Ejemplo n.º 1
def export_hcurves_csv(ekey, dstore):
    Exports the hazard curves into several .csv files

    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    info = get_info(dstore)
    R = dstore['full_lt'].get_num_rlzs()
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    key, kind, fmt = get_kkf(ekey)
    fnames = []
    comment = dstore.metadata
    hmap_dt = oq.hmap_dt()
    for kind in oq.get_kinds(kind, R):
        fname = hazard_curve_name(dstore, (key, fmt), kind)
        comment.update(kind=kind, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
        if (key in ('hmaps', 'uhs') and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra or
            hmap = extract(dstore, 'hmaps?kind=' + kind)[kind]
        if key == 'uhs' and oq.poes and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
            uhs_curves = calc.make_uhs(hmap, info)
                fname, util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, uhs_curves),
        elif key == 'hmaps' and oq.poes and oq.hazard_maps:
                export_hmaps_csv(ekey, fname, sitemesh,
                                 hmap.flatten().view(hmap_dt), comment))
        elif key == 'hcurves':
            # shape (N, R|S, M, L1)
            if ('amplification' in oq.inputs and
                    oq.amplification_method == 'convolution'):
                imtls = DictArray(
                    {imt: oq.soil_intensities for imt in oq.imtls})
                imtls = oq.imtls
            for imt, imls in imtls.items():
                hcurves = extract(
                    dstore, 'hcurves?kind=%s&imt=%s' % (kind, imt))[kind]
                        ekey, kind, fname, sitecol, hcurves, imt, imls,
    return sorted(fnames)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ContextMaker(object):
    A class to manage the creation of contexts for distances, sites, rupture.

    def __init__(self, trt, gsims, param=None, monitor=Monitor()):
        param = param or {}  # empty in the gmpe-smtk
        self.af = param.get('af', None)
        self.max_sites_disagg = param.get('max_sites_disagg', 10)
        self.collapse_level = param.get('collapse_level', False)
        self.trt = trt
        self.gsims = gsims
        self.single_site_opt = numpy.array(
            [hasattr(gsim, 'get_mean_std1') for gsim in gsims])
        self.maximum_distance = (param.get('maximum_distance')
                                 or MagDepDistance({}))
        self.investigation_time = param.get('investigation_time')
        self.trunclevel = param.get('truncation_level')
        self.num_epsilon_bins = param.get('num_epsilon_bins', 1)
        self.effect = param.get('effect')
        self.task_no = getattr(monitor, 'task_no', 0)
        for req in self.REQUIRES:
            reqset = set()
            for gsim in gsims:
                reqset.update(getattr(gsim, 'REQUIRES_' + req))
            setattr(self, 'REQUIRES_' + req, reqset)
        # self.pointsource_distance is a dict mag -> dist, possibly empty
        psd = param.get('pointsource_distance')
        if hasattr(psd, 'ddic'):
            self.pointsource_distance = psd.ddic.get(trt, {})
            self.pointsource_distance = {}
        if 'imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = param['imtls']
        elif 'hazard_imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = DictArray(param['hazard_imtls'])
            self.imtls = {}
        self.imts = [imt_module.from_string(imt) for imt in self.imtls]
        self.reqv = param.get('reqv')
        if self.reqv is not None:
        self.mon = monitor
        self.ctx_mon = monitor('make_contexts', measuremem=False)
        self.loglevels = DictArray(self.imtls) if self.imtls else {}
        self.shift_hypo = param.get('shift_hypo')
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # avoid RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
            for imt, imls in self.imtls.items():
                if imt != 'MMI':
                    self.loglevels[imt] = numpy.log(imls)

