Ejemplo n.º 1
from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros
N = 30
M = 5
ff = lambda x: ((x-M)**2).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))

def df(x):
    r = 2*(x-M)
    r[0] += 15 #incorrect derivative
    r[8] += 80 #incorrect derivative
    return r
p.df =  df

p.c = lambda x: [2* x[0] **4-32, x[1]**2+x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1,1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1,2] = 2 * x[2] + 15 #incorrect derivative
    return r
p.dc = dc

p.h = lambda x: (1e1*(x[-1]-1)**4, (x[-2]-1.5)**4)

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,-1] = 1e1*4*(x[-1]-1)**3
    r[1,-2] = 4*(x[-2]-1.5)**3 + 15 #incorrect derivative
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 2
from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros
N = 30
M = 5
ff = lambda x: ((x - M)**2).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))
p.df = lambda x: 2 * (x - M)
p.c = lambda x: [2 * x[0]**4 - 32, x[1]**2 + x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0, 0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1, 1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1, 2] = 2 * x[2]
    return r

p.dc = dc

h1 = lambda x: 1e1 * (x[-1] - 1)**4
h2 = lambda x: (x[-2] - 1.5)**4
p.h = lambda x: (h1(x), h2(x))

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0, -1] = 1e1 * 4 * (x[-1] - 1)**3
    r[1, -2] = 4 * (x[-2] - 1.5)**3
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 3
from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros
N = 30
M = 5
ff = lambda x: ((x-M)**2).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))
p.df =  lambda x: 2*(x-M)
p.c = lambda x: [2* x[0] **4-32, x[1]**2+x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1,1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1,2] = 2 * x[2]
    return r
p.dc = dc

h1 = lambda x: 1e1*(x[-1]-1)**4
h2 = lambda x: (x[-2]-1.5)**4
p.h = lambda x: (h1(x), h2(x))

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,-1] = 1e1*4*(x[-1]-1)**3
    r[1,-2] = 4*(x[-2]-1.5)**3
    return r
p.dh = dh

p.lb = -6*ones(N)
p.ub = 6*ones(N)
p.lb[3] = 5.5
Ejemplo n.º 4
    x0fn = 'x0_' + infn[:-4] + '.txt'
    x0 = None
    if os.path.isfile(x0fn):
        x0 = np.loadtxt(x0fn)
    if x0 is None or x0.shape[0] != 2 * m + n:
        x0 = np.ones(2 * m + n)
#        x0[m + 1: 2 * m + 1] = I0 / 10

    lb = np.zeros(2 * m + n)
    ub = np.ones(2 * m + n)
    ub[m:] = np.inf

    p = NLP(error_function2, x0, maxIter=1e5, maxFunEvals=1e7, lb=lb, ub=ub)
    p.args.f = (I, m)
    p.df = grad
    r = p.solve('ralg', plot=1)
    x = r.xf

    xfn = 'x_' + infn[:-4] + '.txt'

    np.savetxt(xfn, x)

    # p = NLP(error_function2, x, maxIter=1e4, maxFunEvals=1e6, lb=lb, ub=ub)
    # p.args.f = (I, m)
    # r = p.solve('ralg', plot=1)
    # x = r.xf
    # logger.info(x)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    #    p.maxfun=100

        #p.df_iter = 50
        p.maxTime = 4000

        if 0:
    #    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
        if 1:

            p.df = S_grad

        if 0:
            print 'checking'
Ejemplo n.º 6
this is an example of using d2f - Hesse matrix (2nd derivatives)
d2c, d2h, d2l are intended to be implemented soon 
and to be connected to ALGENCAN and/or CVXOPT 
and/or other NLP solvers

from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros, diag
N = 300
M = 5
ff = lambda x: ((x-M)**4).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))
p.df =  lambda x: 4*(x-M)**3
p.d2f = lambda x: diag(12*(x-M)**2)
# other valid assignment: 
# p = NLP(lambda x: ((x-M)**4).sum(), cos(arange(N)), df =  lambda x: 4*(x-M)**3, d2f = lambda x: diag(12*(x-M)**2))
# or 
# p = NLP(x0 = cos(arange(N)), f = lambda x: ((x-M)**4).sum(), df =  lambda x: 4*(x-M)**3, d2f = lambda x: diag(12*(x-M)**2))
r = p.solve('scipy_ncg')
print('objfunc val: %e' % r.ff) # it should be a small positive like 5.23656378549e-08

Ejemplo n.º 7
from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, zeros, mat, array

N = 50
# objfunc:
# (x0-1)^4 + (x2-1)^4 + ... +(x49-1)^4 -> min (N=nVars=50)
f = lambda x : ((x-1)**4).sum()
x0 = cos(arange(N))
p = NLP(f, x0, maxIter = 1e3, maxFunEvals = 1e5)

# f(x) gradient (optional):
p.df = lambda x: 4*(x-1)**3

# lb<= x <= ub:
# x4 <= -2.5
# 3.5 <= x5 <= 4.5
# all other: lb = -5, ub = +15
p.lb = -5*ones(N)
p.ub = 15*ones(N)
p.ub[4] = -2.5
p.lb[5], p.ub[5] = 3.5, 4.5

# Ax <= b
# x0+...+xN>= 1.1*N
# x9 + x19 <= 1.5
# x10+x11 >= 1.6
p.A = zeros((3, N))
p.A[0, 9] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
        p.maxIter = 50
        #    p.maxfun=100

