Ejemplo n.º 1
class StackAsLinkedList(Stack):
    Stack implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a stack.
        super(StackAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this stack.
        self._count = 0


    def push(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Pushes the given object on to this stack.
        self._count += 1

    def pop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Pops the top object off this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def getTop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Returns the object at the top of this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first


    def accept(self, visitor):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this stack.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next


    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a StackAsLinkedList.
        def __init__(self, stack):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, StackAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given stack.
            super(StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(stack)
            self._position = stack._list.head

        def next(self):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            element = self._position
            self._position = self._position.next
            return element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> StackAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this stack.
        return self.Iterator(self)


    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, StackAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this stack with the given stack.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "StackAsLinkedList test program."
        print StackAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        stack2 = StackAsLinkedList()
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
class GeneralTree(Tree):
    A general tree implemented using a linked list of subtrees.


    # ...

    def __init__(self, key):
        (GeneralTree, Object) -> None
        Constructs a general tree with the given object at its root.
        super(GeneralTree, self).__init__()
        self._key = key
        self._degree = 0
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> None
        Purges this general tree.
        self._degree = 0

    def getIsEmpty(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns false always.
        return False

    def getIsLeaf(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns true if this general tree is a leaf.
        return self._degree == 0

    def getDegree(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> int
        Returns the degree of this general tree node.
        return self._degree


    def getKey(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the key in this general tree node.
        return self._key

    def getSubtree(self, i):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the specified subtree of this general tree node.
        if i < 0 or i >= self._degree:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._list.head
        for j in xrange(i):
            ptr = ptr.next
        return ptr.datum

    def attachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> None
        Attaches the given general tree as a subtree
        of this general tree node.
        self._degree += 1

    def detachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> GeneralTree
        Detaches and returns specified general tree
        from this general tree node.
        self._degree -= 1
        return t


    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> int

        Compares this general tree with the given general tree.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "GeneralTree test program."
        print GeneralTree.main.__doc__
        gt = GeneralTree('A')
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
class GeneralTree(Tree):
    A general tree implemented using a linked list of subtrees.


    # ...

    def __init__(self, key):
        (GeneralTree, Object) -> None
        Constructs a general tree with the given object at its root.
        super(GeneralTree, self).__init__()
        self._key = key
        self._degree = 0
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> None
        Purges this general tree.
        self._degree = 0

    def getIsEmpty(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns false always.
        return False

    def getIsLeaf(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns true if this general tree is a leaf.
        return self._degree == 0

    def getDegree(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> int
        Returns the degree of this general tree node.
        return self._degree

    def getKey(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the key in this general tree node.
        return self._key

    def getSubtree(self, i):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the specified subtree of this general tree node.
        if i < 0 or i >= self._degree:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._list.head
        for j in xrange(i):
            ptr = ptr.next
        return ptr.datum

    def attachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> None
        Attaches the given general tree as a subtree
        of this general tree node.
        self._degree += 1

    def detachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> GeneralTree
        Detaches and returns specified general tree
        from this general tree node.
        self._degree -= 1
        return t

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> int

        Compares this general tree with the given general tree.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "GeneralTree test program."
        print GeneralTree.main.__doc__
        gt = GeneralTree('A')
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
class BinomialQueue(MergeablePriorityQueue):
    Mergeable priority queue implemented as a binomial queue.



    # ...

    def __init__(self, *args):
        (BinomialQueue, ...) -> None
        super(BinomialQueue, self).__init__()
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
        if len(args) == 0:
        elif len(args) == 1:
            assert isinstance(args[0], self.BinomialTree)
            raise ValueError


    def addTree(self, tree):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
        Adds the given binomial tree to this binomial queue.
        self._count += tree.count

    def removeTree(self, tree):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
        Removes the given binomial tree from this binomial queue.
        self._count -= tree.count

    def purge(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> None
        Purges this binomial queue.
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (BinomialQueue, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit the elements of this binomial queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            tree = ptr.datum
            ptr = ptr.__next__


    def getMinTree(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> BinomialQueue.BinomialTree
        Returns the binomial tree in this binomial queue
        with the smallest root.
        minTree = None
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            tree = ptr.datum
            if minTree is None or tree.key < minTree.key:
                minTree = tree
            ptr = ptr.__next__
        return minTree

    minTree = property(fget=lambda self: self.getMinTree())

    def getMin(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> Object
        Returns the object in this binomial queue with the smallest value.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self.minTree.key