        # instantiate monitors
        self.gmf_mon = monitor('computing mean_std', measuremem=False)
        self.poe_mon = monitor('get_poes', measuremem=False)

    def multi(self, ctxs):
        :params ctxs: a list of contexts, all referring to a single point
        :returns: a multiple RuptureContext
        ctx = RuptureContext()
        for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
            setattr(ctx, par, getattr(ctxs[0], par))
        for par in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
            vals = [getattr(ctx, par) for ctx in ctxs]
            setattr(ctx, par, numpy.array(vals))
        for par in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
            dists = [getattr(ctx, par)[0] for ctx in ctxs]
            setattr(ctx, par, numpy.array(dists))
        ctx.ctxs = ctxs
        return ctx

    def gen_ctx_poes(self, ctxs):
        :param ctxs: a list of C context objects
        :yields: C pairs (ctx, poes of shape (N, L, G))
        nsites = numpy.array([len(ctx.sids) for ctx in ctxs])
        C = len(ctxs)
        N = nsites.sum()
        poes = numpy.zeros((N, self.loglevels.size, len(self.gsims)))
        if self.single_site_opt.any():
            ctx = self.multi(ctxs)
        for g, gsim in enumerate(self.gsims):
            with self.gmf_mon:
                # builds mean_std of shape (2, N, M)
                if self.single_site_opt[g] and C > 1 and (nsites == 1).all():
                    mean_std = gsim.get_mean_std1(ctx, self.imts)
                    mean_std = gsim.get_mean_std(ctxs, self.imts)
            with self.poe_mon:
                # builds poes of shape (N, L, G)
                poes[:, :, g] = gsim.get_poes(mean_std, self.loglevels,
                                              self.trunclevel, self.af, ctxs)
        s = 0
        for ctx, n in zip(ctxs, nsites):
            yield ctx, poes[s:s + n]
            s += n

    def get_ctx_params(self):
        :returns: the interesting attributes of the context
        params = {
            'occurrence_rate', 'sids_', 'src_id', 'probs_occur_', 'clon_',
            'clat_', 'rrup_'
        for dparam in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
            params.add(dparam + '_')
        return params

    def from_srcs(self, srcs, site1):  # used in disagg.disaggregation
        :returns: a list RuptureContexts
        allctxs = []
        for i, src in enumerate(srcs):
            src.id = i
            ctxs = []
            for rup in src.iter_ruptures(shift_hypo=self.shift_hypo):
            allctxs.extend(self.gen_ctxs(ctxs, site1, src.id))
        return allctxs

    def filter(self, sites, rup):
        Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture.

        :param sites:
            Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
        :param rup:
            Instance of
            (filtered sites, distance context)
        distances = get_distances(rup, sites, 'rrup')
        mdist = self.maximum_distance(self.trt, rup.mag)
        mask = distances <= mdist
        if mask.any():
            sites, distances = sites.filter(mask), distances[mask]
            raise FarAwayRupture('%d: %d km' % (rup.rup_id, distances.min()))
        return sites, DistancesContext([('rrup', distances)])

    def make_rctx(self, rupture):
        Add .REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS to the rupture
        ctx = RuptureContext()
        for param in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
            if param == 'mag':
                value = rupture.mag
            elif param == 'strike':
                value = rupture.surface.get_strike()
            elif param == 'dip':
                value = rupture.surface.get_dip()
            elif param == 'rake':
                value = rupture.rake
            elif param == 'ztor':
                value = rupture.surface.get_top_edge_depth()
            elif param == 'hypo_lon':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.longitude
            elif param == 'hypo_lat':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.latitude
            elif param == 'hypo_depth':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.depth
            elif param == 'width':
                value = rupture.surface.get_width()
                raise ValueError('%s requires unknown rupture parameter %r' %
                                 (type(self).__name__, param))
            setattr(ctx, param, value)
        return ctx

    def make_contexts(self, sites, rupture):
        Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture and
        create context objects.

        :param sites:
            Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.

        :param rupture:
            Instance of

            Tuple of three items: rupture, sites and distances context.

