Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_node_coords_and_disp():
    node_coords = dict()
    node_disp = dict()
    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    for i in node_tags:
        node_coords[i] = ops.nodeCoord(i)
        node_disp[i] = ops.nodeDisp(i)
    return (node_coords,node_disp)
    def plot_deformed_shape(self,
        Plot deformed shape of the model.
            xlim: A list of left and right limits of the x axis.
            ylim: A list of bottom and top limits of the y axis.
            scale: A float scale of the displayed deformations (default=1).
            arrow_len: An integer length of the load arrows displayed 
            arrow_width: An integer head width of the load arrows displayed 
            save: A string indicating save path for the figure (default='',
                meaning that the figure will NOT be saved by default).

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=75)
        ax.grid(True, which='both', alpha=0.5)
        ax.axhline(y=0, color='k', lw=1)

        opsv.plot_defo(scale, fmt_undefo='k-', fmt_interp='k--')

        ax.set(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

        node_list = ops.getNodeTags()
        node_disp = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(n) for n in node_list])
        node_coord = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(n) for n in node_list])
        new_coord = node_disp[:, :-1] * scale + node_coord

        for node, Px, Py, M in self.loads:
            c = new_coord[node_list.index(node), :]
                        xytext=(c[0] + abs(Px) * arrow_len,
                                c[1] + abs(Py) * arrow_len),
                        xy=(c[0], c[1]),
                        arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle=f'-|>, \
        if save:
            fig.savefig(save, transparent=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _getNodesandElements():
    This function returns the nodes and elments for an active model, in a 
    standardized format. The OpenSees model must be active in order for the 
    function to work.
    nodes : 2dArray
        An array of all nodes in the model.
        Returns nodes in the shape:
        [Nodes, 3] in 2d and [Nodes, 4]
        For each node the information is tored as follows:
        [NodeID, x, y] or [NodeID, x, y, z]
    elements : Array 
        An list of all elements in. Each entry in the list is it's own'
        [element1, element2,...],   element1 = [element#, node1, node2,...]

    # Get nodes and elements
    nodeList = ops.getNodeTags()
    eleList = ops.getEleTags()

    # Check Number of dimensions and intialize variables
    ndm = len(ops.nodeCoord(nodeList[0]))
    Nnodes = len(nodeList)
    nodes = np.zeros([Nnodes, ndm + 1])

    # Get Node list
    for ii, node in enumerate(nodeList):
        nodes[ii, 0] = node
        nodes[ii, 1:] = ops.nodeCoord(nodeList[ii])

    Nele = len(eleList)
    elements = [None] * Nele

    # Generate the element list by looping through all emenemts
    for ii, ele in enumerate(eleList):
        tempNodes = ops.eleNodes(ele)

        tempNnodes = len(tempNodes)
        tempEle = np.zeros(tempNnodes + 1)

        tempEle[0] = int(ele)
        tempEle[1:] = tempNodes

        elements[ii] = tempEle

    return nodes, elements
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _getModeShapeData(modeNumber):

    # Get nodes and elements
    nodeList = ops.getNodeTags()

    # Check Number of dimensions and intialize variables
    ndm = len(ops.nodeCoord(nodeList[0]))
    Nnodes = len(nodeList)
    nodes_modeshape = np.zeros([Nnodes, ndm + 1])

    for ii, node in enumerate(nodeList):
        nodes_modeshape[ii, 0] = node
        tempData = ops.nodeEigenvector(nodeList[ii], modeNumber)
        nodes_modeshape[ii, 1:] = tempData[0:ndm]

    return nodes_modeshape
    def define_geometry(self, nodes, elements, fixities, num_integ=10):
        Define geometry of the structure (all dimensions are in mm).
            nodes: A list of nodes in a form [node_tag, coord1, coord2].
            elements: A list of elements in a form 
                [ele_tag, node1, node2, disc].
            fixities: A list of fixities in a form [node, x, y, z].
            num_integ: Number of integration points along each element 
        self.nodes = nodes
        self.elements = elements
        self.fixities = fixities

        if self.section == None:
            raise Exception('No section is defined.')

