Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: merge.py Proyecto: 52nlp/brat
def main(args):
    argp = ARGPARSER.parse_args(args[1:])
    # ID is the stem of a file
    id_to_ann_files = defaultdict(list)
    # Index all ID;s before we merge so that we can do a little magic
    for file_path in (l.strip() for l in stdin):
        if not any((file_path.endswith(suff) for suff in UNMERGED_SUFFIXES)):
            if not argp.no_warn:
                import sys
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                        'WARNING: invalid file suffix for %s, ignoring'
                        ) % (file_path, )
        dirname, basename = split_path(file_path)
        id = join_path(dirname, basename.split('.')[0])

    for id, ann_files in id_to_ann_files.iteritems():
        #XXX: Check if output file exists
        lines = []
        for ann_file_path in ann_files:
            with open(ann_file_path, 'r') as ann_file:
                for line in ann_file:

        with open(id + '.' + MERGED_SUFFIX, 'w') as merged_ann_file:
            for line in lines:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    argp = ARGPARSER.parse_args(args[1:])

    id_to_ann_files = defaultdict(list)

    for file_path in (l.strip() for l in stdin):
        if not any((file_path.endswith(suff) for suff in UNMERGED_SUFFIXES)):
            if not argp.no_warn:
                import sys
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    'WARNING: invalid file suffix for %s, ignoring') % (
                        file_path, )

        dirname, basename = split_path(file_path)
        id = join_path(dirname, basename.split('.')[0])

    for id, ann_files in id_to_ann_files.iteritems():

        lines = []
        for ann_file_path in ann_files:
            with open(ann_file_path, 'r') as ann_file:
                for line in ann_file:

        with open(id + '.' + MERGED_SUFFIX, 'w') as merged_ann_file:
            for line in lines:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    argp = ARGPARSER.parse_args(args[1:])
    # ID is the stem of a file
    id_to_ann_files = defaultdict(list)
    # Index all ID;s before we merge so that we can do a little magic
    for file_path in (l.strip() for l in stdin):
        if not any((file_path.endswith(suff) for suff in UNMERGED_SUFFIXES)):
            if not argp.no_warn:
                import sys
                print(('WARNING: invalid file suffix for %s, ignoring') %
                      (file_path, ),

        dirname, basename = split_path(file_path)
        id = join_path(dirname, basename.split('.')[0])

    for id, ann_files in id_to_ann_files.items():
        # XXX: Check if output file exists
        lines = []
        for ann_file_path in ann_files:
            with open(ann_file_path, 'r') as ann_file:
                for line in ann_file:

        with open(id + '.' + MERGED_SUFFIX, 'w') as merged_ann_file:
            for line in lines:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    global g_adv_length
    save_result = "./d.txt"
    regex = r"Duration:.+(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d)"
    g_adv_length = float(
            "In vidoe at tails ,the adverisement duration times Long(ep. 5 seconds input 5 and Enter):"
    curdir = input("Need to cut video directory : ")
    if os.path.exists(save_result):
    videofiles = get_videofiles(curdir)
    for file_name in videofiles:
        basename = os.path.basename(file_name)
        videosize = os.path.getsize(file_name)
        ext_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1]
        file_path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
        new_name = "%s/%s_%s" % (file_path, basename.split(".")[0], ext_name)
        duration = get_VideoDurationsByName(file_name)
        start_at = "00:00:00"
        total_seconds = get_seconds(duration)
        how_Long = format_TimeStyles(total_seconds - g_adv_length)
        ##        print("duration=%s\nhow_Long=%s"%(duration,how_Long))
        ##        print("file_name=%s file_path=%s\nbasename=%s\nnew_name=%s"%(file_name,file_path,basename,new_name))
        output = cut_VideoAds(file_name, new_name, start_at, how_Long,
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: html.py Proyecto: Spudmn/BOLTS
    def _get_download_content(self):
        asset_path = join(self.repo.path, "downloads")
        backends = ["freecad", "openscad"]

        #find most current release
        release = {}
        development = {}

        for backend in backends:
            release[backend] = {}
            development[backend] = {}
            for filename in listdir(join(asset_path, backend)):
                basename, ext = splitext(filename)
                if ext == ".gz":
                    ext = ".tar.gz"
                    basename = splitext(basename)[0]
                parts = basename.split("_")
                version_string = parts[2]

                #some old development snapshots have no license in filename
                license = "none"
                if len(parts) > 3:
                    license = parts[3]

                kind = development[backend]
                version = None
                    version = int(version_string)
                except ValueError:
                    version = float(version_string)
                    kind = release[backend]

                if not license in kind:
                    kind[license] = {}
                if not ext in kind[license]:
                    kind[license][ext] = (version, join(backend, filename))
                elif version > kind[license][ext][0]:
                    kind[license][ext] = (version, join(backend, filename))

        params = {}

        for kind, kind_name in zip([release, development],
                                   ["release", "development"]):
            for backend in backends:
                rows = []
                for license in ["lgpl2.1+", "gpl3"]:
                    if license in kind[backend]:
                            '<a href="downloads/%s">.tar.gz</a>' %
                            '<a href="downloads/%s">.zip</a>' %
                if len(rows) == 0:
                    rows = [["No %s distribution available" % kind_name]]
                params["%s%s" % (backend, kind_name)] = html_table(rows)
        return params
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def find_matching_files(file_list, acc, pos):
     match_files = []
     for fname in [f for f in file_list if f.startswith(acc)]:
         basename = splitext(fname)[0]
         res_range = basename.split("_")[-1]
         res_i = int(res_range.split("-")[0])
         res_f = int(res_range.split("-")[1])
         if res_i <= int(pos) <= res_f:
     return match_files
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: html.py Proyecto: Spudmn/BOLTS
	def _get_download_content(self):
		asset_path = join(self.repo.path,"downloads")
		backends = ["freecad","openscad"]