        :raises ValueError:
            If any of declared required parameters (site, rupture and
            distance parameters) is unknown.
        sites, dctx = self.filter(sites, rupture)
        for param in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES - {'rrup'}:
            distances = get_distances(rupture, sites, param)
            setattr(dctx, param, distances)
        reqv_obj = (self.reqv.get(self.trt) if self.reqv else None)
        if reqv_obj and isinstance(rupture.surface, PlanarSurface):
            reqv = reqv_obj.get(dctx.repi, rupture.mag)
            if 'rjb' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                dctx.rjb = reqv
            if 'rrup' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                dctx.rrup = numpy.sqrt(reqv**2 + rupture.hypocenter.depth**2)
        return self.make_rctx(rupture), sites, dctx

    def gen_ctxs(self, ruptures, sites, src_id, mon=Monitor()):
        :param ruptures:
            a list of ruptures generated by the same source
        :param sites:
            a (filtered) SiteCollection
        :param src_id:
            the ID of the source (for debugging purposes)
        :param mon:
            a Monitor object
            fat RuptureContexts
        fewsites = len(sites.complete) <= self.max_sites_disagg
        for rup in ruptures:
            with mon:
                    ctx, r_sites, dctx = self.make_contexts(
                        getattr(rup, 'sites', sites), rup)
                except FarAwayRupture:
                for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
                    setattr(ctx, par, r_sites[par])
                ctx.sids = r_sites.sids
                ctx.src_id = src_id
                for par in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES | {'rrup'}:
                    setattr(ctx, par, getattr(dctx, par))
                if fewsites:
                    closest = rup.surface.get_closest_points(sites.complete)
                    ctx.clon = closest.lons[ctx.sids]
                    ctx.clat = closest.lats[ctx.sids]
            yield ctx

    def collapse_the_ctxs(self, ctxs):
        Collapse contexts with similar parameters and distances.

        :param ctxs: a list of pairs (rup, dctx)
        :returns: collapsed contexts
        if len(ctxs) == 1:
            return ctxs

        if self.collapse_level >= 3:  # hack, ignore everything except mag
            rrp = ['mag']
            rnd = 0  # round distances to 1 km
            rrp = self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS
            rnd = 1  # round distances to 100 m

        def params(ctx):
            lst = []
            for par in rrp:
                lst.append(getattr(ctx, par))
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                lst.extend(numpy.round(getattr(ctx, dst), rnd))
            return tuple(lst)

        out = []
        for values in groupby(ctxs, params).values():
        return out

    def max_intensity(self, sitecol1, mags, dists):
        :param sitecol1: a SiteCollection instance with a single site
        :param mags: a sequence of magnitudes
        :param dists: a sequence of distances
        :returns: an array of GMVs of shape (#mags, #dists)
        assert len(sitecol1) == 1, sitecol1
        nmags, ndists = len(mags), len(dists)
        gmv = numpy.zeros((nmags, ndists))
        for m, d in itertools.product(range(nmags), range(ndists)):
            mag, dist = mags[m], dists[d]
            ctx = RuptureContext()
            for par in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, 0)
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                setattr(ctx, dst, numpy.array([dist]))
            for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, getattr(sitecol1, par))
            ctx.sids = sitecol1.sids
            ctx.mag = mag
            ctx.width = .01  # 10 meters to avoid warnings in abrahamson_2014
            means = []
            for gsim in self.gsims:
                    mean = gsim.get_mean_std([ctx], self.imts)[0, 0]
                except ValueError:  # magnitude outside of supported range
            if means:
                gmv[m, d] = numpy.exp(max(means))
        return gmv
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ContextMaker(object):
    A class to manage the creation of contexts and to compute mean/stddevs
    and possibly PoEs.

    :param trt: a tectonic region type string
    :param gsims: a list of GSIMs or a dictionary gsim -> rlz indices
    :param param:
       a dictionary of parameters like the maximum_distance, the IMTLs,
       the investigation time, etc

    NB: the trt can be different from the tectonic region type for which
    the underlying GSIMs are defined. This is intentional.
    rup_indep = True
    tom = None

    def dtype(self):
        :returns: dtype of the underlying ctx_builder
        return self.ctx_builder.dtype

    def __init__(self, trt, gsims, oq, monitor=Monitor()):
        if isinstance(oq, dict):
            param = oq
            self.cross_correl = param.get('cross_correl')  # cond_spectra_test
        else:  # OqParam
            param = vars(oq)
            param['split_sources'] = oq.split_sources
            param['min_iml'] = oq.min_iml
            param['reqv'] = oq.get_reqv()
            param['af'] = getattr(oq, 'af', None)
            self.cross_correl = oq.cross_correl
            self.imtls = oq.imtls

