class INFO: # 校历 semester_name = _("c2i_semester_name") semester_start_day = _("c2i_semester_start_day") load_exp = False if _("c2i_load_exp", "").upper() == "FALSE" else True if not semester_name or not semester_start_day: raise ValueError("请配置环境变量:c2i_semester_name 和 c2i_semester_start_day")
def encrypt(code): if not _('ENCRYPTION') == 'YES': return code for file in tsfiles(code): if file.startswith('enc.'): continue print('Encrypting %s to enc.%s ... ' % (file, file), end='') key = exec(['openssl', 'rand', '16']).hex() iv = execstr(['openssl', 'rand', '-hex', '16']) exec([ 'openssl', 'aes-128-cbc', '-e', '-in', file, '-out', 'enc.%s' % file, '-p', '-nosalt', '-iv', iv, '-K', key ]) key_id = api('POST', 'key', {'iv': iv, 'key': key}) if not key_id: print('failed') open('out.m3u8', 'w').write(code) exit() print('done') code = re.sub( '(#EXTINF:.+$[\\r\\n]+^%s$)' % file, '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI="%s/play/%s.key",IV=0x%s\n\\1' % (_('APIURL'), key_id, iv), code, 1, re.M) code = code.replace(file, 'enc.%s' % file) open('out.m3u8', 'w').write(code) return code
def main(): tmpdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/tmp' os.chdir(tmpdir) lines = open('outtiny.m3u8', 'r').read() llen = len(lines)+64 wh = math.ceil(llen/3) print('文本大小:%s,图片尺寸:%s' % (llen, wh)) new_img_file_name = new_image(wh, wh, 'out', show_image=False) print('生成图片:%s' % (new_img_file_name)) in_img = cv2.imread(new_img_file_name) steg = LSBSteg(in_img) done = base64.b64encode(lines.encode('utf-8')) done = zlib.compress(done) res = steg.encode_binary(done) cv2.imwrite('outtiny.png', res) m3u8url = uploader().handle('outtiny.png') if _('PROXY') == 'YES': m3u8url = str(base64.b64encode(m3u8url.encode('utf-8')),'utf8') print('This video\'s m3u8 has been published to: %s/p/%s' % (_('APIURL'),m3u8url)) else: print('This video\'s m3u8 has been published to: %s/p/%s' % (_('APIURL'),m3u8url))
def upload(lines, uploadList): failures, completions = 0, 0 executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=15) futures = {executor.submit(uploader().handle, chunk): chunk for chunk in uploadList} uploadList = [] for future in as_completed(futures): completions += 1 result = future.result() if not result: failures += 1 print('[%s/%s] Uploaded failed: %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future])) uploadList.append(futures[future]) continue if _('PROXY') == 'YES': result = str(base64.b64encode(result.encode('utf-8')), 'utf8') lines = lines.replace(futures[future], _('APIURL')+'/p/'+result) else: lines = lines.replace(futures[future], result) print('[%s/%s] Uploaded %s to %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future], result)) if(len(uploadList)>0): print('retry upload') lines = upload(lines, uploadList) return lines
def publish(code, title=None): r ='%s/publish' % _('APIURL'), data={'code': code, 'title': title}).json() if r['code'] == 0: return '%s/play/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r['data']) else: return None
def publish(code, title=None): if _('NOSERVER') == 'YES': return print('The m3u8 file has been dumped to tmp/out.m3u8') r = api('POST', 'publish', {'code': code, 'title': title}) if r: url = '%s/play/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r) print('This video has been published to: %s' % url) print('You can also download it directly: %s.m3u8' % url)
def test_auth_success(self): u = _("testusername") p = _("testpassword") if not (u and p): pytest.skip( msg="requires testusername and testpassword to test success") login = Login(u, p) res, info = login.try_login() print(res) assert res is True
def upload_yuque(file): r ='' % _('YUQUE_CTOKEN'), files={ 'file': ('image.png', open(file, 'rb'), 'image/png') }, headers={ 'Referer': '', 'Cookie': 'ctoken=%s; _yuque_session=%s' % (_('YUQUE_CTOKEN'), _('YUQUE_SESSION')) }).json() if 'data' in r and 'url' in r['data']: return r['data']['url'] else: return None
def handle(cls, file): file = r = api('POST', 'upload', files={'file': ('%s.png' % md5(file), file, 'image/png')}) if not r: return None if len(_('DOMAIN')) > 0: return '%s/%s' % (_('DOMAIN'), r) else: return '%s/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r)