		#find most current release
		release = {}
		development = {}

		for backend in backends:
			release[backend] = {}
			development[backend] = {}
			for filename in listdir(join(asset_path,backend)):
				basename,ext = splitext(filename)
				if ext == ".gz":
					ext = ".tar.gz"
					basename = splitext(basename)[0]
				parts = basename.split("_")
				version_string = parts[2]

				#some old development snapshots have no license in filename
				license = "none"
				if len(parts) > 3:
					license = parts[3]

				kind = development[backend]
				version = None
					version = int(version_string)
				except ValueError:
					version = float(version_string)
					kind = release[backend]

				if not license in kind:
					kind[license] = {}
				if not ext in kind[license]:
					kind[license][ext] = (version, join(backend,filename))
				elif version > kind[license][ext][0]:
					kind[license][ext] = (version, join(backend,filename))

		params = {}

		for kind,kind_name in zip([release, development],
			for backend in backends:
				rows = []
				for license in ["lgpl2.1+","gpl3"]:
					if license in kind[backend]:
							'<a href="downloads/%s">.tar.gz</a>' % (kind[backend][license][".tar.gz"][1]),
							'<a href="downloads/%s">.zip</a>' % (kind[backend][license][".zip"][1])])
				if len(rows) == 0:
					rows = [["No %s distribution available" % kind_name]]
				params["%s%s" % (backend, kind_name)] = html_table(rows)
		return params
def main():
    global g_adv_length
    included_ads_nums = 0
    save_result = "./d.txt"
    standrod_simple = "./ads_sample.png"  # 广告截图标准图片
    standord_v = compute_standord_simple_data(standrod_simple)
    regex = r"Duration:.+(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d)"
    g_adv_length = 6.5  # float(input("In vidoe at tails ,the adverisement duration times Long(ep. 5 seconds input 5 and Enter):"))
    curdir = input("Need to cut video directory : ")
    if os.path.exists(save_result):
    videofiles = get_videofiles(curdir)
    for file_name in videofiles:
        basename = os.path.basename(file_name)
        videosize = os.path.getsize(file_name)
        ext_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1]
        file_path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
        new_name = "%s/%s_%s" % (file_path, basename.split(".")[0], ext_name)
        duration = get_VideoDurationsByName(file_name)
        start_at = "00:00:00"
        total_seconds = get_seconds(duration)
        how_Long = format_TimeStyles(total_seconds - g_adv_length)
        print("duration=%s\nhow_Long=%s" % (duration, how_Long))
        print("file_name=%s file_path=%s\nbasename=%s\nnew_name=%s" %
              (file_name, file_path, basename, new_name))
        extract_pic_name = "%s/%s" % (file_path, "tmp_pic_%03d.png")
        extract_at = format_TimeStyles(total_seconds - g_adv_length +
                                       3)  # 加3 使刚好落在广告期间
        ads_time_s = "2"
        clear_curdir_Images(file_name)  #清空图片
        extract_AdsImages(file_name, extract_at, ads_time_s,
                          extract_pic_name)  # ads_time取广告视频区间任意位置中 2秒 中images
        crop_AdsImgs(file_path)  #裁剪抽取出来的样本
        similar_value = compute_image_similar2(standord_v, file_path)
        if similar_value == True:  #含有广告
            output = cut_VideoAds(file_name, new_name, start_at, how_Long,
            print("从视频中剔出广告视频,生成新视频文件 [ %s ]" % new_name)
            included_ads_nums += 1
    print("Total vidoes = %s" % len(videofiles))
    print("Included adversion videos have : %s" % included_ads_nums)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _parse_page_basename(basename):
        """Split the page basename into the article id and locale.

        `basename` is (supposed to be) of the form
        `<article_id>.<locale>`, e.g. `news.en`.

        If either there is no dot or the locale is unknown,
        `babel.default_locale` is returned.

        :return: The tuple `(article_id, locale)`.
        default_locale = babel.default_locale
        components = basename.split('.')

        if len(components) == 1:
            return basename, default_locale

        article_id = '.'.join(components[:-1])
            return article_id, Locale(components[-1])
        except UnknownLocaleError:
            return basename, default_locale
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _parse_page_basename(basename):
        """Split the page basename into the article id and locale.

        `basename` is (supposed to be) of the form
        `<article_id>.<locale>`, e.g. `news.en`.

        If either there is no dot or the locale is unknown,
        `babel.default_locale` is returned.

        :return: The tuple `(article_id, locale)`.
        default_locale = babel.default_locale
        components = basename.split('.')

        if len(components) == 1:
            return basename, default_locale

        article_id = '.'.join(components[:-1])
            return article_id, Locale(components[-1])
        except UnknownLocaleError:
            return basename, default_locale
Ejemplo n.º 11
def replace_extension(path, extension=''):
    dirname, basename = split(path)
    return join(dirname, basename.split('.')[0] + extension)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def filename_for_key(self, key):
     """ Returns the pickle storage filename corresponding to the job id """
     basename = self.key2basename(key)
     components = "/".join(basename.split(':'))
     f = components + '/' + basename + self.file_extension
     return os.path.join(self.basepath, f)