        ops.geomTransf('PDelta', 1)
        ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, num_integ)

        for nd in self.nodes:

        for el in self.elements:
            ele_tag, node1, node2, disc = el
                                              nodeTag=len(ops.getNodeTags()) +
                                              eleTag=len(ops.getEleTags()) + 1)

        for fx in self.fixities:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_multi_pile_m(
    if cap_edge == 0:
        if pile_d <= 1:
            cap_edge = max(0.25, 0.5 * pile_d)
            cap_edge = max(0.5, 0.3 * pile_d)
    cap_w = max(pile_layout[0]) - min(pile_layout[0]) + pile_d + cap_edge * 2
    cap_l = max(pile_layout[1]) - min(pile_layout[1]) + pile_d + cap_edge * 2
    top_f += cap_w * cap_l * cap_thickness * 26e3       # 承台自重
    top_f += (cap_w * cap_l) * (-pile_z0 - cap_thickness) * 15e3    # 盖梁重量
    pile_rows = len(pile_layout[1])     # 桩排数
    top_f /= pile_rows      # 桩顶力分配
    top_h /= pile_rows      # 桩顶水平力分配
    top_m /= pile_rows      # 桩顶弯矩分配
    cap_i = cap_l * cap_thickness ** 3 / 12 / pile_rows     # 承台横向刚度

    pile_h = pile_z0 - pile_z1
    pile_a = np.pi * (pile_d / 2) ** 2
    pile_i = np.pi * pile_d ** 4 / 64
    pile_b1 = 0.9 * (1.5 + 0.5 / pile_d) * 1 * pile_d

    # 建立模型
    ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)

    # 建立节点
    cap_bot = pile_z0
    # ops.node(1, 0, cap_top)     # 承台竖向节点
    if 0 not in pile_layout[0]:
        ops.node(2, 0, cap_bot)

    # 建立桩基节点
    node_z = np.linspace(pile_z0, pile_z1, elem_num + 1)
    for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]):
        node_start = 100 + i * 300
        for m, n in enumerate(node_z):
            ops.node(node_start + m + 1, j, n)
            ops.node(node_start + m + 151, j, n)

    nodes = {}
    for i in ops.getNodeTags():
        nodes[i] = ops.nodeCoord(i)

    # 建立约束
    for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]):
        node_start = 100 + i * 300
        for m, n in enumerate(node_z):
            ops.fix(node_start + m + 151, 1, 1, 1)
            if n == node_z[-1]:
                ops.fix(node_start + m + 1, 1, 1, 1)

    # 建立材料
    for i in range(len(node_z)):
        pile_depth = i * (pile_h / elem_num)
        pile_depth_nominal = 10 if pile_depth <= 10 else pile_depth
        soil_k = m0 * pile_depth_nominal * pile_b1 * (pile_h / elem_num)
        if i == 0:
            ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1 + i, soil_k / 2)
        ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1 + i, soil_k)

    # 装配
    ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1)

    # 建立单元
    if len(pile_layout[0]) > 1:     # 承台横向单元
        cap_nodes = []
        for i in nodes:
            if nodes[i][1] == cap_bot:
                if len(cap_nodes) == 0:
                elif nodes[i][0] != nodes[cap_nodes[-1]][0]:
        cap_nodes = sorted(cap_nodes, key=lambda x: nodes[x][0])
        for i, j in enumerate(cap_nodes[:-1]):
            ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 10 + i, j, cap_nodes[i+1], cap_l * cap_thickness, 3e10, cap_i, 1)

    pile_elem = []
    for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]):      # 桩基单元
        node_start = 100 + i * 300
        pile_elem_i = []
        for m, n in enumerate(node_z):
            if n != pile_z1:
                ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', node_start + m + 1, node_start + m + 1,
                            node_start + m + 2, pile_a, 3e10, pile_i, 1)
                pile_elem_i.append(node_start + m + 1)
            ops.element('zeroLength', node_start + m + 151, node_start + m + 151,
                        node_start + m + 1, '-mat', 1 + m, '-dir', 1)

    ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1)
    ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1)
    for i in nodes:
        if nodes[i] == [0, pile_z0]:
            ops.load(i, -top_h, -top_f, top_m)    # 加载


    ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01)
    ops.test('EnergyIncr', 1e-6, 200)


    node_disp = {}
    for i in ops.getNodeTags():
        node_disp[i] = [j * 1000 for j in ops.nodeDisp(i)]

    elem_m = {}
    for i in pile_elem:
        for j in i:
            elem_m[j] = [k / 1000 for k in ops.eleForce(j)]

    for i, j in enumerate(pile_elem):
        if i == 0:
            plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)')
        node_disp_x = []
        for m, n in enumerate(j):
            node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0]
            if m == 0:
                plt.plot([0, node_disp[node_1][0]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]],
                         linewidth=1.5, color='grey')
                plt.plot([0, node_disp[node_1][0]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]],
                         linewidth=0.7, color='grey')
        for m, n in enumerate(j):
            node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0]
            if abs(node_disp[node_1][0]) == max([abs(i) for i in node_disp_x]):
                side = 1 if node_disp[node_1][0] > 0 else -1
                plt.annotate(f'{node_disp[node_1][0]:.1f} mm', xy=(node_disp[node_1][0], nodes[node_1][1]),
                             xytext=(0.4 + 0.1 * side, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction',
                             bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"),
                             arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={side * 0.3}"))
        plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray')
        plt.plot(node_disp_x, node_z[:-1], linewidth=1.5, color='midnightblue')
        plt.xlabel(f'Displacement_{i+1} (mm)')

    for i, j in enumerate(pile_elem):
        plt.subplot(f'1{len(pile_elem)}{i + 1}')
        if i == 0:
            plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)')
        elem_mi = []
        for m, n in enumerate(j):
            node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0]
            if m == 0:
                plt.plot([0, elem_m[n][2]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]],
                         linewidth=1.5, color='grey')
                plt.plot([0, elem_m[n][2]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]],
                         linewidth=0.7, color='grey')
        for m, n in enumerate(j):
            node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0]
            if abs(elem_m[n][2]) == max([abs(i) for i in elem_mi]):
                side = 1 if elem_m[n][2] > 0 else -1
                plt.annotate(f'{elem_m[n][2]:.1f} kN.m', xy=(elem_m[n][2], nodes[node_1][1]),
                             xytext=(0.4 + 0.1 * side, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction',
                             bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"),
                             arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={side * 0.3}"))
        plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray')
        plt.plot(elem_mi, node_z[:-1], linewidth=1.5, color='brown')
        plt.xlabel(f'Moment_{i + 1} (kN.m)')

    return pile_elem, elem_m
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ModalAnalysis3D(numEigen):
    |                                                                       |
    |    Modal Analysis of 3D systems                                       |
    |                                                                       |
    |    Author: Volkan Ozsarac                                             |
    |    Affiliation: University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia     |
    |    Earthquake Engineering PhD Candidate                               |
    |                                                                       |
    import numpy as np
    import openseespy.opensees as op
    import time
    import sys

    print('Extracting the mass matrix, ignore the following warnings...\n')

    # Extract the Mass Matrix
    # Number of equations in the model
    N = op.systemSize() # Has to be done after analyze
    Mmatrix = op.printA('-ret') # Or use op.printA('-file','M.out')
    Mmatrix = np.array(Mmatrix) # Convert the list to an array
    Mmatrix.shape = (N,N) # Make the array an NxN matrix
    print('\nExtracted the mass matrix, ignore the previous warnings...')

