Ejemplo n.º 1
class PolynomialFit:
	def __init__(self,order):
		""" The calss to fit Function or SplineCH with a polynomial. """
		self.order = order
		self.polynomial = Polynomial()
		#self.coef_err_arr is a final array with coef_arr and err_arr for polinomial coefficients
		self.coef_err_arr = []
		#self.x_y_err_arr is initial data with (x,y,y_err) points
		self.x_y_err_arr = []
	def getPolynomial(self):
		""" It returns an unbounded polynomial. """ 
		polynomial = Polynomial()
		return polynomial
	def getCoefficientsAndErr(self):
		""" It returns the list of coefficients and their errors """
		return self.coef_err_arr
	def getCoefficients(self):
		""" Returns the list of coefficients of the polynomial """
		coef_arr = []
		for i in range(len(self.coef_err_arr)):
			[coef,err] = self.coef_err_arr[i]
		return coef_arr
	def fitFunction(self, function):
		""" Fit the Function instance """
		self.x_y_err_arr = []
		for i in range(function.getSize()):
			x = function.x(i)
			y = function.y(i)
			err = function.err(i)
	def fitSpline(self, spline):
		""" Fit the SplineCH instance """
		self.x_y_err_arr = []
		for i in range(spline.getSize()):
			x = spline.x(i)
			y = spline.y(i)
			err = 0.
	def _makePolynomial(self):
		nPoints = len(self.x_y_err_arr)
		if(nPoints < (self.order+1)):
			self.order = nPoints - 1
		#check if just one of errors is zero
		infoZeroErr = 1.0
		for [x,y,err] in self.x_y_err_arr:
			infoZeroErr *= err
		for i in range(nPoints):
			[x,y,err] = self.x_y_err_arr[i]
			sigma = 1.0
			if(infoZeroErr != 0.):
				sigma = 1.0/(err*err)
			self.x_y_err_arr[i][2] = sigma
		#now make A matrix
		aMatr = Matrix(nPoints,self.order+1)
		for i in range(nPoints):
			for j in range(self.order+1):
				x = self.x_y_err_arr[i][0]
		aTCa = Matrix(self.order+1,self.order+1)
		for i in range(self.order+1):
			for j in range(self.order+1):
				a = 0.
				for k in range(nPoints):
					sigma = self.x_y_err_arr[k][2]
					a += aMatr.get(k,i)*sigma*aMatr.get(k,j)
		#now the resuting coefficients and errors		
		aTCaI = aTCa.invert()
		e = aTCaI.mult(aTCa)		
		if(aTCa == None):
			print "python PolynomialFit: Problem with data."
			for i in range(nPoints):
				x = self.x_y_err_arr[i][0]
				y = self.x_y_err_arr[i][1]
				err = self.x_y_err_arr[i][2]
				print " x,y,err = %12.5g %12.5g %12.5g "%(x,y,err)
			print "Stop."
		coef_arr = [0.]*(self.order+1)			
		err_arr = [0.]*(self.order+1)
		for i in range(self.order+1):
			err_arr[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(aTCaI.get(i,i)))
		for i in range(self.order+1):
			coef_arr[i] = 0.
			for j in range(self.order+1):
				for k in range(nPoints):
					sigma = self.x_y_err_arr[k][2]
					y = self.x_y_err_arr[k][1]
					coef_arr[i] += aTCaI.get(i,j)*aMatr.get(k,j)*sigma*y
		# polinimial coefficients are found
		for i in range(len(coef_arr)):
		# now let's calculate errors
		if(infoZeroErr == 0.):
			total_sigma = 0.
			for k in range(nPoints):
				x = self.x_y_err_arr[k][0]
				y = self.x_y_err_arr[k][1]
				total_sigma += (self.polynomial.value(x)-y)**2
			total_sigma = math.sqrt(total_sigma/(nPoints-2))
			for i in range(len(err_arr)):
				err_arr[i] *= total_sigma
		# set the resulting coefficients and errors array
		self.coef_err_arr = [coef_arr,err_arr]	
Ejemplo n.º 2
class PolynomialFit:
    def __init__(self, order):
        """ The calss to fit Function or SplineCH with a polynomial. """
        self.order = order
        self.polynomial = Polynomial()
        #self.coef_err_arr is a final array with coef_arr and err_arr for polinomial coefficients
        self.coef_err_arr = []
        #self.x_y_err_arr is initial data with (x,y,y_err) points
        self.x_y_err_arr = []

    def getPolynomial(self):
        """ It returns an unbounded polynomial. """
        polynomial = Polynomial()
        return polynomial

