Ejemplo n.º 1
def match_candidates_by_distance(
    images_ref: List[str],
    images_cand: List[str],
    exifs: Dict[str, Any],
    reference: geo.TopocentricConverter,
    max_neighbors: int,
    max_distance: float,
) -> Set[Tuple[str, str]]:
    """Find candidate matching pairs by GPS distance.

    The GPS altitude is ignored because we want images of the same position
    at different altitudes to be matched together.  Otherwise, for drone
    datasets, flights at different altitudes do not get matched.
    if len(images_cand) == 0:
        return set()

    if max_neighbors <= 0 and max_distance <= 0:
        return set()
    max_neighbors = max_neighbors or 99999999
    max_distance = max_distance or 99999999.0
    k = min(len(images_cand), max_neighbors)

    points = np.zeros((len(images_cand), 3))
    for i, image in enumerate(images_cand):
        gps = exifs[image]["gps"]
        points[i] = reference.to_topocentric(gps["latitude"], gps["longitude"],

    tree = spatial.cKDTree(points)

    pairs = set()
    for image_ref in images_ref:
        nn = k + 1 if image_ref in images_cand else k

        gps = exifs[image_ref]["gps"]
        point = reference.to_topocentric(gps["latitude"], gps["longitude"], 0)
        distances, neighbors = tree.query(point,

        if type(neighbors) == int:  # special case with only one NN
            neighbors = [neighbors]

        for j in neighbors:
            if j >= len(images_cand):
            image_cand = images_cand[j]
            if image_cand != image_ref:
                pairs.add(sorted_pair(image_ref, image_cand))
    return pairs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_gps_point(
    exif: Dict[str, Any], reference: geo.TopocentricConverter
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Return GPS-based representative point. Direction is returned as Z oriented (vertical assumption)"""
    gps = exif["gps"]
    altitude = 0
    direction = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    return (
        reference.to_topocentric(gps["latitude"], gps["longitude"], altitude),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_exifs(
    reconstruction: types.Reconstruction,
    reference: geo.TopocentricConverter,
    gps_noise: Union[Dict[str, float], float],
    imu_noise: float,
    causal_gps_noise: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Generate fake exif metadata from the reconstruction."""
    speed_ms = 10.0
    previous_pose = None
    previous_time = 0
    exifs = {}

    def _gps_dop(shot):
        gps_dop = 15
        if isinstance(gps_noise, float):
            gps_dop = gps_noise
        if isinstance(gps_noise, dict):
            gps_dop = gps_noise[shot.camera.id]
        return gps_dop

    per_sequence = defaultdict(list)
    for shot_name in sorted(reconstruction.shots.keys()):
        shot = reconstruction.shots[shot_name]
        exif = {}
        exif["width"] = shot.camera.width
        exif["height"] = shot.camera.height
        exif["camera"] = str(shot.camera.id)
        exif["make"] = str(shot.camera.id)

        exif["skey"] = shot.metadata.sequence_key.value

        if shot.camera.projection_type in ["perspective", "fisheye"]:
            exif["focal_ratio"] = shot.camera.focal

        pose = shot.pose.get_origin()
        if previous_pose is not None:
            previous_time += np.linalg.norm(pose - previous_pose) * speed_ms
        previous_pose = pose
        exif["capture_time"] = previous_time

        exifs[shot_name] = exif

    for sequence_images in per_sequence.values():
        if causal_gps_noise:
            sequence_gps_dop = _gps_dop(reconstruction.shots[sequence_images[0]])
            perturbations_2d = generate_causal_noise(
                2, sequence_gps_dop, len(sequence_images), 2.0
        for i, shot_name in enumerate(sequence_images):
            shot = reconstruction.shots[shot_name]
            exif = exifs[shot_name]

            origin = shot.pose.get_origin()

            if causal_gps_noise:
                gps_perturbation = [perturbations_2d[j][i] for j in range(2)] + [0]
                gps_noise = _gps_dop(shot)
                gps_perturbation = [gps_noise, gps_noise, 0]

            origin = np.array([origin])
            perturb_points(origin, gps_perturbation)
            origin = origin[0]
            _, _, _, comp = rc.shot_lla_and_compass(shot, reference)
            lat, lon, alt = reference.to_lla(*origin)

            exif["gps"] = {}
            exif["gps"]["latitude"] = lat
            exif["gps"]["longitude"] = lon
            exif["gps"]["altitude"] = alt
            exif["gps"]["dop"] = _gps_dop(shot)

            omega, phi, kappa = geometry.opk_from_rotation(
            opk_noise = np.random.normal(0.0, np.full((3), imu_noise), (3))
            exif["opk"] = {}
            exif["opk"]["omega"] = math.degrees(omega) + opk_noise[0]
            exif["opk"]["phi"] = math.degrees(phi) + opk_noise[1]
            exif["opk"]["kappa"] = math.degrees(kappa) + opk_noise[2]

            exif["compass"] = {"angle": comp}

    return exifs
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_reference(self) -> TopocentricConverter:
     ref = self.map.get_reference()
     return TopocentricConverter(ref.lat, ref.lon, ref.alt)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _transform(point: Sequence, reference: TopocentricConverter, projection: pyproj.Proj) -> List[float]:
    """Transform on point from local coords to a proj4 projection."""
    lat, lon, altitude = reference.to_lla(point[0], point[1], point[2])
    easting, northing = projection(lon, lat)
    return [easting, northing, altitude]