Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_sharing_modulo_commutativity(eq, backend):
    ops = helpers.build_views(eq)
    ops = [to_backend[backend](x) for x in ops]
    inputs, output, _ = parse_einsum_input([eq] + ops)
    inputs = inputs.split(',')

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        _einsum(eq, *ops, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        for permuted in itertools.permutations(zip(inputs, ops)):
            permuted_inputs = [p[0] for p in permuted]
            permuted_ops = [p[1] for p in permuted]
            permuted_eq = '{}->{}'.format(','.join(permuted_inputs), output)
            _einsum(permuted_eq, *permuted_ops, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_sparse(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    # sparsify views so they don't become dense during contraction
    for view in views:
        mask = np.random.choice([False, True], view.shape, True, [0.05, 0.95])
        view[mask] = 0

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    # test non-conversion mode
    sparse_views = [sparse.COO.from_numpy(x) for x in views]
    sparse_opt = expr(*sparse_views, backend='sparse')

    # check type is maintained when not using numpy arrays
    assert isinstance(sparse_opt, sparse.COO)

    assert np.allclose(ein, sparse_opt.todense())

    # try raw contract
    sparse_opt = contract(string, *sparse_views, backend='sparse')
    assert isinstance(sparse_opt, sparse.COO)
    assert np.allclose(ein, sparse_opt.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_partial_sharing(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,de->'
    x, y, z1 = helpers.build_views(eq)
    z2 = 2.0 * z1 - 1.0
    expr = contract_expression(eq, x.shape, y.shape, z1.shape)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    num_exprs_nosharing = Counter()
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend)
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend)
        expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend)
        num_exprs_sharing = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_nosharing))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_sharing))
    assert num_exprs_nosharing['einsum'] > num_exprs_sharing['einsum']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_sharing_modulo_commutativity(eq, backend):
    ops = helpers.build_views(eq)
    ops = [to_backend[backend](x) for x in ops]
    inputs, output, _ = parse_einsum_input([eq] + ops)
    inputs = inputs.split(',')

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        _einsum(eq, *ops, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        for permuted in itertools.permutations(zip(inputs, ops)):
            permuted_inputs = [p[0] for p in permuted]
            permuted_ops = [p[1] for p in permuted]
            permuted_eq = '{}->{}'.format(','.join(permuted_inputs), output)
            _einsum(permuted_eq, *permuted_ops, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_partial_sharing(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,de->'
    x, y, z1 = helpers.build_views(eq)
    z2 = 2.0 * z1 - 1.0
    expr = contract_expression(eq, x.shape, y.shape, z1.shape)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    num_exprs_nosharing = Counter()
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend)
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend)
        expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend)
        num_exprs_sharing = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_nosharing))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_sharing))
    assert num_exprs_nosharing['einsum'] > num_exprs_sharing['einsum']
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_no_sharing_separate_cache(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,cd->'
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views))

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)
        expected.update(count_cached_ops(cache))  # we expect double

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache1:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache1)
    with shared_intermediates() as cache2:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_no_sharing_separate_cache(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,cd->'
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views))

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)
        expected.update(count_cached_ops(cache))  # we expect double

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache1:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache1)
    with shared_intermediates() as cache2:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_rand_equation(optimize, n, reg, n_out, global_dim):
    eq, _, size_dict = helpers.rand_equation(n, reg, n_out, d_min=2, d_max=5, seed=42, return_size_dict=True)
    views = helpers.build_views(eq, size_dict)

    expected = contract(eq, *views, optimize=False)
    actual = contract(eq, *views, optimize=optimize)

    assert np.allclose(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_rand_equation(optimize, n, reg, n_out, global_dim):
    eq, _, size_dict = helpers.rand_equation(n, reg, n_out, d_min=2, d_max=5, seed=42, return_size_dict=True)
    views = helpers.build_views(eq, size_dict)

    expected = contract(eq, *views, optimize=False)
    actual = contract(eq, *views, optimize=optimize)

    assert np.allclose(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def fn():
        X, Y, Z = helpers.build_views('ab,bc,cd')

        with shared_intermediates():
            contract('ab,bc,cd->a', X, Y, Z)
            contract('ab,bc,cd->b', X, Y, Z)

            return len(get_sharing_cache())
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def fn():
        X, Y, Z = helpers.build_views('ab,bc,cd')

        with shared_intermediates():
            contract('ab,bc,cd->a', X, Y, Z)
            contract('ab,bc,cd->b', X, Y, Z)

            return len(get_sharing_cache())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_contract_expressions(string, optimize, use_blas, out_spec):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    shapes = [view.shape for view in views]
    expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shapes, optimize=optimize, use_blas=use_blas)

    if out_spec and ("->" in string) and (string[-2:] != "->"):
        out, = helpers.build_views(string.split('->')[1])
        expr(*views, out=out)
        out = expr(*views)

    assert np.allclose(out, expected)

