Ejemplo n.º 1
def cross_deepie(url, test, indices, variables, foreign, noise, count):
#def cross_deepie(generator, test, indices, variables, foreign, noise, count):


    # Generate image.
    fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)

    with dnnlib.util.open_url(url) as f:
        _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(f)

    next_pop = op.crossover(variables, foreign, noise, indices)

    l1 = next_pop[:len(next_pop) // 2]
    l2 = next_pop[len(next_pop) // 2:]
    images1 = Gs.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
    images2 = Gs.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
    #images1 = generator.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
    #images2 = generator.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
    images = np.concatenate([images1, images2])

    #save images
    if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, count)):
        os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, count))

    for idx in range(images.shape[0]):
        # PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Generation0/img%d.png' % idx)
        PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png' % (test, count, idx))

    return next_pop
Ejemplo n.º 2
def __crossover(pop, p_crossover):
    new_pop = []

    for specimen in pop:
        if random.random() < p_crossover:

            mate = pop[random.randrange(len(pop))]
            child = operators.crossover(specimen, mate)



    return new_pop
Ejemplo n.º 3
def deepie2(url, test, gen, latents, indices, foreign, noise):


    with dnnlib.util.open_url(url) as f:
        _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(f)

     # Generate image.
    fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)

    if gen == 0:

        #next_pop = None
        #variables = latents.copy()

        # Run the generator to produce a set of images.
        #l1 = variables[:len(variables)//2]
        #l2 = variables[len(variables)//2:]
        l1 = latents[:len(latents)//2]
        l2 = latents[len(latents)//2:]
        images1 = Gs.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images2 = Gs.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images = np.concatenate([images1, images2])

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie"):

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d" % test):
            os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d" % test)

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/selected" % test):
                os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/selected" % test )

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen)):
                os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen) )

        for idx in range(images.shape[0]):
            # PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Generation0/img%d.png' % idx)
            PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png' % (test, gen, idx))

        show_images(images.shape[0], gen, test)

        gen = gen + 1 

        return latents, gen


        next_pop = op.crossover(latents, foreign, noise, indices)

        # save selected images
        for idx in indices:
            shutil.copy("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png" % (test, gen - 1, idx), "Deepie/Test%d/selected" % test)
            old_file = os.path.join("Deepie/Test%d/selected" % (test), "img%d.png" % (idx))
            new_file = os.path.join("Deepie/Test%d/selected" % (test), "img%d_gen%d.png" % (idx, gen - 1))
            os.rename(old_file, new_file)

        l1 = next_pop[:len(next_pop) // 2]
        l2 = next_pop[len(next_pop) // 2:]
        images1 = Gs.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images2 = Gs.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images = np.concatenate([images1, images2])

        #save images
        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen)):
            os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen))

        for idx in range(images.shape[0]):
            # PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Generation0/img%d.png' % idx)
            PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png' % (test, gen, idx))

        show_images(images.shape[0], gen, test)

        gen = gen + 1 

        return next_pop, gen
Ejemplo n.º 4
def deepie(generator, test, gen, latents, indices, foreign, noise):

     # Generate image.
    fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)

    if gen == 0:

        #next_pop = None
        #variables = latents.copy()

        # Run the generator to produce a set of images.
        #l1 = variables[:len(variables)//2]
        #l2 = variables[len(variables)//2:]
        l1 = latents[:len(latents)//2]
        l2 = latents[len(latents)//2:]
        images1 = generator.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images2 = generator.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images = np.concatenate([images1, images2])

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie"):

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d" % test):
            os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d" % test)

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/selected_A" % test):
                os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/selected_A" % test )

        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen)):
                os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen) )

        for idx in range(images.shape[0]):
            # PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Generation0/img%d.png' % idx)
            PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png' % (test, gen, idx))

        show_images(images.shape[0], gen, test)

        gen = gen + 1 

        return latents, gen


        next_pop = op.crossover(latents, foreign, noise, indices)

