Ejemplo n.º 1
class CommentWriter(object):

    def extract_comments(self):
         extract list of comments and authors
        for _coord, cell in iteritems(self.sheet._cells):
            if cell.comment is not None:

    def __init__(self, sheet):
        self.sheet = sheet
        self.authors = IndexedList()
        self.comments = []


    def write_comments(self):
        # produce xml
        root = Element("{%s}comments" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        authorlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}authors" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for author in self.authors:
            leaf = SubElement(authorlist_tag, "{%s}author" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            leaf.text = author

        commentlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}commentList" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for comment in self.comments:
            attrs = {'ref': comment._parent.coordinate,
                     'authorId': '%d' % self.authors.index(comment.author),
                     'shapeId': '0'}
            comment_tag = SubElement(commentlist_tag,
                                     "{%s}comment" % SHEET_MAIN_NS, attrs)

            text_tag = SubElement(comment_tag, "{%s}text" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            run_tag = SubElement(text_tag, "{%s}r" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}rPr" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag = SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}t" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag.text = comment.text

        return tostring(root)

    def write_comments_vml(self):
        root = Element("xml")
        shape_layout = SubElement(root, "{%s}shapelayout" % officens,
                                  {"{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit"})
                   "{%s}idmap" % officens,
                   {"{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit", "data": "1"})
        shape_type = SubElement(root,
                                "{%s}shapetype" % vmlns,
                                {"id": "_x0000_t202",
                                 "coordsize": "21600,21600",
                                 "{%s}spt" % officens: "202",
                                 "path": "m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe"})
        SubElement(shape_type, "{%s}stroke" % vmlns, {"joinstyle": "miter"})
                   "{%s}path" % vmlns,
                   {"gradientshapeok": "t",
                    "{%s}connecttype" % officens: "rect"})

        for i, comment in enumerate(self.comments, 1026):
            shape = self._write_comment_shape(comment, i)

        return tostring(root)

    def _write_comment_shape(self, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        col, row = coordinate_from_string(comment._parent.coordinate)
        row -= 1
        column = column_index_from_string(col) - 1

        style = ("position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;"
                 "z-index:1;visibility:hidden") % {'height': comment._height,
                                                   'width': comment._width}
        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%04d" % idx ,
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": style,
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = Element("{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns,
                   {"color2": "#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns,
                   {"color": "black", "obscured": "t"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns,
                   {"{%s}connecttype" % officens: "none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns,
                             {"style": "mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns,
                                 {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = "%d" % row
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = "%d" % column
        return shape
Ejemplo n.º 2
class CommentWriter(object):
    def extract_comments(self):
         extract list of comments and authors
        for _coord, cell in iteritems(self.sheet._cells):
            if cell.comment is not None:

    def __init__(self, sheet):
        self.sheet = sheet
        self.authors = IndexedList()
        self.comments = []


    def write_comments(self):
        # produce xml
        root = Element("{%s}comments" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        authorlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}authors" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for author in self.authors:
            leaf = SubElement(authorlist_tag, "{%s}author" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            leaf.text = author

        commentlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}commentList" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for comment in self.comments:
            attrs = {
                'ref': comment._parent.coordinate,
                'authorId': '%d' % self.authors.index(comment.author),
                'shapeId': '0'
            comment_tag = SubElement(commentlist_tag,
                                     "{%s}comment" % SHEET_MAIN_NS, attrs)

            text_tag = SubElement(comment_tag, "{%s}text" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            run_tag = SubElement(text_tag, "{%s}r" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}rPr" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag = SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}t" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag.text = comment.text

        return tostring(root)

    def write_comments_vml(self):
        root = Element("xml")
        shape_layout = SubElement(root, "{%s}shapelayout" % officens,
                                  {"{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit"})
        SubElement(shape_layout, "{%s}idmap" % officens, {
            "{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit",
            "data": "1"
        shape_type = SubElement(
            root, "{%s}shapetype" % vmlns, {
                "id": "_x0000_t202",
                "coordsize": "21600,21600",
                "{%s}spt" % officens: "202",
                "path": "m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe"
        SubElement(shape_type, "{%s}stroke" % vmlns, {"joinstyle": "miter"})
        SubElement(shape_type, "{%s}path" % vmlns, {
            "gradientshapeok": "t",
            "{%s}connecttype" % officens: "rect"

