Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_mean(self, grp=None):
        Compute the mean curve as a ProbabilityMap

        :param grp:
            if not None must be a string of the form "grp-XX"; in that case
            returns the mean considering only the contribution for group XX
        if len(self.weights) == 1:  # one realization
            # the standard deviation is zero
            pmap = self.get(0, grp)
            for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                array = numpy.zeros(pcurve.array.shape[:-1] + (2, ))
                array[:, 0] = pcurve.array[:, 0]
                pcurve.array = array
            return pmap
        else:  # multiple realizations
            dic = ({g: self.dstore['poes/' + g]
                    for g in self.dstore['poes']} if grp is None else {
                        grp: self.dstore['poes/' + grp]
            pmaps = self.rlzs_assoc.combine_pmaps(dic)
            return stats.compute_pmap_stats(
                pmaps, [stats.mean_curve, stats.std_curve], self.weights,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_pmaps(dstore, indices):
    getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore)
    pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(indices)
    weights = dstore['csm_info'].rlzs['weight']
    mean = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [mean_curve], weights)
    return mean, pmaps
Ejemplo n.º 3
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, hstats, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps(pgetter.sids)
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    for statname, stat in hstats:
        with monitor('compute ' + statname):
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], pgetter.weights)
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves', statname] = pmap
        if pgetter.poes:
                         statname] = calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls,
    return pmap_by_kind
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def compute_pmap_stats(self, pmap_by_grp, statfuncs):
     :param pmap_by_grp: dictionary group string -> probability map
     :param statfuncs: a list of statistical functions
     :returns: a probability map containing all statistics
     pmaps = self.combine_pmaps(pmap_by_grp)
     return stats.compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, statfuncs, self.weights)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def show(what='contents', calc_id=-1, extra=()):
    Show the content of a datastore (by default the last one).
    datadir = datastore.get_datadir()
    if what == 'all':  # show all
        if not os.path.exists(datadir):
        rows = []
        for calc_id in datastore.get_calc_ids(datadir):
                ds = read(calc_id)
                oq = ds['oqparam']
                cmode, descr = oq.calculation_mode, oq.description
                # invalid datastore file, or missing calculation_mode
                # and description attributes, perhaps due to a manual kill
                f = os.path.join(datadir, 'calc_%s.hdf5' % calc_id)
                logging.warn('Unreadable datastore %s', f)
                rows.append((calc_id, cmode, descr.encode('utf-8')))
        for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda row: row[0]):  # by calc_id
            print('#%d %s: %s' % row)

    ds = read(calc_id)

    # this part is experimental
    if what == 'rlzs' and 'poes' in ds:
        min_value = 0.01  # used in rmsep
        getter = getters.PmapGetter(ds)
        sitecol = ds['sitecol']
        pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(sitecol.sids)
        weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in getter.rlzs]
        mean = stats.compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [numpy.mean], weights)
        dists = []
        for rlz, pmap in zip(getter.rlzs, pmaps):
            dist = rmsep(mean.array, pmap.array, min_value)
            dists.append((dist, rlz))
        print('Realizations in order of distance from the mean curves')
        for dist, rlz in sorted(dists):
            print('%s: rmsep=%s' % (rlz, dist))
    elif view.keyfunc(what) in view:
        print(view(what, ds))
    elif what.split('/', 1)[0] in extract:
        print(extract(ds, what, *extra))
    elif what in ds:
        obj = ds[what]
        if hasattr(obj, 'value'):  # an array
            print(write_csv(io.BytesIO(), obj.value).decode('utf8'))
        print('%s not found' % what)

