Ejemplo n.º 1
    def remove(self, package):
        """Mark a package for deletion.

        package is the name of the package to be deleted.
        A ValueError is raised if package is not under version control.
        If package has state 'A' it is directly removed.

        super(Project, self).remove(package)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            st = self._status(package)
            if st == '?':
                msg = "package \"%s\" is not under version control" % package
                raise ValueError(msg)
            elif st == 'A':
                self._remove_wc_dir(package, notify=False)
                pkg = self.package(package)
                if pkg is not None:
                    # only remove files
                    for filename in pkg.files():
                self._packages.set(package, 'D')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, path, verify_format=True, **kwargs):
        """Constructs a new project object.

        path is the path to the working copy.
        Raises a ValueError exception if path is
        no valid project working copy.
        Raises a WCInconsistentError if the wc's
        metadata is corrupt.

        Keyword arguments:
        verify_format -- verify working copy format (default: True)
        kwargs -- see class WorkingCopy for the details

        if verify_format:
        meta, xml_data, pkg_data = self.wc_check(path)
        if meta or xml_data or pkg_data:
            raise WCInconsistentError(path, meta, xml_data, pkg_data)
        self.apiurl = wc_read_apiurl(path)
        self.name = wc_read_project(path)
        with wc_lock(path):
            self._packages = wc_read_packages(path)
        super(Project, self).__init__(path, ProjectUpdateState,
                                      ProjectCommitState, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, revision='latest', **kwargs):
        """Update working copy.

        Keyword arguments:
        revision -- the update revision (default: latest)
        **kwargs -- optional arguments for the "getfilelist" http

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            ustate = PackageUpdateState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_updateable(rollback=True):
                if self.has_conflicts():
                    raise FileConflictError(self.has_conflicts())
                # commit can be the only pending transaction
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            elif (ustate is not None
                    and ustate.state == UpdateStateMixin.STATE_UPDATING):
                uinfo = self._calculate_updateinfo(revision=revision, **kwargs)
                conflicts = uinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # these are _only_ update conflicts
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('update', uinfo):
                # TODO: if ustate is not None check if we can reuse
                #       existing files
                # states might also contain dynamic states like '!' or 'M' etc.
                states = dict([(f, self.status(f)) for f in self.files()])
                ustate = PackageUpdateState(self.path, uinfo=uinfo, **states)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def update(self, revision='latest', **kwargs):
        """Update working copy.

        Keyword arguments:
        revision -- the update revision (default: latest)
        **kwargs -- optional arguments for the "getfilelist" http

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            ustate = PackageUpdateState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_updateable(rollback=True):
                if self.has_conflicts():
                    raise FileConflictError(self.has_conflicts())
                # commit can be the only pending transaction
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            elif (ustate is not None
                  and ustate.state == UpdateStateMixin.STATE_UPDATING):
                uinfo = self._calculate_updateinfo(revision=revision, **kwargs)
                conflicts = uinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # these are _only_ update conflicts
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('update', uinfo):
                # TODO: if ustate is not None check if we can reuse
                #       existing files
                # states might also contain dynamic states like '!' or 'M' etc.
                states = dict([(f, self.status(f)) for f in self.files()])
                ustate = PackageUpdateState(self.path, uinfo=uinfo, **states)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def remove(self, package):
        """Mark a package for deletion.

        package is the name of the package to be deleted.
        A ValueError is raised if package is not under version control.
        If package has state 'A' it is directly removed.

        super(Project, self).remove(package)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            st = self._status(package)
            if st == '?':
                msg = "package \"%s\" is not under version control" % package
                raise ValueError(msg)
            elif st == 'A':
                self._remove_wc_dir(package, notify=False)
                pkg = self.package(package)
                if pkg is not None:
                    # only remove files
                    for filename in pkg.files():
                self._packages.set(package, 'D')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, path, verify_format=True, **kwargs):
        """Constructs a new project object.

        path is the path to the working copy.
        Raises a ValueError exception if path is
        no valid project working copy.
        Raises a WCInconsistentError if the wc's
        metadata is corrupt.

