Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    i = 1
    output_format = None
    in_filename = None
    out_filename = None
    ovr_level = None
    while i < len(argv):
        if argv[i] == "-f":
            output_format = argv[i + 1]
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i] == "-ovr":
            ovr_level = int(argv[i + 1])
            i = i + 1
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage()
        elif in_filename is None:
            in_filename = argv[i]
        elif out_filename is None:
            out_filename = argv[i]
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if out_filename is None:
        return Usage()
    if output_format is None:
        output_format = GetOutputDriverFor(out_filename, is_raster=False)

    src_ds = gdal.Open(in_filename)
    out_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(output_format).Create(
        out_filename, 0, 0, 0, gdal.GDT_Unknown)
    first_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    main_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()

    for i in ([ovr_level] if ovr_level is not None else
              range(1 + first_band.GetOverviewCount())):
        src_band = first_band if i == 0 else first_band.GetOverview(i - 1)
        out_lyr = out_ds.CreateLayer('main_image' if i == 0 else
                                     ('overview_%d' % i),
        blockxsize, blockysize = src_band.GetBlockSize()
        nxblocks = (src_band.XSize + blockxsize - 1) // blockxsize
        nyblocks = (src_band.YSize + blockysize - 1) // blockysize
        gt = [
            main_gt[0], main_gt[1] * first_band.XSize / src_band.XSize, 0,
            main_gt[3], 0, main_gt[5] * first_band.YSize / src_band.YSize
        for y in range(nyblocks):
            ymax = gt[3] + y * blockysize * gt[5]
            ymin = ymax + blockysize * gt[5]
            for x in range(nxblocks):
                xmin = gt[0] + x * blockxsize * gt[1]
                xmax = xmin + blockxsize * gt[1]
                f = ogr.Feature(out_lyr.GetLayerDefn())
                wkt = 'POLYGON((%.18g %.18g,%.18g %.18g,%.18g %.18g,%.18g %.18g,%.18g %.18g))' % (
                    xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax, ymin, xmin, ymin)
    out_ds = None
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_src_ds(self):
        'get src dataset, convert to RGB(A) if required'

        self.src_path = self.src
        if os.path.exists(self.src):
            self.src_path = os.path.abspath(self.src)
            #~ pf('')
            ld('self.src_path', self.src_path, self.src)

        # check for source raster type
        src_ds = gdal.Open(self.src_path, GA_ReadOnly)
        self.src_ds = src_ds
        self.description = self.src_ds.GetMetadataItem('DESCRIPTION')

        # source is successfully opened, then create destination dir

        src_geotr = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()
        src_proj = txt2proj4(src_ds.GetProjection())
        gcps = src_ds.GetGCPs()
        if gcps:
            ld('src GCPsToGeoTransform', gdal.GCPsToGeoTransform(gcps))

        if not src_proj and gcps:
            src_proj = txt2proj4(src_ds.GetGCPProjection())

        override_srs = self.options.srs
        if override_srs is not None:
            src_proj = txt2proj4(override_srs)

        ld('src_proj', src_proj, 'src geotr', src_geotr)
        assert src_proj, 'The source does not have a spatial reference system assigned'

        src_bands = src_ds.RasterCount
        band1 = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        if src_bands == 1 and band1.GetColorInterpretation(
        ) == GCI_PaletteIndex:  # source is a paletted raster
            transparency = None
            if self.base_resampling == 'NearestNeighbour' and self.resampling == Image.NEAREST:
                # check if src can be rendered in paletted mode
                color_table = band1.GetColorTable()
                ncolors = color_table.GetCount()
                palette = [
                    color_table.GetColorEntry(i) for i in range(ncolors)
                r, g, b, a = zip(*palette)
                pil_palette = flatten(zip(
                    r, g, b))  # PIL doesn't support RGBA palettes
                if self.options.dst_nodata is not None:
                    transparency = int(self.options.dst_nodata.split(',')[0])
                elif min(a) == 0:
                    transparency = a.index(0)
                elif ncolors < 256:
                    pil_palette += [0, 0, 0
                                    ]  # the last color index is a transparency
                    transparency = len(pil_palette) / 3 - 1

