Ejemplo n.º 1
import re
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

rules = (
    Rule([('(?P<yes_votes>\d+) Yeas - (?P<no_votes>\d+) '
           'Nays- (?P<excused>\d+) Excused - (?P<absent>\d+) Absent'),
          ('(?P<yes_votes>\d+) -Yeas, (?P<no_votes>\d+) -Nays, '
           '(?P<excused>\d+) -Excused, (?P<absent>\d+) -Absent'),
          '(?P<committees>Committee on .+?) suggested and ordered printed',
          ('\(Yeas (?P<yes_votes>\d+) - Nays (?P<no_votes>\d+) - Absent '
           '(?P<absent>\d+) - Excused (?P<excused>\d+)\)( \(Vacancy '

    Rule(['Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) of \S+',
          'Senator (?P<legislators>.+?of \S+)',
          'Representative (?P<legislators>[A-Z]+?( of [A-Za-z]+))',
          'Senator (?P<legislators>\S+ of \S+)',
          'Representative [A-Z ]+? of \S+']),

    Rule('REFERRED to the (?P<committees>Committee on [A-Z ]+(?![a-z]))',
    Rule(['READ A SECOND TIME'], ['reading-2']),
    Rule(['(?i)read once'], ['reading-1']),
    Rule('(?i)finally passed', 'passage'),
    Rule('(?i)passed to be enacted', 'passage'),
    Rule('COMMITTED to the (?P<committees>Committee on .+?)\.',
    Rule(r'Sent to the Engrossing Department', 'became-law'),
    Rule(r'VETO was NOT SUSTAINED', 'veto-override-passage'),
    Rule(r'VETO was OVERRIDDEN', 'veto-override-passage'),
Ejemplo n.º 2
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (

    Rule((r'\(Ayes (?P<yes_votes>\d+)\.\s+Noes\s+'
          r'(?P<no_votes>\d+)\.( Page \S+\.)?\)')),

    Rule(r'^Introduced', 'introduction'),

    Rule(r'(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+)', 'referral-committee'),
    Rule(r'(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+?)(\.\s+suspense)',
    Rule(r're-refer to Standing (?P<committees>[^.]+)\.',

    Rule(r'Read first time\.', 'reading-1'),
    Rule(r'Read second time and amended',
    Rule(r'Read third time', 'reading-3'),
    Rule(r'Read third time. Refused passage\.',
    Rule([r'(?i)read third time.{,5}passed',
          r'(?i)Read third time.+?Passed'],
         ['passage', 'reading-3']),

    Rule(r'Approved by the Governor', 'executive-signature'),
    Rule(r'Approved by the Governor with item veto',
    Rule('Vetoed by Governor', 'executive-veto'),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    u'State, Veterans, (?:and|&) Military Affairs',
    u'Executive Committee of Legislative Council',
    u'Health (?:and|&) Environment', u'Finance', u'Appropriations',
    u'Agriculture, Natural Resources (?:and|&) Energy', u'Judiciary',
    u'Business, Labor (?:and|&) Technology',
    u'Health (?:and|&) Human Services',
    u'State, Veterans (?:and|&) Military Affairs', u'Local Government',
    u'Legislative Audit', u'Executive Committee of Legislative Council',
    u'Transportation', u'Health (?:and|&) Human Services', u'Education',
    u'Legislative Council', u'Legal Services', u'Capital Development',
    u'Transportation (?:and|&) Energy', u'Joint Budget Committee',
    u'Business, Labor, (?:and|&) Technology',
    u'State, Veterans, (?:and|&) Military Affairs'

rules = (Rule('^House', actor='lower'), Rule('^Senate', actor='upper'),
         Rule('^Introduced in Senate',
              actor='upper'), Rule('^Introduced in House', actor='lower'),
         Rule('^Governor', actor='executive'),
         Rule('Governor Action - Partial Veto', 'executive-veto-line-item'),
         Rule('Sent to the Governor', 'executive-receipt'),
         Rule('Governor Action - Signed', 'executive-signature'),
         Rule('Governor Signed', 'executive-signature'),
         Rule('Governor Action - Vetoed',
              'executive-veto'), Rule(r'^Introduced', 'introduction'),
         Rule(r'Assigned to (?P<committees>.+)'),
         Rule(u'(?i)refer (un)?amended to (?P<committees>.+)',
         Rule(u'(?i)\S+ Committee on (?P<committees>.+?) Refer (un)amended'),
         Rule(u'Assigned to (<?P<committees>.+?)', 'referral-committee'),
         Rule(u'Second Reading Passed', [u'reading-2']),
Ejemplo n.º 4
import re
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