    # Rerrange the mass matrix in accordance with nodelist order from getNodeTags()
    DOFs = [] # These are the idx of all the DOFs used in the extract mass matrix, order is rearranged
    used = {} # Save here the nodes and their associated dofs used in global mass matrix
    lx = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (x)
    ly = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (y)
    lz = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (z)
    lrx = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (rx)
    lry = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (ry)
    lrz = np.zeros([N,1]) # influence vector (rz)

    idx = 0 # index
    NDF = 6 # NDF is number of DOFs/node
    for node in op.getNodeTags():
        used[node] = []
        for j in range(NDF): 
            temp = op.nodeDOFs(node)[j]
            if temp not in DOFs and temp >=0:
                if j == 0: lx[idx,0] = 1
                if j == 1: ly[idx,0] = 1
                if j == 2: lz[idx,0] = 1
                if j == 3: lrx[idx,0] = 1
                if j == 4: lry[idx,0] = 1
                if j == 5: lrz[idx,0] = 1
                idx += 1

    Mmatrix = Mmatrix[DOFs,:][:,DOFs] 

    listSolvers = ['-genBandArpack','-fullGenLapack','-symmBandLapack']
    ok = 1  

    for s in listSolvers:
        print("Using %s as solver..." % s[1:])
            eigenValues = op.eigen(s,numEigen)
            catchOK = 0
            ok = 0
            catchOK = 1

        if catchOK==0:
            for i in range(numEigen):
                if eigenValues[i] < 0: ok = 1
            if ok==0: 
                print('Eigenvalue analysis is completed.')

    if ok!=0:
        print("Error on Modal Analysis...")
        Lamda = np.asarray(eigenValues)
        Omega = Lamda**0.5
        T = 2*np.pi/Omega
        f = 1/T

    print('Modal properties for the first %d modes:' % numEigen)
    Mx = []; My = []; Mz = []; Mrx = []; Mry = []; Mrz = []
    dofs = ['x','y','z','rx','ry','rz']
    print('Mode| T [sec] | f [Hz] | \u03C9 [rad/sec] | Mx [%] | My [%] | Mz [%] | \u2211Mx [%] | \u2211My [%] | \u2211Mz [%]')

    for mode in range(1,numEigen+1): # Although Mrx, Mry and Mrz are calculated, I am not printing these
        idx = 0
        phi = np.zeros([N,1])
        for node in used:
            for dof in used[node]:
                idx += 1
        for dof in dofs:
            l = eval('l'+dof)
            Mtot = l.T@Mmatrix@l   # Total mass in specified global dof
            Mn = phi.T@Mmatrix@phi # Modal mass in specified global dof
            Ln = phi.T@Mmatrix@l   # Effective modal mass in specified global dof
            Mnstar = Ln**2/Mn/Mtot*100 # Normalised effective modal mass participating [%], in specified global dof
            eval('M'+dof).append(Mnstar[0,0]) # Save the modal mass for the specified dof
        print('%3s |%7s  |%6s  |%9s    |%6s  |%6s  |%6s  |%7s  |%7s  |%7s' \
              % ("{:.0f}".format(mode), "{:.3f}".format(T[mode-1]), "{:.3f}".format(f[mode-1]), "{:.2f}".format(Omega[mode-1]), \
                  "{:.2f}".format(Mx[mode-1]), "{:.2f}".format(My[mode-1]), "{:.2f}".format(Mz[mode-1]), \
                  "{:.2f}".format(sum(Mx)), "{:.2f}".format(sum(My)), "{:.2f}".format(sum(Mz))))

    Mtot = lx.T@Mmatrix@lx; Mtot = Mtot[0,0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
parttag = 1
ops.mesh('part', parttag, *partArgs, *eleArgs, '-vel', 0.0, 0.0)

print('num particles =', nx * ny)

# wall
ops.node(1, 0.0, H)
ops.node(2, 0.0, 0.0)
ops.node(3, 4 * L, 0.0)
ops.node(4, 4 * L, H)

walltag = 2
wallid = 1
ops.mesh('line', walltag, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, wallid, ndf, h)

wallnodes = ops.getNodeTags('-mesh', walltag)

for nd in wallnodes:
    ops.fix(nd, 1, 1)

# background mesh
lower = [-h, -h]
upper = [4 * L + L, H + L]

ops.mesh('bg', h, *lower, *upper, '-structure', wallid, len(wallnodes),

# create constraint object

# create numberer object
Ejemplo n.º 9
def RunAnalysis():
    AnalysisType = 'Pushover'
    #  Pushover  Gravity

    ## ------------------------------
    ## Start of model generation
    ## -----------------------------
    # remove existing model