            ld('transparency', transparency)
            if transparency is not None:  # render in paletted mode
                self.transparency = transparency
                self.palette = pil_palette
                ld('self.palette', self.palette)

            else:  # convert src to rgb VRT
                if not src_geotr or src_geotr == (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                    geotr_txt = ''
                    geotr_txt = geotr_templ % src_geotr

                gcplst_txt = ''
                if gcps:
                    gcp_lst = '\n'.join(
                        (gcp_templ %
                         (g.Id, g.GCPPixel, g.GCPLine, g.GCPX, g.GCPY, g.GCPZ)
                         for g in gcps))
                    gcp_proj = txt2proj4(src_ds.GetGCPProjection(
                    )) if override_srs is None else src_proj
                    gcplst_txt = gcplst_templ % (gcp_proj, gcp_lst)

                metadata = src_ds.GetMetadata()
                ld('metadata', metadata)
                if metadata:
                    mtd_lst = [
                        xml_txt('MDI', metadata[mdkey], 4, key=mdkey)
                        for mdkey in metadata
                    meta_txt = meta_templ % '\n'.join(mtd_lst)
                    meta_txt = ''

                xsize, ysize = (src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize)
                blxsize, blysize = band1.GetBlockSize()

                band_lst = ''.join(
                    (band_templ % {
                        'band': band,
                        'color': color,
                        'src': cgi.escape(self.src_path, quote=True),
                        'srcband': 1,
                        'xsize': xsize,
                        'ysize': ysize,
                        'blxsize': blxsize,
                        'blysize': blysize,
                    } for band, color in ((1, 'Red'), (2, 'Green'), (3,

                vrt_txt = vrt_templ % {
                    'xsize': xsize,
                    'ysize': ysize,
                    'metadata': meta_txt,
                    'srs': (srs_templ % src_proj) if src_proj else '',
                    'geotr': geotr_txt,
                    'gcp_list': gcplst_txt,
                    'band_list': band_lst,

                src_vrt = os.path.abspath(
                                 self.base + '.src.vrt'))  # auxilary VRT file
                self.src_path = src_vrt
                with open(src_vrt, 'w') as f:

                self.src_ds = gdal.Open(src_vrt, GA_ReadOnly)
                return  # rgb VRT created
            # finished with a paletted raster

        if override_srs is not None:  # src SRS needs to be relpaced
            src_vrt = os.path.join(self.dest,
                                   self.base + '.src.vrt')  # auxilary VRT file
            self.src_path = src_vrt

            vrt_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT')
            self.src_ds = vrt_drv.CreateCopy(src_vrt,
                                             src_ds)  # replace src dataset

            ld('override_srs', override_srs, 'txt2wkt(override_srs)',
                txt2wkt(override_srs))  # replace source SRS
            gcps = self.src_ds.GetGCPs()
            if gcps:
                self.src_ds.SetGCPs(gcps, txt2wkt(override_srs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dn2ref(out_dir, zip_file):
    # zip所在父目录
    zip_dir = os.path.dirname(zip_file)
    zip_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(zip_file))[0]
    zip_file_name = zip_name
    temp_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(out_dir, zip_name + '_un_zip'))
    if not os.path.isdir(temp_dir):
    zip_value = un_zip(zip_file, temp_dir)
    if zip_value == 0:
    # 增加用于兼容不同网站下载的Sen2数据
    tag = zip_name[0:3]
    if tag == 'L1C':
        zip_name = list(os.walk(temp_dir))[0][1][0][0:-5]
    # 使用Sen2Cor计算地表反射率
    safe_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '%s.SAFE' % zip_name)
    # 定义返回内容的字典
    ext_info = {}
    # 返回影像时间
    date_time_str = zip_name.split('_')[2][0:8]
    if not os.path.isdir(safe_dir):
        sys.exit('No %s.SAFE dir' % zip_name)
    subprocess.call('L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 --refresh %s' % safe_dir)
    # os.system('/home/zhaoshaoshuai/S2/Sen2Cor/bin/L2A_Process --refresh %s' % safe_dir)

    L2_dir_list = list(zip_name.split('_'))
    L2_dir_list[1] = 'MSIL2A'
    L2_dir_name = '_'.join(L2_dir_list)

    L2_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '%s.SAFE' % L2_dir_name)

