Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_trace(self, roi_list: List[OphysROI]) -> dc_types.ROISetDict:
        Extract the traces from a movie as defined by the ROIs in roi_list

        roi_list -- a list of OphysROI instantiations
                    specifying the ROIs from which to
                    extract traces

        output -- a decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the ROI and
                  neuropil traces associated with roi_list. For each ROI
                  in the ROISetDict, only the 'signal' channel will be
                  populated, this with the trace extracted from the movie.
        motion_border = [
            self._motion_border['x0'], self._motion_border['x1'],
            self._motion_border['y0'], self._motion_border['y1']

        height = self.data.shape[1]
        width = self.data.shape[2]

        roi_mask_list = []
        for roi in roi_list:
            pixels = np.argwhere(roi.mask_matrix)
            pixels[:, 0] += roi.y0
            pixels[:, 1] += roi.x0
            mask = roi_masks.create_roi_mask(width,
                                             pix_list=pixels[:, [1, 0]],


        _traces = roi_masks.calculate_roi_and_neuropil_traces(
            self.data, roi_mask_list, motion_border)
        roi_traces = _traces[0]
        neuropil_traces = _traces[1]

        output = dc_types.ROISetDict()
        for i_roi, roi in enumerate(roi_list):

            trace = dc_types.ROIChannels()
            trace['signal'] = roi_traces[i_roi]
            output['roi'][roi.roi_id] = trace

            trace = dc_types.ROIChannels()
            trace['signal'] = neuropil_traces[i_roi]
            output['neuropil'][roi.roi_id] = trace

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_ROIChannels():

    signal = np.arange(9, dtype=float)
    crosstalk = np.arange(8, 17, dtype=float)
    mm = np.array([[1.2, 3.4], [5.6, 7.9]])
    p_signal = signal+0.01
    p_crosstalk = crosstalk+0.7
    p_mm = mm+0.9
    channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channels['signal'] = signal
    channels['crosstalk'] = crosstalk
    channels['mixing_matrix'] = mm
    channels['poorly_converged_signal'] = p_signal
    channels['poorly_converged_crosstalk'] = p_crosstalk
    channels['poorly_converged_mixing_matrix'] = p_mm
    channels['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = False

    np_almost(channels['signal'], signal, decimal=10)
    np_almost(channels['crosstalk'], crosstalk, decimal=10)
    np_almost(channels['mixing_matrix'], mm, decimal=10)
              channels['poorly_converged_signal'], decimal=10)
              channels['poorly_converged_crosstalk'], decimal=10)
              channels['poorly_converged_mixing_matrix'], decimal=10)
    assert not channels['use_avg_mixing_matrix']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_ROIChannel_exceptions():

    bad_signals = [np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int),
                   np.array([[1.1, 2.2], [3.4, 5.4]], dtype=float),

    for bad_val in bad_signals:
        channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels['signal'] = bad_val

    for bad_val in bad_signals:
        channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels['crosstalk'] = bad_val

    for bad_val in bad_signals:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
            channels['poorly_converged_signal'] = bad_val

    for bad_val in bad_signals:
        channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels['poorly_converged_crosstalk'] = bad_val

    bad_mm = [np.array([1.5, 6.7, 3.4]),
              np.array([[1, 3], [7, 9]], dtype=int),
    for bad_val in bad_mm:
        channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels['mixing_matrix'] = bad_val
    for bad_val in bad_mm:
        channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            channels['poorly_converged_mixing_matrix'] = bad_val

    channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        channels['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = 'True'

    channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channels['signal'] = np.arange(9, dtype=float)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        channels['abracadabra'] = 9
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_ROISetDict():

    rng = np.random.RandomState(53124)
    signals = list([rng.random_sample(10) for ii in range(4)])
    crosstalks = list([rng.random_sample(10) for ii in range(4)])

    roi_set_dict = dc_types.ROISetDict()

    for ii in range(2):
        c = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        c['signal'] = signals[ii]
        c['crosstalk'] = crosstalks[ii]
        roi_set_dict['roi'][ii] = c

    for ii in range(2, 4):
        c = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        c['signal'] = signals[ii]
        c['crosstalk'] = crosstalks[ii]
        roi_set_dict['neuropil'][ii-2] = c

              signals[0], decimal=10)

              signals[1], decimal=10)

              crosstalks[0], decimal=10)

              crosstalks[1], decimal=10)

              signals[2], decimal=10)

              signals[3], decimal=10)

              crosstalks[2], decimal=10)

              crosstalks[3], decimal=10)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_clean_negative_traces():

    rng = np.random.RandomState(88123)
    input_data = dc_types.ROISetDict()
    trace = rng.normal(7.0, 0.2, size=1000)
    trace[77] = 15.0
    trace[99] = 1.0
    roi = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    roi['signal'] = trace
    roi['crosstalk'] = rng.random_sample(1000)
    input_data['roi'][0] = roi

    trace = rng.normal(11.0, 0.2, size=1000)
    trace[44] = 22.0
    trace[88] = 1.0
    roi = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    roi['signal'] = trace
    roi['crosstalk'] = rng.random_sample(1000)
    input_data['neuropil'][0] = roi

