Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_one_file(parents: Sequence[str], item: os.DirEntry) -> None:
    """Process a JSON file during the main walk."""
    global _sys_event_tables

    def is_leaf_dir(path: str) -> bool:
        for item in os.scandir(path):
            if item.is_dir():
                return False
        return True

    # model directory, reset topic
    if item.is_dir() and is_leaf_dir(item.path):

        tblname = file_name_to_table_name(parents, item.name)
        if item.name == 'sys':

    # base dir or too deep
    level = len(parents)
    if level == 0 or level > 4:

    # Ignore other directories. If the file name does not have a .json
    # extension, ignore it. It could be a readme.txt for instance.
    if not item.is_file() or not item.name.endswith('.json'):

    add_events_table_entries(item, get_topic(item.name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _dirEntryToFileInfo(dirEntry: os.DirEntry, path: str, realpath: str):
            linkname = os.readlink(realpath) if dirEntry.is_symlink() else ""
        except OSError:
            linkname = ""

        return FolderMountSource._statsToFileInfo(
            dirEntry.stat(follow_symlinks=False), linkname, path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def print_dir_entry(entry: DirEntry,
                    path: bool = False,
    stat = entry.stat()
    kind = 'DIR' if entry.is_dir() else 'FILE'
    data = entry.path if path else entry.name
        f"{data:<{path_field_size}s} {kind:<4s} {str(stat.st_size) if entry.is_file() else '':>8s}"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def button_made_from(entry: os.DirEntry) -> Gtk.Button:

    if entry.is_file():
        return Copy(Snippet().load(entry.path))

    if entry.is_dir():
        return GoTo(
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _get_attributes(self, item: os.DirEntry) -> dict:
        """Parse entire item and subdirectories.

        * Total size in bytes
        * Maximum folder depth of item
        * Total number of files this item contains
        * Access timestamp
        * Modification timestamp
        * Change timestamp

        in the same order as tuple.

        :param item: DirEntry object
        :type item: posix.DirEntry
        :return: Dictionary of {size, depth, num_of_files, atime, mtime, ctime}
        :rtype: dict

        # it's a file or symlink, size is already on item stat
        if not item.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False):
            stat = item.stat(follow_symlinks=False)
            return {
                "size": stat.st_size,
                "depth": self._get_depth(item.path) - self._level,
                "num_of_files": 1,
                "atime": int(stat.st_atime),
                "mtime": int(stat.st_mtime),
                "ctime": int(stat.st_ctime),

        # It is a folder, recursive size check
            total_size = num_of_files = depth = 0
            atime = mtime = ctime = 0
            # TODO: try/except catch PermissionError
            with os.scandir(item.path) as directory:
                for i in directory:
                    attrs = self._get_attributes(i)
                    total_size += attrs["size"]
                    num_of_files += attrs["num_of_files"]
                    atime = max(atime, attrs["atime"])
                    mtime = max(mtime, attrs["mtime"])
                    ctime = max(ctime, attrs["ctime"])
                    depth = max(depth, attrs["depth"])

            return {
                "size": total_size,
                "depth": depth,
                "num_of_files": num_of_files,
                "atime": atime,
                "mtime": mtime,
                "ctime": ctime,
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _get_entry_attributes(entry: os.DirEntry):
     attrs = FileAttributes.NONE
     if entry.is_dir():
         attrs |= FileAttributes.IS_DIR
     elif entry.is_file():
         attrs |= FileAttributes.IS_FILE
     if entry.is_symlink():
         attrs |= FileAttributes.IS_LINK
     if entry.name.startswith('.'):
         attrs |= FileAttributes.IS_HIDDEN
     return attrs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def os_dir_entry_to_directory_list_entry(
        virtual_path: str, dir_entry: os.DirEntry) -> DirectoryListEntry:
    """Convert an `os.DirEntry` instance to a `DirectoryListEntry`."""
    s: os.stat_result = dir_entry.stat()

    return DirectoryListEntry(
        utf8_path_join(virtual_path, dir_entry.name),
        if dir_entry.is_dir() else DirectoryEntryType.FILE,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, entry: DirEntry):

        self.name = entry.name.decode()

        self.path = entry.path.decode()
        self.rel_path = relpath(self.path, models_dir)

        self.is_dir = entry.is_dir()

