Ejemplo n.º 1
def convertImageFormat(image: bytes, quality: Optional[int] = 80) -> bytes:
    """Convert picture format to solve the problem of unrecognizable pictures

    image : bytes
        Read out the bytes of the image
    quality : int, optional
        Image compression quality, by default 80

        Returns the converted picture bytes
    from .tmpFile import tmpFile

    quality = quality or 80

    with tmpFile() as file1, tmpFile() as file2:
        with open(file1, "wb") as f:
        with Image.open(file1) as f:
            f.save(file2, "BMP")
        for i in reversed(range(quality, 100, 5)):
            with Image.open(file2) as f:
                f.save(file1, "PNG", optimize=True, quality=i)
            if getFileSize(file1) <= MAX_IMAGE_SIZE:
        with open(file1, "rb") as f:
            readData = f.read()
    return readData + b"\x00" * 16 + token_bytes(16)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read_gals(self, model_name, first_file, last_file, thissnap):

        # The input galaxy structure:
        Galdesc_full = [('SnapNum', np.int32), ('Type', np.int16),
                        ('isFlyby', np.int16), ('GalaxyIndex', np.int64),
                        ('CentralGalaxyIndex', np.int64),
                        ('SAGEHaloIndex', np.int32),
                        ('SAGETreeIndex', np.int32),
                        ('SimulationHaloIndex', np.int64),
                        ('mergeType', np.int32), ('mergeIntoID', np.int32),
                        ('mergeIntoSnapNum', np.int32), ('dT', np.float32),
                        ('Pos', (np.float32, 3)), ('Vel', (np.float32, 3)),
                        ('Spin', (np.float32, 3)), ('Len', np.int32),
                        ('Mvir', np.float32), ('CentralMvir', np.float32),
                        ('Rvir', np.float32), ('Vvir', np.float32),
                        ('Vmax', np.float32), ('VelDisp', np.float32),
                        ('ColdGas', np.float32), ('StellarMass', np.float32),
                        ('BulgeMass', np.float32), ('HotGas', np.float32),
                        ('EjectedMass', np.float32),
                        ('BlackHoleMass', np.float32),
                        ('IntraClusterStars', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsColdGas', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsStellarMass', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsBulgeMass', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsHotGas', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsEjectedMass', np.float32),
                        ('MetalsIntraClusterStars', np.float32),
                        ('SfrDisk', np.float32), ('SfrBulge', np.float32),
                        ('SfrDiskZ', np.float32), ('SfrBulgeZ', np.float32),
                        ('DiskRadius', np.float32), ('Cooling', np.float32),
                        ('Heating', np.float32),
                        ('QuasarModeBHaccretionMass', np.float32),
                        ('TimeOfLastMajorMerger', np.float32),
                        ('TimeOfLastMinorMerger', np.float32),
                        ('OutflowRate', np.float32),
                        ('infallMvir', np.float32), ('infallVvir', np.float32),
                        ('infallVmax', np.float32)]
        names = [Galdesc_full[i][0] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        formats = [Galdesc_full[i][1] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        Galdesc = np.dtype({'names': names, 'formats': formats}, align=True)

        # Initialize variables.
        TotNTrees = 0
        TotNGals = 0
        FileIndexRanges = []
        goodfiles = 0

        if thissnap in self.SMFsnaps:

            print "Determining array storage requirements."

            # Read each file and determine the total number of galaxies to be read in
            for fnr in xrange(first_file, last_file + 1):
                fname = model_name + '_' + str(fnr)  # Complete filename

                if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                    # print "File\t%s  \tdoes not exist!  Skipping..." % (fname)

                if getFileSize(fname) == 0:
                    print "File\t%s  \tis empty!  Skipping..." % (fname)

                fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
                Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                     1)  # Read number of trees in file
                NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                       1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
                TotNTrees = TotNTrees + Ntrees  # Update total sim trees number
                TotNGals = TotNGals + NtotGals  # Update total sim gals number
                goodfiles = goodfiles + 1  # Update number of files read for volume calculation

            print "Input files contain:\t%d trees ;\t%d galaxies ." % (
                TotNTrees, TotNGals)

