Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    import os_lib_handle
    import os_lib_agent
    import os_lib_syscheck
    import os_lib_alerts
    import ossec_conf
    import datetime
    ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir)
    if ossec_handle is None:
        print("Unable to access ossec directory.\n")

    agent_list = os_lib_agent.os_getagents(ossec_handle)
    agent_list2 = []
    agent_count = 0

    for agent in agent_list:
        agent['id'] = agent_count
        agent_count += 1

        agent['change_time_fmt'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(agent['change_time']).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")

        atitle = ""
        aclass = ""
        amsg = ""

        #If agent is connected
        if agent['connected']:
            atitle = "Agent active"
            aclass = "bluez"
            atitle = "Agent Inactive"
            aclass = "red"
            amsg = " - Inactive"

        agent['atitle'] = atitle
        agent['aclass'] = aclass
        agent['amsg'] = amsg


    syscheck_list = os_lib_syscheck.os_getsyscheck(ossec_handle)

    syscheck_count = 0
    syscheck_list2 = []
    # {'time_stamp':time_stamp, '_name':_name, 'sk_file_name':sk_file_name}
    for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']:
        ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        syscheck_list2.append({'id':syscheck_count, 'ts':ts, 'name':syscheck['_name'], 'filename':syscheck['sk_file_name']})
        syscheck_count += 1
        if syscheck_count >= 10:

    alert_list = os_lib_alerts.os_getalerts(ossec_handle, 0, 0, 30)

    alert_count = alert_list.size() - 1
    alert_array  = alert_list.alerts()

    alert_list_html = ""
    while (alert_count>=0):
        alert_list_html += alert_array[alert_count].toHtml()
        alert_count -= 1

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    return render_template("main.html", now=now, agent_list=agent_list2,
                                                syscheck_global_list = syscheck_list2,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _make_contents(self):

        #<form name="dosearch" method="post" action="index.php?f=i">
        #<table><tr valign="top">
        #Agent name: </td><td><select name="agentpattern" class="formText"><option value="ossec-server"  selected="selected"> &nbsp; ossec-server</option>
        #<td><input type="submit" name="ss" value="Dump database" class="button"/>

        # Initializing variables
        u_agent = "ossec-server"
        u_file = ""
        USER_agent = None
        USER_file = None

        # Getting user patterns
        strpattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z._^ -]{1,128}$"
        if request.method == 'POST':
            agentpattern = request.form.get('agentpattern')
            if not agentpattern:
                raise Exception("something is wrong in agentpattern")
            if re.search(strpattern, agentpattern):
                USER_agent = agentpattern
                u_agent = USER_agent


        # Starting handle
        ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir)

        # Getting syscheck information
        syscheck_list = os_lib_syscheck.os_getsyscheck(ossec_handle)

        buffer = ""

        # Creating form
        buffer += """\
        <form name="dosearch" method="post" action="syscheck">
        <table><tr valign="top">
        <td>Agent name: </td>
        <td><select name="agentpattern" class="formText">

        for agent in syscheck_list.keys():   # global_list, ossec-server
            #agent = str(agent)
            sl = ""
            if agent == "global_list":
            elif u_agent == agent:
                sl = ' selected ="selected"'

            buffer += """<option value="%s" %s> &nbsp; %s</option>""" % (agent, sl, agent)

        buffer += "</select></td>"

        buffer += """    <td><input type="submit" name="ss" value="Dump database" class="button"/>"""

        if USER_agent is not None:
            buffer += """&nbsp; &nbsp;<a class="bluez" href="syscheck"> &lt;&lt;back</a>"""

        buffer += """\

        # Dumping database
        if request.method == 'POST':
            if (request.form.get('ss') == "Dump database") and (USER_agent is not None):
                print("Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                dump_buffer = os_lib_syscheck.os_syscheck_dumpdb(ossec_handle, USER_agent)

                self.contents = buffer + dump_buffer

        buffer += "<br /><h2>Latest modified files (for all agents): </h2>\n\n"

        last_mod_date = ""
        sk_count = 0

        for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']:
            sk_count += 1

            ffile_name = ""
            ffile_name2 = ""

            ffile_name = syscheck['sk_file_name']

            # Setting the database
            ts = int(syscheck['time_stamp'])
            dt   = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
            dt2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
            if last_mod_date != dt:
                last_mod_date = dt
                buffer += "<br/><b>%s</b><br/>" % last_mod_date

            # ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")

            buffer += """\
               <span id="togglesk%s">
               <a  href="#" class="bluez" title="Expand %s"
               onclick="ShowSection(\'sk%s\');return false;"><span class="bluez">+
               %s</span></a><br />
            """ % (sk_count, ffile_name, sk_count, ffile_name)

            buffer += """\
                <div id="contentsk%d" style="display: none">

               <a  href="#" title="Hide %s"
               onclick="HideSection(\'sk%d\');return false;">-%s</a>
               <br />
               <div class="smaller">
               &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>File:</b> %s<br />
               &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Agent:</b> %s<br />
               &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Modification time:</b>
               %s<br />

            """ % (sk_count, ffile_name, sk_count, ffile_name, ffile_name, syscheck['_name'], dt2)


        buffer += "</td></tr></table>"
        buffer += "<br /> <br />\n"

        #syscheck_count = 0
        #syscheck_list2 = []
        ## {'time_stamp':time_stamp, '_name':_name, 'sk_file_name':sk_file_name}
        #for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']:
        #    ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        #    syscheck_list2.append({'id':syscheck_count, 'ts':ts, 'name':syscheck['_name'], 'filename':syscheck['sk_file_name']})
        #    syscheck_count += 1

        self.contents = buffer