Ejemplo n.º 1
def fun_mpi(rank):
    x = np.arange(7.0)
    list = np.array_split(x, 4)
    print("my rank is %d:" % rank)
    st = stats.Stats()

    for i in list[rank]:
        data = [rank, rank]
        st.add_to_stats('index', data)

Ejemplo n.º 2
parser.add_argument("--no-mask", action='store_true',help='No mask. Use with the isotropic flag.')
parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true',help='Debug plots.')
parser.add_argument("--flat-sky-norm", action='store_true',help='Use flat-sky norm.')
parser.add_argument("--flat-sky-rdn0", action='store_true',help='Do flat-sky rdn0.')
args = parser.parse_args()

solint,Als,Alcurl,Nl,comm,rank,my_tasks,sindex,debug_cmb,lmin,lmax,polcomb,nsims,channel,isostr = solenspipe.initialize_args(args)
w2 = solint.wfactor(2)
w3 = solint.wfactor(3)
w4 = solint.wfactor(4)

if args.write_meanfield: assert not(args.read_meanfield)

s = stats.Stats(comm)

if args.read_meanfield:
    mf_alm = hp.read_alm(f'{solenspipe.opath}/mf_{args.label}_{args.polcomb}_{isostr}_alm.fits')
    mf_alm = 0

for task in my_tasks:

    # Choose a seed. This has to be varied when simulating.
    seed = (0,0,task+sindex)

    # If debugging, get unfiltered maps and plot Cls
    if task==0 and debug_cmb:
        t_alm,e_alm,b_alm = solint.get_kmap(channel,seed,lmin,lmax,filtered=False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        cinv[ai,aj][agen.modlmap>ellmaxes[aj]] = 0

# Set up SZ frequency dependence
def gnu(nu_ghz,tcmb=2.7255):
    nu = 1e9*np.asarray(nu_ghz)
    hplanck = 6.62607e-34
    kboltzmann = 1.38065e-23 
    x = hplanck*nu/kboltzmann/tcmb
    coth = np.cosh(x/2.)/np.sinh(x/2.)
    return x*coth-4.

yresponses = gnu(freqs)
cresponses = yresponses*0 + 1.
fc = maps.FourierCalc(shape[-2:],wcs)
s = stats.Stats()
bin_edges = np.arange(300,5000,80)
binner = stats.bin2D(agen.modlmap,bin_edges)

for i in range(nsims):
    cmb,y,observed = agen.get_maps()
    kmaps = []
    for j in range(len(freqs)):
        _,kmap,_ = fc.power2d(observed[j])
        km = np.nan_to_num(kmap/agen.kbeams[j])
        km[agen.modlmap>ellmaxes[j]] = 0
        km[agen.modlmap<ellmins[j]] = 0
    kmaps = np.stack(kmaps)
    sc = maps.silc(kmaps,cinv,cresponses)
    sy = maps.silc(kmaps,cinv,yresponses)
Ejemplo n.º 4
            st.add_to_stats('frac%s_deconv' % 'ee', frac_diff)

            theo_idx = 'clbb'
            frac_diff = (clbb - theo_bin[theo_idx]) / theo_bin[theo_idx]
            st.add_to_stats('frac%s_deconv' % 'bb', frac_diff)

theo_bin = {}
for key in list(theo.keys()):
    if key == 'l': continue
    lbin_th, clbin_th = cusps_fc.bin_theory(l_th, theo[key])

    theo_bin['l'] = lbin_th
    theo_bin[key] = clbin_th

st = stats.Stats(cmblens.mpi.comm)
for sim_idx in subtasks:
    log.info("processing %d" % sim_idx)
    tmap, qmap, umap = get_sim(sim_idx, mode='actsim')
    tmap -= np.mean(tmap)
    qmap -= np.mean(qmap)
    umap -= np.mean(umap)
    qmap *= -1.
    tmap *= taper
    qmap *= taper
    umap *= taper

    #emap, bmap = cusps.util.qu2eb(qmap, umap)
    emap, bmap = qu2eb(qmap, umap)

    if sim_idx == 0:
    if do_apod:
        mask = nmt.mask_apodization_flat(mask,

# Mask fraction
frac = np.sum(mask) * 1. / mask.size
area = enmap.area(shape, wcs) * frac * (180. / np.pi)**2.
print("Masked area sq.deg.: ", area)

w2 = np.mean(mask**2.)  # Naive power scaling factor

N = args.Nsims
s = stats.Stats()  # Stats collector

for i in range(N):
    if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: print(i + 1)