    # check representations
    assert string in expr.__repr__()
    assert string in expr.__str__()
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_contract_expressions(string, optimize, use_blas, out_spec):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    shapes = [view.shape for view in views]
    expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shapes, optimize=optimize, use_blas=use_blas)

    if out_spec and ("->" in string) and (string[-2:] != "->"):
        out, = helpers.build_views(string.split('->')[1])
        expr(*views, out=out)
        out = expr(*views)

    assert np.allclose(out, expected)

    # check representations
    assert string in expr.__repr__()
    assert string in expr.__str__()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_compare_blas(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)
    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize='greedy')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)

    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize='optimal')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_sharing_value(eq, backend):
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    shapes = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *shapes)

    expected = expr(*views, backend=backend)
    with shared_intermediates():
        actual = expr(*views, backend=backend)

    assert (actual == expected).all()
def test_jax(string):  # pragma: no cover
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    opt = expr(*views, backend='jax')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
    assert isinstance(opt, np.ndarray)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_sharing_value(eq, backend):
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    shapes = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *shapes)

    expected = expr(*views, backend=backend)
    with shared_intermediates():
        actual = expr(*views, backend=backend)

    assert (actual == expected).all()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_compare_blas_greek(optimize, string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)

    # convert to greek
    string = ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 848) if c not in ',->.' else c for c in string)

    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize)
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_compare_blas_greek(optimize, string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)

    # convert to greek
    string = ''.join(compat.get_char(ord(c) + 848) if c not in ',->.' else c for c in string)

    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize)
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_theano(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    opt = expr(*views, backend='theano')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)

    # test non-conversion mode
    theano_views = backends.convert_arrays_to_theano(views)
    theano_opt = expr(*theano_views, backend='theano')
    assert isinstance(theano_opt, theano.tensor.TensorVariable)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_cupy(string):  # pragma: no cover
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    opt = expr(*views, backend='cupy')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)

    # test non-conversion mode
    cupy_views = backends.convert_arrays_to_cupy(views)
    cupy_opt = expr(*cupy_views, backend='cupy')
    assert isinstance(cupy_opt, cupy.ndarray)
    assert np.allclose(ein, cupy.asnumpy(cupy_opt))
def test_torch(string):

    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]

    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    opt = expr(*views, backend='torch')
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)

    # test non-conversion mode
    torch_views = [backends.to_torch(view) for view in views]
    torch_opt = expr(*torch_views)
    assert isinstance(torch_opt, torch.Tensor)
    assert np.allclose(ein, torch_opt.cpu().numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_tensorflow(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    opt = np.empty_like(ein)

    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    sess = tf.Session()
    with sess.as_default():
        expr(*views, backend='tensorflow', out=opt)

    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)

    # test non-conversion mode
    tensorflow_views = backends.convert_arrays_to_tensorflow(views)
    expr(*tensorflow_views, backend='tensorflow')
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_contract_expression_with_constants(string, constants):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    shapes = [view.shape for view in views]

    expr_args = []
    ctrc_args = []
    for i, (shape, view) in enumerate(zip(shapes, views)):
        if i in constants:

    expr = contract_expression(string, *expr_args, constants=constants)
    out = expr(*ctrc_args)
    assert np.allclose(expected, out)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_dask(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    # test non-conversion mode
    da_views = [da.from_array(x, chunks=(2)) for x in views]
    da_opt = expr(*da_views, backend='dask')

    # check type is maintained when not using numpy arrays
    assert isinstance(da_opt, da.Array)

    assert np.allclose(ein, np.array(da_opt))