        # Initialize the storage array
        G = np.empty(TotNGals, dtype=Galdesc)

        if thissnap in self.SMFsnaps:

            offset = 0  # Offset index for storage array

            # Open each file in turn and read in the preamble variables and structure.
            print "Reading in files."
            for fnr in xrange(first_file, last_file + 1):
                fname = model_name + '_' + str(fnr)  # Complete filename

                if not os.path.isfile(fname):

                if getFileSize(fname) == 0:

                fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
                Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                     1)  # Read number of trees in file
                NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                       1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
                GalsPerTree = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(
                     Ntrees)), 1)  # Read the number of gals in each tree
                print ":   Reading N=", NtotGals, "   \tgalaxies from file: ", fname
                GG = np.fromfile(fin, Galdesc,
                                 NtotGals)  # Read in the galaxy structures

                FileIndexRanges.append((offset, offset + NtotGals))

                # Slice the file array into the global array
                # N.B. the copy() part is required otherwise we simply point to
                # the GG data which changes from file to file
                G[offset:offset + NtotGals] = GG[0:NtotGals].copy()

                del (GG)
                offset = offset + NtotGals  # Update the offset position for the global array

                fin.close()  # Close the file

            print "Total galaxies considered:", TotNGals

        # Convert the Galaxy array into a recarray
        G = G.view(np.recarray)

        # Calculate the volume given the first_file and last_file
        self.volume = self.BoxSize**3.0 * goodfiles / self.MaxTreeFiles

        return G
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def read_gals(self, model_name, first_file, last_file, thissnap):

        # The input galaxy structure:
        Galdesc_full = [
            ('SnapNum'                      , np.int32),                    
            ('Type'                         , np.int32),                    
            ('GalaxyIndex'                  , np.int64),                    
            ('CentralGalaxyIndex'           , np.int64),                    
            ('SAGEHaloIndex'                , np.int32),                    
            ('SAGETreeIndex'                , np.int32),                    
            ('SimulationFOFHaloIndex'       , np.int32),                    
            ('mergeType'                    , np.int32),                    
            ('mergeIntoID'                  , np.int32),                    
            ('mergeIntoSnapNum'             , np.int32),                    
            ('dT'                           , np.float32),                    
            ('Pos'                          , (np.float32, 3)),             
            ('Vel'                          , (np.float32, 3)),             
            ('Spin'                         , (np.float32, 3)),             
            ('Len'                          , np.int32),                    
            ('Mvir'                         , np.float32),                  
            ('CentralMvir'                  , np.float32),                  
            ('Rvir'                         , np.float32),                  
            ('Vvir'                         , np.float32),                  
            ('Vmax'                         , np.float32),                  
            ('VelDisp'                      , np.float32),                  
            ('ColdGas'                      , np.float32),                  
            ('StellarMass'                  , np.float32),                  
            ('BulgeMass'                    , np.float32),                  
            ('HotGas'                       , np.float32),                  
            ('EjectedMass'                  , np.float32),                  
            ('BlackHoleMass'                , np.float32),                  
            ('IntraClusterStars'            , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsColdGas'                , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsStellarMass'            , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsBulgeMass'              , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsHotGas'                 , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsEjectedMass'            , np.float32),                  
            ('MetalsIntraClusterStars'      , np.float32),                  
            ('SfrDisk'                      , np.float32),                  
            ('SfrBulge'                     , np.float32),                  
            ('SfrDiskZ'                     , np.float32),                  
            ('SfrBulgeZ'                    , np.float32),                  
            ('DiskRadius'                   , np.float32),                  
            ('Cooling'                      , np.float32),                  
            ('Heating'                      , np.float32),
            ('r_heat'                       , np.float32),            
            ('QuasarModeBHaccretionMass'    , np.float32),
            ('TimeSinceMajorMerger'         , np.float32),
            ('TimeSinceMinorMerger'         , np.float32),
            ('OutflowRate'                  , np.float32),
            ('infallMvir'                   , np.float32),
            ('infallVvir'                   , np.float32),
            ('infallVmax'                   , np.float32),
            ('Qjet'                         , np.float32),
            ('Rcocoon'                      , np.float32),
            ('Rshocked'                     , np.float32),
            ('t_AGN_returne'                , np.float32),
            ('t_AGN_on'                     , np.float32),
            ('Tshocked'                     , np.float32),
            ('Mshocked'                     , np.float32),
            ('RadioLuminosity'              , (np.float32,7)),
            ('RadioAGNaccretionRate'        , np.float32),
            ('rho_zero_Makino'              , np.float32),
            ('rho_zero_Capelo'              , np.float32),
            ('rho_zero_iso'                 , np.float32),
            ('b_gas'                        , np.float32),
            ('Rs'                           , np.float32),
            ('concentration'                , np.float32),
            ('Temp_Gas'                     , np.float32),
            ('Lx_bol'                       , np.float32),
            ('R_index'                      , np.float32),
            ('Q_index'                      , np.float32),
            ('R_cool'                       , np.float32),
            ('fcool'                        , np.float32),
            ('t_static'                     , np.float32),
            ('t_AGN_off'                    , np.float32),
            ('time_to_next_on'              , np.float32),
            ('delta'                        , np.float32)
        names = [Galdesc_full[i][0] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        formats = [Galdesc_full[i][1] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        Galdesc = np.dtype({'names':names, 'formats':formats}, align=True)