        #p.df_iter = 50
        p.maxTime = 4000
        h_args = (h, k, l, fq, fqerr, x, z, cosmat_list, coslist, flist)

        if 0:
            p.h = [pos_sum, neg_sum]
            p.c = [chisq]
            #    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
            p.args.h = h_args
            p.args.c = h_args
            p.dh = [pos_sum_grad, neg_sum_grad]
            p.df = chisq_grad
        if 1:

            p.c = [chisq]
            p.h = [pos_sum, neg_sum]
            p.args.h = h_args
            p.args.c = h_args
            p.dh = [pos_sum_grad, neg_sum_grad]
            p.dc = chisq_grad
            p.df = S_grad

        if 0:
            print 'checking'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def single_shooting(model, initial_u=0.4, plot=True):
    """Run single shooting of model model with a constant u.
    The function returns the optimal u.
     * Currently written specifically for VDP.
     * Currently only supports one input/control signal.
    model -- the model which is to be simulated. Only models with one control
             signal is supported.
    Keyword parameters:
    initial_u -- the initial input U_0 used to initialize the optimization
    assert len(model.u) == 1, "More than one control signal is " \
                                         "not supported as of today."

    start_time = model.opt_interval_get_start_time()
    end_time = model.opt_interval_get_final_time()

    u = model.u
    u0 = N.array([initial_u])
    print "Initial u:", u

    gradient = None
    gradient_u = None

    def f(cur_u):
        """The cost evaluation function."""
        u[:] = cur_u
        print "u is", u
        big_gradient, last_y, gradparams, sens = _shoot(
            model, start_time, end_time)

        model.set_x_p(last_y, 0)
        model.set_dx_p(model.dx, 0)
        model.set_u_p(model.u, 0)
        cost = model.opt_eval_J()

        gradient_u = cur_u.copy()
        gradient = big_gradient[gradparams['u_start']:gradparams['u_end']]

        print "Cost:", cost
        print "Grad:", gradient
        return cost

    def df(cur_u):
        """The gradient of the cost function.
        NOT USED right now.
        u[:] = cur_u
        print "u is", u
        big_gradient, last_y, gradparams, sens = _shoot(
            model, start_time, end_time)

        model.set_x_p(last_y, 0)
        model.set_dx_p(model.dx, 0)
        model.set_u_p(model.u, 0)
        cost = model.opt_eval_J()

        gradient_u = cur_u.copy()
        gradient = big_gradient[gradparams['u_start']:gradparams['u_end']]

        print "Cost:", cost
        print "Grad:", gradient
        return gradient

    p = NLP(f, u0, maxIter=1e3, maxFunEvals=1e2)
    p.df = df
    if plot:
        p.plot = 1
        p.plot = 0
    p.iprint = 1

    u_opt = p.solve('scipy_slsqp')
    return u_opt
Ejemplo n.º 10
from openopt import NLP

from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, zeros, mat, array, sin, cos, sign, abs, inf
N = 1500
K = 50
# 1st arg - objective function
# 2nd arg - x0

p = NLP(lambda x: (abs(x-5)).sum(), 8*cos(arange(N)), iprint = 50, maxIter = 1e3)

# f(x) gradient (optional):
p.df = lambda x: sign(x-5)

p.lb = 5*ones(N) + sin(arange(N)) - 0.1
p.ub = 5*ones(N) + sin(arange(N)) + 0.1
p.lb[:N/4] = -inf
p.ub[3*N/4:] = inf

#p.ub[4] = 4
#p.lb[5], p.ub[5] = 8, 15

#A = zeros((K, N))
#b = zeros(K)
#for i in xrange(K):
#    A[i] = 1+cos(i+arange(N))
#    b[i] = sin(i)
#p.A = A
#p.b = b

#p.Aeq = zeros(p.n)
#p.Aeq[100:102] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 11
this is an example of using d2f - Hesse matrix (2nd derivatives)
d2c, d2h, d2l are intended to be implemented soon 
and to be connected to ALGENCAN and/or CVXOPT 
and/or other NLP solvers

from openopt import NLP
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros, diag
N = 300
M = 5
ff = lambda x: ((x - M)**4).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))
p.df = lambda x: 4 * (x - M)**3
p.d2f = lambda x: diag(12 * (x - M)**2)
# other valid assignment:
# p = NLP(lambda x: ((x-M)**4).sum(), cos(arange(N)), df =  lambda x: 4*(x-M)**3, d2f = lambda x: diag(12*(x-M)**2))
# or
# p = NLP(x0 = cos(arange(N)), f = lambda x: ((x-M)**4).sum(), df =  lambda x: 4*(x-M)**3, d2f = lambda x: diag(12*(x-M)**2))
r = p.solve('scipy_ncg')
print('objfunc val: %e' %
      r.ff)  # it should be a small positive like 5.23656378549e-08
Ejemplo n.º 12
from openopt import NLP

from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, zeros, mat, array, sin, cos, sign, abs, inf

N = 1500
K = 50
# 1st arg - objective function
# 2nd arg - x0

p = NLP(lambda x: (abs(x - 5)).sum(),
        8 * cos(arange(N)),

# f(x) gradient (optional):
p.df = lambda x: sign(x - 5)

p.lb = 5 * ones(N) + sin(arange(N)) - 0.1
p.ub = 5 * ones(N) + sin(arange(N)) + 0.1
p.lb[:N / 4] = -inf
p.ub[3 * N / 4:] = inf

#p.ub[4] = 4
#p.lb[5], p.ub[5] = 8, 15

#A = zeros((K, N))
#b = zeros(K)
#for i in xrange(K):
#    A[i] = 1+cos(i+arange(N))
#    b[i] = sin(i)
#p.A = A