Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_task_transition_contexts(self, task_id, route):
        contexts = {}

        task_state_entry = self.get_task_state_entry(task_id, route)

        if not task_state_entry:
            raise exc.InvalidTaskStateEntry(task_id)

        for t in self.graph.get_next_transitions(task_id):
            task_transition_id = constants.TASK_STATE_TRANSITION_FORMAT % (t[1], str(t[2]))

            if (task_transition_id in task_state_entry['next'] and
                contexts[task_transition_id] = self.get_task_initial_context(t[1], route)

        return contexts
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_task_state(self, task_id, route, event):
        engine_event_queue = queue.Queue()

        # Throw exception if not expected event type.
        if not issubclass(type(event), events.ExecutionEvent):
            raise TypeError('Event is not type of ExecutionEvent.')

        # Throw exception if task does not exist in the workflow graph.
        if not self.graph.has_task(task_id):
            raise exc.InvalidTask(task_id)

        # Try to get the task metadata from staging or task state.
        staged_task = self.workflow_state.get_staged_task(task_id, route)
        task_state_entry = self.get_task_state_entry(task_id, route)

        # Throw exception if task is not staged and there is no task state entry.
        if not staged_task and not task_state_entry:
            raise exc.InvalidTaskStateEntry(task_id)

        # Create new task state entry if it does not exist.
        if not task_state_entry:
            task_state_entry = self.add_task_state(

        # Identify the index for the task state object for later use.
        task_state_idx = self._get_task_state_idx(task_id, route)

        # If task is already completed and in cycle, then create new task state entry.
        if (self.graph.in_cycle(task_id) and task_state_entry.get('status')
                in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES):
            task_state_entry = self.add_task_state(

            # Update the index value since a new entry is created.
            task_state_idx = self._get_task_state_idx(task_id, route)

        # Remove task from staging if task is not with items.
        if event.status and staged_task and 'items' not in staged_task:
            self.workflow_state.remove_staged_task(task_id, route)

        # If action execution is for a task item, then store the execution status for the item.
        if (staged_task and event.status and event.context
                and 'item_id' in event.context
                and event.context['item_id'] is not None):
            item_result = {'status': event.status, 'result': event.result}
            staged_task['items'][event.context['item_id']] = item_result

        # Log the error if it is a failed execution event.
        if event.status == statuses.FAILED:
            message = 'Execution failed. See result for details.'

        # Process the action execution event using the
        # task state machine and update the task status.
        old_task_status = task_state_entry.get('status', statuses.UNSET)
                                                task_state_entry, event)
        new_task_status = task_state_entry.get('status', statuses.UNSET)

        # Get task result and set current context if task is completed.
        if new_task_status in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES:
            # Get task details required for updating outgoing context.
            task_spec = self.spec.tasks.get_task(task_id)

            # Get task result.
            task_result = ([
                item.get('result') for item in staged_task.get('items', [])
            ] if staged_task and task_spec.has_items() else event.result)

            # Remove remaining task from staging.
            self.workflow_state.remove_staged_task(task_id, route)

            # Set current task in the context.
            in_ctx_idxs = task_state_entry['ctxs']['in']
            in_ctx_val = self.get_task_context(in_ctx_idxs)
            current_task = {
                'id': task_id,
                'route': route,
                'result': task_result
            current_ctx = ctx_util.set_current_task(in_ctx_val, current_task)

            # Setup context for evaluating expressions in task transition criteria.
            state_ctx = {'__state': self.workflow_state.serialize()}
            current_ctx = dict_util.merge_dicts(current_ctx, state_ctx, True)

        # Evaluate task transitions if task is completed and status change is not processed.
        if new_task_status in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES and new_task_status != old_task_status:
            has_manual_fail = False
            staged_next_tasks = []

            # Identify task transitions for the current completed task.
            task_transitions = self.graph.get_next_transitions(task_id)

            # Mark task as terminal when there is no transitions.
            if not task_transitions:
                task_state_entry['term'] = True

            # Iterate thru each outbound task transitions.
            for task_transition in task_transitions:
                task_transition_id = (
                    constants.TASK_STATE_TRANSITION_FORMAT %
                    (task_transition[1], str(task_transition[2])))