    # set modelbuilder
    ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)

    import math

    ### Units and Constants  ###################

    inch = 1
    kip = 1
    sec = 1

    # Dependent units
    sq_in = inch * inch
    ksi = kip / sq_in
    ft = 12 * inch

    # Constants
    g = 386.2 * inch / (sec * sec)
    pi = math.acos(-1)

    ##### Dimensions

    # Dimensions Input
    H_story = 10.0 * ft
    W_bayX = 16.0 * ft
    W_bayY_ab = 5.0 * ft + 10.0 * inch
    W_bayY_bc = 8.0 * ft + 4.0 * inch
    W_bayY_cd = 5.0 * ft + 10.0 * inch

    # Calculated dimensions
    W_structure = W_bayY_ab + W_bayY_bc + W_bayY_cd

    ### Material

    # Steel02 Material

    matTag = 1
    matConnAx = 2
    matConnRot = 3

    Fy = 60.0 * ksi
    # Yield stress
    Es = 29000.0 * ksi
    # Modulus of Elasticity of Steel
    v = 0.2
    # Poisson's ratio
    Gs = Es / (1 + v)
    # Shear modulus
    b = 0.10
    # Strain hardening ratio
    params = [18.0, 0.925, 0.15]  # R0,cR1,cR2
    R0 = 18.0
    cR1 = 0.925
    cR2 = 0.15
    a1 = 0.05
    a2 = 1.00
    a3 = 0.05
    a4 = 1.0
    sigInit = 0.0
    alpha = 0.05

    ops.uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', matTag, Fy, Es, b, R0, cR1, cR2, a1, a2,
                         a3, a4, sigInit)

    # ##################
    # ## Sections
    # ##################

    colSecTag1 = 1
    colSecTag2 = 2
    beamSecTag1 = 3
    beamSecTag2 = 4
    beamSecTag3 = 5

    # COMMAND: section('WFSection2d', secTag, matTag, d, tw, bf, tf, Nfw, Nff)

    ops.section('WFSection2d', colSecTag1, matTag, 10.5 * inch, 0.26 * inch,
                5.77 * inch, 0.44 * inch, 15, 16)  # outer Column
    ops.section('WFSection2d', colSecTag2, matTag, 10.5 * inch, 0.26 * inch,
                5.77 * inch, 0.44 * inch, 15, 16)  # Inner Column

    ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag1, matTag, 8.3 * inch, 0.44 * inch,
                8.11 * inch, 0.685 * inch, 15, 15)  # outer Beam
    ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag2, matTag, 8.2 * inch, 0.40 * inch,
                8.01 * inch, 0.650 * inch, 15, 15)  # Inner Beam
    ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag3, matTag, 8.0 * inch, 0.40 * inch,
                7.89 * inch, 0.600 * inch, 15, 15)  # Inner Beam

    # Beam size - W10x26
    Abeam = 7.61 * inch * inch
    IbeamY = 144. * (inch**4)
    # Inertia along horizontal axis
    IbeamZ = 14.1 * (inch**4)
    # inertia along vertical axis

    # BRB input data
    Acore = 2.25 * inch
    Aend = 10.0 * inch
    LR_BRB = 0.55

    # ###########################
    # ##### Nodes
    # ###########################

    # Create All main nodes
    ops.node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
    ops.node(2, W_bayX, 0.0)
    ops.node(3, 2 * W_bayX, 0.0)

    ops.node(11, 0.0, H_story)
    ops.node(12, W_bayX, H_story)
    ops.node(13, 2 * W_bayX, H_story)

    ops.node(21, 0.0, 2 * H_story)
    ops.node(22, W_bayX, 2 * H_story)
    ops.node(23, 2 * W_bayX, 2 * H_story)

    ops.node(31, 0.0, 3 * H_story)
    ops.node(32, W_bayX, 3 * H_story)
    ops.node(33, 2 * W_bayX, 3 * H_story)