        # save created_time and modified_time as date objects to provide
        # better date comparison
        self.created_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.stat().st_ctime)
        self.modified_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.stat().st_mtime)

        self.size = self._human_readable_size(self._get_size(entry.path))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def create_link(entry: os.DirEntry, dotconfig: bool):
    src = entry.path
    if dotconfig:
        dst = os.path.join(DOT_CONFIG, entry.name)
        dst = os.path.join(HOME, entry.name)

    # If dst is a symlink
    if os.path.islink(dst):
        # If dst links to src, all is good
        if Path(os.readlink(dst)) == Path(src):
            logger.debug(f"{dst} already linked correctly, skipping ...")
        elif ARGS.remove_symlinks:
            # Remove symlinks if arg is set
            logger.info(f"Removing {dst}")

    elif os.path.exists(dst):
        # Not a symlink, but file exists
        logger.warning(f"Destination: {dst} already exists (dir)")
        logger.warning(f"Moving {dst} to {dst}.backup")
        shutil.move(dst, dst + ".backup")

    # No case catched -> create symlink
    os.symlink(src, dst, target_is_directory=entry.is_dir())
    logger.info(f"{src} -> {dst}")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _is_restaurant_module(entry: DirEntry) -> bool:
    """Checks if entry is a Python file, ignores if name starts with underscore."""
    return all([
        entry.name.endswith('.py'),  # type: ignore
        not entry.name.startswith('_')  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def isToBeIgnored(self,entry:os.DirEntry):
     if not entry.is_dir():
         return False
     if entry.name in self.ignoreDirList:
         lgg.info(f"    Ignoring {entry.name}",lgg.cR)
         return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _insert_sorted(self, item: os.DirEntry, sort_by: SortBy) -> None:
        """Insert every scanned item into the local `_items` list on-the-fly by the given `sort_by` parameter.

        :param item: DirEntry object from `_iter_items()` async iteration
                within the async parallel scanning.
        :type item: posix.DirEntry
        :param sort_by: SortBy enum attribute
        :type sort_by: SortBy
        :rtype: None
        attrs = self._get_attributes(item)

        # It is an empty folder, grab folder timestamps
        if attrs["atime"] == 0 and attrs["mtime"] == 0 and attrs["ctime"] == 0:
            stat = item.stat(follow_symlinks=False)
            attrs["atime"] = int(stat.st_atime)
            attrs["mtime"] = int(stat.st_mtime)
            attrs["ctime"] = int(stat.st_ctime)

        summary = {
            "name": os.path.relpath(item.path, self._root),
            "size": attrs["size"],
            "depth": attrs["depth"],
            "num_of_files": attrs["num_of_files"],
            "atime": attrs["atime"],
            "mtime": attrs["mtime"],
            "ctime": attrs["ctime"],

        index = self._find_index(summary, sort_by)
        self._total_size += summary["size"]
        self._items_len += 1
        self._items.insert(index, summary)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def is_game_dir(self,
                 entry: os.DirEntry,
                 ignore_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
     if ignore_dirs is None:
         ignore_dirs = self.ignore_dirs
     return (entry.is_dir() and self._is_game_match(entry.name)
             and entry.name.lower() not in ignore_dirs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def should_copy_file_DirEntry(self, src: os.DirEntry, dst: Path):
     retVal = True
     if not self.top_destination_does_not_exist:
             dst_stats = dst.stat()
             src_stats = src.stat()
             if src_stats.st_ino == 0:  # on windows os.DirEntry.stat sets st_ino to zero and os.stat should be called
                 # see https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/os.html#os.DirEntry
                 src_stats = os.stat(src.path, follow_symlinks=False)
             if src_stats.st_ino == dst_stats.st_ino:
                 retVal = False
                     f"{self.progress_msg()} skip copy file, same inode '{src.path}' to '{dst}'"
             elif src_stats.st_size == dst_stats.st_size and src_stats.st_mtime == dst_stats.st_mtime:
                 retVal = False
                     f"{self.progress_msg()} skip copy file, same time and size '{src.path}' to '{dst}'"
             if retVal:  # destination exists and file should be copied, so make sure it's writable
                 with Chmod(dst, "a+rw",
                            own_progress_count=0) as mod_changer:
                 if self.should_no_flags_file(dst):
                     with ChFlags(dst,
                                  own_progress_count=0) as flags_changer:
         except Exception as ex:  # most likely dst.stat() failed because dst does not exist
             retVal = True
     return retVal
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def validate_file(self, dir_entry: os.DirEntry) -> bool:
        """Validates given DirEntry. Returns False if entry should be completely ignored,
        or True if we want to keep it for further processing.