        self.af = param.get('af', None)
        self.max_sites_disagg = param.get('max_sites_disagg', 10)
        self.max_sites_per_tile = param.get('max_sites_per_tile', 50_000)
        self.time_per_task = param.get('time_per_task', 60)
        self.disagg_by_src = param.get('disagg_by_src')
        self.collapse_level = int(param.get('collapse_level', 0))
        self.disagg_by_src = param.get('disagg_by_src', False)
        self.trt = trt
        self.gsims = gsims
        self.maximum_distance = _interp(param, 'maximum_distance', trt)
        if 'pointsource_distance' not in param:
            self.pointsource_distance = 1000.
            self.pointsource_distance = getdefault(
                param['pointsource_distance'], trt)
        self.minimum_distance = param.get('minimum_distance', 0)
        self.investigation_time = param.get('investigation_time')
        if self.investigation_time:
            self.tom = registry['PoissonTOM'](self.investigation_time)
        self.ses_seed = param.get('ses_seed', 42)
        self.ses_per_logic_tree_path = param.get('ses_per_logic_tree_path', 1)
        self.truncation_level = param.get('truncation_level')
        self.num_epsilon_bins = param.get('num_epsilon_bins', 1)
        self.ps_grid_spacing = param.get('ps_grid_spacing')
        self.split_sources = param.get('split_sources')
        self.effect = param.get('effect')
        self.use_recarray = use_recarray(gsims)
        for req in self.REQUIRES:
            reqset = set()
            for gsim in gsims:
                reqset.update(getattr(gsim, 'REQUIRES_' + req))
            setattr(self, 'REQUIRES_' + req, reqset)
        if 'imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = param['imtls']
        elif 'hazard_imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = DictArray(param['hazard_imtls'])
        elif not hasattr(self, 'imtls'):
            raise KeyError('Missing imtls in ContextMaker!')
            self.min_iml = param['min_iml']
        except KeyError:
            self.min_iml = [0. for imt in self.imtls]
        self.reqv = param.get('reqv')
        if self.reqv is not None:
        reqs = (sorted(self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS) +
                sorted(self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS) +
        dic = {}
        for req in reqs:
            if req in site_param_dt:
                dt = site_param_dt[req]
                if isinstance(dt, tuple):  # (string_, size)
                    dic[req] = b''
                    dic[req] = dt(0)
                dic[req] = 0.
        dic['occurrence_rate'] = numpy.float64(0)
        dic['sids'] = numpy.uint32(0)
        self.ctx_builder = RecordBuilder(**dic)
        self.loglevels = DictArray(self.imtls) if self.imtls else {}
        self.shift_hypo = param.get('shift_hypo')
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # avoid RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
            for imt, imls in self.imtls.items():
                if imt != 'MMI':
                    self.loglevels[imt] = numpy.log(imls)

    def init_monitoring(self, monitor):
        # instantiating child monitors, may be called in the workers
        self.ctx_mon = monitor('make_contexts', measuremem=True)
        self.gmf_mon = monitor('computing mean_std', measuremem=False)
        self.poe_mon = monitor('get_poes', measuremem=False)
        self.pne_mon = monitor('composing pnes', measuremem=False)
        self.task_no = getattr(monitor, 'task_no', 0)

    def read_ctxs(self, dstore, slc=None):
        :param dstore: a DataStore instance
        :param slice: a slice of contexts with the same grp_id
        :returns: a list of contexts plus N lists of contexts for each site
        sitecol = dstore['sitecol'].complete
        if slc is None:
            slc = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:] == self.grp_id
        params = {n: dstore['rup/' + n][slc] for n in dstore['rup']}
        ctxs = []
        for u in range(len(params['mag'])):
            ctx = RuptureContext()
            for par, arr in params.items():
                if par.endswith('_'):
                    par = par[:-1]
                setattr(ctx, par, arr[u])
            for par in sitecol.array.dtype.names:
                setattr(ctx, par, sitecol[par][ctx.sids])
        return ctxs