    L2_data_dir = os.path.join(L2_dir, 'GRANULE')

    xml_files = search_file(L2_data_dir, '.xml')

    for xml_file in xml_files:
        xml_dir = os.path.dirname(xml_file)
        jp2_files = search_file(xml_dir, '.jp2')

        if jp2_files == []:
        xml_name = os.path.basename(xml_dir)

        jp2_10_files = get_10_jp2(jp2_files)
        if jp2_10_files == []:

        jp2_20_files = get_20_jp2(jp2_files)
        if jp2_20_files == []:

        # 近红外波段重采样
        # resam_nir_name_list = list(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(jp2_20_files[0]))[0].split('_'))
        # resam_nir_name_list[2] = 'B08'
        # resam_nir_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(jp2_20_files[0]), '%s.jp2' % '_'.join(resam_nir_name_list))
        # reproj_resample(jp2_10_files[-1], jp2_20_files[0], resam_nir_file)

        # jp2_20_files.insert(-3, jp2_10_files[-1])

        vrt_10_file = os.path.join(safe_dir, '%s_10m.vrt' % xml_name)
        vrt_20_file = os.path.join(safe_dir, '%s_20m.vrt' % xml_name)
        vrt_10_dataset = gdal.BuildVRT(
            vrt_10_file, jp2_10_files, separate=True)
        vrt_20_dataset = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_20_file, jp2_20_files[:-1], resolution='user', xRes=20, yRes=20,
                                       options=['-r', 'bilinear'])
        vrt_10_dataset = None
        vrt_20_dataset = None

        isub_ref_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, zip_file_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(isub_ref_dir):

        out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
        out_10_file = os.path.join(isub_ref_dir, '%s_ref_10m.tif' % xml_name)
        out_20_file = os.path.join(isub_ref_dir, '%s_ref_20m.tif' % xml_name)
        class_file = os.path.join(isub_ref_dir, '%s_SCL_20m.tif' % xml_name)
        # 输出处理后的结果
        print("Start exporting images at 10 meters resolution")
        out_10_sds = out_driver.CreateCopy(
            out_10_file, gdal.Open(vrt_10_file), callback=progress)
        print("Start exporting images at 20 meters resolution")
        out_20_sds = out_driver.CreateCopy(
            out_20_file, gdal.Open(vrt_20_file), callback=progress)
        out_class_sds = out_driver.CreateCopy(
            class_file, gdal.Open(jp2_20_files[-1]), callback=progress)
        # 输出投影信息
        PRJ_str = out_10_sds.GetProjection()
        oSRC = osr.SpatialReference(PRJ_str)
        PRJ = oSRC.GetAttrValue('PROJCS')
        out_10_sds = None
        out_20_sds = None
        out_class_sds = None
        # 返回辅助信息
        ext_info["name"] = zip_name
        ext_info["date_time"] = date_time_str
        ext_info["PRJ"] = PRJ
        ext_info["resolution_m"] = ['10', '20', '20']
        ext_info["resolution_n"] = ['10', '20', '20']
    return ext_info
Ejemplo n.º 4
def zonal_stats(vector_path, raster_path, nodata_value=None, global_src_extent=False):
    rds = gdal.Open(raster_path, GA_ReadOnly)
    rb = rds.GetRasterBand(1)
    rgt = rds.GetGeoTransform()

    if nodata_value:
        nodata_value = float(nodata_value)

    vds = ogr.Open(vector_path, GA_ReadOnly)  # TODO maybe open update if we want to write stats
    vlyr = vds.GetLayer(0)

    # create an in-memory numpy array of the source raster data
    # covering the whole extent of the vector layer
    if global_src_extent:
        # use global source extent
        # useful only when disk IO or raster scanning inefficiencies are your limiting factor
        # advantage: reads raster data in one pass
        # disadvantage: large vector extents may have big memory requirements
        src_offset = bbox_to_pixel_offsets(rgt, vlyr.GetExtent())
        src_array = rb.ReadAsArray(*src_offset)

        # calculate new geotransform of the layer subset
        new_gt = (
            (rgt[0] + (src_offset[0] * rgt[1])),
            (rgt[3] + (src_offset[1] * rgt[5])),

    mem_drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory')
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')