    # make sure traces with NaNs are left untouched
    nan_trace = rng.normal(7.0, 0.2, size=1000)
    nan_trace[11] = 17.0
    nan_trace[33] = -1.0
    nan_trace[44] = np.NaN
    roi = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    roi['signal'] = nan_trace
    roi['crosstalk'] = rng.random_sample(1000)
    input_data['roi'][1] = roi

    cleaned = decrosstalk.clean_negative_traces(input_data)
    assert cleaned['roi'][0]['signal'].min() > 6.0
    assert cleaned['roi'][0]['signal'].min() < 7.0
    assert abs(cleaned['roi'][0]['signal'][77] - 15.0) < 0.001
    assert not np.isnan(cleaned['roi'][0]['signal']).any()

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(cleaned['roi'][1]['signal'], nan_trace)

    assert cleaned['neuropil'][0]['signal'].min() > 10.0
    assert cleaned['neuropil'][0]['signal'].min() < 11.0
    assert abs(cleaned['neuropil'][0]['signal'][44] - 22.0) < 0.001
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_ROIDict_exceptions():

    channel = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channel['signal'] = np.array([9.2, 3.4, 6.7])
    channel['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = False

    roi_dict = dc_types.ROIDict()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        roi_dict['aa'] = channel

    roi_dict = dc_types.ROIDict()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        roi_dict[11] = 'abcde'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_ROIDict():

    channel = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channel['signal'] = np.array([9.2, 3.4, 6.7])
    channel['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = False
    roi_dict = dc_types.ROIDict()
    roi_dict[9] = channel

              np.array([9.2, 3.4, 6.7]),

    assert not roi_dict[9]['use_avg_mixing_matrix']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_raw_traces(signal_plane: DecrosstalkingOphysPlane,
                   ct_plane: DecrosstalkingOphysPlane) -> dc_types.ROISetDict:
    Get the raw signal and crosstalk traces comparing
    this plane to another plane

    signal_plane -- an instance of DecrosstalkingOphysPlane which will
    be taken as the source of the signal

    ct_plane -- another instance of DecrosstalkingOphysPlane which will
    be taken as the source of the crosstalk

    An decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the raw trace data for
    the ROIs in the signal plane.

    signal_traces = signal_plane.movie.get_trace(signal_plane.roi_list)
    crosstalk_traces = ct_plane.movie.get_trace(signal_plane.roi_list)

    output = dc_types.ROISetDict()

    for roi_id in signal_traces['roi'].keys():
        _roi = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        _neuropil = dc_types.ROIChannels()

        _roi['signal'] = signal_traces['roi'][roi_id]['signal']
        _roi['crosstalk'] = crosstalk_traces['roi'][roi_id]['signal']
        output['roi'][roi_id] = _roi

        _neuropil['signal'] = signal_traces['neuropil'][roi_id]['signal']
        _neuropil['crosstalk'] = crosstalk_traces['neuropil'][roi_id]['signal']
        output['neuropil'][roi_id] = _neuropil

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_ROIDict_pop_and_keys():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1123)
    s1 = rng.random_sample(10)
    c1 = rng.random_sample(10)
    s2 = rng.random_sample(14)
    c2 = rng.random_sample(14)

    channel1 = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channel1['signal'] = s1
    channel1['crosstalk'] = c1

    channel2 = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channel2['signal'] = s2
    channel2['crosstalk'] = c2

    roi_dict = dc_types.ROIDict()
    roi_dict[88] = channel1
    roi_dict[77] = channel2

    keys = roi_dict.keys()
    assert keys == [77, 88]

    assert 77 in roi_dict
    assert 88 in roi_dict
    assert 55 not in roi_dict

    test = roi_dict.pop(88)
    assert 77 in roi_dict
    assert 88 not in roi_dict
    assert roi_dict.keys() == [77]

    np_almost(test['signal'], s1, decimal=10)
    np_almost(test['crosstalk'], c1, decimal=10)

    np_almost(roi_dict[77]['signal'], s2, decimal=10)
    np_almost(roi_dict[77]['crosstalk'], c2, decimal=10)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def unmix_ROI(roi_traces: dc_types.ROIChannels,
              seed: int = None,
              iters: int = 10) -> dc_types.ROIChannels:
    Unmix the signal and crosstalk traces for a single ROI

    roi_traces -- a decrosstalking_types.ROIChannels containing
                  raw trace information for the ROI

    seed -- an int used to seed the random number generator
            that sklearn.decompositions.FastICA uses

    iters -- an int indicating the number of iterations of
             FastICA to run before giving up on convegence.

