def rmdir(dir): return os_rmdir(dir)
async def func(filepath: str, client: Client, message: Message, delete=False): if not os_path.exists(filepath): LOGGER.error(f'File not found : {filepath}') await message.edit_text( LOCAL.UPLOAD_FAILED_FILE_MISSING.format( name=os_path.basename(filepath))) return if os_path.isdir(filepath): ls = os_lisdir(filepath) async for filepath in ls: await message.edit( LOCAL.UPLOADING_FILE.format(name=os_path.basename(filepath))) await func(filepath, message, delete) if delete: os_rmdir(filepath) return video = ['.mp4', '.mkv', '.avi', '.webm', '.wmv', '.mov'] photo = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'] file_ext = os_path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() LOGGER.debug(f'Uploading : {filepath}') if STATUS.UPLOAD_AS_DOC: upload_fn = client.send_document elif file_ext in photo: upload_fn = client.send_photo elif file_ext in video: async def upload_fn(chat_id, file, **kwargs): probe = await ffprobe.func(file.path) duration = int(float(probe["format"]["duration"])) video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) width = int(video_stream['width'] if 'width' in video_stream else 0) height = int(video_stream['height'] if 'height' in video_stream else 0) await message.edit(LOCAL.GENERATE_THUMBNAIL.format( thumb_image_path = CONFIG.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + ".jpg" if not os.path.exists(thumb_image_path): mes = await thumb( if mes != None: m = await bot.get_messages(, mes.msg_id) await thumb_image_path = thumb_image_path else: if "thumbnail" in response_json: if response_json["thumbnail"] is not None: thumbnail = response_json["thumbnail"] thumbnail_image = response_json["thumbnail"] thumb_image_path = DownLoadFile( thumbnail_image, CONFIG.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + ".jpg", CONFIG.CHUNK_SIZE, None, # bot, LOCAL.DOWNLOAD_START, update.message_id, await client.send_video(chat_id, file, supports_streaming=True, thumb=thumb_image_path, height=height, width=width, duration=duration, **kwargs) if not use_default_thumbnail: os_remove(str(thumbnail)) else: upload_fn = client.send_document if os_path.getsize(filepath) > int(CONFIG.UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE): LOGGER.debug(f'File too large : {filepath}') await message.edit_text( LOCAL.SPLIT_FILE.format(name=os_path.basename(filepath))) async for file in split.func(filepath, int(CONFIG.UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE)): await message.edit(LOCAL.UPLOADING_FILE.format( info = { "time": time(), "name":, "last_update": 0, "prev_text": "" } await upload_fn(, file, disable_notification=True, progress=progress_upload_tg, progress_args=(message, info), caption=f'<code>{}</code>') LOGGER.debug(f'Uploaded : {}') if delete: os_remove(filepath)
async def func(filepath: str, client: Client, message: Message, delete=False): if not os_path.exists(filepath): LOGGER.error(f'File not found : {filepath}') await message.edit_text( LOCAL.UPLOAD_FAILED_FILE_MISSING.format( name=os_path.basename(filepath))) return if os_path.isdir(filepath): ls = os_lisdir(filepath) async for filepath in ls: await message.edit( LOCAL.UPLOADING_FILE.format(name=os_path.basename(filepath))) await func(filepath, message, delete) if delete: os_rmdir(filepath) return video = ['.mp4', '.mkv', '.avi', '.webm', '.wmv', '.mov'] photo = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'] file_ext = os_path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() LOGGER.debug(f'Uploading : {filepath}') if STATUS.UPLOAD_AS_DOC: upload_fn = client.send_document elif file_ext in photo: upload_fn = client.send_photo elif file_ext in video: async def upload_fn(chat_id, file, **kwargs): probe = await ffprobe.func(file.path) duration = int(float(probe["format"]["duration"])) video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) width = int(video_stream['width'] if 'width' in video_stream else 0) height = int(video_stream['height'] if 'height' in video_stream else 0) await message.edit(LOCAL.GENERATE_THUMBNAIL.format( thumbnail = os_path.join(CONFIG.ROOT, CONFIG.WORKDIR, CONFIG.THUMBNAIL_NAME) use_default_thumbnail = os_path.exists(thumbnail) if not use_default_thumbnail: thumbnail = await thumbnail_video.func(file.path) await client.send_video(chat_id, file, supports_streaming=True, thumb=str(thumbnail), height=height, width=width, duration=duration, **kwargs) if not use_default_thumbnail: os_remove(str(thumbnail)) else: upload_fn = client.send_document if os_path.getsize(filepath) > int(CONFIG.UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE): LOGGER.debug(f'File too large : {filepath}') await message.edit_text( LOCAL.SPLIT_FILE.format(name=os_path.basename(filepath))) async for file in split.func(filepath, int(CONFIG.UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE)): await message.edit(LOCAL.UPLOADING_FILE.format( info = { "time": time(), "name":, "last_update": 0, "prev_text": "" } await upload_fn(, file, disable_notification=True, progress=progress_upload_tg, progress_args=(message, info), caption=f'<code>{}</code>') LOGGER.debug(f'Uploaded : {}') if delete: os_remove(filepath)
) # os_path.join(nameD, os_path.splitext(nameFE0)[0] + '.0000') else: s = raw_input('File "' + nameFull0 + '" will be overwrited! Continue?') if 'n' in s or 'N' in s: print('not all joined') exit else: print('continue...') print('making archive of replaced files...') nameFull0 = make_archive(dst, 'zip', dst) if nameFull0 == dst + '.zip': # think that all archived Ok, so delete source for inameSt, inameEn in range_of_files_with_inc_ext(paths): for nameFull in paths[inameSt:inameEn]: os_remove(os_path.join(dst, os_path.basename(nameFull))) try: os_rmdir(dst) except WindowsError: print('can not remove directory ' + nameSourceArchive) print('ok') # end ##remove unused characters # compile_obj = re.compile(rawstr, re.MULTILINE| re.VERBOSE) # with open(fileNames, 'r') as f: matchstr = # console.write(compile_obj.sub(repstr, matchstr)) # matchstr= compile_obj.findall(matchstr)