        # Initialize variables.
        TotNTrees = 0
        TotNGals = 0
        FileIndexRanges = []
        goodfiles = 0
        if thissnap in self.SMFsnaps:

            print "Determining array storage requirements."
            # Read each file and determine the total number of galaxies to be read in
            for fnr in xrange(first_file,last_file+1):
                fname = model_name+'_'+str(fnr)  # Complete filename
                if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                    # print "File\t%s  \tdoes not exist!  Skipping..." % (fname)
                if getFileSize(fname) == 0:
                    print "File\t%s  \tis empty!  Skipping..." % (fname)
                fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
                Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin,np.dtype(np.int32),1)  # Read number of trees in file
                NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin,np.dtype(np.int32),1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
                TotNTrees = TotNTrees + Ntrees  # Update total sim trees number
                TotNGals = TotNGals + NtotGals  # Update total sim gals number
                goodfiles = goodfiles + 1  # Update number of files read for volume calculation

            print "Input files contain:\t%d trees ;\t%d galaxies ." % (TotNTrees, TotNGals)

        # Initialize the storage array
        G = np.empty(TotNGals, dtype=Galdesc)

        if thissnap in self.SMFsnaps:

            offset = 0  # Offset index for storage array

            # Open each file in turn and read in the preamble variables and structure.
            print "Reading in files."
            for fnr in xrange(first_file,last_file+1):
                fname = model_name+'_'+str(fnr)  # Complete filename
                if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                if getFileSize(fname) == 0:
                fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
                Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32), 1)  # Read number of trees in file
                NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32), 1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
                GalsPerTree = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype((np.int32, Ntrees)),1) # Read the number of gals in each tree
                print ":   Reading N=", NtotGals, "   \tgalaxies from file: ", fname
                GG = np.fromfile(fin, Galdesc, NtotGals)  # Read in the galaxy structures
                # Slice the file array into the global array
                # N.B. the copy() part is required otherwise we simply point to
                # the GG data which changes from file to file
                offset = offset + NtotGals  # Update the offset position for the global array
                fin.close()  # Close the file

            print "Total galaxies considered:", TotNGals

        # Convert the Galaxy array into a recarray
        G = G.view(np.recarray)

        # Calculate the volume given the first_file and last_file
        self.volume = self.BoxSize**3.0 * goodfiles / self.MaxTreeFiles

        return G
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def read_gals(self, model_name, first_file, last_file):

        # The input galaxy structure:
        floattypef = np.float32
        Galdesc_full = [
            ('Type', np.int32), ('GalaxyIndex', np.int64),
            ('HaloIndex', np.int32), ('SimulationHaloIndex', np.int32),
            ('TreeIndex', np.int32), ('SnapNum', np.int32),
            ('CentralGalaxyIndex', np.int64), ('CentralMvir', floattypef),
            ('mergeType', np.int32), ('mergeIntoID', np.int32),
            ('mergeIntoSnapNum', np.int32), ('dT', floattypef),
            ('Pos', (floattypef, 3)), ('Vel', (floattypef, 3)),
            ('Spin', (floattypef, 3)), ('Len', np.int32), ('LenMax', np.int32),
            ('Mvir', floattypef), ('Rvir', floattypef), ('Vvir', floattypef),
            ('Vmax', floattypef), ('VelDisp', floattypef),
            ('DiscRadii', (floattypef, 31)), ('ColdGas', floattypef),
            ('StellarMass', floattypef), ('ClassicalBulgeMass', floattypef),
            ('SecularBulgeMass', floattypef), ('HotGas', floattypef),
            ('EjectedMass', floattypef), ('BlackHoleMass', floattypef),
            ('IntraClusterStars', floattypef), ('DiscGas', (floattypef, 30)),
            ('DiscStars', (floattypef, 30)), ('SpinStars', (floattypef, 3)),
            ('SpinGas', (floattypef, 3)),
            ('SpinClassicalBulge', (floattypef, 3)),
            ('StarsInSitu', floattypef), ('StarsInstability', floattypef),
            ('StarsMergeBurst', floattypef), ('DiscHI', (floattypef, 30)),
            ('DiscH2', (floattypef, 30)), ('DiscSFR', (floattypef, 30)),
            ('MetalsColdGas', floattypef), ('MetalsStellarMass', floattypef),
            ('ClassicalMetalsBulgeMass', floattypef),
            ('SecularMetalsBulgeMass', floattypef),
            ('MetalsHotGas', floattypef), ('MetalsEjectedMass', floattypef),
            ('MetalsIntraClusterStars', floattypef),
            ('DiscGasMetals', (floattypef, 30)),
            ('DiscStarsMetals', (floattypef, 30)), ('SfrDisk', floattypef),
            ('SfrBulge', floattypef), ('SfrDiskZ', floattypef),
            ('SfrBulgeZ', floattypef), ('DiskScaleRadius', floattypef),
            ('Cooling', floattypef), ('Heating', floattypef),
            ('LastMajorMerger', floattypef), ('LastMinorMerger', floattypef),
            ('OutflowRate', floattypef), ('infallMvir', floattypef),
            ('infallVvir', floattypef), ('infallVmax', floattypef)
        names = [Galdesc_full[i][0] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        formats = [Galdesc_full[i][1] for i in xrange(len(Galdesc_full))]
        Galdesc = np.dtype({'names': names, 'formats': formats}, align=True)

