Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _options(self, dataset, args, path_args, path_kwargs, key):
     """For each dataset, prepare the arguments."""
     if self.request.body:
         content_type = self.request.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
         if content_type == 'application/json':
     filter_kwargs = AttrDict(dataset)
     filter_kwargs.pop('modify', None)
     prepare = filter_kwargs.pop('prepare', None)
     queryfunction = filter_kwargs.pop('queryfunction', None)
     filter_kwargs['transform_kwargs'] = {'handler': self}
     # Use default arguments
     defaults = {
         k: v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
         for k, v in filter_kwargs.pop('default', {}).items()
     # /(.*)/(.*) become 2 path arguments _0 and _1
     defaults.update({'_%d' % k: [v] for k, v in enumerate(path_args)})
     # /(?P<x>\d+)/(?P<y>\d+) become 2 keyword arguments x and y
     defaults.update({k: [v] for k, v in path_kwargs.items()})
     args = merge(namespaced_args(args, key), defaults, mode='setdefault')
     if callable(prepare):
         result = prepare(args=args, key=key, handler=self)
         if result is not None:
             args = result
     if callable(queryfunction):
         filter_kwargs['query'] = queryfunction(args=args, key=key, handler=self)
     return AttrDict(
         fmt=args.pop('_format', ['json'])[0],
         download=args.pop('_download', [''])[0],
         meta_header=args.pop('_meta', [''])[0],
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setup_error(cls, error):
        Sample configuration::

                    path: template.json         # Use a template
                    autoescape: false           # with no autoescape
                    whitespace: single          # as a single line
                        Content-Type: application/json
                    function: module.fn
                    args: [=status_code, =kwargs, =handler]
        if not error:
        if not isinstance(error, dict):
            return app_log.error('url:%s.error is not a dict', cls.name)
        # Compile all errors handlers
        cls.error = {}
        for error_code, error_config in error.items():
                error_code = int(error_code)
                if error_code < 100 or error_code > 1000:
                    raise ValueError()
            except ValueError:
                app_log.error('url.%s.error code %s is not a number (100 - 1000)',
                              cls.name, error_code)
            if not isinstance(error_config, dict):
                return app_log.error('url:%s.error.%d is not a dict', cls.name, error_code)
            # Make a copy of the original. When we add headers, etc, it shouldn't affect original
            error_config = AttrDict(error_config)
            error_path, error_function = error_config.get('path'), error_config.get('function')
            if error_function:
                if error_path:
                    app_log.warning('url.%s.error.%d has function: AND path:. Ignoring path:',
                                    cls.name, error_code)
                cls.error[error_code] = {'function': build_transform(
                    vars=AttrDict((('status_code', None), ('kwargs', None), ('handler', None))),
                    filename='url:%s.error.%d' % (cls.name, error_code)
            elif error_path:
                encoding = error_config.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
                cls.error[error_code] = {'function': cls._error_fn(error_code, error_config)}
                mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(error_path, strict=False)
                if mime_type:
                    error_config.setdefault('headers', {}).setdefault('Content-Type', mime_type)
                app_log.error('url.%s.error.%d must have a path or function key',
                              cls.name, error_code)
            # Add the error configuration for reference
            if error_code in cls.error:
                cls.error[error_code]['conf'] = error_config
        cls._write_error, cls.write_error = cls.write_error, cls._write_custom_error
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load():

    state.PROGRAMS = Tree()

    # Add configured players

    for pcls in [Player, Downloader, Postprocessor, ShellCommand]:

        ptype = camel_to_snake(pcls.__name__)
        cfgkey = ptype + "s"
        for name, cfg in config.settings.profile[cfgkey].items():
            if not cfg:
                cfg = AttrDict()
            path = cfg.pop("path", None) or cfg.get(
            if not path:
                logger.warning(f"couldn't find command for {name}")
            # First, try to find by "type" config value, if present
                klass = next(
                    c for c in Program.SUBCLASSES[ptype].values()
                    if c.__name__.lower().replace(ptype, "")
                    == cfg.get("type", "").replace("-", "").lower()
            except StopIteration:
                # Next, try to find by config name matching class name
                    klass = next(
                        c for c in Program.SUBCLASSES[ptype].values()
                        if c.cmd == name
                except StopIteration:
                    # Give up and make it a generic program
                    klass = pcls
            if cfg.get("disabled") == True:
            state.PROGRAMS[ptype][name] = ProgramDef(
                cfg = AttrDict(cfg)
    # Try to find any players not configured
    for ptype in Program.SUBCLASSES.keys():
        cfgkey = ptype + "s"
        for name, klass in Program.SUBCLASSES[ptype].items():
            cfg = config.settings.profile[cfgkey][name]
            if name in state.PROGRAMS[ptype] or (cfg and cfg.disabled == True):
            path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(name)
            if path:
                state.PROGRAMS[ptype][name] = ProgramDef(
                    cfg = AttrDict()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def load(cls):