    A decrosstalk_types.ROIChannels containing the unmixed trace data
    for the ROI

    ica_input = np.array([roi_traces['signal'], roi_traces['crosstalk']])

     roi_demixed) = ica_utils.run_ica(ica_input,

    assert unmixed_signals.shape == ica_input.shape

    output = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    output['mixing_matrix'] = mixing_matrix
    output['signal'] = unmixed_signals[0, :]
    output['crosstalk'] = unmixed_signals[1, :]
    output['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = not roi_demixed

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_ROIChannels_in():

    signal = np.arange(9, dtype=float)
    crosstalk = np.arange(8, 17, dtype=float)
    mm = np.array([[1.2, 3.4], [5.6, 7.9]])
    p_signal = signal+0.01
    p_crosstalk = crosstalk+0.7
    p_mm = mm+0.9
    channels = dc_types.ROIChannels()
    channels['signal'] = signal
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' not in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    channels['crosstalk'] = crosstalk
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    channels['mixing_matrix'] = mm
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    keys = channels.keys()
    assert keys == ['crosstalk', 'mixing_matrix', 'signal']

    channels['poorly_converged_signal'] = p_signal
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' not in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    channels['poorly_converged_crosstalk'] = p_crosstalk
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' not in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    keys = channels.keys()
    assert keys == ['crosstalk', 'mixing_matrix',

    channels['poorly_converged_mixing_matrix'] = p_mm
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' not in channels

    channels['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = False
    assert 'signal' in channels
    assert 'crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_signal' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_crosstalk' in channels
    assert 'poorly_converged_mixing_matrix' in channels
    assert 'use_avg_mixing_matrix' in channels

    keys = channels.keys()
    assert keys == ['crosstalk',
Ejemplo n.º 12
def clean_negative_traces(trace_dict: dc_types.ROISetDict) -> dc_types.ROISetDict:  # noqa: E501
    trace_dict -- a decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the traces
                   that need to be clipped

    A decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the clipped traces
    active_trace_dict = get_trace_events(trace_dict['roi'])
    output_trace_dict = dc_types.ROISetDict()
    roi_id_list = trace_dict['roi'].keys()
    for roi_id in roi_id_list:
        n_t = len(trace_dict['roi'][roi_id]['signal'])

        # try to select only inactive timesteps;
        # if there are none, select all timesteps
        # (that would be an unexpected edge case)
        mask = np.ones(n_t, dtype=bool)
        mask[active_trace_dict[roi_id]['signal']['events']] = False
        if mask.sum() == 0:
            mask[:] = True

        for obj in ('roi', 'neuropil'):

            # because we are running this step before culling
            # traces that failed ICA, sometimes, ROIs without
            # valid neuropil traces will get through
            if roi_id not in trace_dict[obj]:

            # again: there may be traces with NaNs; these are
            # going to get failed, anyway; just ignore them
            # for now
            if np.isnan(trace_dict[obj][roi_id]['signal']).any():
                dummy = dc_types.ROIChannels()
                dummy['signal'] = trace_dict[obj][roi_id]['signal']
                output_trace_dict[obj][roi_id] = dummy

             std) = _centered_rolling_mean(trace_dict[obj][roi_id]['signal'],

            threshold = mean-2.0*std

            if (threshold < 0.0).any():
                msg = 'The unmixed "%s" trace for roi %d ' % (obj, roi_id)
                msg += 'contained negative flux values'

            # if there were no valid timesteps when calculating the rolling
            # mean, set the threshold to a very negative value
            threshold = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(threshold)),

            if np.isnan(threshold).any():
                raise RuntimeError("There were NaNs in "

            # clip the trace at threshold
            trace = trace_dict[obj][roi_id]['signal']
            trace = np.where(trace > threshold, trace, threshold)
            channel = dc_types.ROIChannels()
            channel['signal'] = trace
            output_trace_dict[obj][roi_id] = channel

    return output_trace_dict
Ejemplo n.º 13
def unmix_all_ROIs(raw_roi_traces: dc_types.ROISetDict,
                   seed_lookup: Dict[int, int]) -> Tuple[bool, dc_types.ROISetDict]:  # noqa: E501
    Unmix all of the ROIs in this DecrosstalkingOphysPlane.

    raw_roi_traces -- a decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the
                      raw trace data for all the ROIs to be unmixed

    seed_lookup -- a dict that maps roi_id to a seed for np.RandomState

    A boolean indicating whether or not we were able to successfully
    unmix the ROIs in this input ROISetDict

    A decrosstalk_types.ROISetDict containing the unmixed trace data for the

    This method makes two attempts at decrosstalking each ROI using
    Independent Component Analysis. On the first attempt, each ROI
    (not neuropil) is decrosstalked as an independent entity. It is
    possible that this process will not converge for any given ROI.