    def merge(self, queue):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue) -> None
        Merges the contents of the given binomial queue
        with this binomial queue.
        oldList = self._treeList
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0
        p = oldList.head
        q = queue._treeList.head
        carry = None
        i = 0
        while p is not None or q is not None \
                or carry is not None:
            a = None
            if p is not None:
                tree = p.datum
                if tree.degree == i:
                    a = tree
                    p = p.__next__
            b = None
            if q is not None:
                tree = q.datum
                if tree.degree == i:
                    b = tree
                    q = q.__next__
            (sum, carry) = BinomialQueue.fullAdder(a, b, carry)
            if sum is not None:
            i += 1


    def fullAdder(a, b, c):
        (BinomialTree, BinomialTree, BinomialTree) ->
	    (BinomialTree, BinomialTree)
        Returns the (sum, carry) of the given binomial trees.
        if a is None:
            if b is None:
                if c is None:
                    return (None, None)
                    return (c, None)
                if c is None:
                    return (b, None)
                    return (None, b.add(c))
            if b is None:
                if c is None:
                    return (a, None)
                    return (None, a.add(c))
                if c is None:
                    return (None, a.add(b))
                    return (c, a.add(b))


    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (BinomialQueue, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object in this binomial queue.


    def dequeueMin(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> Object
        Dequeues and returns the object in this binomial queue
        with the smallest value.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        minTree = self.minTree
        queue = BinomialQueue()
        while minTree.degree > 0:
            child = minTree.getSubtree(0)
        return minTree.key

    def __str__(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> str
        Returns a string representation of this binomial queue.
        result = self.__class__.__name__ + " {\n"
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            result = result + str(ptr.datum) + "\n"
            ptr = ptr.__next__
        result = result + "}"
        return result


    class BinomialTree(GeneralTree):
        A binomial tree implemented as a general tree.



        # ...

        def __init__(self, key):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, Object) -> None
            super(BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, self).__init__(key)

        def getCount(self):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> int
            Returns the number of objects in this binomial tree.
            return 1 << self._degree

        def swapContentsWith(self, tree):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
            Swaps the contents of this binomial tree
            with the given binomial tree.
            tmp = self._key
            self._key = tree._key
            tree._key = tmp
            tmp = self._list
            self._list = tree._list
            tree._list = tmp
            tmp = self._degree
            self._degree = tree._degree
            tree._degree = tmp


        def add(self, tree):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) ->
            Adds this binomail tree and the given binomial tree.
            if self._degree != tree._degree:
                raise ValueError
            if self._key > tree._key:
            return self


    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue) -> int

        Compares this binomial queue with the given binomial queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __iter__(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> iterator

        Returns an iterator that enumerates the elements of this binomial queue.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "BinomialQueue test program."
        pqueue = BinomialQueue()
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
class OrderedListAsLinkedList(OrderedList):
    Ordered list implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs an ordered list.
        super(OrderedListAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._linkedList = LinkedList()

    def insert(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Inserts the given object at the end of this list.
        self._count += 1

    def __getitem__(self, offset):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, int) -> Object
        Returns the object in this list at the given offset.
        if offset < 0 or offset >= self._count:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        i = 0
        while i < offset and ptr is not None:
            ptr = ptr.next
            i += 1
        return ptr.datum

    def purge(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this ordered list.
        self._linkedList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this ordered list.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    def __contains__(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> bool
        Returns true if the given object instance is in this ordered list.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if ptr.datum is obj:
                return True
            ptr = ptr.next
        return False

    def find(self, arg):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> Object
        Finds an object in this ordered list that equals the given object.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            obj = ptr.datum
            if obj == arg:
                return obj
            ptr = ptr.next
        return None

    def withdraw(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Withdraws the given object instance from this ordered list.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        self._count -= 1

    def findPosition(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor
        Finds the position of an object in this list
        that equals the given object and returns a cursor
        that refers to that object.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if ptr.datum == obj:
            ptr = ptr.next
        return self.Cursor(self, ptr)

    class Cursor(Cursor):
        A cursor that refers to an object in an ordered list.



        # ...

        def __init__(self, list, element):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, OrderedListAsLinkedList, 
                LinkedList.Element) -> None
            Constructs a cursor that refers to the object
           in the given element of the given list.
	    super(OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, self) \
            self._element = element

        def getDatum(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor) -> Object
            Returns the object to which this cursor refers.
            return self._element.datum

        def insertAfter(self, obj):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, Object) -> None
            Inserts the given object into the list
            after the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count += 1

        def insertBefore(self, obj):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, Object) -> None
            Inserts the given object into the list
            before the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count += 1

        def withdraw(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor) -> None
            Withdraws from the list the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count -= 1

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the items in an ordered list.

