Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_shape_bias():
    """ test shape bias """
    a = np.array([-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
    o = dsp.shape(a, bias=0.5)
    e = np.array([-0.625, -0.5, -0.375, 0.5, 2.875])
    assert np.allclose(o, e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_downsample():
    """ test downsample """
    a = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10)
    e = np.empty_like(a)
    for i in range(10):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            e[i] = a[i]
            e[i] = a[i - 1]
    dsp.downsample(a, 2)
    assert np.all(a == e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def arb(self, data):
        """ Generate an arbitrary wave cycle. The provided data will be
        interpolated, if possible, to occupy the correct number of samples for
        a single cycle at our reference frequency and then normalized and
        scaled as appropriate.

        @param data seq : A sequence of samples representing a single cycle
            of a wave

        interp_y = data
        num = interp_y.size
        interp_x = np.linspace(0, num, num=num)
        interp_xx = np.linspace(0, num, num=self.num_points)
        interp_yy = np.interp(interp_xx, interp_x, interp_y)

        return interp_yy
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    """ main """

    # create a signal generator
    sig_gen = sig.SigGen()

    # create a wave table to store the waves
    zwt = wavetable.WaveTable(num_waves=16)

    # example 1: generate and save a simple saw wave

    # generate a saw using our signal generator and store it in a new Wave
    # object.
    saw_wave = sig_gen.saw()

    # put the saw wave into our wave table.
    zwt.waves = [saw_wave]
    # as we're only adding one wave to the wave table, only the first slot of
    # the resulting oscillator in zebra will contain the saw. the remaining
    # slots will be empty, because we haven't added anything to those yet.

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_saw')

    # you could fill all 16 slots with the same saw, by repeating it 16 times
    zwt.waves = [saw_wave for _ in range(16)]

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_saw_16')

    # example 2: morphing between two waveforms we can use up all 16 slots in
    # the zebra oscillator, even with fewer than 16 starting waveforms, if we
    # use morph() to morph from one waveform to the other, to fill in the
    # in-between slots.

    # morph from sine to triangle over 16 slots
    zwt.waves = sig.morph((sig_gen.sin(), sig_gen.tri()), 16)

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_sin_tri')

    # of course, we don't have to use all 16 slots. we could use only the first
    # 5, for example.
    # morph from sine to triangle over 5 slots
    zwt.waves = sig.morph((sig_gen.sin(), sig_gen.tri()), 5)

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_sin_tri_5')

    # example 3: morphing between many waveforms
    # it is possible to morph between any number of waveforms, to produce
    # interpolated waves between the given waves.

    # morph between sine, triangle, saw and square over 16 slots
    zwt.waves = sig.morph(
        (sig_gen.sin(), sig_gen.tri(), sig_gen.saw(), sig_gen.sqr()), 16)

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_sin_tri_saw_sqr')

    # example 4: generting arbitrary waves
    # a custom signal can be used as an oscillator.
    # in this example, one slot is filled with random data, but any data,
    # generated or, say, read in from a wav file, can be used.

    # the custom signal generator function automatically normaises and scales
    # any data you throw at it to the right ranges, which is useful.
    zwt.waves = [
        sig_gen.arb(np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=128))
        for _ in range(16)

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_random')

    # example 5: pulse-width modulation
    # SigGen has a pulse wave generator too.
    # let's use that to make a pwm wavetable.

    # pulse widths are between 0 and 1 (0 to 100%).  0 and 1 are silent as the
    # pulse is a flat line.  so, we want to have 16 different, equally spaced
    # pulse widths, increasing in duration, but also avoid any silence:
    pws = (i / 17. for i in range(1, 17))

    # generate the 16 pulse waves
    zwt.waves = [sig_gen.pls(p) for p in pws]

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_pwm')

    # example 6: processing wave forms
    # the dsp module can be used to process waves in various ways

    # let's try downsampling a sine
    downsampled = dsp.downsample(sig_gen.sin(), 16)

    # that downsampled sine from probably sounds pretty edgy
    # let's try that again with some slew this time, to smooth it out a bit
    slewed = dsp.slew(dsp.downsample(sig_gen.sin(), 16), 0.8)

    # generate a triangle wave and quantize (bit crush) it
    quantized = dsp.quantize(sig_gen.tri(), 3)

    # applying inverse slew, or overshoot, to a square wave
    slewed_square = dsp.slew(sig_gen.sqr(), 0.8, inv=True)

    # overshoot might make the wave quieter, so let's normalize it

    # morph between the waves over 16 slots
    zwt.waves = sig.morph((downsampled, slewed, quantized, slewed_square), 16)

    render(zwt, 'osc_gen_dsp')

    # example 7: longer wavetables, more processing and writing a wav file

    # wavetables can have any number of slots, this one has 120 slots
    lwt = wavetable.WaveTable(num_waves=120)

    # similarly, a signal generator can generate any number of samples
    # a waveform coresponding to the frequency of C3 at 44.1 kHz would
    # have approx. 337 samples.
    mc_sig_gen = sig.SigGen()
    mc_sig_gen.num_points = 337

    # create ever-decreasing wave folding distortion over the wavetable
    lwt.waves = [
        dsp.fold(mc_sig_gen.sin(), (lwt.num_waves - i) / 50.)
        for i in range(lwt.num_waves)

    wavfile.write_wavetable(lwt, os.path.join(make_osc_path(), 'folding.wav'))

    # create ever-increasing wave shaping distortion over the wavetable
    lwt.waves = [
        dsp.shape(mc_sig_gen.sin(), power=i + 1) for i in range(lwt.num_waves)

    wavfile.write_wavetable(lwt, os.path.join(make_osc_path(), 'shaping.wav'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_normalize():
    """ test normalize """
    a = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
    e = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    assert np.all(dsp.normalize(a) == e)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_normalize_dc():
    """ test normalize with negative input """
    a = np.array([0.123, 0.123])
    e = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    assert np.all(dsp.normalize(a) == e)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_normalize_neg():
    """ test normalize with negative input """
    a = np.array([-1.0, 0.0])
    assert np.amax(dsp.normalize(a)) == 1.0
    assert np.amin(dsp.normalize(a)) == -1.0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_normalize_zero():
    """ test normalize with amplitude zero """
    a = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    assert np.amax(dsp.normalize(a)) == 0.0