Ejemplo n.º 1
def linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None):
    '''Create a 1D dataset from start to stop in given number of steps
    start    -- starting value
    stop     -- stopping value
    num      -- number of steps, defaults to 50
    endpoint -- if True (default), include the stop value
    retstep  -- if False (default), do not include the calculated step value as part of return tuple
    if not endpoint:
        stop = ((num - 1) * stop + start)/num

    dtype = _translatenativetype(dtype)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = _getdtypefromobj(((start, stop)))

        if dtype.value < float64.value:
            dtype = float64

    if dtype.value >= complex64.value:
        dtype = complex128

        if type(start) is _types.IntType:
            start = start+0j
        if type(stop) is _types.IntType:
            stop = stop+0j
        rresult = _df.createLinearSpace(start.real, stop.real, num, float64.value)
        iresult = _df.createLinearSpace(start.imag, stop.imag, num, float64.value)
        result = Sciwrap(_dsutils.createCompoundDataset(complex128.value, (rresult, iresult)))
        del rresult, iresult
        result = Sciwrap(_df.createLinearSpace(start, stop, num, dtype.value))

    if retstep:
        step = result[1] - result[0]
        return (result, step)
        return result