    # Loop through vectors
    stats = []
    feat = vlyr.GetNextFeature()
    while feat is not None:

        if not global_src_extent:
            # use local source extent
            # fastest option when you have fast disks and well indexed raster (ie tiled Geotiff)
            # advantage: each feature uses the smallest raster chunk
            # disadvantage: lots of reads on the source raster
            src_offset = bbox_to_pixel_offsets(rgt, feat.geometry().GetEnvelope())
            src_array = rb.ReadAsArray(*src_offset)

            # calculate new geotransform of the feature subset
            new_gt = (
                (rgt[0] + (src_offset[0] * rgt[1])),
                (rgt[3] + (src_offset[1] * rgt[5])),

        # Create a temporary vector layer in memory
        mem_ds = mem_drv.CreateDataSource('out')
        mem_layer = mem_ds.CreateLayer('poly', None, ogr.wkbPolygon)

        # Rasterize it
        rvds = driver.Create('', src_offset[2], src_offset[3], 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
        gdal.RasterizeLayer(rvds, [1], mem_layer, burn_values=[1])
        rv_array = rvds.ReadAsArray()

        # Mask the source data array with our current feature
        # we take the logical_not to flip 0<->1 to get the correct mask effect
        # we also mask out nodata values explictly
        masked = np.ma.MaskedArray(
                src_array == nodata_value,

        feature_stats = {
            'min': float(masked.min()),
            'mean': float(masked.mean()),
            'max': float(masked.max()),
            'std': float(masked.std()),
            'sum': float(masked.sum()),
            'count': int(masked.count()),
            'fid': int(feat.GetFID())}


        rvds = None
        mem_ds = None
        feat = vlyr.GetNextFeature()

    vds = Noney
    rds = None
    return stats
Ejemplo n.º 5
    # Create dummy shapefile to story features geometry in (necessary for rasterizing)
    drv_mem = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory')
    ds = drv_mem.CreateDataSource("")
    ds_lyr = ds.CreateLayer("", SpatialReferenceFromRaster(dem),
    featureDefn = ds_lyr.GetLayerDefn()
    out_feat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
    out_feat = None
    # CopySHPDisk(ds_lyr, "tryout.shp") #If you wish to check the shp

    # Create the destination data source
    x_res = math.ceil((x_max - x_min) / gt[1])
    y_res = math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / gt[1])
    target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', x_res, y_res,
    target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, gt[1], 0, y_max, 0, gt[5]))

    # Rasterization
        target_ds, [1], ds_lyr, burn_values=[1], options=[
        ])  # ['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE'] command necessary, however does not work yet
    target_array = target_ds.ReadAsArray()
    # target_ds = None

    # Convert data from the DEM to the extent of the envelope of the polygon (to array)
    inv_gt = gdal.InvGeoTransform(gt)
    offsets_ul = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(inv_gt, x_min, y_max)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(params,
    t0 = time.time()
    # Read params. Make variables from each line of the 1-line variables
    inputs, df_vars = read_params(params)
    for var in inputs:
        exec("{0} = str({1})").format(var, inputs[var])
    columns = df_vars.columns
    expected_cols = [
        'var_name', 'data_type', 'data_band', 'search_str', 'basepath',
        'by_tile', 'nodata', 'path_filter'
    #missing_cols =
    print '\nExtracting variable values for samples:\n%s\n' % xy_txt

    if 'out_dir' not in inputs:
        out_dir = os.path.dirname(xy_txt)
    if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
        #raise IOError('Output directory does not exist: %s' % out_dir)
        print 'Output directory does not exist. Creating new directory at', out_dir
    shutil.copy2(params, out_dir)

    if not os.path.exists(mosaic_path):
        raise IOError('mosaic_path does not exist: %s' % mosaic_path)

    if 'years' in locals():
        years = [int(yr) for yr in years.split(',')]
            year_start = int(year_start)
            year_end = int(year_end)
            years = range(year_start, year_end + 1)
        except NameError:
            raise NameError('No list of years or year_start/year_end specified in' +\
            ' param file:\n%s\n. Re-run script with either of these' +\
            ' parameters given.' % params)
    if 'kernel' in inputs:
        if inputs['kernel'].lower() == 'true':
            kernel = True

