Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_target_string():
    Takes a list of terminal nodes and iteratively reduces that list until
    the solution has been found.
    :return: The complete parsed solution in the form of a GE individual.

    # Sort snippets keys to generate the initial solution list of terminals.
    solution = sorted([[get_num_from_str(snippet),
                        snippet] for snippet in trackers.snippets.keys()])
    # Perform reduction on the solution list.

    # Check snippets for solution
    ind = check_snippets_for_solution()

    return ind
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse_target_string():
    Takes a list of terminal nodes and iteratively reduces that list until
    the solution has been found.

    :return: The complete parsed solution in the form of a GE individual.

    # Sort snippets keys to generate the initial solution list of terminals.
    solution = sorted([[get_num_from_str(snippet),
                        snippet] for snippet in trackers.snippets.keys()])

    # Perform reduction on the solution list.

    # Check snippets for solution
    ind = check_snippets_for_solution()

    return ind
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reduce(solution):
    Takes a list of all matching subtrees found in the target string and
    iteratively combines and reduces subtrees to generate larger matching
    subtrees. This process continues until the list of matching subtrees has
    been completely reduced into a target string.

    :param solution: A list of all snippets (i.e. matching subtrees found in
    the target string.
    :return: Nothing.

    # Find all non-terminals in the grammar that can be used to concatenate
    # subtrees to new/larger subtrees.
    reduce_NTs = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].concat_NTs

    # Pre-load the target string.
    target = params['REVERSE_MAPPING_TARGET']

    for idx, snippet_info in enumerate(solution):
        # Get current snippet.
        snippet = snippet_info[2]

        # Find current snippet info.
        NT = snippet_info[1]

        # Get indexes of the current snippet
        indexes = snippet_info[0]
        start, end = indexes[0], indexes[1]

        # Find if the snippet root (NT) exists anywhere in the
        # reduction NTs.
        if NT in reduce_NTs:

            for reduce in reduce_NTs[NT]:
                # Now we're searching for a specific subset of keys in the
                # snippets dictionary.

                # Generate list of only the desired Non Terminals.
                NTs = reduce[2]

                if len(NTs) == 1:
                    # This choice leads directly to the parent, check if parent
                    # snippet already exists.

                    # Child is current snippet.
                    child = [[snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]]

                    # Get key for new snippet.
                    key, start, end = generate_key_and_check(
                        start, end, reduce, child)

                    # Create a new node for the solution list.
                    new_entry = [indexes, reduce[1], key]

                    # Insert the current node into the solution.
                    if new_entry not in solution:
                        solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)

                    # Find the index of the snippet root in the current
                    # reduction production choice.
                    NT_locs = [i for i, x in enumerate(NTs) if x[0] == NT]

                    for loc in NT_locs:
                        # We want to check each possible reduction option.

                        # Set where the original snippet starts and ends on
                        # the target string.
                        if loc == 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = None, end

                        elif start == 0 and loc != 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something before it.

                        elif end == len(params['TARGET']) and loc != \
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something after it.

                        elif loc == len(NTs):
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, None

                            # The current snippet is in the middle of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, end

                        alt_cs = list(range(len(NTs)))

                        # Initialise a list of children to be reduced.
                        children = [[] for _ in range(len(NTs))]

                        # Set original snippet into children.
                        children[loc] = [snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]

                        curr_idx = solution.index(snippet_info)

                        # Step 1: reduce everything before the current loc.
                        for item in reversed(alt_cs[:loc]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[pre - len(NTs[item][0]):pre]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([pre - len(NTs[item][0]), pre])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    pre -= len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # This is a NT. Check solution list for
                                # matching node.
                                available = [
                                    sol for sol in solution[:curr_idx] if
                                    sol[1] == NTs[item][0] and sol[0][1] == pre

                                for check in available:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Set the correct child in our
                                    # children.
                                    children[item] = [
                                        check[2], trackers.snippets[check[2]]

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    child_len = get_num_from_str(check[2])
                                    pre -= child_len[1] - child_len[0]


                        # Step cython_backup: reduce everything after the loc.
                        for i, item in enumerate(alt_cs[loc + 1:]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[aft:aft + len(NTs[item][0])]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([aft, aft + len(NTs[item][0])])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Increment target string index.
                                    aft += len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # We haven't looked ahead in the string,
                                # we can't add things we don't know yet.

                        if all([child != [] for child in children]):
                            # We have expanded all children and can collapse
                            # a node.