                # Evaluate the criteria for task transition. If there is a failure while
                # evaluating expression(s), fail the workflow.
                    criteria = task_transition[3].get('criteria') or []
                    evaluated_criteria = [
                        expr_base.evaluate(c, current_ctx) for c in criteria
                    task_state_entry['next'][task_transition_id] = all(
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log_error(e, task_id, route, task_transition_id)

                # If criteria met, then mark the next task staged and calculate outgoing context.
                if task_state_entry['next'][task_transition_id]:
                    next_task_node = self.graph.get_task(task_transition[1])
                    next_task_id = next_task_node['id']
                    new_ctx_idx = None

                    # Get and process new context for the task transition.
                    out_ctx, new_ctx, errors = task_spec.finalize_context(
                        next_task_id, task_transition,

                    if errors:
                        self.log_errors(errors, task_id, route,

                    out_ctx_idxs = copy.deepcopy(

                    if new_ctx:
                        new_ctx_idx = len(self.workflow_state.contexts) - 1

                        # Add to the list of contexts for the next task in this transition.

                        # Record the outgoing context for this task transition.
                        if 'out' not in task_state_entry['ctxs']:
                            task_state_entry['ctxs']['out'] = {}

                        task_state_entry['ctxs']['out'] = {
                            task_transition_id: new_ctx_idx

                    # Stage the next task if it is not in staging.
                    next_task_route = self._evaluate_route(
                        task_transition, route)

                    staged_next_task = self.workflow_state.get_staged_task(
                        next_task_id, next_task_route)

                    backref = (constants.TASK_STATE_TRANSITION_FORMAT %
                               (task_id, str(task_transition[2])))

                    # If the next task is already staged.
                    if staged_next_task:
                        # Remove the root context to avoid overwriting vars.

                        # Extend the outgoing context from this task.

                        # Add a backref for the current task in the next task.
                        staged_next_task['prev'][backref] = task_state_idx
                        # Otherwise create a new entry in staging for the next task.
                        staged_next_task = self.workflow_state.add_staged_task(
                            prev={backref: task_state_idx},

                    # Check if inbound criteria are met. Must use the original route
                    # to identify the inbound task transitions.
                        'ready'] = self._inbound_criteria_satisfied(
                            next_task_id, route)

                    # Put the next task in the engine event queue if it is an engine command.
                    if next_task_id in events.ENGINE_EVENT_MAP.keys():
                        queue_entry = (staged_next_task['id'],

                        # Flag if there is at least one fail command in the task transition.
                        if not has_manual_fail:
                            has_manual_fail = (next_task_id == 'fail')
                        # If not an engine command and the next task is ready, then
                        # make a record of it for processing manual fail below.
                        if staged_next_task['ready']:

            # Task failure is remediable. For example, there may be workflow that wants
            # to run a cleanup task on failure. In certain cases, we still want to fail
            # the workflow after the remediation. The fail command can be in the
            # task transition under the cleanup task. However, the cleanup task may be
            # reusable when either workflow succeed or fail. It does not make sense to
            # put the fail command in the task transition of the cleanup task. So we
            # want to allow user to be able to define both the cleanup and fail in the
            # task transition under the current task but still return the cleanup task
            # even when the workflow is set to failed status.
            if has_manual_fail:
                for staged_next_task in staged_next_tasks:
                    staged_next_task['run_on_fail'] = True

        # Process the task event using the workflow state machine and update the workflow status.
        task_ex_event = events.TaskExecutionEvent(task_id, route,

        # Process any engine commands in the queue.
        while not engine_event_queue.empty():
            next_task_id, next_task_route = engine_event_queue.get()
            engine_event = events.ENGINE_EVENT_MAP[next_task_id]
            self.update_task_state(next_task_id, next_task_route,

        # Render workflow output if workflow is completed.
        if self.get_workflow_status() in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES:
            task_state_entry['term'] = True

        return task_state_entry
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_task_state(self, task_id, route, event):
        engine_event_queue = queue.Queue()

        # Throw exception if not expected event type.
        if not issubclass(type(event), events.ExecutionEvent):
            raise TypeError('Event is not type of ExecutionEvent.')