    # Get the TSA mosaic as an array
    #if (df_vars.by_tsa == 1).any():
    print 'Reading mosaic dataset...%s\n' % time.ctime(time.time())
        mosaic_ds = ogr.Open(mosaic_path)
        if 'resolution' not in inputs:
                'Resolution not specified. Assuming default of 30...\n')
        mosaic = mosaic_ds.GetLayer()
        min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = mosaic.GetExtent()
        xsize = int((max_x - min_x) / resolution)
        ysize = int((max_y - min_y) / resolution)
        prj = mosaic.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('envi')
        x_res = resolution
        y_res = -resolution
        mosaic_tx = min_x, x_res, 0, max_y, 0, y_res

        exc_type, exc_msg, _ = sys.exc_info()

            mosaic_ds = gdal.Open(mosaic_path)
            exc_type_str = str(exc_type).split('.')[-1].replace("'",
                                                                    '>', '')
            msg = ('Could not open mosaic_path as vector : dataset %s.\n%s: %s' +\
                   '\n\nAttempting to open as raster...\n') % (mosaic_path, exc_type_str, exc_msg)

            exc_type, exc_msg, _ = sys.exc_info()
            exc_type_str = str(exc_type).split('.')[-1].replace("'",
                                                                    '>', '')
            msg = 'Could not open mosaic_path as vector or raster: dataset %s.\n%s: %s' % (
                mosaic_path, exc_type_str, exc_msg)
            raise IOError(msg)
        mosaic_tx = mosaic_ds.GetGeoTransform()
        mosaic = mosaic_ds.ReadAsArray()
        #tile_ids = np.unique(df_tile.tile_id) # Assumes there are coords in all TSAs'''

    # Only need to do this once per xy sample set
    # Get the TSA at each xy location and the row and col
    print 'Extracting tile IDs... %s\n' % time.ctime(time.time())
    df_xy = pd.read_csv(xy_txt, sep='\t', index_col='obs_id')
    if np.any(df_vars.by_tile):
        extract_at_xy(df_xy, mosaic, mosaic_tx,
                      tile_id_field)  # Gets val inplace
        df_mosaic = attributes_to_df(mosaic_path)
        df_xy = df_xy[
            ~df_xy.tile_fid.isnull()]  #drop samples that weren't inside a tile
        df_xy['tile_id'] = df_mosaic.ix[df_xy['tile_fid'],
        #tile_id_field = 'tile_id'

    ul_x, x_res, x_rot, ul_y, y_rot, y_res = mosaic_tx
    df_xy['row'] = [int((y - ul_y) / y_res) for y in df_xy.y]
    df_xy['col'] = [int((x - ul_x) / x_res) for x in df_xy.x]
    #df_xy = df_xy[df_xy.tile_id > 0]
    #df_xy[tile_id_field] = 0

    tile_ids = df_xy['tile_id'].unique()
    if 'tile_txt' in inputs:
        df_tile = pd.read_csv(tile_txt, sep='\t', dtype={'tsa_str': object})
        df_tile['tile_str'] = df_tile['tsa_str']
        df_tile = pd.DataFrame({
            'tile_id': tile_ids,
            'tile_str': tile_ids
        })  # id string is to ensure compatibility with TSAs

    # For each year, do extractions
    c = 1  #For keeping count of files processed
    n_years = len(years)

    #n_vars = len(df_vars)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    n_files = (len(df_tile) * len(df_vars[df_vars.by_tile == 1])) * n_years +\
    n_years * (len(df_vars[df_vars.data_band < 0]) + len(df_vars[df_vars.data_band > 0]))
    xy_txt_bn = os.path.basename(xy_txt)
    #out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, xy_txt_bn.split('.')[0])
    #if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir)

    last_file = 1
    for year in years:
        t1 = time.time()
        df_yr = pd.DataFrame()
        for var_name, var_row in df_vars.iterrows():  #var_name is index col
            # Get variables from row
            search_str = var_row.search_str
            basepath = var_row.basepath
            path_filter = var_row.path_filter
            data_type = var_row.data_type
            by_tile = var_row.by_tile
            path_filter = ''
            #data_band   = var_row.data_band
            if np.isnan(var_row.nodata):
                nodata = None
                nodata = int(var_row.nodata)
            if int(var_row.data_band) < 0:
                data_band = year - 1984 + 1
                data_band = int(var_row.data_band)

            df_var, last_file = extract_var(year, var_name, by_tile, data_band,
                                            data_type, df_tile, df_xy,
                                            basepath, search_str, path_filter,
                                            mosaic_tx, last_file, n_files,
                                            nodata, kernel)
            df_yr[df_var.columns] = df_var
            #last_file += this_count

