Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parallel(DEFAULT, host, port):
	sessions = DEFAULT['-s']
	messages = DEFAULT['-m']
	# Get the delay
	wait = delay.delay(DEFAULT)
	to_list = recipient_count.create_recipient(DEFAULT['-t'], DEFAULT['-r'])
	COUNT = 0
	servers = []
	time_elapse = 0

	# Connect to servers
	for j in range(0, sessions):
		server = connect(DEFAULT, host, port)

	# Send a <sessions> amount of messages parallel 
	times = int(round(messages/sessions, 0))
	for i in range(0, times):
		COUNT, _time = send_parallel(DEFAULT, sessions, COUNT, wait, to_list, servers, host, port)
		time_elapse += _time
	# Send the <rest> amount of the messages parallel
	rest = messages - times*sessions
	if rest > 0:
		COUNT, _time = send_parallel(DEFAULT, rest, COUNT, wait, to_list, servers, host, port)
		time_elapse += _time

	# If didn't close all the servers, close them now.
	if (DEFAULT['-d']):
		for i in range(0, sessions):
			disconnect(DEFAULT, servers[i], host, port)
	return COUNT, time_elapse
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _series(DEFAULT, host, port):
	COUNT = 0
	time_xtra = 0
	wait = delay.delay(DEFAULT)
	to_list = recipient_count.create_recipient(DEFAULT['-t'], DEFAULT['-r'])
##    All the parameters that contains 'time' is to calculate the total time taken to Connect to server, Send mails, and Disconnect.
	time_st = time.time()
	# Connect to host	
	server = connect(DEFAULT, host, port)

	# If no message's body specified, send the email with default-message-body
	for j in range(0, DEFAULT['-m']):

		# Create email and display counter
		_time_xtra = time.time()
		message = create_mail.create_mail(DEFAULT)

		COUNT += 1
		display_options.display_counter(DEFAULT['-c'], COUNT)

		if (DEFAULT['-N']):
			to_list = recipient_count.change_recipient(DEFAULT['-t'], j)

		time_xtra += time.time() - _time_xtra

		# Send email
		send(DEFAULT, server, to_list, message, COUNT, host, port)
		# Delay

		# If want to disconnect, quit server and reconnect for next message
		if (not DEFAULT['-d']) and (j < DEFAULT['-m']-1):
			disconnect(DEFAULT, server, host, port)
			server = connect(DEFAULT, host, port)

	disconnect(DEFAULT, server, host, port)

	time_elapse = time.time() - time_st - time_xtra
	return COUNT, time_elapse