        # Initialize variables.
        TotNTrees = 0
        TotNGals = 0
        FileIndexRanges = []

        print("Determining array storage requirements.")

        # Read each file and determine the total number of galaxies to be read in
        goodfiles = 0
        for fnr in xrange(first_file, last_file + 1):
            fname = model_name + '_' + str(fnr)  # Complete filename

            if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                # print "File\t%s  \tdoes not exist!  Skipping..." % (fname)

            if getFileSize(fname) == 0:
                print("File\t%s  \tis empty!  Skipping..." % (fname))

            fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
            Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                 1)  # Read number of trees in file
            NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                   1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
            TotNTrees = TotNTrees + Ntrees  # Update total sim trees number
            TotNGals = TotNGals + NtotGals  # Update total sim gals number
            goodfiles = goodfiles + 1  # Update number of files read for volume calculation

        print("Input files contain:\t%d trees ;\t%d galaxies ." %
              (TotNTrees, TotNGals))

        # Initialize the storage array
        G = np.empty(TotNGals, dtype=Galdesc)

        offset = 0  # Offset index for storage array

        # Open each file in turn and read in the preamble variables and structure.
        print("Reading in files.")
        for fnr in xrange(first_file, last_file + 1):
            fname = model_name + '_' + str(fnr)  # Complete filename

            if not os.path.isfile(fname):

            if getFileSize(fname) == 0:

            fin = open(fname, 'rb')  # Open the file
            Ntrees = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                 1)  # Read number of trees in file
            NtotGals = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(np.int32),
                                   1)[0]  # Read number of gals in file.
            GalsPerTree = np.fromfile(fin, np.dtype(
                (np.int32, Ntrees)), 1)  # Read the number of gals in each tree
            print(":   Reading N=", NtotGals, "   \tgalaxies from file: ",
            GG = np.fromfile(fin, Galdesc,
                             NtotGals)  # Read in the galaxy structures

            FileIndexRanges.append((offset, offset + NtotGals))

            # Slice the file array into the global array
            # N.B. the copy() part is required otherwise we simply point to
            # the GG data which changes from file to file
            G[offset:offset + NtotGals] = GG[0:NtotGals].copy()

            del (GG)
            offset = offset + NtotGals  # Update the offset position for the global array

            fin.close()  # Close the file

        print("Total galaxies considered:", TotNGals)

        # Convert the Galaxy array into a recarray
        G = G.view(np.recarray)

        w = np.where(G.StellarMass > 1.0)[0]
        print("Galaxies more massive than 10^10Msun/h:", len(w))


        # Calculate the volume given the first_file and last_file
        self.volume = self.BoxSize**3.0 * goodfiles / self.MaxTreeFiles

        # w = np.where(G.TreeIdx == 8)[0]
        # for i in xrange(len(w)):
        #     print i, G.TreeIdx[w[i]], G.Type[w[i]], G.GalaxyIndex[w[i]], G.mergeType[w[i]], G.mergeIntoID[w[i]], G.mergeIntoSnapNum[w[i]]

        return G