        # Write df_var with all years for this predictor to txt file
        this_bn = '%s_%s_kernelstats.txt' % (xy_txt_bn[:-4], year)
        this_txt = os.path.join(out_dir, this_bn)
        df_yr.to_csv(this_txt, sep='\t')
        df_xy[df_vars.index.tolist()] = df_yr[df_vars.index.tolist()]
        print 'Time for year %s: %.1f minutes\n\n' % (year, (
            (time.time() - t1) / 60))

    mosaic_ds = None

    # Write the dataframe to a text file
    #if out_dir:
    out_cols = [col for col in df_xy.columns if 'file' not in col]
    import pdb

    out_bn = xy_txt_bn.replace('.txt', '_predictors.txt')
    out_txt = os.path.join(out_dir, out_bn)
    #df_out = df_xy.drop(['tile_id', 'row', 'col', 'x', 'y'], axis=1)# May want to keep row/col
    # Remove any rows where anything is null
    null_mask = df_xy.isnull().any(axis=1)
    df_out = df_xy.ix[~null_mask, out_cols]
    df_out.to_csv(out_txt, sep='\t')
             out_cols].to_csv(out_txt.replace('.txt', '_dropped.txt'),
    print 'Dataframe written to:\n', out_txt
    print 'Total extraction time: %.1f minutes' % ((time.time() - t0) / 60)
Ejemplo n.º 7
# %%
# for y in np.arange(ymax,ymax-nrows,-1):
#     # print("yRichtung:",y)
#     # print("ArraypositionY:",arraycount_y)
#     for x in np.arange(xmin,xmin+ncols,1):
#         if vegtathoehe_array[x][y]>=
#         vegsliceverh_array = vegslicecountout_array/vegcountout_array #verhaeltnis von veg im obersten meter zu gesamte vegPunkte

# %%
#OutRaster schreiben:

#Boden Raster
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
dataset = driver.Create("Export/BodenCount_1000.tif", ncols, nrows, 1,
dataset.SetGeoTransform((xmin, 1, 0, ymax, 0, -1))

#Koordinatensystem definieren:
dstSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
dest_wkt = dstSRS.ExportToWkt()


#Raster ausgeben:
bandout = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(bodencountout_array)
Ejemplo n.º 8
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr

# Avoid the regressing from https://github.com/conda-forge/gdal-feedstock/pull/129
# See https://github.com/conda-forge/gdal-feedstock/issues/131
from osgeo.gdal_array import *

drivers = [
    'netCDF', 'HDF4', 'HDF5', 'GTiff', 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'GPKG', 'KEA',
    'JP2OpenJPEG', 'WCS', 'PDF', 'FITS', 'TileDB'
for driver in drivers:
    assert gdal.GetDriverByName(driver)

drivers = ['GML', 'XLS', 'KML', 'SQLite', 'PostgreSQL']
for driver in drivers:
    assert ogr.GetDriverByName(driver)

def has_geos():
    pnt1 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT(10 20)')
    pnt2 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT(30 20)')
    ogrex = ogr.GetUseExceptions()
    hasgeos = pnt1.Union(pnt2) is not None
    if ogrex:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getTimeseries(productcode, subproductcode, version, mapsetcode, wkt,
                  start_date, end_date, aggregate):

    #    Extract timeseries from a list of files and return as JSON object
    #    It applies to a single dataset (prod/sprod/version/mapset) and between 2 dates
    #    Several types of aggregation foreseen:
    #       mean :      Sum(Xi)/N(Xi)        -> min/max not considered          e.g. Rain
    #       cumulate:   Sum(Xi)              -> min/max not considered          e.g. Fire
    #       count:      N(Xi where min < Xi < max)                              e.g. Vegetation anomalies
    #       surface:    count * PixelArea                                       e.g. Water Bodies
    #       percent:    count/Ntot                                              e.g. Vegetation anomalies
    #   History: 1.0 :  Initial release - since 2.0.1 -> now renamed '_green' from greenwich package
    #            1.1 :  Since Feb. 2017, it is based on a different approach (gdal.RasterizeLayer instead of greenwich)
    #                   in order to solve the issue with MULTIPOLYGON