    def recarray(self, ctxs):
        :params ctxs: a list of contexts
        :returns: a recarray
        C = sum(len(ctx) for ctx in ctxs)
        ra = self.ctx_builder.zeros(C).view(numpy.recarray)
        start = 0
        for ctx in ctxs:
            slc = slice(start, start + len(ctx))
            for par in self.ctx_builder.names:
                getattr(ra, par)[slc] = getattr(ctx, par)
            ra.sids[slc] = ctx.sids
            start = slc.stop
        return ra

    def get_ctx_params(self):
        :returns: the interesting attributes of the context
        params = {
            'occurrence_rate', 'sids_', 'src_id', 'probs_occur_', 'clon_',
            'clat_', 'rrup_'
        for dparam in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
            params.add(dparam + '_')
        return params

    def from_srcs(self, srcs, sitecol):  # used in disagg.disaggregation
        :param srcs: a list of Source objects
        :param sitecol: a SiteCollection instance
        :returns: a list RuptureContexts
        allctxs = []
        cnt = 0
        for i, src in enumerate(srcs):
            src.id = i
            rctxs = []
            for rup in src.iter_ruptures(shift_hypo=self.shift_hypo):
                rup.rup_id = cnt
                cnt += 1
            allctxs.extend(self.get_ctxs(rctxs, sitecol, src.id))
        return allctxs

    def filter(self, sites, rup):
        Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture.

        :param sites:
            Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
        :param rup:
            Instance of
            (filtered sites, distance context)
        distances = get_distances(rup, sites, 'rrup')
        mdist = self.maximum_distance(rup.mag) + _delta_pr(rup)
        mask = distances <= mdist
        if mask.any():
            sites, distances = sites.filter(mask), distances[mask]
            raise FarAwayRupture('%d: %d km' % (rup.rup_id, distances.min()))
        return sites, DistancesContext([('rrup', distances)])

    def make_rctx(self, rupture):
        Add .REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS to the rupture
        ctx = RuptureContext()
        for param in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
            if param == 'mag':
                value = rupture.mag
            elif param == 'strike':
                value = rupture.surface.get_strike()
            elif param == 'dip':
                value = rupture.surface.get_dip()
            elif param == 'rake':
                value = rupture.rake
            elif param == 'ztor':
                value = rupture.surface.get_top_edge_depth()
            elif param == 'hypo_lon':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.longitude
            elif param == 'hypo_lat':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.latitude
            elif param == 'hypo_depth':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.depth
            elif param == 'width':
                value = rupture.surface.get_width()
                raise ValueError('%s requires unknown rupture parameter %r' %
                                 (type(self).__name__, param))
            setattr(ctx, param, value)
        return ctx

    def get_ctxs(self, src_or_ruptures, sitecol, src_id=None):
        :param src_or_ruptures:
            a source or a list of ruptures generated by a source
        :param sitecol:
            a (filtered) SiteCollection
        :param src_id:
            the numeric ID of the source (to be assigned to the ruptures)
            fat RuptureContexts
        if hasattr(src_or_ruptures, 'source_id'):
            irups = self._gen_rups(src_or_ruptures, sitecol)
            irups = src_or_ruptures
        ctxs = []
        fewsites = len(sitecol.complete) <= self.max_sites_disagg
        for rup in irups:
            sites = getattr(rup, 'sites', sitecol)
                r_sites, dctx = self.filter(sites, rup)
            except FarAwayRupture:
            ctx = self.make_rctx(rup)
            ctx.sites = r_sites
            for param in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES - {'rrup'}:
                distances = get_distances(rup, r_sites, param)
                setattr(dctx, param, distances)
            reqv_obj = (self.reqv.get(self.trt) if self.reqv else None)
            if reqv_obj and isinstance(rup.surface, PlanarSurface):
                reqv = reqv_obj.get(dctx.repi, rup.mag)
                if 'rjb' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                    dctx.rjb = reqv
                if 'rrup' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                    dctx.rrup = numpy.sqrt(reqv**2 + rup.hypocenter.depth**2)
            for name in r_sites.array.dtype.names:
                setattr(ctx, name, r_sites[name])
            ctx.src_id = src_id
            for par in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES | {'rrup'}:
                setattr(ctx, par, getattr(dctx, par))
            if fewsites:
                # get closest point on the surface
                closest = rup.surface.get_closest_points(sitecol.complete)
                ctx.clon = closest.lons[ctx.sids]
                ctx.clat = closest.lats[ctx.sids]
        return ctxs

    # this is used with pointsource_distance approximation for close distances,
    # when there are many ruptures affecting few sites
    def collapse_the_ctxs(self, ctxs):
        Collapse contexts with similar parameters and distances.