Ejemplo n.º 6
 def post_execute(self, result):
     :param result:
         a dictionary (src_group_id, gsim) -> haz_curves or an empty
         dictionary if hazard_curves_from_gmfs is false
     oq = self.oqparam
     if not oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs and not oq.ground_motion_fields:
     elif oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
         rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
         # save individual curves
         for i in sorted(result):
             key = 'hcurves/rlz-%03d' % i
             if result[i]:
                 self.datastore[key] = result[i]
                 self.datastore[key] = ProbabilityMap(oq.imtls.array.size)
                 logging.info('Zero curves for %s', key)
         # compute and save statistics; this is done in process
         # we don't need to parallelize, since event based calculations
         # involves a "small" number of sites (<= 65,536)
         weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
         hstats = self.oqparam.hazard_stats()
         if len(hstats) and len(rlzs) > 1:
             for kind, stat in hstats:
                 pmap = compute_pmap_stats(result.values(), [stat], weights)
                 self.datastore['hcurves/' + kind] = pmap
     if self.datastore.parent:
     if 'gmf_data' in self.datastore:
     if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
         export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
         if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
         oq.export_dir = export_dir
         # one could also set oq.number_of_logic_tree_samples = 0
         self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, self.monitor('classical'))
         # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
         # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
         # the computation
         cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
         eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
         for imt in eb_mean_curves.dtype.names:
             rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(cl_mean_curves[imt],
                 'Relative difference with the classical '
                 'mean curves for IMT=%s: %d%% at site index %d', imt,
                 rdiff * 100, index)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps()
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    R = len(pmaps)
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    hmaps_stats = []
    hcurves_stats = []
    with monitor('compute stats'):
        for statname, stat in hstats.items():
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, imtls)
            if pgetter.poes:
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes))
            if statname == 'mean' and R > 1 and N <= FEWSITES:
                pmap_by_kind['rlz_by_sid'] = rlz = {}
                for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                    rlz[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(
                        [pm.setdefault(sid, 0).array for pm in pmaps],
    if hcurves_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = hcurves_stats
    if hmaps_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = hmaps_stats
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = pmaps
        if pgetter.poes:
            with monitor('build individual hmaps'):
                pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, imtls, poes) for pmap in pmaps
    return pmap_by_kind
Ejemplo n.º 8
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps()
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    R = len(pmaps)
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    hmaps_stats = []
    hcurves_stats = []
    with monitor('compute stats'):
        for statname, stat in hstats.items():
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, imtls)
            if pgetter.poes:
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes))
            if statname == 'mean' and R > 1 and N <= FEWSITES:
                pmap_by_kind['rlz_by_sid'] = rlz = {}
                for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                    rlz[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(
                        [pm.setdefault(sid, 0).array for pm in pmaps],
    if hcurves_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = hcurves_stats
    if hmaps_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = hmaps_stats
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = pmaps
        if pgetter.poes:
            with monitor('build individual hmaps'):
                pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, imtls, poes) for pmap in pmaps]
    return pmap_by_kind
Ejemplo n.º 9
def build_hcurves_and_stats(pgetter, hstats, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.calc.PmapGetter`
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'), pgetter:
        pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps(pgetter.sids)
    if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
        return {}
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    for kind, stat in hstats:
        with monitor('compute ' + kind):
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], pgetter.weights)
        pmap_by_kind[kind] = pmap
    return pmap_by_kind
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_mean(self, grp=None):
        Compute the mean curve as a ProbabilityMap

        :param grp:
            if not None must be a string of the form "grp-XX"; in that case
            returns the mean considering only the contribution for group XX
        if len(self.weights) == 1:  # one realization
            # the standard deviation is zero
            pmap = self.get(0, grp)
            for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                array = numpy.zeros(pcurve.array.shape[:-1] + (2,))
                array[:, 0] = pcurve.array[:, 0]
                pcurve.array = array
            return pmap
        else:  # multiple realizations
            dic = ({g: self.dstore['poes/' + g] for g in self.dstore['poes']}
                   if grp is None else {grp: self.dstore['poes/' + grp]})
            pmaps = self.rlzs_assoc.combine_pmaps(dic)
            return stats.compute_pmap_stats(
                pmaps, [stats.mean_curve, stats.std_curve],
                self.weights, self.imtls)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def post_execute(self, result):
        Save the SES collection
        oq = self.oqparam
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if oq.hazard_calculation_id is None:
            num_events = sum(set_counts(self.datastore, 'events').values())
            if num_events == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'No seismic events! Perhaps the investigation time is too '
                    'small or the maximum_distance is too small')
            if oq.save_ruptures:
                logging.info('Setting %d event years on %d ruptures',
                             num_events, self.rupser.nruptures)
            with self.monitor('setting event years',
                set_random_years(self.datastore, 'events',

        if self.gmf_size:
            self.datastore.set_attrs('events', max_gmf_size=self.gmf_size)
            msg = 'less than ' if self.get_min_iml(self.oqparam).sum() else ''
            logging.info('Generating %s%s of GMFs', msg,