    # Convert the wkt into a geometry
    theGeomWkt = ' '.join(wkt.strip().split())
    geom = Geometry(wkt=str(theGeomWkt), srs=4326)

    # Get Mapset Info
    mapset_info = querydb.get_mapset(mapsetcode=mapsetcode)

    # Prepare for computing conversion to area: the pixel size at Lat=0 is computed
    # The correction to the actual latitude (on AVERAGE value - will be computed below)
    const_d2km = 12364.35
    area_km_equator = abs(mapset_info.pixel_shift_lat) * abs(
        mapset_info.pixel_shift_long) * const_d2km

    # Get Product Info
    product_info = querydb.get_product_out_info(productcode=productcode,
    if product_info.__len__() > 0:
        # Get info from product_info
        scale_factor = 0
        scale_offset = 0
        nodata = 0
        date_format = ''
        for row in product_info:
            scale_factor = row.scale_factor
            scale_offset = row.scale_offset
            nodata = row.nodata
            date_format = row.date_format
            date_type = row.data_type_id

        # Create an output/temp shapefile, for managing the output layer (really mandatory ?? Can be simplified ???)
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=__name__,
            logger.error('Cannot create temporary dir ' +
                         es_constants.base_tmp_dir + '. Exit')
            raise NameError('Error in creating tmpdir')

        out_shape = tmpdir + os.path.sep + "output_shape.shp"
        outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')

        # Create the output shapefile
        outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(out_shape)
        dest_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference()

        outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer("Layer", dest_srs)
        # outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer("Layer")
        idField = ogr.FieldDefn("id", ogr.OFTInteger)

        featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn()
        feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
        feature.SetField("id", 1)
        feature = None

         dates_list] = getFilesList(productcode, subproductcode, version,
                                    mapsetcode, date_format, start_date,

        # Built a dictionary with filenames/dates
        dates_to_files_dict = dict(zip(dates_list, list_files))

        # Generate unique list of files
        unique_list = set(list_files)
        uniqueFilesValues = []

        geo_mask_created = False
        for infile in unique_list:
            single_result = {
                'filename': '',
                'meanvalue_noscaling': nodata,
                'meanvalue': None

            if infile.strip() != '' and os.path.isfile(infile):
                # try:

                # Open input file
                orig_ds = gdal.Open(infile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
                orig_cs = osr.SpatialReference()
                orig_geoT = orig_ds.GetGeoTransform()
                x_origin = orig_geoT[0]
                y_origin = orig_geoT[3]
                pixel_size_x = orig_geoT[1]
                pixel_size_y = -orig_geoT[5]

                in_data_type_gdal = conv_data_type_to_gdal(date_type)

                # Create a mask from the geometry, with the same georef as the input file[s]
                if not geo_mask_created:

                    # Read polygon extent and round to raster resolution
                    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = outLayer.GetExtent()
                    x_min_round = int((x_min - x_origin) /
                                      pixel_size_x) * pixel_size_x + x_origin
                    x_max_round = (int(
                        (x_max - x_origin) /
                        (pixel_size_x)) + 1) * pixel_size_x + x_origin
                    y_min_round = (int(
                        (y_min - y_origin) /
                        (pixel_size_y)) - 1) * pixel_size_y + y_origin
                    y_max_round = int((y_max - y_origin) /
                                      (pixel_size_y)) * pixel_size_y + y_origin
                    #     # Create the destination data source
                    x_res = int(
                        round((x_max_round - x_min_round) / pixel_size_x))
                    y_res = int(
                        round((y_max_round - y_min_round) / pixel_size_y))
                    #     # Create mask in memory
                    mem_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
                    mem_ds = mem_driver.Create('', x_res, y_res, 1,
                    mask_geoT = [
                        x_min_round, pixel_size_x, 0, y_max_round, 0,
                    #     # Create a Layer with '1' for the pixels to be selected
                    gdal.RasterizeLayer(mem_ds, [1], outLayer, burn_values=[1])
                    # gdal.RasterizeLayer(mem_ds, [1], outLayer, None, None, [1])