        :param ctxs: a list of pairs (rup, dctx)
        :returns: collapsed contexts
        if len(ctxs) == 1:
            return ctxs

        if self.collapse_level >= 3:  # hack, ignore everything except mag
            rrp = ['mag']
            rnd = 0  # round distances to 1 km
            rrp = self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS
            rnd = 1  # round distances to 100 m

        def params(ctx):
            lst = []
            for par in rrp:
                lst.append(getattr(ctx, par))
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                lst.extend(numpy.round(getattr(ctx, dst), rnd))
            return tuple(lst)

        out = []
        for values in groupby(ctxs, params).values():
        return out

    def max_intensity(self, sitecol1, mags, dists):
        :param sitecol1: a SiteCollection instance with a single site
        :param mags: a sequence of magnitudes
        :param dists: a sequence of distances
        :returns: an array of GMVs of shape (#mags, #dists)
        assert len(sitecol1) == 1, sitecol1
        nmags, ndists = len(mags), len(dists)
        gmv = numpy.zeros((nmags, ndists))
        for m, d in itertools.product(range(nmags), range(ndists)):
            mag, dist = mags[m], dists[d]
            ctx = RuptureContext()
            for par in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, 0)
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                setattr(ctx, dst, numpy.array([dist]))
            for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, getattr(sitecol1, par))
            ctx.sids = sitecol1.sids
            ctx.mag = mag
            ctx.width = .01  # 10 meters to avoid warnings in abrahamson_2014
                maxmean = self.get_mean_stds([ctx])[0].max()
                # shape NM
            except ValueError:  # magnitude outside of supported range
                gmv[m, d] = numpy.exp(maxmean)
        return gmv

    def _ruptures(self, src, filtermag=None, point_rup=False):
        return src.iter_ruptures(shift_hypo=self.shift_hypo,

    def _gen_rups(self, src, sites):
        # yield ruptures, each one with a .sites attribute
        def rups(rupiter, sites):
            for rup in rupiter:
                rup.sites = sites
                yield rup

        if getattr(src, 'location', None):
            # finite site effects are averaged for sites over the
            # pointsource_distance from the rupture (if any)
            for r, s in self._cps_rups(src, sites):
                yield from rups(r, s)
        else:  # just add the ruptures
            yield from rups(self._ruptures(src), sites)

    def _cps_rups(self, src, sites, point_rup=False):
        if src.count_nphc() == 1:  # nothing to collapse
            for rup in src.iruptures(point_rup):
                yield self._ruptures(src, rup.mag, point_rup), sites
        fewsites = len(sites) <= self.max_sites_disagg
        cdist = sites.get_cdist(src.location)
        for rup in src.iruptures(point_rup):
            psdist = self.pointsource_distance + _delta_pr(rup)
            close = sites.filter(cdist <= psdist)
            far = sites.filter(cdist > psdist)
            if fewsites:
                if close is None:  # all is far, common for small mag
                    yield [rup], sites
                else:  # something is close
                    yield self._ruptures(src, rup.mag, point_rup), sites
            else:  # many sites
                if close is None:  # all is far
                    yield [rup], far
                elif far is None:  # all is close
                    yield self._ruptures(src, rup.mag, point_rup), close
                else:  # some sites are far, some are close
                    yield [rup], far
                    yield self._ruptures(src, rup.mag, point_rup), close