    On the second attempt, an average demixing matrix is constructed
    from the demixing matrices of those ROIs for which the first attempt
    did converge. This average demixing matrix is to decrosstalk any
    ROIs for which the first attempt did not converge.

    Neuropils are then decrosstalked using the demixing matrix
    corresponding to their associated ROI (whether the ROI-specific
    demixing matrix or, in the case that the first attempt did not
    converge, the average demixing matrix).

    If the first attempt does not converge for any ROIs, there are no
    demixing matrices from which to construct an average demixing
    matrix and it is impossible to salvage any of the ROIs. In this case,
    the boolean that is the first returned object of this method will
    be set to False and the output ROISetDict will be emtpy.

    If decrosstalking converged for any ROIs (and an average demixing
    matrix is thus possible), that boolean will be set to True.

    The unmixed traces, however they were achieved, will be saved in
    the output ROISetDict.

    output = dc_types.ROISetDict()

    # first pass naively unmixing ROIs with ICA
    for roi_id in raw_roi_traces['roi'].keys():

        unmixed_roi = unmix_ROI(raw_roi_traces['roi'][roi_id],

        if not unmixed_roi['use_avg_mixing_matrix']:
            _out = unmixed_roi
            _out = dc_types.ROIChannels()
            _out['use_avg_mixing_matrix'] = True
            for k in unmixed_roi.keys():
                if k == 'use_avg_mixing_matrix':
                _out['poorly_converged_%s' % k] = unmixed_roi[k]
                _out[k] = np.NaN*np.zeros(unmixed_roi[k].shape, dtype=float)
        output['roi'][roi_id] = _out

    # calculate avg mixing matrix from successful iterations
    just_roi = output['roi']
    alpha_arr = np.array([min(just_roi[roi_id]['mixing_matrix'][0, 0],
                              just_roi[roi_id]['mixing_matrix'][0, 1])
                          for roi_id in just_roi.keys()
                          if not just_roi[roi_id]['use_avg_mixing_matrix']])
    beta_arr = np.array([min(just_roi[roi_id]['mixing_matrix'][1, 0],
                             just_roi[roi_id]['mixing_matrix'][1, 1])
                         for roi_id in just_roi.keys()
                         if not just_roi[roi_id]['use_avg_mixing_matrix']])

    assert alpha_arr.shape == beta_arr.shape
    if len(alpha_arr) == 0:
        return False, output

    mean_alpha = alpha_arr.mean()
    mean_beta = beta_arr.mean()
    mean_mixing_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=float)
    mean_mixing_matrix[0, 0] = 1.0-mean_alpha
    mean_mixing_matrix[0, 1] = mean_alpha
    mean_mixing_matrix[1, 0] = mean_beta
    mean_mixing_matrix[1, 1] = 1.0-mean_beta
    inv_mean_mixing_matrix = np.linalg.inv(mean_mixing_matrix)

    for roi_id in raw_roi_traces['roi'].keys():
        inv_mixing_matrix = None
        mixing_matrix = None
        if not output['roi'][roi_id]['use_avg_mixing_matrix']:
            mixing_matrix = output['roi'][roi_id]['mixing_matrix']
            inv_mixing_matrix = np.linalg.inv(mixing_matrix)
            mixing_matrix = mean_mixing_matrix
            inv_mixing_matrix = inv_mean_mixing_matrix

            # assign missing outputs to ROIs that failed to converge
            output['roi'][roi_id]['mixing_matrix'] = mixing_matrix
            _roi_traces = raw_roi_traces['roi'][roi_id]
            unmixed_signals = np.dot(inv_mixing_matrix,
            output['roi'][roi_id]['signal'] = unmixed_signals[0, :]
            output['roi'][roi_id]['crosstalk'] = unmixed_signals[1, :]

        # assign outputs to 'neuropils'
        _np_traces = raw_roi_traces['neuropil'][roi_id]
        unmixed_signals = np.dot(inv_mixing_matrix,

        neuropil = dc_types.ROIChannels()
        neuropil['signal'] = unmixed_signals[0, :]
        neuropil['crosstalk'] = unmixed_signals[1, :]
        output['neuropil'][roi_id] = neuropil

    return True, output