async def startup(): # TODO use retry or something for _ in range(3): try: redis = await aioredis.create_redis_pool('/tmp/redis.sock') except aioredis.errors.ReplyError as e: await asyncio.sleep(10) else: break else: raise e connect(redis)
def on_buttonTestConnection_clicked(self): dbUri = forms._.dbUri import orm ADAPTERS = dict(sqlite= orm.SqliteAdapter, mysql= orm.MysqlAdapter) # available adapters try: # 'sqlite://../mtc.sqlite' db = orm.connect(dbUri, ADAPTERS) if db is None: raise orm.ConnectionError('Could not find suitable DB adapter for the protocol specified.') db.execute('SELECT 1;') except Exception as exc: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Failure', '<b>Connection failure</b><br>%s\n%s' % (dbUri, exc)) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Success', '<b>Connection success</b><br>%s' % dbUri)
return json.loads(response) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('USAGE: path/to/config.xml') sys.exit(1) # parse the XML configuration config_xml = config.parse_config(sys.argv[1]) clients = config.parse_clients(config_xml) smtp_cfg = config.parse_smtp(config_xml) # connect to the DB db = orm.connect(config.parse_db(config_xml)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) for client in clients: system = db.query(orm.System).filter_by(name=client['ip']).first() if not system: system = orm.System(name=client['ip']) db.add(system) db.commit() last_event_record_id = 0 if client['platform'] == 'Windows': last_event = db.query( orm.WinEventLog).filter_by(
def setUpClass(cls): # CREATE USER test WITH PASSWORD 'test'; # CREATE DATABASE test OWNER test; cls.db = orm.connect("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/test")
class Persons(orm.Model): last_name = orm.CharField(maxLength=100) first_name = orm.CharField(maxLength=100) middle_name = orm.CharField(maxLength=100) phone_prefix = orm.IntegerField(maxDigits=3) # phone prefix code of the location phone_number = orm.IntegerField(maxDigits=10) location = orm.RecordField(Locations) street = orm.RecordField(Streets) def checkNames(self): """An item function, like in Django""" pass db = orm.connect('sqlite://papp/databases/mtc.sqlite') #print('\nRegions table fields:') #for field in Regions: # print(' ', field) # implicit join: get all locations and the regions they are part of #pprint([], ( == Locations.region_id), orderBy=[Regions.region_type_name, -Regions.region_name], limitBy=(0, 10))) # explicit join #pprint(dbAdapter.execute('SELECT persons.*, locations.* FROM persons JOIN locations ON ( = persons.location_id) WHERE (persons.phone_number = 763533) LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;').fetchall()) #print(dbAdapter.getLastQuery(), '\n') rows =, Persons.first_name, Locations.location_name, Regions.region_name, from_=[Persons, LeftJoin(Locations, == Persons.location),
class CatalogModel(orm.Model): deleted = orm.BooleanField() class Streets(CatalogModel): street_name = orm.CharField(maxLength=50) ################################################################## test = ('sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgresql')[0] if test == 'sqlite': fd, filePath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.sqlite') os.close(fd) # db = orm.connect('sqlite://' + filePath) db = orm.connect('sqlite://:memory:') elif test == 'mysql': db = orm.connect('mysql://root@localhost/test') elif test == 'postgresql': db = orm.connect('postgresql://postgres@localhost/test') db.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS authors') db.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS books') query = db.getCreateTableQuery(Authors) print('\nGetting the CREATE TABLE query for table Authors:\n', query) for _query in query.split('\n\n'): db.execute(_query) query = db.getCreateTableQuery(Books) print('\nGetting the CREATE TABLE query for table Books:\n', query)
def test_invalid_connection_string_raises(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): orm.connect('')
def test_valid_connection_doesnt_raise(self): # note creates in-memory DB orm.connect('sqlite://')