def video_codec(file): codecs = execstr([ 'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-select_streams', 'v:0', '-show_entries', 'stream=codec_name', '-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', file ]) return _('VCODEC') if set(codecs.split('\n')).difference({'h264' }) else 'copy'
def home(): if _('CLOSEUI') == 'YES': return 'Hello Free-HLS!' total_tags = total_videos = latest_tags = { vtag.tag for vtag in } video_tags = Video).where(VideoTag.tag << list(latest_tags)).order_by( tags_videos = {} for vt in video_tags: if not in tags_videos: tags_videos[] = [] tags_videos[].append( return render_template('home.html', total_tags=total_tags, total_videos=total_videos, latest_tags=latest_tags, tags_videos=tags_videos)
def api(method, url, **kwargs): if method == 'POST': fn = else: fn = requests.get try: r = fn('%s/%s' % (_('APIURL'), url), **kwargs, headers={ 'API-Token': _('SECRET'), 'API-Version': VERSION}).json() if not r['err']: return r['data'] print('Request failed: %s' % r['message']) except: print('Request failed: connection error')
def uploader(): handle = importlib.import_module('uploader.' + _('UPLOAD_DRIVE')).handle def wrapper(file): with open(file, 'rb') as f: return handle(f) return wrapper
def handle(file): try: r ='' % _('YUQUE_CTOKEN'), files={ 'file': ('image.png', file, 'image/png') }, headers={ 'Referer': '', 'Cookie': 'ctoken=%s; _yuque_session=%s' % (_('YUQUE_CTOKEN'), _('YUQUE_SESSION')) }).json() return r['data']['url'] except: return None
def publish(code, title=None): if _('NOSERVER') == 'YES': return print('The m3u8 file has been dumped to tmp/out.m3u8') try: r ='%s/publish' % _('APIURL'), data={ 'code': code, 'title': title }).json() if r['err']: print('Publish failed: %s' % r['message']) url = '%s/play/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r['data']) print('This video has been published to: %s' % url) print('You can also download it directly: %s.m3u8' % url) except: print('Publish failed: network connection error')
def publish(code, title=None): if _('NOSERVER') == 'YES': return print('The m3u8 file has been dumped to tmp/out.m3u8') r = api('POST', 'publish', data={ 'code': code, 'title': title, 'params': json.dumps(uploader().params()) }) if r: url = '%s/play/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r['slug']) print(f'This video has been published to: {url}') print(f'You can also download it directly: {url}.m3u8') print('---') print('Click here to edit the information for this video:\n%s' % manageurl(f'video/{r["id"]}'))
def handle(cls, file): file = r = api('POST', 'upload', files={'file': ('%s.ts' % md5(file), file, 'video/mp2t')}) if not r: return None return '%s/uploads/%s' % (_('APIURL'), r)
def api(method, url, **kwargs): if method == 'POST': fn = else: fn = requests.get try: ok, data = fn('%s/%s' % (_('APIURL'), url), **kwargs, timeout=10, headers={ 'API-Token': _('SECRET'), 'API-Version': VERSION }).json() if ok: return data print('Request failed: %s' % data) except: print('Request failed: connection error')
def main(): title = argv[2] if argv[2] else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( argv[1]))[0] tmpdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/tmp' command = command_generator(os.path.abspath(argv[1])) if sameparams(tmpdir, command): os.chdir(tmpdir) else: os.mkdir(tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) os.system(command) open('', 'w').write(command) failures, completions = 0, 0 lines = encrypt(open('out.m3u8', 'r').read()) #TODO for file in tsfiles(lines): if os.path.getsize(file) >= upload_limit[_('UPLOAD_DRIVE')]: print('file too large: %s' % file) exit(1) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) futures = { executor.submit(uploader(), chunk): chunk for chunk in tsfiles(lines) } for future in as_completed(futures): completions += 1 result = future.result() if not result: failures += 1 print('[%s/%s] Uploaded failed: %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future])) continue lines = lines.replace(futures[future], result) print('[%s/%s] Uploaded %s to %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future], result)) print('\n') #Write to file open('out.m3u8', 'w').write(lines) if not failures: publish(lines, title) else: print('Partially successful: %d/%d' % (completions, completions - failures)) print('You can re-execute this program with the same parameters')