    def get_pmap(self, ctxs, probmap=None):
        :param ctxs: a list of contexts
        :param probmap: if not None, update it
        :returns: a new ProbabilityMap if probmap is None
        tom = self.tom
        rup_indep = self.rup_indep
        if probmap is None:  # create new pmap
            pmap = ProbabilityMap(self.imtls.size, len(self.gsims))
        else:  # update passed probmap
            pmap = probmap
        for block in block_splitter(ctxs, 20_000, len):
            for ctx, poes in self.gen_poes(block):
                # pnes and poes of shape (N, L, G)
                with self.pne_mon:
                    pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance(ctx, poes, tom)
                    for sid, pne in zip(ctx.sids, pnes):
                        probs = pmap.setdefault(sid, self.rup_indep).array
                        if rup_indep:
                            probs *= pne
                        else:  # rup_mutex
                            probs += (1. - pne) * ctx.weight
        if probmap is None:  # return the new pmap
            return ~pmap if rup_indep else pmap
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ContextMaker(object):
    A class to manage the creation of contexts for distances, sites, rupture.

    def __init__(self, trt, gsims, param=None, monitor=Monitor()):
        param = param or {}
        self.max_sites_disagg = param.get('max_sites_disagg', 10)
        self.collapse_level = param.get('collapse_level', False)
        self.point_rupture_bins = param.get('point_rupture_bins', 20)
        self.num_probs_occur = param.get('num_probs_occur', 0)
        self.trt = trt
        self.gsims = gsims
        self.maximum_distance = (param.get('maximum_distance')
                                 or IntegrationDistance({}))
        self.trunclevel = param.get('truncation_level')
        self.effect = param.get('effect')
        for req in self.REQUIRES:
            reqset = set()
            for gsim in gsims:
                reqset.update(getattr(gsim, 'REQUIRES_' + req))
            setattr(self, 'REQUIRES_' + req, reqset)
        # self.pointsource_distance is a dict mag -> dist, possibly empty
        if param.get('pointsource_distance'):
            self.pointsource_distance = param['pointsource_distance'][trt]
            self.pointsource_distance = {}
        self.filter_distance = 'rrup'
        if 'imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = param['imtls']
        elif 'hazard_imtls' in param:
            self.imtls = DictArray(param['hazard_imtls'])
            self.imtls = {}
        self.imts = [imt_module.from_string(imt) for imt in self.imtls]
        self.reqv = param.get('reqv')
        if self.reqv is not None:
        self.mon = monitor
        self.ctx_mon = monitor('make_contexts', measuremem=False)
        self.loglevels = DictArray(self.imtls)
        self.shift_hypo = param.get('shift_hypo')
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # avoid RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
            for imt, imls in self.imtls.items():
                if imt != 'MMI':
                    self.loglevels[imt] = numpy.log(imls)

    def from_srcs(self, srcs, site1):  # used in disagg.disaggregation
        :returns: a list RuptureContexts
        grp_ids = [0]
        allctxs = []
        for src in srcs:
            ctxs = []
            for rup in src.iter_ruptures(shift_hypo=self.shift_hypo):
            allctxs.extend(self.make_ctxs(ctxs, site1, grp_ids, False))
        return allctxs

    def filter(self, sites, rup):
        Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture.

        :param sites:
            Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
        :param rup:
            Instance of
            (filtered sites, distance context)
        distances = get_distances(rup, sites, self.filter_distance)
        mdist = self.maximum_distance(self.trt, rup.mag)
        mask = distances <= mdist
        if mask.any():
            sites, distances = sites.filter(mask), distances[mask]
            raise FarAwayRupture('%d: %d km' % (rup.rup_id, distances.min()))
        return sites, DistancesContext([(self.filter_distance, distances)])

    def get_dctx(self, sites, rup):
        :param sites: :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`
        :param rup: :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.BaseRupture`
        :returns: :class:`DistancesContext`
        distances = get_distances(rup, sites, self.filter_distance)
        mdist = self.maximum_distance(self.trt, rup.mag)
        if (distances > mdist).all():
            raise FarAwayRupture('%d: %d km' % (rup.rup_id, distances.min()))
        return DistancesContext([(self.filter_distance, distances)])

    def make_rctx(self, rupture):
        Add .REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS to the rupture
        ctx = RuptureContext()
        for param in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
            if param == 'mag':
                value = rupture.mag
            elif param == 'strike':
                value = rupture.surface.get_strike()
            elif param == 'dip':
                value = rupture.surface.get_dip()
            elif param == 'rake':
                value = rupture.rake
            elif param == 'ztor':
                value = rupture.surface.get_top_edge_depth()
            elif param == 'hypo_lon':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.longitude
            elif param == 'hypo_lat':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.latitude
            elif param == 'hypo_depth':
                value = rupture.hypocenter.depth
            elif param == 'width':
                value = rupture.surface.get_width()
                raise ValueError('%s requires unknown rupture parameter %r' %
                                 (type(self).__name__, param))
            setattr(ctx, param, value)
        return ctx

    def make_contexts(self, sites, rupture, filt=True):
        Filter the site collection with respect to the rupture and
        create context objects.