        def __init__(self, list):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator, OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given list.
            super(OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(list)
            self._element = None

        def next(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._element is None:
                self._element = self._container._linkedList.head
                self._element = self._element.next
            if self._element is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this ordered list.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this ordered list with the given ordered list.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "OrderedListAsLinkedList test program."
        print OrderedListAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        list = OrderedListAsLinkedList()
        return 0
    main = staticmethod(main)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class QueueAsLinkedList(Queue):
    Queue implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs a queue.
        super(QueueAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this queue.
        self._count = 0


    def getHead(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Returns the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object to the tail of this queue.
        self._count += 1

    def dequeue(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Dequeues the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result


    def accept(self, visitor):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a QueueAsLinkedList.
        def __init__(self, queue):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator, QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given queue.
            self._position = None

        def next(self):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                self._position = self._container._list.head
                self._position = self._position.next
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._position.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this queue.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, QueueAsLinkedList) -> int

        Comparse this queue with the given queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "QueueAsLinkedList test program."
        print QueueAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        queue2 = QueueAsLinkedList()
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
class QueueAsLinkedList(Queue):
    Queue implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs a queue.
        super(QueueAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this queue.
        self._count = 0

    def getHead(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Returns the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object to the tail of this queue.
        self._count += 1

    def dequeue(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Dequeues the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a QueueAsLinkedList.

        def __init__(self, queue):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator, QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given queue.
            self._position = None

        def next(self):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                self._position = self._container._list.head
                self._position = self._position.next
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._position.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this queue.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, QueueAsLinkedList) -> int

        Comparse this queue with the given queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "QueueAsLinkedList test program."
        print QueueAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        queue2 = QueueAsLinkedList()
        return 0
    main = staticmethod(main)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class OrderedListAsLinkedList(OrderedList):
    Ordered list implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs an ordered list.
        super(OrderedListAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._linkedList = LinkedList()

    def insert(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Inserts the given object at the end of this list.
        self._count += 1

    def __getitem__(self, offset):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, int) -> Object
        Returns the object in this list at the given offset.
        if offset < 0 or offset >= self._count:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        i = 0
        while i < offset and ptr is not None:
            ptr = ptr.next
            i += 1
        return ptr.datum

    def purge(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this ordered list.
        self._linkedList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this ordered list.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    def __contains__(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> bool
        Returns true if the given object instance is in this ordered list.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if ptr.datum is obj:
                return True
            ptr = ptr.next
        return False

    def find(self, arg):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> Object
        Finds an object in this ordered list that equals the given object.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            obj = ptr.datum
            if obj == arg:
                return obj
            ptr = ptr.next
        return None

    def withdraw(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Withdraws the given object instance from this ordered list.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        self._count -= 1

    def findPosition(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, Object) -> OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor
        Finds the position of an object in this list
        that equals the given object and returns a cursor
        that refers to that object.
        ptr = self._linkedList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if ptr.datum == obj:
            ptr = ptr.next
        return self.Cursor(self, ptr)

    class Cursor(Cursor):
        A cursor that refers to an object in an ordered list.



        # ...

        def __init__(self, list, element):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, OrderedListAsLinkedList, 
                LinkedList.Element) -> None
            Constructs a cursor that refers to the object
           in the given element of the given list.
	    super(OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, self) \
            self._element = element

        def getDatum(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor) -> Object
            Returns the object to which this cursor refers.
            return self._element.datum

        def insertAfter(self, obj):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, Object) -> None
            Inserts the given object into the list
            after the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count += 1

        def insertBefore(self, obj):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor, Object) -> None
            Inserts the given object into the list
            before the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count += 1

        def withdraw(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Cursor) -> None
            Withdraws from the list the object to which this cursor refers.
            self._list._count -= 1

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the items in an ordered list.

        def __init__(self, list):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator, OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given list.
            super(OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(list)
            self._element = None

        def next(self):
            (OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._element is None:
                self._element = self._container._linkedList.head
                self._element = self._element.next
            if self._element is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> OrderedListAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this ordered list.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (OrderedListAsLinkedList, OrderedListAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this ordered list with the given ordered list.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "OrderedListAsLinkedList test program."
        print OrderedListAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        list = OrderedListAsLinkedList()
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
class StackAsLinkedList(Stack):
    Stack implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a stack.
        super(StackAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this stack.
        self._count = 0

    def push(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Pushes the given object on to this stack.
        self._count += 1

    def pop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Pops the top object off this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def getTop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Returns the object at the top of this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this stack.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a StackAsLinkedList.

        def __init__(self, stack):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, StackAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given stack.
            super(StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(
            self._position = stack._list.head

        def next(self):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
		raise StopIteration
	    element = self._position
	    self._position = self._position.next
            return element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> StackAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this stack.
        return self.Iterator(self)
    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, StackAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this stack with the given stack.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "StackAsLinkedList test program."
        print StackAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        stack2 = StackAsLinkedList()
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
class BinomialQueue(MergeablePriorityQueue):
    Mergeable priority queue implemented as a binomial queue.