        # save selected images
        for idx in indices:
            shutil.copy("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png" % (test, gen - 1, idx), "Deepie/Test%d/selected_A" % test)
            old_file = os.path.join("Deepie/Test%d/selected_A" % (test), "img%d.png" % (idx))
            new_file = os.path.join("Deepie/Test%d/selected_A" % (test), "gen%d_img%d.png" % (gen -1, idx))
            os.rename(old_file, new_file)

        l1 = next_pop[:len(next_pop) // 2]
        l2 = next_pop[len(next_pop) // 2:]
        images1 = generator.run(l1, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images2 = generator.run(l2, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=True, output_transform=fmt)
        images = np.concatenate([images1, images2])

        #save images
        if not os.path.exists("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen)):
            os.mkdir("Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d" % (test, gen))

        for idx in range(images.shape[0]):
            # PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Generation0/img%d.png' % idx)
            PIL.Image.fromarray(images[idx], 'RGB').save('Deepie/Test%d/Generation%d/img%d.png' % (test, gen, idx))

        if gen != 0:

            names  = np.array(['Test', 'Generation', 'Choosen', "foreigns", "mutation" ])
            values = np.array([ test    , gen     , len(indices)    , foreign    , noise     ])

            ab = np.zeros(names.size, dtype=[('var1', 'U6'), ('var2', float)])
            ab['var1'] = names
            ab['var2'] = values

            file_name = 'Deepie/Test%d/selected_A/log%d.csv' % (test, gen)

            #np.savetxt(file_name, ab, fmt="%10s %10.3f")
            np.savetxt(file_name, ab, fmt='%s', delimiter=',')

        show_images(images.shape[0], gen, test)

        gen = gen + 1 

        return next_pop, gen
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mfea(tasks,
    :param tasks: List of Task type, can not be empty
    :param pop: Integer, population size
    :param gen: Integer, generation
    :param selection_process: String, only can be 'elitist' or 'roulette wheel', or can be customized
    :param rmp: Float, between 0 and 1
    :param p_il: Float, between 0 and 1
    :param reps: Integer, Repetition times
    :param method: String, details can be seen in document of scipy.optimize.minimize
    :param plot: Boolean, True or false
    :return: TotalEvaluations, ndarray, shape = (reps, gen)
              bestobj, ndarray, shape = (reps, gen, no_of_tasks))
              bestind, ndarray, shape = (shape=(reps, no_of_tasks, D_multitask))

    assert len(tasks) >= 1 and pop % 2 == 0
    if (pop % 2 != 0): pop += 1

    no_of_tasks = len(tasks)
    D = np.zeros(shape=no_of_tasks)
    for i in range(no_of_tasks):
        D[i] = tasks[i].dim
    D_multitask = int(np.max(D))

    fnceval_calls = np.zeros(shape=reps)
    TotalEvaluations = np.zeros(shape=(reps, gen))
    bestobj = np.empty(shape=(reps, gen, no_of_tasks))  #result each gen
    bestind = np.empty(shape=(reps, no_of_tasks,
                              D_multitask))  #best result to save so far

    m = int(pop / no_of_tasks)  #remain per task
    #calculate fm:
    a1 = (TH - 1) / (m - 1)
    b1 = (m - TH) / (m - 1)
    a2 = (0 - TH) / (pop - m)
    b2 = (pop * TH) / (pop - m)

    plotx = []
    ploty1 = []
    ploty2 = []

    for rep in range(reps):
        et = 0
        se = 0
        f = np.random.uniform(0.3, 0.7)
        print('Repetition: ' + str(rep) + ' :')

        population = np.asarray(
            [Individual(D_multitask, tasks) for _ in range(2 * pop)])
        factorial_costs = np.full(shape=(1 * pop, no_of_tasks),
        best_tmp = np.full(shape=no_of_tasks, fill_value=np.Inf)
        calls_per_individual = np.zeros(shape=pop)