    # Beam Connection nodes

    ops.node(1101, 0.0, H_story)
    ops.node(1201, W_bayX, H_story)
    ops.node(1202, W_bayX, H_story)
    ops.node(1301, 2 * W_bayX, H_story)

    ops.node(2101, 0.0, 2 * H_story)
    ops.node(2201, W_bayX, 2 * H_story)
    ops.node(2202, W_bayX, 2 * H_story)
    ops.node(2301, 2 * W_bayX, 2 * H_story)

    ops.node(3101, 0.0, 3 * H_story)
    ops.node(3201, W_bayX, 3 * H_story)
    ops.node(3202, W_bayX, 3 * H_story)
    ops.node(3301, 2 * W_bayX, 3 * H_story)

    # ###############
    #  Constraints
    # ###############

    ops.fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
    ops.fix(2, 1, 1, 1)
    ops.fix(3, 1, 1, 1)

    # #######################
    # ### Elements
    # #######################

    # ### Assign beam-integration tags

    ColIntTag1 = 1
    ColIntTag2 = 2
    BeamIntTag1 = 3
    BeamIntTag2 = 4
    BeamIntTag3 = 5

    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', ColIntTag1, colSecTag1, 4)
    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', ColIntTag2, colSecTag2, 4)
    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag1, beamSecTag1, 4)
    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag2, beamSecTag2, 4)
    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag3, beamSecTag3, 4)

    # Assign geometric transformation

    ColTransfTag = 1
    BeamTranfTag = 2

    ops.geomTransf('PDelta', ColTransfTag)
    ops.geomTransf('Linear', BeamTranfTag)

    # Assign Elements  ##############

    # ## Add non-linear column elements
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 1, 1, 11, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass',
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 2, 2, 12, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2, '-mass',
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 3, 3, 13, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass',

    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 11, 11, 21, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 12, 12, 22, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 13, 13, 23, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)

    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 21, 21, 31, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 22, 22, 32, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 23, 23, 33, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)

    #  ### Add linear main beam elements, along x-axis
    #element('elasticBeamColumn', 101, 1101, 1201, Abeam, Es, Gs, Jbeam, IbeamY, IbeamZ, beamTransfTag, '-mass', 0.0)

    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 101, 1101, 1201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 102, 1202, 1301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag1,
                '-mass', 0.0)

    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 201, 2101, 2201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag2,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 202, 2202, 2301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag2,
                '-mass', 0.0)

    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 301, 3101, 3201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag3,
                '-mass', 0.0)
    ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 302, 3202, 3301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag3,
                '-mass', 0.0)

    # Assign constraints between beam end nodes and column nodes (RIgid beam column connections)
    ops.equalDOF(11, 1101, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(12, 1201, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(12, 1202, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(13, 1301, 1, 2, 3)

    ops.equalDOF(21, 2101, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(22, 2201, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(22, 2202, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(23, 2301, 1, 2, 3)

    ops.equalDOF(31, 3101, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(32, 3201, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(32, 3202, 1, 2, 3)
    ops.equalDOF(33, 3301, 1, 2, 3)

    AllNodes = ops.getNodeTags()
    massX = 0.49

    for nodes in AllNodes:
        ops.mass(nodes, massX, massX, 0.00001)

    ## Gravity Load
    # create TimeSeries
    ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

    # create a plain load pattern
    ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1)

    # Create the nodal load
    ops.load(11, 0.0, -5.0 * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(12, 0.0, -6.0 * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(13, 0.0, -5.0 * kip, 0.0)

    ops.load(21, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(22, 0., -6. * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(23, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0)

    ops.load(31, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(32, 0., -6. * kip, 0.0)
    ops.load(33, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0)


    if (AnalysisType == "Pushover"):

        print("<<<< Running Pushover Analysis >>>>")

        # Create load pattern for pushover analysis
        # create a plain load pattern
        ops.pattern("Plain", 2, 1)

        ops.load(11, 1.61, 0.0, 0.0)
        ops.load(21, 3.22, 0.0, 0.0)
        ops.load(31, 4.83, 0.0, 0.0)