        Keyword arguments:
        verify_format -- verify working copy format (default: True)
        kwargs -- see class WorkingCopy for the details

        if verify_format:
        meta, xml_data, pkg_data = self.wc_check(path)
        if meta or xml_data or pkg_data:
            raise WCInconsistentError(path, meta, xml_data, pkg_data)
        self.apiurl = wc_read_apiurl(path)
        self.name = wc_read_project(path)
        with wc_lock(path):
            self._packages = wc_read_packages(path)
        super(Project, self).__init__(path, ProjectUpdateState,
                                      ProjectCommitState, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(self, *packages, **kwargs):
        """Update project working copy.

        If *packages are specified only the specified
        packages will be updated. Otherwise all packages
        will be updated.

        Keyword arguments:
        **kwargs -- optional keyword arguments which will be passed
                    to the Package's update method

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            ustate = ProjectUpdateState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_updateable(rollback=True):
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            if (ustate is not None
                    and ustate.state == UpdateStateMixin.STATE_UPDATING):
                uinfo = self._calculate_updateinfo(*packages)
                conflicts = uinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # a package might be in conflicts because
                    # its is_updateable method returned False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('prj_update', uinfo):
                states = dict([(p, self._status(p)) for p in self.packages()])
                ustate = ProjectUpdateState(self.path, uinfo=uinfo, **states)
                self._update(ustate, **kwargs)
                self.notifier.finished('prj_update', aborted=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, *packages, **kwargs):
        """Update project working copy.

        If *packages are specified only the specified
        packages will be updated. Otherwise all packages
        will be updated.

        Keyword arguments:
        **kwargs -- optional keyword arguments which will be passed
                    to the Package's update method

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            ustate = ProjectUpdateState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_updateable(rollback=True):
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            if (ustate is not None
                    and ustate.state == UpdateStateMixin.STATE_UPDATING):
                uinfo = self._calculate_updateinfo(*packages)
                conflicts = uinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # a package might be in conflicts because
                    # its is_updateable method returned False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('prj_update', uinfo):
                states = dict([(p, self._status(p)) for p in self.packages()])
                ustate = ProjectUpdateState(self.path, uinfo=uinfo, **states)
                self._update(ustate, **kwargs)
                self.notifier.finished('prj_update', aborted=False)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def resolved(self, filename):
        """Remove conflicted state from filename.

        filename is a filename which has state 'C'.
        A ValueError is raised if filename is not "conflicted".

        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def resolved(self, filename):
        """Remove conflicted state from filename.

        filename is a filename which has state 'C'.
        A ValueError is raised if filename is not "conflicted".

        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def add(self, filename):
        """Add filename to working copy.

        Afterwards filename is tracked with state 'A'.
        A ValueError is raised if filename does not exist or
        or is no file or if it is already tracked.

        super(Package, self).add(filename)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def add(self, filename):
        """Add filename to working copy.

        Afterwards filename is tracked with state 'A'.
        A ValueError is raised if filename does not exist or
        or is no file or if it is already tracked.

        super(Package, self).add(filename)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def remove(self, filename):
        """Remove file from the working copy.

        Actually this marks filename for deletion (filename has
        state 'D' afterwards).
        A ValueError is raised if filename is not tracked or
        if filename is conflicted (has state 'C') or if filename
        is skipped (has state 'S').

        super(Package, self).remove(filename)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def remove(self, filename):
        """Remove file from the working copy.

        Actually this marks filename for deletion (filename has
        state 'D' afterwards).
        A ValueError is raised if filename is not tracked or
        if filename is conflicted (has state 'C') or if filename
        is skipped (has state 'S').

        super(Package, self).remove(filename)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def revert(self, *packages):
        """Reverts the specified packages.