        if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.csm_info.rlzs_assoc.realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            hstats = self.oqparam.hazard_stats()
            if len(hstats):
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                for kind, stat in hstats:
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(result.values(), [stat], weights)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves/' + kind] = arr
        if self.datastore.parent:
        if 'gmf_data' in self.datastore:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            # one could also set oq.number_of_logic_tree_samples = 0
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(cl_mean_curves,
                'Relative difference with the classical '
                'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d', rdiff * 100, index)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields and not oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        M = len(oq.imtls)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        L1 = L // M
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.datastore['full_lt'].get_realizations()
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            S = len(hstats)
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            R = len(weights)
            if len(pmaps) != R:
                # this should never happen, unless I break the
                # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                     (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
            if oq.individual_curves:
                logging.info('Saving individual hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, L1))
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-rlzs', F32,
                                                    (N, R, M, P))
                for r, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, M, L1), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array.reshape(M, L1)
                    self.datastore['hcurves-rlzs'][:, r] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, r] = hmap[sid].array

            if S:
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, M, L1))
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-stats', F32,
                                                    (N, S, M, P))
                for s, stat in enumerate(hstats):
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [hstats[stat]], weights,
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, M, L1), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array.reshape(M, L1)
                    self.datastore['hcurves-stats'][:, s] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, s] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            oq.calculation_mode = 'classical'
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            for imt in oq.imtls:
                cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore, imt)
                eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore, imt)
                self.rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                    cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
                    'Relative difference with the classical '
                    'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d, imt=%s',
                    self.rdiff * 100, index, imt)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def post_execute(self, result):
        Save the SES collection
        oq = self.oqparam
        if 'ucerf' in oq.calculation_mode:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.csm_info.get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            if len(hstats):
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                for statname, stat in hstats:
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(result.values(), [stat], weights)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves/' + statname] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        P = len(oq.poes)
                        I = len(oq.imtls)
                            'hmaps/' + statname, F32, (N, P * I))
                            'hmaps/' + statname, nbytes=N * P * I * 4)
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        ds = self.datastore['hmaps/' + statname]
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid] = hmap[sid].array[:, 0]

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if 'gmf_data' in self.datastore:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            # one could also set oq.number_of_logic_tree_samples = 0
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warn('Relative difference with the classical '
                         'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                         rdiff * 100, index)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_pmaps(dstore, indices):
    getter = calc.PmapGetter(dstore)
    pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(indices)
    weights = dstore['realizations']['weight']
    mean = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [mean_curve], weights)
    return mean, pmaps
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_pmaps(dstore, indices):
    getter = calc.PmapGetter(dstore)
    pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(indices)
    weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in getter.rlzs]
    mean = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [mean_curve], weights)
    return mean, pmaps
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            if len(hstats):
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                if len(weights) != len(pmaps):
                    # this should never happen, unless I break the
                    # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                    raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                         (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
                for statname, stat in hstats:
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, oq.imtls)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves/' + statname] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        P = len(oq.poes)
                        M = len(oq.imtls)
                            'hmaps/' + statname, F32, (N, M, P))
                            'hmaps/' + statname, nbytes=N * P * M * 4)
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        ds = self.datastore['hmaps/' + statname]
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warning('Relative difference with the classical '
                            'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                            rdiff * 100, index)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            S = len(hstats)
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            R = len(weights)
            if len(pmaps) != R:
                # this should never happen, unless I break the
                # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                     (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
            if oq.individual_curves:
                logging.info('Saving individual hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, L))
                self.datastore.set_attrs('hcurves-rlzs', nbytes=N * R * L * 4)
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset(
                        'hmaps-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, P))
                        'hmaps-rlzs', nbytes=N * R * P * M * 4)
                for r, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves-rlzs'][:, r] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, r] = hmap[sid].array

            if S:
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, L))
                self.datastore.set_attrs('hcurves-stats', nbytes=N * S * L * 4)
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset(
                        'hmaps-stats', F32, (N, S, M, P))
                        'hmaps-stats', nbytes=N * S * P * M * 4)
                for s, stat in enumerate(hstats):
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(
                        pmaps, [hstats[stat]], weights, oq.imtls)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves-stats'][:, s] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, s] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            self.rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warning('Relative difference with the classical '
                            'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                            self.rdiff * 100, index)