                            key, pre, aft = generate_key_and_check(
                                pre, aft, reduce, children)

                            # Create a new node for the solution list.
                            new_entry = [[pre, aft], reduce[1], key]

                            # Add the new reduced entry to the solution.
                            if new_entry not in solution:
                                solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def reduce(solution):
    Takes a list of all matching subtrees found in the target string and
    iteratively combines and reduces subtrees to generate larger matching
    subtrees. This process continues until the list of matching subtrees has
    been completely reduced into a target string.

    :param solution: A list of all snippets (i.e. matching subtrees found in
    the target string.
    :return: Nothing.

    # Find all non-terminals in the grammar that can be used to concatenate
    # subtrees to new/larger subtrees.
    reduce_NTs = params['BNF_GRAMMAR'].concat_NTs

    # Pre-load the target string.
    target = params['REVERSE_MAPPING_TARGET']

    for idx, snippet_info in enumerate(solution):
        # Get current snippet.
        snippet = snippet_info[2]

        # Find current snippet info.
        NT = snippet_info[1]

        # Get indexes of the current snippet
        indexes = snippet_info[0]
        start, end = indexes[0], indexes[1]

        # Find if the snippet root (NT) exists anywhere in the
        # reduction NTs.
        if NT in reduce_NTs:

            for reduce in reduce_NTs[NT]:
                # Now we're searching for a specific subset of keys in the
                # snippets dictionary.

                # Generate list of only the desired Non Terminals.
                NTs = reduce[2]

                if len(NTs) == 1:
                    # This choice leads directly to the parent, check if parent
                    # snippet already exists.

                    # Child is current snippet.
                    child = [[snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]]

                    # Get key for new snippet.
                    key, start, end = generate_key_and_check(start, end,
                                                             reduce, child)

                    # Create a new node for the solution list.
                    new_entry = [indexes, reduce[1], key]

                    # Insert the current node into the solution.
                    if new_entry not in solution:
                        solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)

                    # Find the index of the snippet root in the current
                    # reduction production choice.
                    NT_locs = [i for i, x in enumerate(NTs) if x[0] == NT]

                    for loc in NT_locs:
                        # We want to check each possible reduction option.

                        # Set where the original snippet starts and ends on
                        # the target string.
                        if loc == 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = None, end

                        elif start == 0 and loc != 0:
                            # The current snippet is at the start of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something before it.

                        elif end == len(params['TARGET']) and loc != \
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the target
                            # string, but we are trying to reduce_trees it with
                            # something after it.

                        elif loc == len(NTs):
                            # The current snippet is at the end of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, None

                            # The current snippet is in the middle of the
                            # reduction attempt.
                            pre, aft = start, end

                        alt_cs = list(range(len(NTs)))

                        # Initialise a list of children to be reduced.
                        children = [[] for _ in range(len(NTs))]

                        # Set original snippet into children.
                        children[loc] = [snippet, trackers.snippets[snippet]]

                        curr_idx = solution.index(snippet_info)

                        # Step 1: reduce everything before the current loc.
                        for item in reversed(alt_cs[:loc]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[pre-len(NTs[item][0]):pre]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([pre - len(NTs[item][0]), pre])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    pre -= len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # This is a NT. Check solution list for
                                # matching node.
                                available = [sol for sol in solution[:curr_idx]
                                             if sol[1] == NTs[item][0] and
                                             sol[0][1] == pre]

                                for check in available:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Set the correct child in our
                                    # children.
                                    children[item] = [check[2],

                                    # Decrement target string index.
                                    child_len = get_num_from_str(check[2])
                                    pre -= child_len[1] - child_len[0]


                        # Step 2: reduce everything after the loc.
                        for i, item in enumerate(alt_cs[loc+1:]):

                            if NTs[item][1] == "T":
                                # This is a terminal, decrement by length of T.

                                # Check output of target string.
                                check = target[aft: aft + len(NTs[item][0])]

                                if check == NTs[item][0]:
                                    # We have a match.

                                    # Generate fake key for snippets dict.
                                    key = str([aft, aft + len(NTs[item][0])])

                                    # Create new tree from this terminal.
                                    T_tree = Tree(check, None)

                                    # Add to children.
                                    children[item] = [key, T_tree]

                                    # Increment target string index.
                                    aft += len(NTs[item][0])

                                    # No match.

                                # We haven't looked ahead in the string,
                                # we can't add things we don't know yet.

                        if all([child != [] for child in children]):
                            # We have expanded all children and can collapse
                            # a node.

                            key, pre, aft = generate_key_and_check(pre, aft,

                            # Create a new node for the solution list.
                            new_entry = [[pre, aft], reduce[1], key]

                            # Add the new reduced entry to the solution.
                            if new_entry not in solution:
                                solution.insert(idx + 1, new_entry)