def publish(code, title=None): r ='%s/publish.php' % _('APIURL'), data={ 'code': code, 'title': title }).json() if r['code'] == 0: return r['data']['url'] else: return None
def login(): if 'auth' in request.args: if request.args['auth'] != md5(_('SECRET')): return 0, '无效的 Token' resp = make_response(redirect(request.args.get('goto'))) resp.set_cookie('secret', _('SECRET')) return resp if 'secret' in request.form: secret = request.form['secret'] if not _('SECRET') == secret: return 0, '登录失败' resp = make_response('[1, "OK"]') resp.set_cookie('secret', secret) return resp resp = make_response(render_template('login.html')) resp.delete_cookie('secret') return resp
def main(): try: skip = int(argv[1]) except: skip = 0 for video in api('GET', 'videos/%d' % skip): link = '%s/play/%s' % (_('APIURL'), video['key']) date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(video['created_at'])) print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (video['title'], date, link))
def playlist(tag_id): if _('CLOSEUI') == 'YES': return redirect('/') tag = Tag.get_by_id(tag_id) videos = VideoTag.blend(tag) watch = request.args.get('watch') or videos[0]['slug'] return render_template('playlist.html', tag=tag, watch=watch, videos=videos)
def upload(): if not _('ENABLE_UPLOAD') == 'YES': return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'Upload is not enabled'}) if 'file' not in request.files: return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'No file part'}) file = request.files['file'] if not file or file.filename == '': return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'No selected file'}) name = secure_filename(file.filename)'uploads', name)) return jsonify({'err': 0, 'data': name})
def upload(): if not _('ENABLE_UPLOAD') == 'YES': return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'Upload is not enabled'}) if 'file' not in request.files: return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'No file part'}) file = request.files['file'] if not file or file.filename == '': return jsonify({'err': 1, 'message': 'No selected file'}) name = secure_filename(file.filename) path = os.path.join('uploads',time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime())) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path), name)) return jsonify({'err': 0, 'data': os.path.join(path, name)})
def test(curr, step): maps = {} reve = False reve_inc = None print('Starting test %s:' % _('UPLOAD_DRIVE')) while True: if curr in maps: result = maps[curr] else: result = maps[curr] = upload(curr) print('%dM\t%s\t%s' % (curr, 'OK' if result else 'FAIL', result)) if not result: reve = True if not reve and curr > 20: step = 20 if not reve and curr > 50: step = 30 if not result and not reve_inc == None: print('\n---\nFinally ... %dM' % reve_inc) exit(0) if reve and result: reve_inc = curr curr += 1 elif reve and not result: if (curr - 1) % 5 == 0: curr -= 1 else: step //= 2 curr -= max(1, step) if curr < 1: curr = 1 reve_inc = 0 elif not reve: curr += step
def main(): title = argv[2] if argv[2] else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(argv[1]))[0] tmpdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/tmp' command = command_generator(os.path.abspath(argv[1])) print('commend:%s'%command) if sameparams(tmpdir, command): os.chdir(tmpdir) else: os.mkdir(tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) os.system(command) open('', 'w').write(command) lines = checker(encrypt(open('out.m3u8', 'r').read())) #return # failures, completions = 0, 0 # executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=15) # futures = {executor.submit(uploader().handle, chunk): chunk for chunk in pngfiles(lines)} # # for future in as_completed(futures): # completions += 1 # result = future.result() # # if not result: # failures += 1 # print('[%s/%s] Uploaded failed: %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future])) # continue # # lines = lines.replace(futures[future], result) # print('[%s/%s] Uploaded %s to %s' % (completions, len(futures), futures[future], result)) # 上传 lines = upload(lines, pngfiles(lines)) """ head = read_bytes(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/dangdai-32x32.png') head1 = head[0:-12] head2 = head[-12:] done = base64.b64encode(lines.encode('utf-8')) done = zlib.compress(done) open('out.png', 'wb').write(head1 + done+head2) """ llen = len(lines)+64 