rules = (
    Rule([u'Amendment (?P<bills>.+?) -\s+Laid On Table'],
    Rule([u'Favorable'], ['committee-passage-favorable']),
    Rule([u'(?i)Amendment (?P<bills>.+?) defeated'], ['amendment-failure']),
    Rule([u'(?i)introduced and adopted in lieu of (?P<bills>.+)'],
    Rule([u'(?i)assigned to (?P<committees>.+?) Committee in'],
         ['referral-committee', 'introduction']),
    Rule([u'Signed by Governor'], ['executive-signature']),
    Rule([u'(?i)Amendment (?P<bills>[\w\s]+?) Introduced'],
    Rule([u'Amendment (?P<bills>.+?) -  Passed'],
         ['amendment-passage']), Rule([u'(?i)^Passed by'], ['passage']),
    Rule([u'(?i)unfavorable'], ['committee-passage-unfavorable']),
    Rule([u'Reported Out of Committee \((?P<committees>.+?)\)'],
    Rule([u'Vetoed by Governor'], ['executive-veto']),
    Rule([u'(?i)Amendment (?P<bills>.+?)\s+-\s+Introduced'],
    Rule([u'(?i)Amendment (?P<bills>[\w\s]+?) Passed'], ['amendment-passage']),
        u'Amendment (?P<bills>.+?) -  Defeated by House of .+?\. Votes: Defeated'
    ], ['amendment-failure']), Rule([u'^Introduced'], ['introduction']),
    Rule([u'Amendment (?P<bills>.+?) -  Defeated in House'],
Ejemplo n.º 5
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
    Rule(['Amendment #\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) bundle YES adopted'],
    Rule(['(?i)Signed by (the )Governor(.*)'], ['executive-signature']),
    Rule(['Accompanied (by )?(?P<bill_id>[SH]\\S+)'], []),
    Rule(['Discharged to the committee on (?P<committees>.+)'],
    Rule(['(?i)Amendment #\\d+ adopted'], ['amendment-passage']),
    Rule(['Amendment #\\d+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) rejected',
          '(?i)amendment.+?rejected'], ['amendment-failure']),
    Rule(['(?is)Amendment \\S+ withdrawn'], ['amendment-withdrawal']),
    Rule(['Amendment #\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) Pending'],
    Rule(['(?P<bill>[HS]\\d+)'], []),
    Rule(['(?i)Amendment \\(#\\d+\\) adopted'], ['amendment-passage']),
    Rule(['(?i)with veto'], ['executive-veto']),
    Rule(['reported favorably by committee'], ['committee-passage-favorable']),
    Rule(['Accompan\\S+ .+?(?P<bill_id>[SH]\\S+)'], []),
    Rule(['(?i)Amendment \\d+ pending'], ['amendment-deferral']),
    Rule(['Read,'], ['reading-1']),
    Rule(['(?i)Amendment #\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\)\\s+-\\s+rejected',
          '(?i)Amendment \\d+ rejected',
          'Amendment #?\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) rejected'],
    Rule(['Amended \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) ',
          'Amendment #?\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) adopted'],
    Rule(['(?i)read.{,10}second'], ['reading-2']),
Ejemplo n.º 6
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
            r"\(Ayes (?P<yes_votes>\d+)\.\s+Noes\s+"
            r"(?P<no_votes>\d+)\.( Page \S+\.)?\)"
    Rule(r"^Introduced", "introduction"),
    Rule(r"(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+)", "referral-committee"),
    Rule(r"(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+?)(\.\s+suspense)", "referral-committee"),
    Rule(r"re-refer to Standing (?P<committees>[^.]+)\.", "referral-committee"),
    Rule(r"Read first time\.", "reading-1"),
    Rule(r"Read second time and amended", ["reading-2"]),
    Rule(r"Read third time", "reading-3"),
    Rule(r"Read third time. Refused passage\.", "failure"),
        [r"(?i)read third time.{,5}passed", r"(?i)Read third time.+?Passed"],
        ["passage", "reading-3"],
    Rule(r"Approved by the Governor", "executive-signature"),
    Rule(r"Approved by the Governor with item veto", "executive-veto-line-item"),
    Rule("Vetoed by Governor", "executive-veto"),
    Rule("Vetoed by the Governor", "executive-veto"),
    Rule(r"To Governor", "executive-receipt"),
    Rule(r"amendments concurred in", "amendment-passage"),
    Rule(r"refused to concur in Assembly amendments", "amendment-failure"),
    Rule(r"Failed passage in committee", "committee-failure"),
    u'Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority',
    u'Roads and Transportation',
    u'Rule-Making Review Committee',
    u'Senior Citizen Issues',
    u'Special Investigations',
    u'Veterans Affairs',
    u'Veterans Affairs/ Homeland Security',
    u'Water Resources',
    u'Workforce Investment for Economic Development',