    # Get sim maps (npol,ny,nx) array
    imaps = mg.get_map(scalar=False, iau=iau)  #*mask

    if i == 0:

        # Plots of mask and fields
        io.plot_img(mask, io.dout_dir + field + "_mask.png", high_res=True)
        # io.plot_img(imaps[0],io.dout_dir+field+"_I.png",high_res=True)
        # io.plot_img(imaps[1],io.dout_dir+field+"_Q.png",high_res=True)
        # io.plot_img(imaps[2],io.dout_dir+field+"_U.png",high_res=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def do(ymap, cmap, dmap, mask, ras, decs, wt):

    combined = list(zip(ras, decs))
    ras[:], decs[:] = zip(*combined)

    Nrand = 400

    njobs = len(ras)
    comm, rank, my_tasks = mpi.distribute(njobs)
    print("Rank %d starting" % rank)
    s = stats.Stats(comm)

    i = 0
    for task in my_tasks:

        ra = ras[task]
        dec = decs[task]

        mcut, ycut, ccut, dcut, weight = get_cuts(mask, ymap, cmap, dmap, wt,
                                                  ra, dec, arcmin, pix)
        if mcut is None: continue

        if i == 0:
            modrmap = np.rad2deg(ycut.modrmap()) * 60.
            bin_edges = np.arange(0., 15., 1.0)
            binner = stats.bin2D(modrmap, bin_edges)

        rras, rdecs = catalogs.random_catalog(ymap.shape,
        nrej = 0
        for rra, rdec in zip(rras, rdecs):
            rmcut, rycut, rccut, rdcut, rweight = get_cuts(
                mask, ymap, cmap, dmap, wt, rra, rdec, arcmin, pix)
            if rmcut is None:
                nrej = nrej + 1
            cents, ry1d = binner.bin(rycut)
            cents, rc1d = binner.bin(rccut)
            cents, rd1d = binner.bin(rdcut)
            s.add_to_stats("rc1d", rc1d * 1e6)
            s.add_to_stats("ry1d", ry1d * 1e6)
            s.add_to_stats("rd1d", rd1d * 1e6)
        if rank == 0: print(Nrand - nrej, " accepted")

        cents, y1d = binner.bin(ycut)
        cents, c1d = binner.bin(ccut)
        cents, d1d = binner.bin(dcut)
        s.add_to_stats("c1d", c1d * 1e6)
        s.add_to_stats("y1d", y1d * 1e6)
        s.add_to_stats("d1d", d1d * 1e6)
        s.add_to_stack("cstack", ccut * 1e6 * weight)
        s.add_to_stack("dstack", dcut * 1e6 * weight)
        s.add_to_stack("ystack", ycut * 1e6 * weight)
        s.add_to_stats("sum", (weight, ))
        i = i + 1
        if i % 10 == 0 and rank == 0: print(i)
    print("Rank %d done " % rank)
    if rank == 0:
        N = s.vectors['sum'].sum()
        ystack = s.stacks['ystack'] * N
        cstack = s.stacks['cstack'] * N
        dstack = s.stacks['dstack'] * N
        y1ds = s.vectors['y1d']
        c1ds = s.vectors['c1d']
        d1ds = s.vectors['d1d']
        ry1d = s.stats['ry1d']['mean']
        rc1d = s.stats['rc1d']['mean']
        rd1d = s.stats['rd1d']['mean']

        _, nwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0),
                                 res=np.deg2rad(0.5 / 60.))

        return rank, enmap.enmap(
            ystack, nwcs), enmap.enmap(cstack, nwcs), enmap.enmap(
                dstack, nwcs), N, cents, y1ds, c1ds, d1ds, ry1d, rc1d, rd1d
        return rank, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 7
kamp = 0.1
kappa = kamp * np.exp(-modrmap**2. / 2. / ksigma**2.)
tkmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=100, lmax=6000)
kkmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=100, lmax=7000)
qest = lensing.qest(shape, wcs, theory, kmask=tkmask, kmask_K=kkmask)

phi, _ = lensing.kappa_to_phi(kappa, modlmap, return_fphi=True)
grad_phi = enmap.grad(phi)

lens_order = 5

N = 1000

bin_edges = np.arange(0, 10., 1.0)
binner = stats.bin2D(modrmap * 180. * 60 / np.pi, bin_edges)
mystats = stats.Stats()
fkappa = maps.filter_map(kappa, kkmask)
cents, yt = binner.bin(fkappa)