wh = math.ceil(llen/3) print('文本大小:%s,图片尺寸:%s' % (llen, wh)) new_img_file_name = new_image(wh, wh, 'out', show_image=False) print('生成图片:%s' % (new_img_file_name)) in_img = cv2.imread(new_img_file_name) steg = LSBSteg(in_img) done = base64.b64encode(lines.encode('utf-8')) done = zlib.compress(done) res = steg.encode_binary(done) cv2.imwrite('out.png', res) m3u8url = uploader().handle('out.png') if _('PROXY') == 'YES': m3u8url = str(base64.b64encode(m3u8url.encode('utf-8')), 'utf8') print('This video\'s m3u8 has been published to: %s/p/%s' % (_('APIURL'),m3u8url)) else: print('This video\'s m3u8 has been published to: %s/p/%s' % (_('APIURL'),m3u8url)) publish(lines, title)
def uploader(): return importlib.import_module('uploader.' + _('UPLOAD_DRIVE')).Uploader
def encrypt(code): if _('ENCRYPTION_VERSION') == 'V1': print('ENCRYPTION_VERSION:%s' % _('ENCRYPTION_VERSION')) head = read_bytes('../dangdai-32x32.png') head1 = head[0:-12] head2 = head[-12:] tmpdir = os.getcwd()+'/tmp' if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.mkdir(tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) for file in tsfiles(code): portion = os.path.splitext(file) if portion[1] == ".ts": newName = portion[0] + ".png" if os.path.isfile(newName): code = code.replace(file, newName) continue segment = read_bytes('../' + file) segment = zlib.compress(segment) done_segments = head1 + segment + head2 open(newName, 'wb').write(done_segments) code = code.replace(file, newName) #break #os.chdir('../') if _('ENCRYPTION_VERSION') == 'V2': print('ENCRYPTION_VERSION:%s' % _('ENCRYPTION_VERSION')) tmpdir = os.getcwd()+'/tmp' if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.mkdir(tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) for file in tsfiles(code): # 1,获取切片大小 filesize = os.path.getsize('../' +file)+64 wh=math.ceil(math.sqrt(filesize/3))*4 # wh=math.ceil(math.sqrt(filesize*3)) print('切片大小:%s,图片尺寸:%s' % (filesize,wh)) data = open('../' + file, "rb").read() data = zlib.compress(data) print('压缩后切片大小:%s' % (len(data))) portion = os.path.splitext(file) newName = portion[0] + ".png" if os.path.isfile(newName): code = code.replace(file, newName) continue # 2,生成图片 new_img_file_name = new_image(wh, wh, portion[0], show_image=False) print('生成图片:%s' % (new_img_file_name)) # 3,隐写 in_img = cv2.imread(new_img_file_name) steg = LSBSteg(in_img) starttime = time.time() res = steg.encode_binary(data) duration = time.time()-starttime print('隐写完成时间:%s' % (duration)) cv2.imwrite(newName, res) print('隐写完成:%s' % (newName)) # embed(new_img_file_name, '../' + file) # 4,替换 code = code.replace(file, newName) """ # 1,获取切片大小 filesize = os.path.getsize('../' + file) + 64 wh = math.ceil(math.sqrt(filesize / 3)) print('切片大小:%s,图片尺寸:%s' % (filesize, wh)) data = open('../' + file, "rb").read() new_img_file_name = r'%s_%s_%s.png' % (wh, wh, md5(data)) if os.path.isfile('out' + new_img_file_name): code = code.replace(file, 'out' + new_img_file_name) continue # 2,生成图片 new_image(wh, wh, md5(data), show_image=False) print('生成图片:%s' % (new_img_file_name)) # 3,隐写 in_img = cv2.imread(new_img_file_name) steg = LSBSteg(in_img) starttime = time.time() res = steg.encode_binary(data) duration = time.time() - starttime print('隐写完成时间:%s' % (duration)) cv2.imwrite('out' + new_img_file_name, res) print('隐写完成:%s' % ('out' + new_img_file_name)) # embed(new_img_file_name, '../' + file) # 4,替换 code = code.replace(file, 'out' + new_img_file_name) """ if not _('ENCRYPTION') == 'YES': return code for file in tsfiles(code): if file.startswith('enc.'): continue print('Encrypting %s to enc.%s ... ' % (file, file), end='') key = exec(['openssl','rand','16']).hex() iv = execstr(['openssl','rand','-hex','16']) exec(['openssl','aes-128-cbc','-e','-in',file,'-out','enc.%s' % file,'-p','-nosalt','-iv',iv,'-K',key]) key_id = api('POST', 'key', data={'iv': iv, 'key': key}) if not key_id: print('failed') open('out.m3u8', 'w').write(code) exit() print('done') code = re.sub('(#EXTINF:.+$[\\r\\n]+^%s$)' % file, '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI="%s/play/%s.key",IV=0x%s\n\\1' % (_('APIURL'), key_id, iv), code, 1, re.M) code = code.replace(file, 'enc.%s' % file) open('out.m3u8', 'w').write(code) return code
def upload(): if not _('ENABLE_UPLOAD') == 'YES': return 0, 'Upload is not enabled' return saveupload('uploads')