    # ...

    def __init__(self, *args):
        (BinomialQueue, ...) -> None
        super(BinomialQueue, self).__init__()
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
	if len(args) == 0:
	elif len(args) == 1:
	    assert isinstance(args[0], self.BinomialTree)
	    raise ValueError

    def addTree(self, tree):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
        Adds the given binomial tree to this binomial queue.
        self._count += tree.count

    def removeTree(self, tree):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
        Removes the given binomial tree from this binomial queue.
        self._count -= tree.count

    def purge(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> None
        Purges this binomial queue.
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (BinomialQueue, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit the elements of this binomial queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            tree = ptr.datum
            ptr = ptr.next

    def getMinTree(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> BinomialQueue.BinomialTree
        Returns the binomial tree in this binomial queue
        with the smallest root.
        minTree = None
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            tree = ptr.datum
            if minTree is None or tree.key < minTree.key:
                minTree = tree
            ptr = ptr.next
        return minTree

    minTree = property(
        fget = lambda self: self.getMinTree())

    def getMin(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> Object
        Returns the object in this binomial queue with the smallest value.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self.minTree.key

    def merge(self, queue):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue) -> None
        Merges the contents of the given binomial queue
        with this binomial queue.
        oldList = self._treeList
        self._treeList = LinkedList()
        self._count = 0
        p = oldList.head
        q = queue._treeList.head
        carry = None
        i = 0
        while p is not None or q is not None \
                or carry is not None:
            a = None
            if p is not None:
                tree = p.datum
                if tree.degree == i:
                    a = tree
                    p = p.next
            b = None
            if q is not None:
                tree = q.datum
                if tree.degree == i:
                    b = tree
                    q = q.next
            (sum, carry) = BinomialQueue.fullAdder(a, b, carry)
            if sum is not None:
            i += 1

    def fullAdder(a, b, c):
        (BinomialTree, BinomialTree, BinomialTree) ->
	    (BinomialTree, BinomialTree)
        Returns the (sum, carry) of the given binomial trees.
	if a is None:
	    if b is None:
		if c is None:
		    return (None, None)
		    return (c, None)
		if c is None:
		    return (b, None)
		    return (None, b.add(c))
	    if b is None:
		if c is None:
		    return (a, None)
		    return (None, a.add(c))
		if c is None:
		    return (None, a.add(b))
		    return (c, a.add(b))

    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (BinomialQueue, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object in this binomial queue.

    def dequeueMin(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> Object
        Dequeues and returns the object in this binomial queue
        with the smallest value.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        minTree = self.minTree
        queue = BinomialQueue()
        while minTree.degree > 0:
            child = minTree.getSubtree(0)
        return minTree.key

    def __str__(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> str
        Returns a string representation of this binomial queue.
        result = self.__class__.__name__ + " {\n"
        ptr = self._treeList.head
        while ptr is not None:
            result = result + str(ptr.datum) + "\n"
            ptr = ptr.next
        result = result + "}"
        return result

    class BinomialTree(GeneralTree):
        A binomial tree implemented as a general tree.



        # ...

        def __init__(self, key):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, Object) -> None
            super(BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, self).__init__(key)

        def getCount(self):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> int
            Returns the number of objects in this binomial tree.
            return 1 << self._degree

        def swapContentsWith(self, tree):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) -> None
            Swaps the contents of this binomial tree
            with the given binomial tree.
            tmp = self._key
            self._key = tree._key
            tree._key = tmp
            tmp = self._list
            self._list = tree._list
            tree._list = tmp
            tmp = self._degree
            self._degree = tree._degree
            tree._degree = tmp

        def add(self, tree):
            (BinomialQueue.BinomialTree, BinomialQueue.BinomialTree) ->
            Adds this binomail tree and the given binomial tree.
            if self._degree != tree._degree:
                raise ValueError
            if self._key > tree._key:
            return self

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (BinomialQueue, BinomialQueue) -> int

        Compares this binomial queue with the given binomial queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __iter__(self):
        (BinomialQueue) -> iterator

        Returns an iterator that enumerates the elements of this binomial queue.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "BinomialQueue test program."
        print BinomialQueue.main.__doc__
        pqueue = BinomialQueue()
        return 0