        :param sites:
            Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.

        :param rupture:
            Instance of

        :param boolean filt:
            If True filter the sites

            Tuple of two items: sites and distances context.

        :raises ValueError:
            If any of declared required parameters (site, rupture and
            distance parameters) is unknown.
        if filt:
            sites, dctx = self.filter(sites, rupture)
            dctx = self.get_dctx(sites, rupture)
        for param in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES - set([self.filter_distance]):
            distances = get_distances(rupture, sites, param)
            setattr(dctx, param, distances)
        reqv_obj = (self.reqv.get(self.trt) if self.reqv else None)
        if reqv_obj and isinstance(rupture.surface, PlanarSurface):
            reqv = reqv_obj.get(dctx.repi, rupture.mag)
            if 'rjb' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                dctx.rjb = reqv
            if 'rrup' in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                dctx.rrup = numpy.sqrt(reqv**2 + rupture.hypocenter.depth**2)
        return self.make_rctx(rupture), sites, dctx

    def make_ctxs(self, ruptures, sites, grp_ids, filt):
            a list of fat RuptureContexts
        ctxs = []
        for rup in ruptures:
                ctx, r_sites, dctx = self.make_contexts(sites, rup, filt)
            except FarAwayRupture:
            for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, r_sites[par])
            ctx.sids = r_sites.sids
            for par in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES | {'rrup'}:
                setattr(ctx, par, getattr(dctx, par))
            ctx.grp_ids = grp_ids
            if not filt:
                closest = rup.surface.get_closest_points(sites)
                ctx.clon = closest.lons
                ctx.clat = closest.lats
        return ctxs

    def collapse_the_ctxs(self, ctxs):
        Collapse contexts with similar parameters and distances.

        :param ctxs: a list of pairs (rup, dctx)
        :returns: collapsed contexts
        if self.collapse_level >= 3:  # hack, ignore everything except mag
            rrp = ['mag']
            rnd = 0  # round distances to 1 km
            rrp = self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS
            rnd = 1  # round distances to 100 m

        def params(ctx):
            lst = []
            for par in rrp:
                lst.append(getattr(ctx, par))
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                lst.extend(numpy.round(getattr(ctx, dst), rnd))
            return tuple(lst)

        out = []
        for values in groupby(ctxs, params).values():
        return out

    def max_intensity(self, sitecol1, mags, dists):
        :param sitecol1: a SiteCollection instance with a single site
        :param mags: a sequence of magnitudes
        :param dists: a sequence of distances
        :returns: an array of GMVs of shape (#mags, #dists)
        assert len(sitecol1) == 1, sitecol1
        nmags, ndists = len(mags), len(dists)
        gmv = numpy.zeros((nmags, ndists))
        for m, d in itertools.product(range(nmags), range(ndists)):
            mag, dist = mags[m], dists[d]
            ctx = RuptureContext()
            for par in self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, 0)
            for dst in self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES:
                setattr(ctx, dst, numpy.array([dist]))
            for par in self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS:
                setattr(ctx, par, getattr(sitecol1, par))
            ctx.sids = sitecol1.sids
            ctx.mag = mag
            ctx.width = .01  # 10 meters to avoid warnings in abrahamson_2014
            means = []
            for gsim in self.gsims:
                    mean = ctx.get_mean_std(  # shape (2, N, M, G) -> M
                        self.imts, [gsim])[0, 0, :, 0]
                except ValueError:  # magnitude outside of supported range
            if means:
                gmv[m, d] = numpy.exp(max(means))
        return gmv