        for i, comment in enumerate(self.comments, 1026):
            shape = self._write_comment_shape(comment, i)

        return tostring(root)

    def _write_comment_shape(self, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        col, row = coordinate_from_string(comment._parent.coordinate)
        row -= 1
        column = column_index_from_string(col) - 1

        style = ("position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;"
                 "z-index:1;visibility:hidden") % {
                     'height': comment._height,
                     'width': comment._width
        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%04d" % idx,
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": style,
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = Element("{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns, {"color2": "#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns, {
            "color": "black",
            "obscured": "t"
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns,
                   {"{%s}connecttype" % officens: "none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns,
                             {"style": "mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns,
                                 {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = "%d" % row
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = "%d" % column
        return shape
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ExcelRenderer(mistune.Renderer):
        Renders a Markdown formatted text to an OOXML worksheet.
        Each block item (paragraph, headline, code...) is rendered in a
        separate cell, while inline elements (including newlines) are
        placed into cells as rich text.
        Some features of Markdown are not supported:
        - Tables
        - Images
        - HTML tags
        - Footnotes (for the moment)
        - List item continuation after a nested list (is considered as a new
          list item)
        Links are output in text as footnotes and target is placed at the end,
        after a blank cell.
        When using this renderer, the markdown processor will output an
        instance of :py:class:`Collector`. Use its :py:func:`~Collector.render`
        function to get the result in a worksheet.
        .. sourcecode:: python
            from openpyxl import Workbook
            renderer = ExcelRenderer()
            markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)
            collector = markdown(text)
            wb = Workbook()
            ws = wb.active
            wb.save(<output path>)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.links = IndexedList()

    def placeholder(self):
        return Collector(self)

    # ==== Block elements ====

    def _get_block(self, bucket):
        if bucket.inline is not None:
            return BlockCollector(bucket.inline)
            return bucket.block

    def block_code(self, code, language=None):
        #print("block_code: ", code, language)
        return self._get_block(code).nest("code")

    def block_quote(self, text):
        #print("block_quote: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("quote")

    def block_html(self, html):
        #print("block_html: ", html)
        return None

    def header(self, text, level, raw=None):
        #print("header: ", text, level, raw)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("h" + str(level))

    def hrule(self):
        #print("hrule: ")
        return BlockCollector(InlineCollector("")).nest("hrule")

    def list(self, body, ordered=True):
        #print("list: ", body, ordered)
        return self._get_block(body).nest("list")

    def list_item(self, text):
        #print("list_item: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("list_item")

    def paragraph(self, text):
        #print("paragraph: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("paragraph")

    def table(self, header, body):
        #print("table: ", header, body)
        return None

    def table_row(self, content):
        #print("table_row", content)
        return None

    def table_cell(self, content, **flags):
        #print("table_cell: ", content, flags)
        return None

    # ==== Inline elements ====

    def autolink(self, link, is_email=False):
        #print("autolink: ", link, is_email)
        return link.inline.apply_marker("l")

    def codespan(self, text):
        #print("codespan: ", text)
        return InlineCollector(text).apply_marker("c")

    def double_emphasis(self, text):
        return text.inline.apply_marker("i").apply_marker("b")

    def emphasis(self, text):
        #print("emphasis: ", text)
        return text.inline.apply_marker("i")

    def image(self, src, title, alt_text):
        return None

    def linebreak(self):
        return InlineCollector("\n")

    def newline(self):
        return None

    def link(self, link, title, content):
        #print("link: ", link, title, content)
        idx = self.links.index(link) + 1
        return content.inline.apply_marker("l").append("[{:d}]".format(idx))

    def strikethrough(self, text):
        #print("strikethrough: ", text)
        return text.inline.apply_marker("s")

    def text(self, text):
        #print("text: ", text)
        return InlineCollector(text)

    def inline_html(self, text):
        return text.inline

    def terminate(self):
            Called by the collector when the render function is called
        collector = Collector(self)
        if len(self.links) > 0:
            # Blank line
            collector += BlockCollector(InlineCollector(""))
            # Each link in a special cell with format
            # "[<idx>] <link>"
            for idx, link in enumerate(self.links, start=1):
                content = InlineCollector("[{:d}] ".format(idx))
                content += InlineCollector(link).apply_marker("l")
                block = BlockCollector(content).nest("link")
                collector += block
            # Reset links
            self.links = IndexedList()
        return collector