committees_rgx = '(%s)' % '|'.join(sorted(committees, key=len, reverse=True))

rules = (Rule(
    ['Communicated to Senate', 'Senate received', 'Ordered to Senate'],
         Rule(['Communicated to House', 'House received', 'Ordered to House'],
              actor='lower'), Rule('Read 1st time', 'reading-1'),
         Rule('Read 2nd time', 'reading-2'), Rule('Read 3rd time',
         Rule('Filed for introduction',
              'filing'), Rule('^Introduced in', 'introduction'),
         Rule(['Passed Senate', 'Passed House'], 'passage'),
         Rule(['Reported do pass', 'With amendment, do pass'],
             u', but first to .+?; then (?P<committees>[^;]+)',
             u'To (?P<committees>.+?) then'
         ]), Rule(u'(?i)voice vote', voice_vote=True),
         Rule([u'Amendment rejected'], [u'amendment-failure']),
Ejemplo n.º 8
    u"Roads and Transportation",
    u"Rule-Making Review Committee",
    u"Senior Citizen Issues",
    u"Special Investigations",
    u"Veterans Affairs",
    u"Veterans Affairs/ Homeland Security",
    u"Water Resources",
    u"Workforce Investment for Economic Development",

committees_rgx = "(%s)" % "|".join(sorted(committees, key=len, reverse=True))

rules = (
        ["Communicated to Senate", "Senate received", "Ordered to Senate"],
    Rule(["Communicated to House", "House received", "Ordered to House"],
    Rule("Read 1st time", "reading-1"),
    Rule("Read 2nd time", "reading-2"),
    Rule("Read 3rd time", "reading-3"),
    Rule("Filed for introduction", "filing"),
    Rule("^Introduced in", "introduction"),
    Rule(["Passed Senate", "Passed House"], "passage"),
    Rule(["Reported do pass", "With amendment, do pass"], "committee-passage"),
        ", but first to .+?; then (?P<committees>[^;]+)",
        "To (?P<committees>.+?) then",
    Rule("(?i)voice vote", voice_vote=True),
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
    Rule(r'Amendment proposed on floor', 'amendment-introduction'),
    Rule(r'Amendment failed', 'amendment-failure'),
    Rule(r'Amendment adopted, placed on calendar', ''),
    Rule(r'^Filed with ', 'introduction'),
    Rule(r'^Introduced', 'introduction'),
    Rule(r'^Second reading', 'reading-2'),
    Rule(r'passed as amended', 'passage'),
    Rule(r'passed', 'passage'),
    Rule(r'Sent to Governor', 'executive-receipt'),
    Rule(r'Reported back', 'committee-passage'),
    Rule(r'Reported back.*do pass', 'committee-passage-favorable'),
    Rule(r'Reported back.*do not pass', 'committee-passage-unfavorable'),
    Rule(r'^Signed by Governor', 'executive-signature'),