        Ignore all zero length files. There are usually there for a purpose like .dummy etc,
        so there can be tons of it with the same name even, so by default, ignore them completely.
        Also ignore all symlinks."""

        from .log import Log

        if dir_entry.is_symlink():
            Log.vv('{name}: It is the symbolic link. Skipping.'.format(
            return False

        # NOTE: do not call is_file() on DirEntry. It will fail in endless
        # recursion for invalid (dead) symbolic links. os.path.isfile() works).
        if not dir_entry.is_file():
            Log.vv('{name}: This is not a file. Skipping.'.format(
            return False

        item_size = dir_entry.stat().st_size

        if item_size == 0:
            Log.vv('{name}: File is 0 bytes long. Skipping.'.format(
            return False

        if self.min_size > 0 and item_size < self.min_size:
            Log.vv('{name}: File is shorter than min size ({size}). Skipping.'.
                   format(name=dir_entry.name, size=item_size))
            return False

        if 0 < self.max_size < item_size:
            Log.vv('{name}: File is biger than max size ({size}). Skipping.'.
                   format(name=dir_entry.name, size=item_size))
            return False

        for list_item in self._file_name_blacklist:
            match = re.match(list_item, dir_entry.name)
            if match is not None:
                Log.vv('File "{name}" blacklisted by "{re}" rule. Skipping.'.
                       format(name=dir_entry.name, re=list_item))
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
        def filter_only_tif_files(item: os.DirEntry) -> bool:
            if not item.is_file():
                return False

            _, ext = os.path.splitext(item.name)
            if ext.lower() != ".tif":
                return False

            return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _is_backup_entity(backup_entry: os.DirEntry) -> bool:
    """ Check if entity_path is a single backup dir. """
    if not backup_entry.is_dir():
        return False
        datetime.strptime(backup_entry.name, BACKUP_ENT_FMT)
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def filter_alebmic_ini(entry: os.DirEntry) -> bool:

        if not entry.is_file():
            return False

        if entry.name != "alembic.ini":
            return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def from_dir_entry(self,
                       dir_entry: os.DirEntry,
                       file_hash: str or None = None,
                       dont_hash: bool = False) -> None:
        if not isinstance(dir_entry, os.DirEntry):
            raise ValueError(
                'Unsupported data type {type}'.format(type=type(dir_entry)))

        self.hash = file_hash
        self.name = dir_entry.name
        self.path = dir_entry.path
        self.size = dir_entry.stat().st_size
        self.ctime = self._strip_millis(dir_entry.stat().st_ctime)
        self.mtime = self._strip_millis(dir_entry.stat().st_mtime)
        self.inode = dir_entry.stat().st_ino

        if not dont_hash:
Ejemplo n.º 20
def preprocess_one_file(parents: Sequence[str], item: os.DirEntry) -> None:

    if item.is_dir():

    # base dir or too deep
    level = len(parents)
    if level == 0 or level > 4:

    # Ignore other directories. If the file name does not have a .json
    # extension, ignore it. It could be a readme.txt for instance.
    if not item.is_file() or not item.name.endswith('.json'):

    topic = get_topic(item.name)
    for event in read_json_events(item.path, topic):
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _component_filter(self, entry: os.DirEntry):
        if not entry.is_file():
            return False

        base, ext = os.path.splitext(entry.name)
        if not self._component_mask.fullmatch(base):
            return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 22
def is_editor_file(entry: os.DirEntry) -> bool:
    FOLDER_PATTERNS = ('.idea', '.vscode')
    FILE_PATTERNS = (r'\.sw.$', r'~$')

    if entry.is_dir():
        g = (_ == entry.name for _ in FOLDER_PATTERNS)
        g = (re.search(_, entry.name) for _ in FILE_PATTERNS)
    return any(g)
        def filter_bib_id_folders(item: os.DirEntry):

            if not item.is_dir():
                return False

            if "v" not in item.name and not isinstance(eval(item.name), int):
                return False

            return True
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __try_read_file(dir_entry: os.DirEntry, scan_dir: str, base_path: str):
        """Attempt to read a file. Internal.