    def getCoefficientsAndErr(self):
        """ It returns the list of coefficients and their errors """
        return self.coef_err_arr

    def getCoefficients(self):
        """ Returns the list of coefficients of the polynomial """
        coef_arr = []
        for i in range(len(self.coef_err_arr)):
            [coef, err] = self.coef_err_arr[i]
        return coef_arr

    def fitFunction(self, function):
        """ Fit the Function instance """
        self.x_y_err_arr = []
        for i in range(function.getSize()):
            x = function.x(i)
            y = function.y(i)
            err = function.err(i)
            self.x_y_err_arr.append([x, y, err])

    def fitSpline(self, spline):
        """ Fit the SplineCH instance """
        self.x_y_err_arr = []
        for i in range(spline.getSize()):
            x = spline.x(i)
            y = spline.y(i)
            err = 0.
            self.x_y_err_arr.append([x, y, err])

    def _makePolynomial(self):
        nPoints = len(self.x_y_err_arr)
        if (nPoints < (self.order + 1)):
            self.order = nPoints - 1
        #check if just one of errors is zero
        infoZeroErr = 1.0
        for [x, y, err] in self.x_y_err_arr:
            infoZeroErr *= err
        for i in range(nPoints):
            [x, y, err] = self.x_y_err_arr[i]
            sigma = 1.0
            if (infoZeroErr != 0.):
                sigma = 1.0 / (err * err)
            self.x_y_err_arr[i][2] = sigma
        #now make A matrix
        aMatr = Matrix(nPoints, self.order + 1)
        for i in range(nPoints):
            for j in range(self.order + 1):
                x = self.x_y_err_arr[i][0]
                aMatr.set(i, j, math.pow(x, j))
        aTCa = Matrix(self.order + 1, self.order + 1)
        for i in range(self.order + 1):
            for j in range(self.order + 1):
                a = 0.
                for k in range(nPoints):
                    sigma = self.x_y_err_arr[k][2]
                    a += aMatr.get(k, i) * sigma * aMatr.get(k, j)
                aTCa.set(i, j, a)
        #now the resuting coefficients and errors
        aTCaI = aTCa.invert()
        e = aTCaI.mult(aTCa)
        if (aTCa == None):
            print "python PolynomialFit: Problem with data."
            for i in range(nPoints):
                x = self.x_y_err_arr[i][0]
                y = self.x_y_err_arr[i][1]
                err = self.x_y_err_arr[i][2]
                print " x,y,err = %12.5g %12.5g %12.5g " % (x, y, err)
            print "Stop."
        coef_arr = [0.] * (self.order + 1)
        err_arr = [0.] * (self.order + 1)
        for i in range(self.order + 1):
            err_arr[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(aTCaI.get(i, i)))
        for i in range(self.order + 1):
            coef_arr[i] = 0.
            for j in range(self.order + 1):
                for k in range(nPoints):
                    sigma = self.x_y_err_arr[k][2]
                    y = self.x_y_err_arr[k][1]
                    coef_arr[i] += aTCaI.get(i, j) * aMatr.get(k,
                                                               j) * sigma * y
        # polinimial coefficients are found
        for i in range(len(coef_arr)):
            self.polynomial.coefficient(i, coef_arr[i])
        # now let's calculate errors
        if (infoZeroErr == 0.):
            total_sigma = 0.
            for k in range(nPoints):
                x = self.x_y_err_arr[k][0]
                y = self.x_y_err_arr[k][1]
                total_sigma += (self.polynomial.value(x) - y)**2
            total_sigma = math.sqrt(total_sigma / (nPoints - 2))
            for i in range(len(err_arr)):
                err_arr[i] *= total_sigma
        # set the resulting coefficients and errors array
        self.coef_err_arr = [coef_arr, err_arr]
Ejemplo n.º 3
poly1 = Polynomial()

print "========Derivative polynomial======="
order = poly1.order()
for i in range(order + 1):
    print "i=", i, " coef=", poly1.coefficient(i)

x = 10.
y = poly1.value(x)
yp = poly.derivative(x)
print "x=", x, " y_prime=", y, "  yp =", yp

print "========Copy of initial polynomial======="
poly2 = Polynomial()
order = poly2.order()
for i in range(order + 1):
    print "i=", i, " coef=", poly2.coefficient(i)

x = 10.
y = poly2.value(x)
yp = poly2.derivative(x)
print "x=", x, " y=", y, " y_prime=", yp
# Memory leak test
count = 1
while(1 < 2):
 poly1 = Polynomial()
 poly2 = Polynomial()