class NDCategorizer(BaseCategorizer):
    rules = _categorizer_rules
Ejemplo n.º 10
     # Add a bajilion links to entities.
     r'SCs (changed|removed) (?P<legislators>.+)',
     r'Conference Committee on (?P<committees>.+)',
     r'Conference granted, naming:?\s+Conference Committee on (?P<committees>.+)',
     r'vote by Representative(?P<legislators>.+)',
     r'amended (?P<committees>.+?) committee',
     r'coauthored by (?P<legislators>.+)',
     (r'Remove Senator .+? as principal Senate author '
      r'and substitute with Senator (?P<legislators>.+?)'),
     r'(?i)committee substitute (?P<committees>.+)',
     (r'Pending removal author Senator (?P<legislators>.+?) '
      r'and replace with Senator'),
     r'Withdrawn from Calendar; (?P<committees>.+)',
     (r'Pending removal author Senator .+? and replace '
      r'with Senator (?P<legislators>.+)'),
     (r'remove as principal author Representative .+? and substitute '
      r'with Representative (?P<legislators>.+?)'),
     r'Pending coauthorship Senator\(s\) (?P<legislators>.+)',
     (r'Remove Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) as principal '
      r'House author and substitute with Representative'),
     r'Pending removal principal author Representative .+? and '
     r'replace with Representative (?P<legislators>.+)',
     r'Second Reading referred to (?P<committees>.+? Committee)',
     r'Notice served to reconsider vote on measure (?P<legislators>.+)',
     (r'Pending removal principal author Representative (?P<legislators>.+) '
      r'and replace with Representative .+'),
     (r'remove as principal author Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) '
      r'and substitute with Representative'),
     r'CR; Do Pass(, as amended,|, amended by)? (?P<committees>.+)',
     r'coauthor (Senator|Representative) (?P<legislators>.+)',
Ejemplo n.º 11
         # Add a bajilion links to entities.
         r"SCs (changed|removed) (?P<legislators>.+)",
         r"Conference Committee on (?P<committees>.+)",
         r"Conference granted, naming:?\s+Conference Committee on (?P<committees>.+)",
         r"vote by Representative(?P<legislators>.+)",
         r"amended (?P<committees>.+?) committee",
         r"coauthored by (?P<legislators>.+)",
             r"Remove Senator .+? as principal Senate author "
             r"and substitute with Senator (?P<legislators>.+?)"
         r"(?i)committee substitute (?P<committees>.+)",
             r"Pending removal author Senator (?P<legislators>.+?) "
             r"and replace with Senator"
         r"Withdrawn from Calendar; (?P<committees>.+)",
             r"Pending removal author Senator .+? and replace "
             r"with Senator (?P<legislators>.+)"
             r"remove as principal author Representative .+? and substitute "
             r"with Representative (?P<legislators>.+?)"
         r"Pending coauthorship Senator\(s\) (?P<legislators>.+)",
             r"Remove Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) as principal "
             r"House author and substitute with Representative"
         r"Pending removal principal author Representative .+? and "
         r"replace with Representative (?P<legislators>.+)",
         r"Second Reading referred to (?P<committees>.+? Committee)",
         r"Notice served to reconsider vote on measure (?P<legislators>.+)",
             r"Pending removal principal author Representative (?P<legislators>.+) "
             r"and replace with Representative .+"
             r"remove as principal author Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) "
             r"and substitute with Representative"
         r"CR; Do Pass(, as amended,|, amended by)? (?P<committees>.+)",
         r"coauthor (Senator|Representative) (?P<legislators>.+)",
Ejemplo n.º 12
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
    Rule(r"Amendment proposed on floor", "amendment-introduction"),
    Rule(r"Amendment failed", "amendment-failure"),
    Rule(r"Amendment adopted, placed on calendar", ""),
    Rule(r"^Filed with ", "introduction"),
    Rule(r"^Introduced", "introduction"),
    Rule(r"^Second reading", "reading-2"),
    Rule(r"passed as amended", "passage"),
    Rule(r"passed", "passage"),
    Rule(r"Sent to Governor", "executive-receipt"),
    Rule(r"Reported back", "committee-passage"),
    Rule(r"Reported back.*do pass", "committee-passage-favorable"),
    Rule(r"Reported back.*do not pass", "committee-passage-unfavorable"),
    Rule(r"^Signed by Governor", "executive-signature"),

class NDCategorizer(BaseCategorizer):
    rules = _categorizer_rules
Ejemplo n.º 13
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
        ["Amendment #\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) bundle YES adopted"],
    Rule(["(?i)Signed by (the )Governor(.*)"], ["executive-signature"]),
    Rule(["Accompanied (by )?(?P<bill_id>[SH]\\S+)"], []),
    Rule(["Discharged to the committee on (?P<committees>.+)"], ["referral-committee"]),
    Rule(["(?i)Amendment #\\d+ adopted"], ["amendment-passage"]),
            "Amendment #\\d+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) rejected",
    Rule(["(?is)Amendment \\S+ withdrawn"], ["amendment-withdrawal"]),
        ["Amendment #\\S+ \\((?P<legislator>.+?)\\) Pending"],
    Rule(["(?P<bill>[HS]\\d+)"], []),
    Rule(["(?i)Amendment \\(#\\d+\\) adopted"], ["amendment-passage"]),
    Rule(["(?i)with veto"], ["executive-veto"]),
    Rule(["reported favorably by committee"], ["committee-passage-favorable"]),
    Rule(["Accompan\\S+ .+?(?P<bill_id>[SH]\\S+)"], []),
    Rule(["(?i)Amendment \\d+ pending"], ["amendment-deferral"]),
    Rule(["Read,"], ["reading-1"]),
Ejemplo n.º 14
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