        If the file given by ``dir_entry`` is a Maven config object, return
        a tuple of (True, JSON dict) representing that object. If the object
        could be read but wasn't a part, return (False, None). If the object
        couldn't be read, raise an exception.

        :param dir_entry: A DirEntry object, as returned by os.scandir
        :param scan_dir: The directory on which os.scandir was called. May be
                         an empty string.
        :param base_path: The base path of the config, where "/" is the root of
        the config.
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(dir_entry.path)
        if dir_entry.is_dir() or ext != ".part":
            return (False, None)
        file_path = os.path.join(base_path, scan_dir, dir_entry.path)
            with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
                path = ConfigObjectTracker.__norm_path(file_path, base_path)
                # return a corrected dict
                obj = {
                    # todo: Should we generate a uuid1 from the file's inode?
                    # Technically IDs should be unique to a config and
                    # immutable across a given object's lifetime, however
                    # inodes are only unique to a block device and may change
                    # with renames/moves. This means a config with a symlink to
                    # a network drive or another disk might have duplicate
                    # inodes, and with uuid1s, they will have duplicate IDs.
                    "id": data["id"],
                    "typeName": data["typeName"],
                    # Because this is a directory store, we can safely ignore
                    # whatever the file says is true, because the filesystem
                    # is more accurate in these regards
                    "lastModified": os.path.getmtime(file_path),
                    "name": os.path.basename(name),
                    "path": path,
                if "data" in data:
                    # this is a FileConfigObject, attach the data
                    obj["data"] = data["data"]
                if "functionType" in data and "arguments" in data:
                    # this is a UDF or UDP, attach those args
                    obj["functionType"] = data["functionType"]
                    obj["arguments"] = data["arguments"]
                return (True, obj)
        except (json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError):
            # Not a part, or a malformed part
            return (False, None)
        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
            # Corrupted file, could not read
            warnings.warn("Failed to read file" + file_path)
            return (False, None)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_file_info(entry: DirEntry):
    stat = entry.stat()
    return {
        datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[7]).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S"),
        datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[8]).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S"),
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def _survives(self, base_path: str, entry: os.DirEntry) -> bool:
     Determines if a single file entry survives the ignore filter.
     for p in self._processed_patterns:
         if (entry.is_dir() and p.endswith("/")
                 and fnmatch.fnmatch(entry.path, p[:-1])):
             return False
         if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry.path, p):
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def from_dir_entry(cls, dir: "File", entry: os.DirEntry) -> "File":
            st = entry.stat()
        except FileNotFoundError:
            log.warning("%s: cannot stat() file: broken symlink?",
                        os.path.join(dir.abspath, entry.name))
            st = None

        return cls(relpath=os.path.join(dir.relpath, entry.name),
                   abspath=os.path.join(dir.abspath, entry.name),
        def directory_only_filter(item: os.DirEntry):
            if not item.is_dir():
                return False

            if not os.access(item.path, os.F_OK):
                return False

            if not os.access(item.path, os.R_OK):
                return False

            return True
def _process_file_or_dir(context: str,
                         dir_entry: os.DirEntry) -> [[AssetFile]]:
    if dir_entry.is_file():
        return AssetFile.build(dir_entry=dir_entry, context=context)
        new_context = os.path.join(context, dir_entry.name)
        return [
            _process_file_or_dir(new_context, f)
            for f in os.scandir(dir_entry.path)
            if f.name[:1] != "." and f.name[:1] != "_"
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def should_hard_link_file_DirEntry(self, a_file: os.DirEntry):
     assert isinstance(a_file, os.DirEntry)
     retVal = False
     if self.hard_links and not self.hard_links_failed and not a_file.is_symlink():
         for no_hard_link_pattern in self.__all_no_hard_link_patterns:
             file_path = Path(a_file)  # todo: avoid using Path.match, since converting DirEntry toPath is not efficient
             if file_path.match(no_hard_link_pattern):
                 log.debug(f"not hard linking {a_file.path} because it matches pattern {no_hard_link_pattern}")
             retVal = True
     return retVal