        If no packages are specified, all packages in the
        working copy will be reverted. If a package in packages
        is marked as '?', a ValueError is raised.

        if not packages:
            packages = self.packages()
        super(Project, self).revert(*packages)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            for package in packages:
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def revert(self, *packages):
        """Reverts the specified packages.

        If no packages are specified, all packages in the
        working copy will be reverted. If a package in packages
        is marked as '?', a ValueError is raised.

        if not packages:
            packages = self.packages()
        super(Project, self).revert(*packages)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            for package in packages:
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def revert(self, *filenames):
        """Revert filenames.

        If no filenames are specified, all working copy
        files (except skipped files) will be reverted.
        If filename is marked as 'C', '?' or 'S' a
        ValueError is raised.

        if not filenames:
            filenames = [f for f in self.files() if self.status(f) != 'S']
        super(Package, self).revert(*filenames)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            for filename in filenames:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def revert(self, *filenames):
        """Revert filenames.

        If no filenames are specified, all working copy
        files (except skipped files) will be reverted.
        If filename is marked as 'C', '?' or 'S' a
        ValueError is raised.

        if not filenames:
            filenames = [f for f in self.files() if self.status(f) != 'S']
        super(Package, self).revert(*filenames)
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            for filename in filenames:
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def add(self, package, *filenames, **kwargs):
        """Add a new package to the project.

        package is the name of the directory which will be added.
        A ValueError is raised if package is already tracked or if
        package is already an osc working copy.
        Also if prj/package does not exist or is no directory
        a ValueError is raised.
        If filenames are specified they are added to package.
        If no filenames are specified all files will be added
        to the package.
        A ValueError is raised if filenames and no_files=True
        is specified.

        Keyword arguments:
        no_files -- add no files (default: False)

        super(Project, self).add(package)
        no_files = kwargs.get('no_files', False)
        if filenames and no_files:
            raise ValueError("filenames and no_files are mutually exclusive")
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            if self._status(package) != '?':
                raise ValueError("package \"%s\" is already tracked" % package)
            pkg_path = os.path.join(self.path, package)
            if not os.path.isdir(pkg_path):
                raise ValueError("path \"%s\" is no dir" % pkg_path)
            elif wc_is_project(pkg_path) or wc_is_package(pkg_path):
                msg = ("path \"%s\" is already an initialized"
                       "working copy" % pkg_path)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            storedir = wc_pkg_data_mkdir(self.path, package)
            pkg = Package.init(pkg_path, self.name, package, self.apiurl,
            self._packages.add(package, state='A')
            if no_files:
                filenames = []
            elif not filenames:
                filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(pkg.path)
                             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pkg.path, f))]
            for filename in filenames:
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def add(self, package, *filenames, **kwargs):
        """Add a new package to the project.

        package is the name of the directory which will be added.
        A ValueError is raised if package is already tracked or if
        package is already an osc working copy.
        Also if prj/package does not exist or is no directory
        a ValueError is raised.
        If filenames are specified they are added to package.
        If no filenames are specified all files will be added
        to the package.
        A ValueError is raised if filenames and no_files=True
        is specified.

        Keyword arguments:
        no_files -- add no files (default: False)

        super(Project, self).add(package)
        no_files = kwargs.get('no_files', False)
        if filenames and no_files:
            raise ValueError("filenames and no_files are mutually exclusive")
        with wc_lock(self.path):
            if self._status(package) != '?':
                raise ValueError("package \"%s\" is already tracked" % package)
            pkg_path = os.path.join(self.path, package)
            if not os.path.isdir(pkg_path):
                raise ValueError("path \"%s\" is no dir" % pkg_path)
            elif wc_is_project(pkg_path) or wc_is_package(pkg_path):
                msg = ("path \"%s\" is already an initialized"
                       "working copy" % pkg_path)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            storedir = wc_pkg_data_mkdir(self.path, package)
            pkg = Package.init(pkg_path, self.name, package, self.apiurl,
            self._packages.add(package, state='A')
            if no_files:
                filenames = []
            elif not filenames:
                filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(pkg.path)
                             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pkg.path, f))]
            for filename in filenames:
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self,
        """Constructs a new package object.

        path is the path to the working copy.
        Raises a ValueError exception if path is
        no valid package working copy.
        Raises a WCInconsistentError if the wc's
        metadata is corrupt.