        ControlNode = 31
        ControlDOF = 1
        MaxDisp = 0.15 * H_story
        DispIncr = 0.1
        NstepsPush = int(MaxDisp / DispIncr)

        Model = 'test'
        LoadCase = 'Pushover'
        dt = 0.2
        opp.createODB(Model, LoadCase, Nmodes=3)

        ops.integrator("DisplacementControl", ControlNode, ControlDOF,
        ops.test('NormUnbalance', 1e-8, 10)

        # 	analyze(NstepsPush)

        print("Pushover analysis complete")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_node_coords():
    node_coords = dict()
    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    for i in node_tags:
        node_coords[i] = ops.nodeCoord(i)
    return node_coords
Ejemplo n.º 11
# wall mesh
wall_tag = 3
ndf = 2
ops.mesh('line', 1, 9, 4,5,8,9,10,11,7,6,2, wall_id, ndf, h)
ops.mesh('line', 2, 3, 2,1,4, wall_id, ndf, h)
ops.mesh('tri', wall_tag, 2, 1,2, wall_id, ndf, h)

# fluid mesh 
fluid_tag = 4
ops.mesh('line', 5, 3, 2,3,4, water_bound_id, ndf, h)

eleArgs = ['PFEMElementBubble',rho,mu,b1,b2,thk,kappa]
ops.mesh('tri', fluid_tag, 2, 2,5, water_body_id, ndf, h, *eleArgs)

for nd in ops.getNodeTags('-mesh', wall_tag):
    ops.fix(nd, 1,1)

# save the original modal

# create constraint object

# create numberer object

# create convergence test object
ops.test('PFEM', 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-15, 1e-15, 20, 3, 1, 2)

# create algorithm object
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def createOutputDatabase(self, Nmodes=0, deltaT=0.0, recorders=[]):
        This function creates a directory to save all the output data.
        Command: createODB("ModelName",<"LoadCase Name">, <Nmodes=Nmodes(int)>, <recorders=*recorder(list)>)
        ModelName    : (string) Name of the model. The main output folder will be named "ModelName_ODB" in the current directory.
        LoadCase Name: (string), Optional. Name of the load case forder to be created inside the ModelName_ODB folder. If not provided,
                        no load case data will be read.
        Nmodes         : (int) Optional key argument to save modeshape data. Default is 0, no modeshape data is saved.
        deltaT         : (float) Optional time interval for recording. will record when next step is deltaT greater than last recorder step. 
                        (default: records at every time step)
        recorders     : (string) A list of additional quantities a users would like to record in the output database.
                        The arguments for these additional inputs match the standard OpenSees arguments to avoid any confusion.
                        'localForce','basicDeformation', 'plasticDeformation','stresses','strains'
                        The recorders for node displacement and reactions are saved by default to help plot the deformed shape.
        Example: createODB(TwoSpanBridge, Pushover, Nmodes=3, recorders=['stresses', 'strains'])
        Future: The integrationPoints output works only for nonlinear beam column elements. If a model has a combination 
                of elastic and nonlienar elements, we need to create a method distinguish. 

        ODBdir = self.ODBdir  # ODB Dir name
        if not os.path.exists(ODBdir):

        nodeList = op.getNodeTags()
        eleList = op.getEleTags()

        dofList = [int(ii + 1) for ii in range(len(op.nodeCoord(nodeList[0])))]

        # Save node and element data in the main Output folder

        ## Create mode shape dir
        if Nmodes > 0:
            ModeShapeDir = os.path.join(ODBdir, "ModeShapes")
            if not os.path.exists(ModeShapeDir):

            ## Run eigen analysis internally and get information to print
            Tarray = np.zeros([1,
                               Nmodes])  # To save all the periods of vibration
            eigenVal = op.eigen(Nmodes + 1)

            for mm in range(1, Nmodes + 1):
                Tarray[0, mm - 1] = 4 * asin(1.0) / (eigenVal[mm - 1])**0.5

            modeTFile = os.path.join(ModeShapeDir, "ModalPeriods.out")
            np.savetxt(modeTFile, Tarray, delimiter=self.delim, fmt=self.fmt)

