Ejemplo n.º 1
def naive_min_gen(original_group, ordering):
    eles = original_group._list_elements(key = ordering_to_perm_key(ordering))
    cur_gens = [eles[1]]
    cur_G = Group.fixed_base_group(cur_gens, ordering)
    for ele in eles:
        if ele not in cur_G:
            cur_G = Group.fixed_base_group(cur_gens, ordering)
            if cur_G.order() == G.order():
    return cur_gens
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_element_at_index(self):
     cf  = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[1, 2, 3,4,5]],5)
     b = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)
     e = cf([],5)
     ordering = [3,5,2,1,4]
     base, _, _, graphs = schreier_sims_algorithm_fixed_base([a,b], ordering, e)
     full_group = []
     ele_key = ordering_to_key(ordering)        
     perm_key = ordering_to_perm_key(ordering)
     for index in range(group_size(graphs)):
         full_group.append(element_at_index(base, graphs, index, e, key=ele_key))
     ordered_group = sorted(full_group, key = perm_key)
     #for x,y in zip(full_group, ordered_group):
         #print("{!s:<20} {!s:<20}".format(x,y))
     self.assertEqual(full_group, ordered_group)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_memebership_index(self):
     cf  = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[1, 2, 3,4,5]],5)
     b = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)
     c = cf([[1,2]], 5)
     e = cf([],5)
     ordering = [3,5,2,1,4]
     base, _, _, graphs = schreier_sims_algorithm_fixed_base([a,b], ordering, e)
     S5_base, _, _, S5_graphs = schreier_sims_algorithm_fixed_base([a,c], ordering, e)
     real_group = []
     S5_group = []
     ele_key = ordering_to_key(ordering)        
     perm_key = ordering_to_perm_key(ordering)
     for index in range(group_size(S5_graphs)):
         S5_group.append(element_at_index(S5_base, S5_graphs, index, e, key=ele_key))
     self.assertEquals(len(S5_group), 120)
     self.assertEquals(S5_group, sorted(S5_group, key = perm_key))
     for index in range(group_size(graphs)):
         real_group.append(element_at_index(base, graphs, index, e, key=ele_key))
     self.assertEquals(len(real_group), 60)
     self.assertEquals(real_group, sorted(real_group, key = perm_key))
     for ele in S5_group:
         cand_index = membership_index(ele, graphs, base, e, key = ele_key)
         if cand_index > -1:
             #print("{}: {} {}?".format(cand_index, ele, real_group[cand_index]))
             self.assertTrue(ele in real_group)
             self.assertEquals(real_group[cand_index], ele)
             self.assertFalse(ele in real_group)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def find_partition_backtrack_subgroup(self):
        #Assume the refinement families are symmetric.
        generators = []
        r_base = self._r_base()
        count = 0
        leaf_count = 0

        if self.printing:
            print("Traversing tree:")
        while self._cur_height > -1:
            count += 1
            if self.printing:
                a = self._cur_position
                b = self.right[self._cur_height]
                c = self.left[self._cur_height]
                print("\n{}: {}\n{} -> {}".format(self._cur_height,a,c,b)) 
            #Alternatice 1: premature rule out.
            if self.alt1():
                if self.printing:
                    print("Alternative 1: partition violation")
                self.backtrack(self._cur_height - 1)
            #Alternative 2: discrete check.
            elif self.right.discrete():
                leaf_count += 1
                perm = Permutation.read_partitions(self.left[self._cur_height], self.right[self._cur_height])
                if self.double_coset_check and self.printing:
                    Dco = G*perm*G
                    perm_key = ordering.ordering_to_perm_key(self.left.fix())
                    if Dco.mid_minimal(key = perm_key):
                        print("Actually minimal in own double coset: {}".format(Dco._list_elements(Perm_key)))
                added = False                
                if not perm.trivial() and self.group_property.check(perm):
                    added = True
                if self.printing:
                    print("Alternative 2 found permutation: {} ({})".format(perm, added))
                if self.multi_backtrack and added:
            #Alternative 3: not a special level
            elif r_base[self._cur_height] is not None:
                r_base[self._cur_height](None, self.right)
                if self.printing:
                    print("Alternative 3 applying function: {}".format(r_base[self._cur_height]._info))  
                self._cur_height += 1                
            #Alternative 4: is a special level
                if self.printing:
                    print("Alternative 4 special level")                  
        if self.printing:
            print("\nFinished tree traversal.")
            print("Visited {} vertices ({} of which were terminal).".format(count, leaf_count))

        return generators
Ejemplo n.º 5
from coset_property import CosetProperty as Prop
from coset_property import PermutationCommuterProperty
import sims_search
from ordering import ordering_to_key, ordering_to_perm_key

#Set up group generators
cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
a = cf([[2,3],[4,6],[5,8],[9,11]], 13)
b = cf([[1,2,4,7,9,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13]], 13)

#Define ordering of base elements
fix = [1,3,5,9,7,11,2,12,4,6,8,10,13]

#Define corresponding key functions on numbers and perms based on base element ordering
key_single = ordering_to_key(fix)
key_perm = ordering_to_perm_key(fix)

#Construct group
G = Group.fixed_base_group([a,b],fix)

#Find all elements in order
#Print the base and stab orbits of G.
level_orbits = []
for level in range(len(G.base)):
    to_check = sorted(G.orbit(G.base[level],level), key = key_single)

#Set up the modulo values for a naive traversal.
mods = [len(orbit) for orbit in level_orbits]