        Keyword arguments:
        skip_handlers -- list of FileSkipHandler objects
                         (default: [])
        commit_policies -- list of FileCommitPolicy objects
                           (default: None)
        merge_class -- class which is used for a file merge
                       (default: Merge)
        verify_format -- verify working copy format (default: True)
        **kwargs -- see class WorkingCopy for the details

        if verify_format:
        (meta, xml_data, pkg_data) = self.wc_check(path)
        if meta or xml_data or pkg_data:
            raise WCInconsistentError(path, meta, xml_data, pkg_data)
        self.apiurl = wc_read_apiurl(path)
        self.project = wc_read_project(path)
        self.name = wc_read_package(path)
        self.skip_handlers = skip_handlers or []
        self.commit_policies = commit_policies or []
        self.merge_class = merge_class
        with wc_lock(path):
            self._files = wc_read_files(path)
        # call super at the end due to finish_pending_transaction
        super(Package, self).__init__(path, PackageUpdateState,
                                      PackageCommitState, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def commit(self, *packages, **kwargs):
        """Commit project working copy.

        If *packages are specified only the specified
        packages will be commited. Otherwise all packages
        will be updated.

        Keyword arguments:
        package_filenames -- a dict which maps a package to a list
                             of filenames (only these filenames will
                             be committed) (default: {})
        comment -- a commit message (default: '')

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            cstate = ProjectCommitState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_commitable(rollback=True):
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            if (cstate is not None
                    and cstate.state == CommitStateMixin.STATE_COMMITTING):
                self._commit(cstate, {}, '')
                package_filenames = kwargs.get('package_filenames', {})
                if [p for p in packages if p in package_filenames]:
                    msg = 'package present in *packages and package_filenames'
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                packages = list(packages) + package_filenames.keys()
                cinfo = self._calculate_commitinfo(*packages)
                conflicts = cinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # a package might be in conflicts because
                    # its is_commitable method returned False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('prj_commit', cinfo):
                states = dict([(p, self._status(p)) for p in self.packages()])
                cstate = ProjectCommitState(self.path, cinfo=cinfo, **states)
                comment = kwargs.get('comment', '')
                self._commit(cstate, package_filenames, comment)
                self.notifier.finished('prj_commit', aborted=False)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def commit(self, *packages, **kwargs):
        """Commit project working copy.

        If *packages are specified only the specified
        packages will be commited. Otherwise all packages
        will be updated.

        Keyword arguments:
        package_filenames -- a dict which maps a package to a list
                             of filenames (only these filenames will
                             be committed) (default: {})
        comment -- a commit message (default: '')

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            cstate = ProjectCommitState.read_state(self.path)
            if not self.is_commitable(rollback=True):
                raise PendingTransactionError('commit')
            if (cstate is not None
                    and cstate.state == CommitStateMixin.STATE_COMMITTING):
                self._commit(cstate, {}, '')
                package_filenames = kwargs.get('package_filenames', {})
                if [p for p in packages if p in package_filenames]:
                    msg = 'package present in *packages and package_filenames'
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                packages = list(packages) + list(package_filenames.keys())
                cinfo = self._calculate_commitinfo(*packages)
                conflicts = cinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # a package might be in conflicts because
                    # its is_commitable method returned False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                if not self._transaction_begin('prj_commit', cinfo):
                states = dict([(p, self._status(p)) for p in self.packages()])
                cstate = ProjectCommitState(self.path, cinfo=cinfo, **states)
                comment = kwargs.get('comment', '')
                self._commit(cstate, package_filenames, comment)
                self.notifier.finished('prj_commit', aborted=False)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def commit(self, *filenames, **kwargs):
        """Commit working copy.