            ### Save mode shape data
            for ii in range(1, Nmodes + 1):


        LoadCaseDir = self.LoadCaseDir

        if not os.path.exists(LoadCaseDir):

        NodeDispFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "NodeDisp_All.out")
        EleForceFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "EleForce_All.out")
        ReactionFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "Reaction_All.out")
        EleStressFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "EleStress_All.out")
        EleStrainFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "EleStrain_All.out")
        EleBasicDefFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "EleBasicDef_All.out")
        ElePlasticDefFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, "ElePlasticDef_All.out")
        # EleIntPointsFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir,"EleIntPoints_All.out")

        # Save recorders in the ODB folder
        op.recorder('Node', '-file', NodeDispFile, '-time', '-dT', deltaT,
                    '-node', *nodeList, '-dof', *dofList, 'disp')
        op.recorder('Node', '-file', ReactionFile, '-time', '-dT', deltaT,
                    '-node', *nodeList, '-dof', *dofList, 'reaction')

        if 'localForce' in recorders:
            op.recorder('Element', '-file', EleForceFile, '-time', '-dT',
                        deltaT, '-ele', *eleList, '-dof', *dofList,

        if 'basicDeformation' in recorders:
            op.recorder('Element', '-file', EleBasicDefFile, '-time', '-dT',
                        deltaT, '-ele', *eleList, '-dof', *dofList,

        if 'plasticDeformation' in recorders:
            op.recorder('Element', '-file', ElePlasticDefFile, '-time', '-dT',
                        deltaT, '-ele', *eleList, '-dof', *dofList,

        if 'stresses' in recorders:
            op.recorder('Element', '-file', EleStressFile, '-time', '-dT',
                        deltaT, '-ele', *eleList, 'stresses')

        if 'strains' in recorders:
            op.recorder('Element', '-file', EleStrainFile, '-time', '-dT',
                        deltaT, '-ele', *eleList, 'strains')
Ejemplo n.º 13
# section
secTag = 1
ops.section('Elastic', secTag, E, A, Iz)

# beam integration
inteTag = 1
numpts = 2
ops.beamIntegration('Legendre', inteTag, secTag, numpts)

# beam mesh
beamTag = 6
ndf = 3
ops.mesh('line', beamTag, 2, 12, 13, beam_id, ndf, h, 'dispBeamColumn',
         transfTag, inteTag)

ndmass = bmass / len(ops.getNodeTags('-mesh', beamTag))

for nd in ops.getNodeTags('-mesh', beamTag):
    ops.mass(nd, ndmass, ndmass, 0.0)

# fluid mesh
fluidTag = 4
ndf = 2
ops.mesh('line', 1, 10, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 7, 6, 12, 2, wall_id, ndf, h)
ops.mesh('line', 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, wall_id, ndf, h)
ops.mesh('line', 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, water_bound_id, ndf, h)

eleArgs = ['PFEMElementBubble', rho, mu, b1, b2, thk, kappa]
ops.mesh('tri', fluidTag, 2, 2, 3, water_body_id, ndf, h, *eleArgs)

# wall mesh
Ejemplo n.º 14
parttag = 1
ops.mesh('part', parttag, *partArgs, *eleArgs, '-vel', 0.0, 0.0)

# wall mesh
ops.node(1, 2 * L, 0.0)
ops.node(2, 2 * L, Hb)
ops.node(3, 0.0, H)
ops.node(4, 0.0, 0.0)
ops.node(5, 4 * L, 0.0)
ops.node(6, 4 * L, H)

sid = 1
walltag = 4
ops.mesh('line', walltag, 5, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, sid, ndf, h)

wallNodes = ops.getNodeTags('-mesh', walltag)
for nd in wallNodes:
    ops.fix(nd, 1, 1, 1)

# structural mesh

# transformation
transfTag = 1
ops.geomTransf('Corotational', transfTag)

# section
secTag = 1
if nonlinear:
    matTag = 1
    ops.uniaxialMaterial('Steel01', matTag, Fy, E0, hardening)
    numfiber = 5