Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_job_lite(cfg_file, log_level, log_file, exports='',
                 hazard_output_id=None, hazard_calculation_id=None):
    Run a job using the specified config file and other options.

    :param str cfg_file:
        Path to calculation config (INI-style) files.
    :param str log_level:
        'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical'
    :param str log_file:
        Path to log file.
    :param exports:
        A comma-separated string of export types requested by the user.
        Currently only 'xml' is supported.
    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
    with CeleryNodeMonitor(openquake.engine.no_distribute(), interval=3):
        job = job_from_file_lite(
            cfg_file, getpass.getuser(), log_level, exports,
        job.ds_calc_dir = datastore.DataStore(job.id).calc_dir
        t0 = time.time()
        calc = run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=True)
        expose_outputs(calc.datastore, job)
        duration = time.time() - t0
        if job.status == 'complete':
            print_results(job.id, duration, list_outputs)
            sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' % job.id)
    return job
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports):
    Run a calculation.

    :param job:
        :class:`openquake.engine.db.model.OqJob` instance
    :param str log_level:
        The desired logging level. Valid choices are 'debug', 'info',
        'progress', 'warn', 'error', and 'critical'.
    :param str log_file:
        Complete path (including file name) to file where logs will be written.
        If `None`, logging will just be printed to standard output.
    :param exports:
        A comma-separated string of export types.
    # let's import the calculator classes here, when they are needed
    # the reason is that the command `$ oq-engine --upgrade-db`
    # does not need them and would raise strange errors during installation
    # time if the PYTHONPATH is not set and commonlib is not visible
    from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators

    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated

    calculator = calculators(job)
    with logs.handle(job, log_level, log_file), job_stats(job):  # run the job
        _do_run_calc(calculator, exports)
    return calculator
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_job_lite(cfg_files, log_level, log_file, exports=''):
    Run a job using the specified config file and other options.

    :param str cfg_files:
        Path to calculation config (INI-style) files.
    :param str log_level:
        'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical'
    :param str log_file:
        Path to log file.
    :param exports:
        A comma-separated string of export types requested by the user.
        Currently only 'xml' is supported.
    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
    with CeleryNodeMonitor(openquake.engine.no_distribute(), interval=3):
        job = job_from_files(cfg_files, getpass.getuser(), log_level, exports)
        t0 = time.time()
        run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=True)
        duration = time.time() - t0
        if job.status == 'complete':
            print_results(job.id, duration, list_outputs)
            sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' % job.id)
    return job
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run_job(cfg_file, log_level, log_file, exports, hazard_output_id=None,
    Run a job using the specified config file and other options.

    :param str cfg_file:
        Path to calculation config (INI-style) file.
    :param str log_level:
        'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical'
    :param str log_file:
        Path to log file.
    :param list exports:
        A list of export types requested by the user. Currently only 'xml'
        is supported.
    :param str hazard_ouput_id:
        The Hazard Output ID used by the risk calculation (can be None)
    :param str hazard_calculation_id:
        The Hazard Calculation ID used by the risk calculation (can be None)
    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
    with CeleryNodeMonitor(openquake.engine.no_distribute(), interval=3):
        hazard = hazard_output_id is None and hazard_calculation_id is None
        if log_file is not None:

        job = job_from_file(
            cfg_file, getpass.getuser(), log_level, exports, hazard_output_id,

        # Instantiate the calculator and run the calculation.
        t0 = time.time()
            job, log_level, log_file, exports, 'hazard' if hazard else 'risk')
        duration = time.time() - t0
        if hazard:
            if job.status == 'complete':
                              duration, list_hazard_outputs)
                sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' %
            if job.status == 'complete':
                              duration, list_risk_outputs)
                sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' %
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=False):
    Run a calculation.

    :param job:
        :class:`openquake.engine.db.model.OqJob` instance
    :param str log_level:
        The desired logging level. Valid choices are 'debug', 'info',
        'progress', 'warn', 'error', and 'critical'.
    :param str log_file:
        Complete path (including file name) to file where logs will be written.
        If `None`, logging will just be printed to standard output.
    :param exports:
        A comma-separated string of export types.
    :param lite:
        Flag set when the oq-lite calculators are used
    # let's import the calculator classes here, when they are needed;
    # the reason is that the command `$ oq-engine --upgrade-db`
    # does not need them and would raise strange errors during installation
    # time if the PYTHONPATH is not set and commonlib is not visible
    if lite:
        calc_dir = os.path.join(datastore.DATADIR, 'calc_%d' % job.id)
        if os.path.exists(calc_dir):
            os.rename(calc_dir, calc_dir + '.bak')
            print 'Generated %s.bak' % calc_dir
        from openquake.commonlib.calculators import base
        calculator = base.calculators(job.get_oqparam(), calc_id=job.id)
        calculator.job = job
        calculator.monitor = EnginePerformanceMonitor('', job.id)
        from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators
        calculator = calculators(job)

    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
    with logs.handle(job, log_level, log_file), job_stats(job):  # run the job
            _do_run_calc(calculator, exports)
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
    return calculator
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=False):
    Run a calculation.

    :param job:
        :class:`openquake.engine.db.model.OqJob` instance
    :param str log_level:
        The desired logging level. Valid choices are 'debug', 'info',
        'progress', 'warn', 'error', and 'critical'.
    :param str log_file:
        Complete path (including file name) to file where logs will be written.
        If `None`, logging will just be printed to standard output.
    :param exports:
        A comma-separated string of export types.
    :param lite:
        Flag set when the oq-lite calculators are used
    # let's import the calculator classes here, when they are needed
    # the reason is that the command `$ oq-engine --upgrade-db`
    # does not need them and would raise strange errors during installation
    # time if the PYTHONPATH is not set and commonlib is not visible
    if lite:
        from openquake.commonlib.calculators import base
        calculator = base.calculators(job.get_oqparam())
        calculator.job = job
        calculator.monitor = EnginePerformanceMonitor('', job.id)
        from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators
        calculator = calculators(job)

    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
    with logs.handle(job, log_level, log_file), job_stats(job):  # run the job
            _do_run_calc(calculator, exports)
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
    return calculator
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, job_type):
    Run a calculation.

    :param job:
        :class:`openquake.engine.db.model.OqJob` instance which references a
        valid :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.RiskCalculation` or
    :param str log_level:
        The desired logging level. Valid choices are 'debug', 'info',
        'progress', 'warn', 'error', and 'critical'.
    :param str log_file:
        Complete path (including file name) to file where logs will be written.
        If `None`, logging will just be printed to standard output.
    :param list exports:
        A (potentially empty) list of export targets. Currently only "xml" is
    :param str job_type:
        'hazard' or 'risk'
    # first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated

    calc_mode = getattr(job, '%s_calculation' % job_type).calculation_mode
    calculator = get_calculator_class(job_type, calc_mode)(job)
    calc = job.calculation

    # initialize log handlers
    handler = (LogFileHandler(job_type, calc, log_file) if log_file
               else LogStreamHandler(job_type, calc))
        with job_stats(job):  # run the job
            _do_run_calc(calculator, exports, job_type)
    return calculator