        If no filenames are specified all tracked files
        are committed.

        Keyword arguments:
        **kwargs -- optional parameters for the final commit
                    http request

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            cstate = self._pending_transaction()
            if not self.is_commitable(rollback=True):
                if self.has_conflicts():
                    raise FileConflictError(self.has_conflicts())
                # update can be the only pending transaction
                raise PendingTransactionError('update')
            elif (cstate is not None
                    and cstate.state == CommitStateMixin.STATE_COMMITTING):
                cinfo = self._calculate_commitinfo(*filenames)
                conflicts = cinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # conflicts shouldn't contain real conflicts because
                    # otherwise is_commitable returns False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                remote = self.latest_revision()
                local = self._files.revision_data().get('srcmd5')
                if local != remote:
                    msg = 'commit not possible. Please update first'
                    raise WCOutOfDateError(local, remote, msg)
                if not self._transaction_begin('commit', cinfo):
                states = dict([(f, self.status(f)) for f in self.files()])
                cstate = PackageCommitState(self.path, cinfo=cinfo, **states)
                self._commit(cstate, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def commit(self, *filenames, **kwargs):
        """Commit working copy.

        If no filenames are specified all tracked files
        are committed.

        Keyword arguments:
        **kwargs -- optional parameters for the final commit
                    http request

        with wc_lock(self.path):
            cstate = self._pending_transaction()
            if not self.is_commitable(rollback=True):
                if self.has_conflicts():
                    raise FileConflictError(self.has_conflicts())
                # update can be the only pending transaction
                raise PendingTransactionError('update')
            elif (cstate is not None
                  and cstate.state == CommitStateMixin.STATE_COMMITTING):
                cinfo = self._calculate_commitinfo(*filenames)
                conflicts = cinfo.conflicted
                if conflicts:
                    # conflicts shouldn't contain real conflicts because
                    # otherwise is_commitable returns False
                    raise FileConflictError(conflicts)
                remote = self.latest_revision()
                local = self._files.revision_data().get('srcmd5')
                if local != remote:
                    msg = 'commit not possible. Please update first'
                    raise WCOutOfDateError(local, remote, msg)
                if not self._transaction_begin('commit', cinfo):
                states = dict([(f, self.status(f)) for f in self.files()])
                cstate = PackageCommitState(self.path, cinfo=cinfo, **states)
                self._commit(cstate, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, path, skip_handlers=None, commit_policies=None,
                 merge_class=Merge, verify_format=True, **kwargs):
        """Constructs a new package object.

        path is the path to the working copy.
        Raises a ValueError exception if path is
        no valid package working copy.
        Raises a WCInconsistentError if the wc's
        metadata is corrupt.

        Keyword arguments:
        skip_handlers -- list of FileSkipHandler objects
                         (default: [])
        commit_policies -- list of FileCommitPolicy objects
                           (default: None)
        merge_class -- class which is used for a file merge
                       (default: Merge)
        verify_format -- verify working copy format (default: True)
        **kwargs -- see class WorkingCopy for the details

        if verify_format:
        (meta, xml_data, pkg_data) = self.wc_check(path)
        if meta or xml_data or pkg_data:
            raise WCInconsistentError(path, meta, xml_data, pkg_data)
        self.apiurl = wc_read_apiurl(path)
        self.project = wc_read_project(path)
        self.name = wc_read_package(path)
        self.skip_handlers = skip_handlers or []
        self.commit_policies = commit_policies or []
        self.merge_class = merge_class
        with wc_lock(path):
            self._files = wc_read_files(path)
        # call super at the end due to finish_pending_transaction
        super(Package, self).__init__(path, PackageUpdateState,
                                      PackageCommitState, **kwargs)