    # try raw contract
    da_opt = contract(string, *da_views, backend='dask')
    assert isinstance(da_opt, da.Array)
    assert np.allclose(ein, np.array(da_opt))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_contract_expression_with_constants(string, constants):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    shapes = [view.shape for view in views]

    expr_args = []
    ctrc_args = []
    for i, (shape, view) in enumerate(zip(shapes, views)):
        if i in constants:

    expr = contract_expression(string, *expr_args, constants=constants)
    out = expr(*ctrc_args)
    assert np.allclose(expected, out)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_tensor_blas(inp, benchmark):

    # Weed out non-blas cases
    if benchmark is False:

    tensor_strs, output, reduced_idx = inp
    einsum_str = ','.join(tensor_strs) + '->' + output

    # Only binary operations should be here
    if len(tensor_strs) != 2:
        assert False

    view_left, view_right = helpers.build_views(einsum_str)

    einsum_result = np.einsum(einsum_str, view_left, view_right)
    blas_result = blas.tensor_blas(view_left, tensor_strs[0], view_right, tensor_strs[1], output, reduced_idx)

    assert np.allclose(einsum_result, blas_result)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_object_arrays_backend(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    assert ein.dtype != object

    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    obj_views = [view.astype(object) for view in views]

    # try raw contract
    obj_opt = contract(string, *obj_views, backend="object")
    assert obj_opt.dtype == object
    assert np.allclose(ein, obj_opt.astype(float))

    # test expression
    obj_opt = expr(*obj_views, backend="object")
    assert obj_opt.dtype == object
    assert np.allclose(ein, obj_opt.astype(float))
def test_theano_with_sharing(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    with sharing.shared_intermediates() as cache:
        thn1 = expr(*views, backend='theano')
        assert sharing.get_sharing_cache() is cache
        cache_sz = len(cache)
        assert cache_sz > 0
        thn2 = expr(*views, backend='theano')
        assert len(cache) == cache_sz

    assert all(
        isinstance(t, theano.tensor.TensorVariable) for t in cache.values())

    assert np.allclose(ein, thn1)
    assert np.allclose(ein, thn2)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_tensor_blas(inp, benchmark):

    # Weed out non-blas cases
    if benchmark is False:

    tensor_strs, output, reduced_idx = inp
    einsum_str = ','.join(tensor_strs) + '->' + output

    # Only binary operations should be here
    if len(tensor_strs) != 2:
        assert False

    view_left, view_right = helpers.build_views(einsum_str)

    einsum_result = np.einsum(einsum_str, view_left, view_right)
    blas_result = blas.tensor_blas(view_left, tensor_strs[0], view_right,
                                   tensor_strs[1], output, reduced_idx)

    assert np.allclose(einsum_result, blas_result)
def test_tensorflow_with_sharing(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)

    shps = [v.shape for v in views]
    expr = contract_expression(string, *shps, optimize=True)

    sess = tf.Session(config=_TF_CONFIG)

    with sess.as_default(), sharing.shared_intermediates() as cache:
        tfl1 = expr(*views, backend='tensorflow')
        assert sharing.get_sharing_cache() is cache
        cache_sz = len(cache)
        assert cache_sz > 0
        tfl2 = expr(*views, backend='tensorflow')
        assert len(cache) == cache_sz

    assert all(isinstance(t, tf.Tensor) for t in cache.values())

    assert np.allclose(ein, tfl1)
    assert np.allclose(ein, tfl2)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_complete_sharing(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,cd->'
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views))

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_complete_sharing(backend):
    eq = 'ab,bc,cd->'
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views))

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('With sharing:')
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print('-' * 40)
    print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected))
    print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_sharing_nesting(backend):
    eqs = ['ab,bc,cd->a',
    views = helpers.build_views(eqs[0])
    shapes = [v.shape for v in views]
    refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

    def method1(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            w = contract_expression(eqs[0], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            x = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            result = contract_expression('a,b->', w.shape, x.shape)(w, x, backend=backend)
            refs['w'] = w
            refs['x'] = x
            del w, x
            assert 'w' in refs
            assert 'x' in refs
        assert 'w' not in refs, 'cache leakage'
        assert 'x' not in refs, 'cache leakage'
        return result

    def method2(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            y = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            z = contract_expression(eqs[3], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            refs['y'] = y
            refs['z'] = z
            result = contract_expression('c,d->', y.shape, z.shape)(y, z, backend=backend)
            result = result + method1(views)  # nest method1 in method2
            del y, z
            assert 'y' in refs
            assert 'z' in refs
        assert 'y' not in refs
        assert 'z' not in refs

Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_sharing_nesting(backend):
    eqs = ["ab,bc,cd->a", "ab,bc,cd->b", "ab,bc,cd->c", "ab,bc,cd->c"]
    views = helpers.build_views(eqs[0])
    shapes = [v.shape for v in views]
    refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

    def method1(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            w = contract_expression(eqs[0], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            x = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            result = contract_expression("a,b->", w.shape,
                                         x.shape)(w, x, backend=backend)
            refs["w"] = w
            refs["x"] = x
            del w, x
            assert "w" in refs
            assert "x" in refs
        assert "w" not in refs, "cache leakage"
        assert "x" not in refs, "cache leakage"
        return result

    def method2(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            y = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            z = contract_expression(eqs[3], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            refs["y"] = y
            refs["z"] = z
            result = contract_expression("c,d->", y.shape,
                                         z.shape)(y, z, backend=backend)
            result = result + method1(views)  # nest method1 in method2
            del y, z
            assert "y" in refs
            assert "z" in refs
        assert "y" not in refs
        assert "z" not in refs

Ejemplo n.º 36
def test_sharing_nesting(backend):
    eqs = ['ab,bc,cd->a', 'ab,bc,cd->b', 'ab,bc,cd->c', 'ab,bc,cd->c']
    views = helpers.build_views(eqs[0])
    shapes = [v.shape for v in views]
    refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

    def method1(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            w = contract_expression(eqs[0], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            x = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            result = contract_expression('a,b->', w.shape,
                                         x.shape)(w, x, backend=backend)
            refs['w'] = w
            refs['x'] = x
            del w, x
            assert 'w' in refs
            assert 'x' in refs
        assert 'w' not in refs, 'cache leakage'
        assert 'x' not in refs, 'cache leakage'
        return result

    def method2(views):
        with shared_intermediates():
            y = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            z = contract_expression(eqs[3], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend)
            refs['y'] = y
            refs['z'] = z
            result = contract_expression('c,d->', y.shape,
                                         z.shape)(y, z, backend=backend)
            result = result + method1(views)  # nest method1 in method2
            del y, z
            assert 'y' in refs
            assert 'z' in refs
        assert 'y' not in refs
        assert 'z' not in refs

Ejemplo n.º 37
def test_sharing_reused_cache(backend):
    eq = "ab,bc,cd->"
    views = helpers.build_views(eq)
    expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views))

    print("-" * 40)
    print("Without sharing:")
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        expected = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print("-" * 40)
    print("With sharing:")
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
    with shared_intermediates(cache):
        expr(*views, backend=backend)
        actual = count_cached_ops(cache)

    print("-" * 40)
    print("Without sharing: {} expressions".format(expected))
    print("With sharing: {} expressions".format(actual))
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_linear_vs_ssa(equation):
    views = helpers.build_views(equation)
    linear_path, _ = contract_path(equation, *views)
    ssa_path = linear_to_ssa(linear_path)
    linear_path2 = ssa_to_linear(ssa_path)
    assert linear_path2 == linear_path
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_printing():
    string = "bbd,bda,fc,db->acf"
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract_path(string, *views)
    assert len(str(ein[1])) == 728
Ejemplo n.º 40
def test_drop_in_replacement(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    opt = contract(string, *views)
    assert np.allclose(opt, np.einsum(string, *views))
Ejemplo n.º 41
def test_compare(optimize, string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize, use_blas=False)
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def test_drop_in_replacement(string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)
    opt = contract(string, *views)
    assert np.allclose(opt, np.einsum(string, *views))
Ejemplo n.º 43
def test_compare_blas(optimize, string):
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)
    opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize)
    assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_linear_vs_ssa(equation):
    views = helpers.build_views(equation)
    linear_path, _ = contract_path(equation, *views)
    ssa_path = linear_to_ssa(linear_path)
    linear_path2 = ssa_to_linear(ssa_path)
    assert linear_path2 == linear_path
Ejemplo n.º 45
def test_printing():
    string = "bbd,bda,fc,db->acf"
    views = helpers.build_views(string)

    ein = contract_path(string, *views)
    assert len(str(ein[1])) == 726