Ejemplo n.º 1
def parseEventInfo(mailStamp):
    assert isinstance(mailStamp, MailStamp)

    if has_stamp(mailStamp.itsItem, EventStamp):
        # The message has been stamped as
        # an event which means its event info has
        # already been populated

    eventStamp = EventStamp(mailStamp.itsItem)

    # This uses the default Chandler locale determined from
    # the OS or the command line flag --locale (-l)
    startTime, endTime, countFlag, typeFlag = \

    #XXX the parsedatetime API does not always return the
    #    correct parsing results.
    #    Further investigation needs to be done.
    #    What I would like to do is try in the user's current
    #    locale then try in English. But in my testing the
    #    parseText API returns a positive count flag when
    #    if the text contains date time info that does
    #    not match the passed locale. The value of the
    #    startTime and endTime wil be the current users
    #    localtime which is not correct.
    #    I also see incorrect results when text contains
    #    a start and end date. As well as when the
    #    text contains localized times such as 4pm.
    #    In some instances it does correctly parse the time
    #    in others it does not.
    #    The English parsing fallback is commented out till
    #    the above issues are rosolved.
    #if countFlag == 0 and not getLocale().startswith(u"en"):
    #    # Lets try using English language date parsing rules
    #    # as a fallback.
    #    startTime, endTime, countFlag, typeFlag = \
    #               _parseEventInfoForLocale(messageObject, "en")

    if countFlag == 0:
        # No datetime info found in either the mail message subject
        # or the mail message body so do not set any event date time info.

    setEventDateTime(mailStamp.itsItem, startTime,
                     endTime, typeFlag)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parseEventInfo(mailStamp):
    assert isinstance(mailStamp, MailStamp)

    if has_stamp(mailStamp.itsItem, EventStamp):
        # The message has been stamped as
        # an event which means its event info has
        # already been populated

    eventStamp = EventStamp(mailStamp.itsItem)

    # This uses the default Chandler locale determined from
    # the OS or the command line flag --locale (-l)
    startTime, endTime, countFlag, typeFlag = \

    #XXX the parsedatetime API does not always return the
    #    correct parsing results.
    #    Further investigation needs to be done.
    #    What I would like to do is try in the user's current
    #    locale then try in English. But in my testing the
    #    parseText API returns a positive count flag when
    #    if the text contains date time info that does
    #    not match the passed locale. The value of the
    #    startTime and endTime wil be the current users
    #    localtime which is not correct.
    #    I also see incorrect results when text contains
    #    a start and end date. As well as when the
    #    text contains localized times such as 4pm.
    #    In some instances it does correctly parse the time
    #    in others it does not.
    #    The English parsing fallback is commented out till
    #    the above issues are rosolved.
    #if countFlag == 0 and not getLocale().startswith(u"en"):
    #    # Lets try using English language date parsing rules
    #    # as a fallback.
    #    startTime, endTime, countFlag, typeFlag = \
    #               _parseEventInfoForLocale(messageObject, "en")

    if countFlag == 0:
        # No datetime info found in either the mail message subject
        # or the mail message body so do not set any event date time info.

    setEventDateTime(mailStamp.itsItem, startTime, endTime, typeFlag)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def AddItems(self, itemList):
        Override this to add the dropped items to your widget.
        if self.hoverDate is not None:
            for item in itemList:
                proxy = RecurrenceDialog.getProxy(u"ui", item, cancelCallback=self.wxSynchronizeWidget)
                event = EventStamp(proxy)
                if not has_stamp(proxy, EventStamp):
                    event.add()  # stamp as an event
                    event.anyTime = True
                oldTime = getattr(event, "startTime", self.hoverDate).timetz()
                event.startTime = datetime.combine(self.hoverDate, oldTime)

        self.hoverDate = None
    def AddItems(self, itemList):
        Override this to add the dropped items to your widget.
        if self.hoverDate is not None:
            for item in itemList:
                proxy = RecurrenceDialog.getProxy(
                    u'ui', item, cancelCallback=self.wxSynchronizeWidget)
                event = EventStamp(proxy)
                if not has_stamp(proxy, EventStamp):
                    event.add()  # stamp as an event
                    event.anyTime = True
                oldTime = getattr(event, 'startTime', self.hoverDate).timetz()
                event.startTime = datetime.combine(self.hoverDate, oldTime)

        self.hoverDate = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def addEventStamp(item, recur=False):
    es = EventStamp(item)
    es.summary = uw("Test Event Summary")

    tzinfo = item.itsView.tzinfo.floating

    # Choose random days, hours
    startDelta = timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 30),
                           hours=random.randint(0, 24))

    now = datetime.now(tzinfo)

    closeToNow = datetime(now.year,
                          int(now.minute / 30) * 30,

    es.startTime = closeToNow + startDelta
    es.anyTime = True

    # Choose random minutes
    es.duration = timedelta(minutes=60)

    es.location = Calendar.Location.getLocation(view, uw("My House"))

    es.itsItem.importance = random.choice(pim.ImportanceEnum.values)


    if recur:
        rule = RecurrenceRule(itsView=view)
        rule.freq = 'daily'
        rule.until = datetime(2008, 9, 14, 19, tzinfo=view.tzinfo.default)
        rule.untilIsDate = False

        ruleSet = RecurrenceRuleSet(itsView=view)

        es.rruleset = ruleSet

    return es
Ejemplo n.º 6
def addEventStamp(item, recur=False):
    es = EventStamp(item)
    es.summary = uw("Test Event Summary")

    tzinfo = view.tzinfo.floating

    # Choose random days, hours
    startDelta = timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 30),
                           hours=random.randint(0, 24))

    now = datetime.now(tzinfo)

    closeToNow = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour,
                          int(now.minute/30) * 30, tzinfo=now.tzinfo)

    es.startTime = closeToNow + startDelta
    es.anyTime = True

    # Choose random minutes
    es.duration = timedelta(minutes=60)

    es.location = Calendar.Location.getLocation(view, uw("My House"))

    es.itsItem.importance = random.choice(pim.ImportanceEnum.values)


    if recur:
        rule = RecurrenceRule(itsView=view)
        rule.freq = 'daily'
        rule.until =  datetime(2008, 9, 14, 19, tzinfo=view.tzinfo.default)
        rule.untilIsDate = False

        ruleSet = RecurrenceRuleSet(itsView=view)

        es.rruleset = ruleSet

    return es