        factorial_ranks = np.empty(shape=(1 * pop, no_of_tasks))
        tmp_factorial_ranks = np.empty(shape=(2 * pop, no_of_tasks))
        ability_vector = np.empty(shape=(1 * pop, no_of_tasks))
        for i, individual in enumerate(population[:pop]):
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):
                individual.skill_factor = j
                j, factorial_cost, calls_per_individual[
                    i] = individual.evaluate(p_il, method)
                et += 1
                    i, j] = factorial_cost  #i-th individual for j-th task
        for j in range(no_of_tasks):  #get factorial rank
            factorial_cost_j = factorial_costs[:, j]
            indices = list(range(len(factorial_cost_j)))
            indices.sort(key=lambda x: factorial_cost_j[x])
            ranks = np.empty(shape=1 * pop)
            for i, x in enumerate(indices):
                ranks[x] = i + 1
            factorial_ranks[:, j] = np.array(ranks)

        for j in range(no_of_tasks):
            bestind[rep, j, :D_multitask] = population[
                factorial_ranks[:, j].argmin()].rnvec[:D_multitask]

        for i in range(pop):  #get ability vector
            for j in range(factorial_ranks.shape[1]):
                if factorial_ranks[i, j] <= m:
                    ability_vector[i, j] = a1 * factorial_ranks[i, j] + b1
                    ability_vector[i, j] = a2 * factorial_ranks[i, j] + b2

        fnceval_calls[rep] = fnceval_calls[rep] + np.sum(calls_per_individual)

        mu = 1
        mum = 39

        for generation in range(gen):
            new_factorial_cost = np.full(shape=(no_of_tasks, 1 * m,
            kti = 0
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):  #for task 1 to k
                dim = tasks[j].dim
                group_j = []
                for i in range(pop):
                    if factorial_ranks[i, j] <= m:
                        group_j.append(i)  #get group j

                offspring_group_j = np.asarray(
                    [Individual(D_multitask, tasks) for _ in range(m)])
                offspring_ability_vector = np.empty(shape=(m, no_of_tasks))
                count = 0
                while (count < m - 1):
                    pa1, pa2 = random.sample(group_j, 2)
                    p1 = population[pa1]
                    p2 = population[pa2]
                    c1 = offspring_group_j[count]
                    c2 = offspring_group_j[count + 1]

                    if np.random.uniform() < rmp:
                        u = np.random.uniform(size=D_multitask)
                        cf = np.empty(shape=D_multitask)
                        cf[u <= 0.5] = np.power((2 * u[u <= 0.5]),
                                                (1 / (mu + 1)))
                        cf[u > 0.5] = np.power((2 * (1 - u[u > 0.5])),
                                               (-1 / (mu + 1)))

                        c1.rnvec = crossover(p1.rnvec, p2.rnvec, cf)
                        c2.rnvec = crossover(p2.rnvec, p1.rnvec, cf)

                        if np.random.uniform() < mutation_rate:
                            c1.rnvec = DM(c1.rnvec, p1.rnvec, p2.rnvec,
                                          bestind[rep, j, :D_multitask], f)
                            c2.rnvec = DM(c2.rnvec, p2.rnvec, p1.rnvec,
                                          bestind[rep, j, :D_multitask], f)
                        c1.rnvec = mutate(p1.rnvec, D_multitask, mum)
                        c2.rnvec = mutate(p2.rnvec, D_multitask, mum)
                    #inherit ability vector
                    if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
                        offspring_ability_vector[count] = np.array(
                            ability_vector[pa1, :])
                        offspring_ability_vector[count + 1] = np.array(
                            ability_vector[pa2, :])
                        offspring_ability_vector[count] = np.array(
                            ability_vector[pa2, :])
                        offspring_ability_vector[count + 1] = np.array(
                            ability_vector[pa1, :])
                    count += 2
                #offspring generate over
                tmp_factorial_cost = np.full(shape=(1 * m, no_of_tasks),

                for i, abv in enumerate(offspring_ability_vector):
                    tasks_factorial_cost = np.zeros(shape=no_of_tasks)
                    for ts in range(no_of_tasks):
                        if ts == j or random.random() < abv[ts]:
                            offspring_group_j[i].skill_factor = ts
                            tss, factorial_cost, tmp = offspring_group_j[
                                i].evaluate(p_il, method)
                            et += 1