# These are regex patterns that map to action categories.
_categorizer_rules = (
    Rule((r"\(Ayes (?P<yes_votes>\d+)\.\s+Noes\s+"
          r"(?P<no_votes>\d+)\.( Page \S+\.)?\)")),
    Rule(r"^Introduced", "introduction"),
    Rule(r"(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+)", "referral-committee"),
    Rule(r"(?i)Referred to (?P<committees>.+?)(\.\s+suspense)",
    Rule(r"re-refer to Standing (?P<committees>[^.]+)\.",
    Rule(r"Read first time\.", "reading-1"),
    Rule(r"Read second time and amended", ["reading-2"]),
    Rule(r"Read third time", "reading-3"),
    Rule(r"Read third time. Refused passage\.", "failure"),
        [r"(?i)read third time.{,5}passed", r"(?i)Read third time.+?Passed"],
        ["passage", "reading-3"],
    Rule(r"Approved by the Governor", "executive-signature"),
    Rule(r"Approved by the Governor with item veto",
    Rule("Vetoed by Governor", "executive-veto"),
    Rule("Vetoed by the Governor", "executive-veto"),
    Rule(r"To Governor", "executive-receipt"),
    Rule(r"amendments concurred in", "amendment-passage"),
    Rule(r"refused to concur in Assembly amendments", "amendment-failure"),
    Rule(r"Failed passage in committee", "committee-failure"),
        r"From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56.",
Ejemplo n.º 15
    u"Legislative Audit",
    u"Executive Committee of Legislative Council",
    u"Health (?:and|&) Human Services",
    u"Legislative Council",
    u"Legal Services",
    u"Capital Development",
    u"Transportation (?:and|&) Energy",
    u"Joint Budget Committee",
    u"Business, Labor, (?:and|&) Technology",
    u"State, Veterans, (?:and|&) Military Affairs",

rules = (
    Rule("^House", actor="lower"),
    Rule("^Senate", actor="upper"),
    Rule("^Introduced in Senate", actor="upper"),
    Rule("^Introduced in House", actor="lower"),
    Rule("^Governor", actor="executive"),
    Rule("Governor Action - Partial Veto", "executive-veto-line-item"),
    Rule("Sent to the Governor", "executive-receipt"),
    Rule("Governor Action - Signed", "executive-signature"),
    Rule("Governor Signed", "executive-signature"),
    Rule("Governor Action - Vetoed", "executive-veto"),
    Rule(r"^Introduced", "introduction"),
    Rule(r"Assigned to (?P<committees>.+)"),
    Rule("(?i)refer (un)?amended to (?P<committees>.+)",
    Rule(r"(?i)\S+ Committee on (?P<committees>.+?) Refer (un)amended"),
    Rule("Assigned to (<?P<committees>.+?)", "referral-committee"),
Ejemplo n.º 16
import re
from openstates.utils.actions import Rule, BaseCategorizer

rules = (
        (r"(?P<yes_votes>\d+) Yeas - (?P<no_votes>\d+) "
         r"Nays- (?P<excused>\d+) Excused - (?P<absent>\d+) Absent"),
        (r"(?P<yes_votes>\d+) -Yeas, (?P<no_votes>\d+) -Nays, "
         r"(?P<excused>\d+) -Excused, (?P<absent>\d+) -Absent"),
        r"(?P<committees>Committee on .+?) suggested and ordered printed",
        (r"\(Yeas (?P<yes_votes>\d+) - Nays (?P<no_votes>\d+) - Absent "
         r"(?P<absent>\d+) - Excused (?P<excused>\d+)\)( \(Vacancy "
        r"Representative (?P<legislators>.+?) of \S+",
        r"Senator (?P<legislators>.+?of \S+)",
        r"Representative (?P<legislators>[A-Z]+?( of [A-Za-z]+))",
        r"Senator (?P<legislators>\S+ of \S+)",
        r"Representative [A-Z ]+? of \S+",
        "REFERRED to the (?P<committees>Committee on [A-Z ]+(?![a-z]))",
    Rule(["READ A SECOND TIME"], ["reading-2"]),
    Rule(["(?i)read once"], ["reading-1"]),
    Rule("(?i)finally passed", "passage"),
    Rule("(?i)passed to be enacted", "passage"),
    Rule(r"COMMITTED to the (?P<committees>Committee on .+?)\.",