        self._stop = True
        if self._process:

    def copy_inputs(self, inputs_dir, patterns):
        Copy inputs from `inputs_dir` that match `patterns`.

        inputs_dir: string
            Directory to copy files from. Relative paths are evaluated from
            the component's execution directory.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.

        This can be useful for resetting problem state.
        self._logger.info('copying initial inputs from %s...', inputs_dir)
        with self.dir_context:
            if not os.path.exists(inputs_dir):
                self.raise_exception("inputs_dir '%s' does not exist" \
                                     % inputs_dir, RuntimeError)
            self._copy(inputs_dir, patterns)

    def copy_results(self, results_dir, patterns):
        Copy files from `results_dir` that match `patterns`.

        results_dir: string
            Directory to copy files from. Relative paths are evaluated from
            the component's execution directory.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.

        This can be useful for workflow debugging when the external
        code takes a long time to execute.
        self._logger.info('copying precomputed results from %s...', results_dir)
        with self.dir_context:
            if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
                self.raise_exception("results_dir '%s' does not exist" \
                                     % results_dir, RuntimeError)
            self._copy(results_dir, patterns)

    def _copy(self, directory, patterns):
        Copy files from `directory` that match `patterns`
        to the current directory and ensure they are writable.

        directory: string
            Directory to copy files from.

        patterns: list or string
            One or more :mod:`glob` patterns to match against.
        if isinstance(patterns, basestring):
            patterns = [patterns]

        for pattern in patterns:
            pattern = os.path.join(directory, pattern)
            for src_path in sorted(glob.glob(pattern)):
                dst_path = os.path.basename(src_path)
                self._logger.debug('    %s', src_path)
                shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)
                # Ensure writable.
                mode = os.stat(dst_path).st_mode
                mode |= stat.S_IWUSR
                os.chmod(dst_path, mode)