for i in range(N):
    unlensed = mg.get_map()

    lensed = enlensing.lens_map(unlensed,
    recon = qest.kappa_from_map("TT", lensed)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def do(ymap, cmap, mask, ras, decs, wt):

    combined = list(zip(ras, decs))
    ras[:], decs[:] = zip(*combined)

    njobs = len(ras)
    comm, rank, my_tasks = mpi.distribute(njobs)
    print("Rank %d starting" % rank)
    s = stats.Stats(comm)

    i = 0
    for task in my_tasks:

        ra = ras[task]
        dec = decs[task]

        # mcut = reproject.cutout(mask, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec),npix=int(arcmin/pix))
        mcut = reproject.postage_stamp(mask, np.deg2rad(ra), np.deg2rad(dec),
                                       arcmin, pix)
        if mcut is None:
        if np.any(mcut) <= 0:

        # ycut = reproject.cutout(ymap, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec),npix=int(arcmin/pix))
        # ccut = reproject.cutout(cmap, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec),npix=int(arcmin/pix))
        # wcut = reproject.cutout(wt, ra=np.deg2rad(ra), dec=np.deg2rad(dec),npix=int(arcmin/pix))

        ycut = reproject.postage_stamp(ymap, np.deg2rad(ra), np.deg2rad(dec),
                                       arcmin, pix)
        ccut = reproject.postage_stamp(cmap, np.deg2rad(ra), np.deg2rad(dec),
                                       arcmin, pix)
        wcut = reproject.postage_stamp(wt, np.deg2rad(ra), np.deg2rad(dec),
                                       arcmin, pix)
        weight = wcut.mean()

        # if i==0:
        #     modrmap = np.rad2deg(ycut.modrmap())*60.
        #     bin_edges = np.arange(0.,15.,1.0)
        #     binner = stats.bin2D(modrmap,bin_edges)

        # cents,y1d = binner.bin(ycut)
        # cents,c1d = binner.bin(ccut)
        # s.add_to_stats("c1d",c1d*1e6)
        # s.add_to_stats("y1d",y1d*1e6)
        s.add_to_stack("cstack", ccut * 1e6 * weight)
        s.add_to_stack("ystack", ycut * 1e6 * weight)
        s.add_to_stats("sum", (weight, ))
        i = i + 1
        if i % 10 == 0 and rank == 0: print(i)
    print("Rank %d done " % rank)
    if rank == 0:
        N = s.vectors['sum'].sum()
        ystack = s.stacks['ystack'] * N
        cstack = s.stacks['cstack'] * N

        _, nwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0),
                                 res=np.deg2rad(0.5 / 60.))

        return rank, enmap.enmap(ystack, nwcs), enmap.enmap(cstack, nwcs), N
        return rank, None, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def auto(self, Lmin, Lmax, delta_L):
        Get cutout reconstructed kappa auto-power or cross-power with input cutout kappa
        # for statistics
        st = stats.Stats()
        # Initialize upper-left pixel corner
        iy, ix = 0, 0

        for itile in range(self.ntiles):
            # Get bottom-right pixel corner
            ey = iy + self.npix
            ex = ix + self.npix

            # Slice both cmb maps
            cut_cmb1 = self.cmb1[iy:ey, ix:ex]
            cut_cmb2 = self.cmb2[iy:ey, ix:ex]

            # Get geometry of the cutouts, I assume cut_cmb1 and cut_cmb2 have same geometry
            cut_shape = cut_cmb1.shape
            cut_wcs = cut_cmb1.wcs
            cut_modlmap = enmap.modlmap(cut_shape, cut_wcs)
            ells = np.arange(0, cut_modlmap.max() + 1, 1)
            ctt = self.theory.lCl('TT', ells)

            # Get taper for appodization
            taper, w2 = maps.get_taper_deg(cut_shape, cut_wcs)

            # Define feed_dict for symlens
            feed_dict = {}
            feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = utils.interp(ells, ctt)(cut_modlmap)
            feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = utils.interp(ells, ctt)(cut_modlmap) + (
                self.nlev_t * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / utils.gauss_beam(
                    cut_modlmap, self.beam_arcmin)**2