        # Throw exception if task does not exist in the workflow graph.
        if not self.graph.has_task(task_id):
            raise exc.InvalidTask(task_id)

        # Try to get the task metadata from staging or task state.
        staged_task = self.workflow_state.get_staged_task(task_id, route)
        task_state_entry = self.get_task_state_entry(task_id, route)

        # Get the task spec for the task which contains additional meta data.
        task_spec = self.spec.tasks.get_task(task_id)

        # Throw exception if task is not staged and there is no task state entry.
        if not staged_task and not task_state_entry:
            raise exc.InvalidTaskStateEntry(task_id)

        # Create new task state entry if it does not exist or if it is an engine command.
        if not task_state_entry or task_id in events.ENGINE_EVENT_MAP.keys():
            task_state_entry = self.add_task_state(

        # Identify the index for the task state object for later use.
        task_state_idx = self._get_task_state_idx(task_id, route)

        # If task is already completed and in cycle, then create new task state entry.
        # Unfortunately, the method in the graph to check for cycle is too simple and
        # misses forks that extends from the cycle. The check here assumes that the
        # last task entry is already completed and the new task status is one of the
        # starting statuses, then there is high likelihood that this is a cycle.
        if (task_state_entry.get('status') in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES and
                event.status and event.status in statuses.STARTING_STATUSES):
            task_state_entry = self.add_task_state(

            # Update the index value since a new entry is created.
            task_state_idx = self._get_task_state_idx(task_id, route)

        # Remove task from staging if task is not with items.
        if event.status and staged_task and 'items' not in staged_task:
            self.workflow_state.remove_staged_task(task_id, route)

        # If action execution is for a task item, then record the execution status for the item.
        # Result for each item is not recorded in the staged_task because it impacts database
        # write performance if there are a lot of items and/or item result size is huge.
        if staged_task and isinstance(event, events.TaskItemActionExecutionEvent):
            staged_task['items'][event.item_id] = {'status': event.status}

        # Log the error if it is a failed execution event.
        if event.status == statuses.FAILED:
            message = 'Execution failed. See result for details.'
            self.log_entry('error', message, task_id=task_id, result=event.result)

        # Process the action execution event using the
        # task state machine and update the task status.
        old_task_status = task_state_entry.get('status', statuses.UNSET)
        machines.TaskStateMachine.process_event(self.workflow_state, task_state_entry, event)
        new_task_status = task_state_entry.get('status', statuses.UNSET)

        # If retrying, staged the task to be returned in get_next_tasks.
        if new_task_status == statuses.RETRYING:
            # Increment the number of times that the task has retried.
            task_state_entry['retry']['tally'] += 1

            # Reset the staged task to be returned in get_next_tasks
            self.workflow_state.remove_staged_task(task_id, route)


        # Get task result and set current context if task is completed.
        if new_task_status in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES:
            # Remove task from staging if exists but keep entry
            # if task has items and failed for manual rerun.
            if not (task_spec.has_items() and new_task_status in statuses.ABENDED_STATUSES):
                self.workflow_state.remove_staged_task(task_id, route)

            # Format task result depending on the type of task.
            task_result = self.make_task_result(task_spec, event)

            # Set current task in the context.
            current_ctx = self.make_task_context(task_state_entry, task_result=task_result)

            # Evaluate if there is a task retry. The task retry can only be evaluated after
            # the state machine has determined the status for the task execution. If the task
            # is completed, get the task result and context which is required to evaluate the
            # the condition if a retry for the task is required.
            if (self.get_workflow_status() in statuses.ACTIVE_STATUSES and
                    self._evaluate_task_retry(task_state_entry, current_ctx)):
                self.update_task_state(task_id, route, events.TaskRetryEvent())

        # Evaluate task transitions if task is completed and status change is not processed.
        if new_task_status in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES and new_task_status != old_task_status:
            has_manual_fail = False
            staged_next_tasks = []

            # Identify task transitions for the current completed task.
            task_transitions = self.graph.get_next_transitions(task_id)

            # Mark task as terminal when there is no transitions.
            if not task_transitions:
                task_state_entry['term'] = True

            # Iterate thru each outbound task transitions.
            for task_transition in task_transitions:
                task_transition_id = (
                    constants.TASK_STATE_TRANSITION_FORMAT %
                    (task_transition[1], str(task_transition[2]))

