Ejemplo n.º 1
    def pegcharting(self, args, writer, dfname):
            query() to make different kind of advanced selections, by chain-query
            the query result can continue excute a nother query directy
            this is more flexible than pure python filtering, which stay on the
            original dataframe

        print("--pegCharting {} \n".format(dfname))

        contentSheet = writer.sheets["Contents"]

        # Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects.
        workbook = writer.book
        # Create a chart object.
        chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'})
        # Configure the series of the chart from the dataframe data.
        length = len(self._df.index)
        category_column = 0
        seriesNameRow = 0  # data series names
        start_row = 1  # start from 0, skip first category
        stop_row = length + 1  # include all rows, exclude first row
        start_column = 1  # start from 0, skip  DateTime
        stop_column = len(self._df.columns) + 1  # start from 0, skip DateTime
        sheetName = "pmCounter" + str(self.sheetLinkRow)  # nick name to avoid 31 chars conflict
        for c in range(start_column, stop_column):
                'name': ['{}'.format(sheetName), seriesNameRow, c],
                'categories': ['{}'.format(sheetName), start_row, category_column, stop_row, category_column],
                'values': ['{}'.format(sheetName), start_row, c, stop_row, c]
        # Insert the chart into the worksheet.
        chart.set_title({'name': "{}".format(dfname)})
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30073845/in-python-xlsxwriter-how-do-you-set-x-axis-with-dates-to-be-a-text-axis
        chart.set_x_axis({'name': 'rop', 'text_axis': True, 'date_axis': False})

        chart_cell = xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row + 2, 2)
        #  chart_cell = xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row, stop_column+2)

        worksheet = writer.sheets['{}'.format(sheetName)]
        worksheet.insert_chart(chart_cell, chart)

        link_format = writer.book.add_format({'color': 'blue', 'underline': 1})
        link_text = "Contents List"
        worksheet.write_url(xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row + 1, 0),
                            "internal:'{}'!B{}".format("Contents", self.sheetLinkRow + 1), link_format, link_text)

        # chartSheet = workbook.add_chartsheet('{}_c'.format(sheetName))
        # chartSheet.set_chart(chart)

        # link_format = writer.book.add_format({'color':'blue', 'underline':1})
        # contentSheet.write_url(xl_rowcol_to_cell(self.sheetLinkRow,0), "internal:'{}_c'!A1".format(sheetName), link_format, "{}_chart".format(dfname) )
        # self.sheetLinkRow += 1

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def pdfcharting(self, args, writer, dfname):

        print("--pdfCharting {} \n".format(dfname))

        # dfnameFull = dfname
        # nameLen = len(dfnameFull)
        # if nameLen > 31: #ugly excel limit
        #    dfname = dfnameFull[nameLen-31:] # use last 31 chars to avoid possilbe name conflit

        # Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects.
        workbook = writer.book
        # Create a chart object.
        chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'})
        # Configure the series of the chart from the dataframe data.
        length = len(self._df.index)
        category_column = 0
        seriesNameRow = 0  # data series names
        start_row = 1  # start from 0, skip first category
        stop_row = length + 1  # include all rows, exclude first row
        start_column = 1  # start from 0, skip  DateTime
        stop_column = len(self._df.columns) + 1  # start from 0, skip DateTime
        sheetName = "pmCounter" + str(self.sheetLinkRow)  # nick name to avoid 31 chars conflict
        for c in range(start_column, stop_column):
                'name': ['{}'.format(sheetName), seriesNameRow, c],
                'categories': ['{}'.format(sheetName), start_row, category_column, stop_row, category_column],
                'values': ['{}'.format(sheetName), start_row, c, stop_row, c]
        # Insert the chart into the worksheet.
        chart.set_title({'name': "{}".format(dfname)})
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30073845/in-python-xlsxwriter-how-do-you-set-x-axis-with-dates-to-be-a-text-axis

        chart_cell = xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row + 2, 2)
        #  chart_cell = xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row, stop_column+2)
        worksheet = writer.sheets['{}'.format(sheetName)]
        worksheet.insert_chart(chart_cell, chart)
        link_format = writer.book.add_format({'color': 'blue', 'underline': 1})
        link_text = "Contents List"
        worksheet.write_url(xl_rowcol_to_cell(stop_row + 1, 0),
                            "internal:'{}'!B{}".format("Contents", self.sheetLinkRow + 1), link_format, link_text)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def CreateSummary( filename) :
	print filename
	P_count = 0
	F_count = 0
	T_count = 0
	NE_count = 0
	E_count = 0
	rb = open_workbook(filename)
	r_sheet = rb.sheet_by_index(0)
	num_rows = r_sheet.nrows
	num_cols = r_sheet.ncols
	workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('ExecutionDetails.xlsx')
	worksheet2 = workbook.add_worksheet("Summary")
	worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Test Case")
	bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
	color_format = workbook.add_format()
	c1_index = 0
	while c1_index < num_cols:
		cell_value = r_sheet.cell_value(0, c1_index)
		if (cell_value == "Status"):
			status_col = c1_index
		c1_index += 1
	r1_index = 1
	while r1_index < num_rows:
		cell_value = r_sheet.cell_value(r1_index,status_col)
		if (cell_value == "PASS"):
			P_count += 1
		elif (cell_value == "FAIL"):
			F_count += 1
			NE_count += 1
		r1_index += 1
	E_count =P_count + F_count
	T_count = E_count + NE_count
	r_index = 0
	while r_index < num_rows:
		c_index = 0	
		while c_index < num_cols:
			cell_value = r_sheet.cell_value(r_index,c_index)
			if ( r_index == 0 ):
			else :
				if (cell_value == 'FAIL'):
			c_index += 1
		r_index += 1
	headings = ['Status', 'Count']
	data = [
		['Pass', 'Fail', 'Not Executed', 'Total'],
		[P_count, F_count, NE_count, T_count],
	worksheet2.write_row('A1', headings, bold)
	worksheet2.write_column('A2', data[0])
	worksheet2.write_column('B2', data[1])
	chart1 = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'pie'})
		'categories': ['Summary', 1, 0, 2, 0],
		'values':     ['Summary', 1, 1, 2, 1],
		'line':       {'color': 'red'},
	chart1.set_title({'name': 'Execution Report'})
	worksheet2.insert_chart('C2', chart1, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10})		