            # Get cmb mask
            cmask = utils.mask_kspace(cut_shape,
            # Get mask for reconstruction
            kmask = utils.mask_kspace(cut_shape, cut_wcs, lmin=Lmin, lmax=Lmax)
            # Stride across the map, horizontally first and
            # increment vertically when at the end of a row
            if (itile + 1) % self.num_x != 0:
                ix = ix + self.npix
                ix = 0
                iy = iy + self.npix

            # Apodize cutout CMB maps
            cut_cmb1 = taper * cut_cmb1
            cut_cmb2 = taper * cut_cmb2

            # Get the Fourier maps
            cut_cmb1_k = enmap.fft(cut_cmb1, normalize='phys')
            cut_cmb2_k = enmap.fft(cut_cmb2, normalize='phys')

            # Reconstruct kappa fourier maps
            cut_reckap1, noise_2d = cutout_rec(cut_shape, cut_wcs, feed_dict,
                                               cmask, kmask, cut_cmb1_k,
            cut_reckap2, noise_2d = cutout_rec(cut_shape, cut_wcs, feed_dict,
                                               cmask, kmask, cut_cmb2_k,

            # Get auto powerspectra
            center_L, cut_reckap1_x_reckap1 = powspec(cut_reckap1, cut_reckap1,
                                                      taper, 4, cut_modlmap,
                                                      Lmin, Lmax, delta_L)
            center_L, cut_reckap2_x_reckap2 = powspec(cut_reckap2, cut_reckap2,
                                                      taper, 4, cut_modlmap,
                                                      Lmin, Lmax, delta_L)

            # Get bias
            bias = (cut_reckap2_x_reckap2 -
                    cut_reckap1_x_reckap1) / cut_reckap1_x_reckap1

            # Add to stats
            st.add_to_stats('reckap1 x reckap1', cut_reckap1_x_reckap1)
            st.add_to_stats('reckap2 x reckap2', cut_reckap2_x_reckap2)
            st.add_to_stats('bias', bias)

        # Get spectra and bias statistics

        return center_L, st
Ejemplo n.º 10
btest = maps.gauss_beam_real(rs, fwhm_test)

# pl = io.Plotter()
# pl.add(rs,brs*rs)
# pl.add(rs,btest*rs,ls="--")
# pl.done(io.dout_dir+'rbeam.png')

modrmap = enmap.modrmap(shape, wcs)
kbeam = maps.interp(ls, bells)(modlmap)
kbeam_test = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm_test)

bin_edges = np.arange(40, 4000, 40)

taper, w2 = maps.get_taper(shape)

st = stats.Stats()

for i in range(nsims):
    imap = mgen.get_map()

    omap1 = maps.convolve_profile(imap.copy(),
    omap2 = maps.filter_map(imap.copy(), kbeam)
    omap3 = maps.convolve_gaussian(imap.copy(), fwhm=fwhm_test, nsigma=5.0)
    omap4 = maps.filter_map(imap.copy(), kbeam_test)

    if i == 0:
Ejemplo n.º 11

mask = initialize_mask(nside,smooth_deg)
solint = SOLensInterface(mask)
thloc = "../data/" + config['theory_root']
theory = cosmology.loadTheorySpectraFromCAMB(thloc,get_dimensionless=False)

# norm dict
Als = {}
with bench.show("norm"):
    ls,Als['TT'],Als['EE'],Als['EB'],Als['TE'],Als['TB'],al_mv_pol,al_mv,Al_te_hdv = initialize_norm(solint,ch,lmin,lmax)
Als['mv'] = al_mv
Als['mvpol'] = al_mv_pol
al_mv = Als[polcomb]

s = stats.Stats(comm) #creates an orphics stats class called s
for task in my_tasks:
    talm  = solint.get_kmap(ch,(0,0,0),lmin,lmax,filtered=True)[0]
    ealm  = solint.get_kmap(ch,(0,0,0),lmin,lmax,filtered=True)[1]
    balm  = solint.get_kmap(ch,(0,0,0),lmin,lmax,filtered=True)[2]
    #rkalm = qe.filter_alms(solint.get_mv_kappa(polcomb,talm,ealm,balm),maps.interp(ls,al_mv))
    s.add_to_stack("mf_alm",rkalm)  #This is just an accumulator it adds rkalm to a an array known as mf_alm
s.get_stacks()  #calculate the mean of the stack

if rank==0:
    mf_alm = s.stacks['mf_alm']
    hp.write_alm(config['data_path']+"meanfield_alm_%s.fits" % polcomb,mf_alm,overwrite=True)