                # Evaluate the criteria for task transition. If there is a failure while
                # evaluating expression(s), fail the workflow.
                    criteria = task_transition[3].get('criteria') or []
                    evaluated_criteria = [expr_base.evaluate(c, current_ctx) for c in criteria]
                    task_state_entry['next'][task_transition_id] = all(evaluated_criteria)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log_error(e, task_id, route, task_transition_id)

                # If criteria met, then mark the next task staged and calculate outgoing context.
                if task_state_entry['next'][task_transition_id]:
                    next_task_node = self.graph.get_task(task_transition[1])
                    next_task_id = next_task_node['id']
                    new_ctx_idx = None

                    # Get and process new context for the task transition.
                    out_ctx, new_ctx, errors = task_spec.finalize_context(

                    if errors:
                        self.log_errors(errors, task_id, route, task_transition_id)

                    out_ctx_idxs = json_util.deepcopy(task_state_entry['ctxs']['in'])

                    if new_ctx:
                        new_ctx_idx = len(self.workflow_state.contexts) - 1

                        # Add to the list of contexts for the next task in this transition.

                        # Record the outgoing context for this task transition.
                        if 'out' not in task_state_entry['ctxs']:
                            task_state_entry['ctxs']['out'] = {}

                        task_state_entry['ctxs']['out'] = {task_transition_id: new_ctx_idx}

                    # Stage the next task if it is not in staging.
                    next_task_route = self._evaluate_route(task_transition, route)

                    staged_next_task = self.workflow_state.get_staged_task(

                    backref = (
                        constants.TASK_STATE_TRANSITION_FORMAT %
                        (task_id, str(task_transition[2]))

                    # If the next task is already staged.
                    if staged_next_task:
                        # Remove the root context to avoid overwriting vars.

                        # Extend the outgoing context from this task.

                        # Add a backref for the current task in the next task.
                        staged_next_task['prev'][backref] = task_state_idx

                        # Clear list of items for with items task.
                        staged_next_task.pop('items', None)
                        # Otherwise create a new entry in staging for the next task.
                        staged_next_task = self.workflow_state.add_staged_task(
                            prev={backref: task_state_idx},

                    # Check if inbound criteria are met. Must use the original route
                    # to identify the inbound task transitions.
                    staged_next_task['ready'] = self._inbound_criteria_satisfied(

                    # Put the next task in the engine event queue if it is an engine command.
                    if next_task_id in events.ENGINE_EVENT_MAP.keys():
                        queue_entry = (staged_next_task['id'], staged_next_task['route'])

                        # Flag if there is at least one fail command in the task transition.
                        if not has_manual_fail:
                            has_manual_fail = (next_task_id == 'fail')
                        # If not an engine command and the next task is ready, then
                        # make a record of it for processing manual fail below.
                        if staged_next_task['ready']:

            # Task failure is remediable. For example, there may be workflow that wants
            # to run a cleanup task on failure. In certain cases, we still want to fail
            # the workflow after the remediation. The fail command can be in the
            # task transition under the cleanup task. However, the cleanup task may be
            # reusable when either workflow succeed or fail. It does not make sense to
            # put the fail command in the task transition of the cleanup task. So we
            # want to allow user to be able to define both the cleanup and fail in the
            # task transition under the current task but still return the cleanup task
            # even when the workflow is set to failed status.
            if has_manual_fail:
                for staged_next_task in staged_next_tasks:
                    staged_next_task['run_on_fail'] = True

        # Process the task event using the workflow state machine and update the workflow status.
        task_ex_event = events.TaskExecutionEvent(task_id, route, task_state_entry['status'])
        machines.WorkflowStateMachine.process_event(self.workflow_state, task_ex_event)

        # Process any engine commands in the queue.
        while not engine_event_queue.empty():
            next_task_id, next_task_route = engine_event_queue.get()
            engine_event = events.ENGINE_EVENT_MAP[next_task_id]
            self.update_task_state(next_task_id, next_task_route, engine_event())

        # Mark the task as a terminal task if workflow execution is completed.
        if self.get_workflow_status() in statuses.COMPLETED_STATUSES:
            task_state_entry['term'] = True

        return task_state_entry