def on_row_deleted(self, model, path): if self.dnd_started !=None: self.handler.update_after_dnd(path.to_string(), self.dnd_started) log.debug("DND from %s to %s", path.to_string(), self.dnd_started ) else: log.debug("Row deleted %s", path.to_string()) self.dnd_started=None
def __initVariantRadio(cls, confid, radiobutton, configImage): model = Gtk.TreeStore(str) treeview = Gtk.TreeView(model) treeview.set_headers_visible(False) treeview.append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) alignment =, 1, 1, 1) alignment.set_padding(6, 6, 12, 12) alignment.add(treeview) ImageMenu.switchWithImage(configImage, alignment) groupNames = {VARIANTS_BLINDFOLD: _("Blindfold"), VARIANTS_ODDS: _("Odds"), VARIANTS_SHUFFLE: _("Shuffle"), VARIANTS_OTHER: _("Other (standard rules)"), VARIANTS_OTHER_NONSTANDARD: _("Other (non standard rules)"), VARIANTS_ASEAN: _("Asian variants"), } specialVariants = [v for v in variants.values() if v != NormalBoard and v.variant not in UNSUPPORTED ] specialVariants = sorted(specialVariants, key=attrgetter("variant_group")) groups = groupby(specialVariants, attrgetter("variant_group")) pathToVariant = {} variantToPath = {} for i, (id, group) in enumerate(groups): iter = model.append(None, (groupNames[id], )) for variant in group: subiter = model.append(iter, (, )) path = model.get_path(subiter) pathToVariant[path.to_string()] = variant.variant variantToPath[variant.variant] = path.to_string() treeview.expand_row(Gtk.TreePath(i), True) selection = treeview.get_selection() selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.BROWSE) def selfunc(selection, store, path, path_selected, data): return path.get_depth() > 1 selection.set_select_function(selfunc, None) variant = conf.get(confid) if variant in variantToPath: selection.select_path(variantToPath[variant]) def callback(selection): model, iter = selection.get_selected() if iter: radiobutton.set_label("%s" % model.get(iter, 0) + _(" chess")) path = model.get_path(iter) variant = pathToVariant[path.to_string()] conf.set(confid, variant) selection.connect("changed", callback) callback(selection)
def __initVariantRadio(cls, confid, radiobutton, configImage, default): model = Gtk.TreeStore(str) treeview = Gtk.TreeView(model) treeview.set_headers_visible(False) treeview.append_column( Gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) alignment =, 1, 1, 1) alignment.set_padding(6, 6, 12, 12) alignment.add(treeview) ImageMenu.switchWithImage(configImage, alignment) groupNames = { VARIANTS_BLINDFOLD: _("Blindfold"), VARIANTS_ODDS: _("Odds"), VARIANTS_SHUFFLE: _("Shuffle"), VARIANTS_OTHER: _("Other (standard rules)"), VARIANTS_OTHER_NONSTANDARD: _("Other (non standard rules)"), VARIANTS_ASEAN: _("Asian variants"), } specialVariants = [ v for v in variants.values() if v != NormalBoard and v.variant not in UNSUPPORTED ] specialVariants = sorted(specialVariants, key=attrgetter("variant_group")) groups = groupby(specialVariants, attrgetter("variant_group")) pathToVariant = {} variantToPath = {} for i, (id, group) in enumerate(groups): iter = model.append(None, (groupNames[id], )) for variant in group: subiter = model.append(iter, (, )) path = model.get_path(subiter) pathToVariant[path.to_string()] = variant.variant variantToPath[variant.variant] = path.to_string() treeview.expand_row(Gtk.TreePath(i), True) selection = treeview.get_selection() selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.BROWSE) def selfunc(selection, store, path, path_selected, data): return path.get_depth() > 1 selection.set_select_function(selfunc, None) variant = conf.get(confid, default) if variant in variantToPath: selection.select_path(variantToPath[variant]) def callback(selection): model, iter = selection.get_selected() if iter: radiobutton.set_label("%s" % model.get(iter, 0) + _(" chess")) path = model.get_path(iter) variant = pathToVariant[path.to_string()] conf.set(confid, variant) selection.connect("changed", callback) callback(selection)
def on_row_inserted(self, model, path, iter): pathi,name=model[iter][:] if pathi==None and name==None: log.debug("possible DND on row %s", path.to_string()) self.dnd_started=path.to_string() else: log.debug("Row inserted %s %s", path.to_string(), [path, name]) self.dnd_start=False
def callback(selection): model, iter = selection.get_selected() if iter: radiobutton.set_label("%s" % model.get(iter, 0) + _(" chess")) path = model.get_path(iter) variant = pathToVariant[path.to_string()] conf.set(confid, variant)
def trav_get_path_stamped_row(model, treeiter, out): """Function for use with traverse_treemodel which retrieves a traversed row from a GTK TreeModel in the form of a list. Arguments ========= * model - GTK TreeModel to get data from * treeiter - GTK TreeIter pointing to the target row in ``model`` to get the data from * out - Python list (or similar collection) to collect the output """ row = model[treeiter][:] path = model.get_path(treeiter) row[0] = path.to_string() out.append(row)