                            if ts != j:
                                kti += 1
                                se += 1
                            factorial_cost = np.inf
                        tasks_factorial_cost[ts] = factorial_cost
                    tmp_factorial_cost[i] = np.array(tasks_factorial_cost)
                new_factorial_cost[j] = np.copy(tmp_factorial_cost)

                if j == 0:
                    intermediate_pop = np.concatenate(
                        (population[:pop], offspring_group_j), axis=0)
                    intermediate_pop = np.concatenate(
                        (intermediate_pop, offspring_group_j), axis=0)
            #end for loop:tasks

            #concatenate pop and all offspirngs
            #update pop by selecting factorial_cost:
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):
                if j == 0:
                    intermediate_fac = np.concatenate(
                        (factorial_costs[:pop], new_factorial_cost[j]), axis=0)
                    intermediate_fac = np.concatenate(
                        (intermediate_fac, new_factorial_cost[j]), axis=0)
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):  #get "factorial" rank
                factorial_cost_j = intermediate_fac[:, j]
                indices = list(range(len(factorial_cost_j)))
                indices.sort(key=lambda x: factorial_cost_j[x])
                ranks = np.empty(shape=2 * pop)
                for i, x in enumerate(indices):
                    ranks[x] = i + 1
                tmp_factorial_ranks[:, j] = np.array(ranks)
            count = 0
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):
                for i, indi in enumerate(intermediate_pop):
                    if tmp_factorial_ranks[i, j] <= m:
                        population[count].rnvec = np.copy(indi.rnvec)
                        factorial_costs[count] = np.array(intermediate_fac[i])
                        count += 1
            #update ability vector
            for j in range(no_of_tasks):  #get factorial rank
                factorial_cost_j = factorial_costs[:, j]
                indices = list(range(len(factorial_cost_j)))
                indices.sort(key=lambda x: factorial_cost_j[x])
                ranks = np.empty(shape=1 * pop)
                for i, x in enumerate(indices):
                    ranks[x] = i + 1
                factorial_ranks[:, j] = np.array(ranks)

            for i in range(pop):  #get ability vector
                for j in range(factorial_ranks.shape[1]):
                    if factorial_ranks[i, j] <= m:
                        ability_vector[i, j] = a1 * factorial_ranks[i, j] + b1
                        ability_vector[i, j] = a2 * factorial_ranks[i, j] + b2
            #update bestind

            for j in range(no_of_tasks):
                xxx = np.argmin(factorial_costs[:, j])
                if (best_tmp[j] > factorial_costs[xxx, j]):
                    bestobj[rep, generation, j] = factorial_costs[xxx, j]
                    best_tmp[j] = factorial_costs[xxx, j]
                        j, :D_multitask] = population[xxx].rnvec[:D_multitask]

            if generation % 100 == 0 and True:  #show result every gen
                print('Generation ' + str(generation) + ' :')
                print('Best objective of tasks : ', end='')

            if (generation % 10 == 0
                    or generation == gen - 1) and True:  #show process
                process = int((generation / (gen - 1)) * 100)
                print('\r%{:3}['.format(process) + '*' * (process // 5) +
                      '->' + '.' * (20 - process // 5) + ']',

            if plot == True and generation % 5 == 0:
                    np.corrcoef(factorial_ranks[:, 0],
                                factorial_ranks[:, 1])[0, 1])
                ploty2.append(((kti / pop) - 0.5) * 2)
#                ploty1.append(math.log10(best_tmp[0]))
#                ploty2.append(math.log10(best_tmp[1]))

        print('Generation ' + str(generation) + ' :')
        print('Best objective of tasks : ', end='')
        print(best_tmp, 'e times:', et, 'more e times:', se, 'f:', f)

        if plot == True:
            legend = ['localRs', 'KTI']
            plt.plot(plotx, ploty1, '-b')
            plt.plot(plotx, ploty2, '-r')

        for j in range(no_of_tasks):
            dim = tasks[j].dim
            nnn = np.argmin(factorial_costs[:, j])
            bestobj[rep, generation, j] = factorial_costs[nnn, j]
            bestind[rep, j, :dim] = population[nnn].rnvec[:dim]

    return TotalEvaluations, bestobj, bestind