        global PROGRAMS

        # Add configured players

        for ptype in [Player, Helper, Downloader]:
            cfgkey = ptype.__name__.lower() + "s"
            for name, cfg in config.settings.profile[cfgkey].items():
                if not cfg:
                    cfg = AttrDict()
                path = cfg.pop("path", None) or cfg.get(
                    "command", distutils.spawn.find_executable(name))
                    # raise Exception(cls.SUBCLASSES[ptype])
                    klass = next(c for c in cls.SUBCLASSES[ptype].values()
                                 if c.cmd == name)
                except StopIteration:
                    klass = ptype
                if cfg.get("disabled") == True:
                    logger.info(f"player {name} is disabled")
                PROGRAMS[ptype][name] = ProgramDef(cls=klass,
        # Try to find any players not configured
        for ptype in cls.SUBCLASSES.keys():
            cfgkey = ptype.__name__.lower() + "s"
            for name, klass in cls.SUBCLASSES[ptype].items():
                cfg = config.settings.profile[cfgkey][name]
                if name in PROGRAMS[ptype] or cfg.disabled == True:
                path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(name)
                if path:
                    PROGRAMS[ptype][name] = ProgramDef(cls=klass,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def load_imports(config, source, warn=None):
    Post-process a config for imports.

    ``config`` is the data to process. ``source`` is the path where it was
    loaded from.

    If ``config`` has an ``import:`` key, treat all values below that as YAML
    files (specified relative to ``source``) and import them in sequence.

    Return a list of imported paths as :func:_pathstat objects. (This includes

    For example, if the ``source`` is  ``base.yaml`` (which has the below
    configuration) and is loaded into ``config``::

            port: 20
            start: true
        path: /
        import: update*.yaml    # Can be any glob, e.g. */gramex.yaml

    ... and ``update.yaml`` looks like this::

            port: 30
            new: yes

    ... then after this function is called, ``config`` looks like this::

            port: 20        # From base.yaml. NOT updated by update.yaml
            start: true     # From base.yaml
            new: yes        # From update.yaml
        path: /             # From base.yaml

    The ``import:`` keys are deleted. The return value contains :func:_pathstat
    values for ``base.yaml`` and ``update.yaml`` in that order.

    Multiple ``import:`` values can be specified as a dictionary::

            first-app: app1/*.yaml
            next-app: app2/*.yaml

    To import sub-keys as namespaces, use::

            app: {path: */gramex.yaml, namespace: 'url'}

    This prefixes all keys under ``url:``. Here are more examples::

        namespace: True             # Add namespace to all top-level keys
        namespace: url              # Add namespace to url.*
        namespace: log.loggers      # Add namespace to log.loggers.*
        namespace: [True, url]      # Add namespace to top level keys and url.*

    By default, the prefix is the relative path of the imported YAML file
    (relative to the importer).

    ``warn=`` is an optional list of key paths. Any conflict on dictionaries
    matching any of these paths is logged as a warning. For example,
    ``warn=['url.*', 'watch.*']`` warns if any url: sub-key or watch: sub-key
    has a conflict.
    imported_paths = [_pathstat(source)]
    root = source.absolute().parent
    for key, value, node in list(walk(config)):
        if isinstance(key,
                      six.string_types) and key.startswith('import.merge'):
            # Strip the top level key(s) from import.merge values
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                for name, conf in value.items():
                    node[name] = conf
            elif value:
                raise ValueError('import.merge: must be dict, not %s at %s' %
                                 (repr(value), source))
            # Delete the import key
            del node[key]
        elif key == 'import':
            # Convert "import: path" to "import: {app: path}"
            if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                value = {'apps': value}
            # Allow "import: [path, path]" to "import: {app0: path, app1: path}"
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                value = OrderedDict(
                    (('app%d' % i, conf) for i, conf in enumerate(value)))
            # By now, import: should be a dict
            elif not isinstance(value, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    'import: must be string/list/dict, not %s at %s' %
                    (repr(value), source))
            # If already a dict with a single import via 'path', convert to dict of apps
            if 'path' in value:
                value = {'app': value}
            for name, conf in value.items():
                if not isinstance(conf, dict):
                    conf = AttrDict(path=conf)
                if 'path' not in conf:
                    raise ValueError('import: has no conf at %s' % source)
                paths = conf.pop('path')
                paths = paths if isinstance(paths, list) else [paths]
                globbed_paths = []
                for path in paths:
                    globbed_paths += sorted(
                        root.glob(path)) if '*' in path else [Path(path)]
                ns = conf.pop('namespace', None)
                for path in globbed_paths:
                    abspath = root.joinpath(path)
                    new_conf = _yaml_open(abspath, **conf)
                    if ns is not None:
                        prefix = Path(path).as_posix()
                        new_conf = _add_ns(new_conf, ns, name + ':' + prefix)
                    imported_paths += load_imports(new_conf, source=abspath)
                    merge(old=node, new=new_conf, mode='setdefault', warn=warn)
            # Delete the import key
            del node[key]
    return imported_paths