                    # Read the polygon-mask
                    band = mem_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
                    geo_values = mem_ds.ReadAsArray()

                    # Create a mask from geo_values (mask-out the '0's)
                    geo_mask = ma.make_mask(geo_values == 0)
                    geo_mask_created = True
                    #     # Clean/Close objects
                    mem_ds = None
                    mem_driver = None
                    outDriver = None
                    outLayer = None

                # Read data from input file
                x_offset = int((x_min - x_origin) / pixel_size_x)
                y_offset = int((y_origin - y_max) / pixel_size_y)

                band_in = orig_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
                data = band_in.ReadAsArray(x_offset, y_offset, x_res, y_res)
                #   Catch the Error ES2-105 (polygon not included in Mapset)
                if data is None:
                        'ERROR: polygon extends out of file mapset for file: %s'
                        % infile)
                    return []

                # Create a masked array from the data (considering Nodata)
                masked_data = ma.masked_equal(data, nodata)

                # Apply on top of it the geo mask
                mxnodata = ma.masked_where(geo_mask, masked_data)
                # mxnodata = masked_data  # TEMP !!!!

                # Test ONLY
                # write_ds_to_geotiff(mem_ds, '/data/processing/exchange/Tests/mem_ds.tif')

                if aggregate['aggregation_type'] == 'count' or aggregate[
                        'aggregation_type'] == 'percent' or aggregate[
                            'aggregation_type'] == 'surface':

                    if mxnodata.count() == 0:
                        meanResult = None
                        mxrange = mxnodata
                        min_val = aggregate['aggregation_min']
                        max_val = aggregate['aggregation_max']

                        if min_val is not None:
                            min_val_scaled = (min_val -
                                              scale_offset) / scale_factor
                            mxrange = ma.masked_less(mxnodata, min_val_scaled)

                            # See ES2-271
                            if max_val is not None:
                                # Scale threshold from physical to digital value
                                max_val_scaled = (max_val -
                                                  scale_offset) / scale_factor
                                mxrange = ma.masked_greater(
                                    mxrange, max_val_scaled)

                        elif max_val is not None:
                            # Scale threshold from physical to digital value
                            max_val_scaled = (max_val -
                                              scale_offset) / scale_factor
                            mxrange = ma.masked_greater(
                                mxnodata, max_val_scaled)

                        if aggregate['aggregation_type'] == 'percent':
                            # 'percent'
                            meanResult = float(mxrange.count()) / float(
                                mxnodata.count()) * 100

                        elif aggregate['aggregation_type'] == 'surface':
                            # 'surface'
                            # Estimate 'average' Latitude
                            y_avg = (y_min + y_max) / 2.0
                            pixelAvgArea = area_km_equator * math.cos(
                                y_avg / 180 * math.pi)
                            meanResult = float(mxrange.count()) * pixelAvgArea
                            # 'count'
                            meanResult = float(mxrange.count())

                    # Both results are equal
                    finalvalue = meanResult

                else:  # if aggregate['type'] == 'mean' or if aggregate['type'] == 'cumulate':
                    if mxnodata.count() == 0:
                        finalvalue = None
                        meanResult = None
                        if aggregate['aggregation_type'] == 'mean':
                            # 'mean'
                            meanResult = mxnodata.mean()
                            # 'cumulate'
                            meanResult = mxnodata.sum()

                        finalvalue = (meanResult * scale_factor + scale_offset)

                # Assign results
                single_result['filename'] = infile
                single_result['meanvalue_noscaling'] = meanResult
                single_result['meanvalue'] = finalvalue

                logger.debug('ERROR: raster file does not exist - %s' % infile)


        # Define a dictionary to associate filenames/values
        files_to_values_dict = dict(
            (x['filename'], x['meanvalue']) for x in uniqueFilesValues)

        # Prepare array for result
        resultDatesValues = []

        # Returns a list of 'filenames', 'dates', 'values'
        for mydate in dates_list:

            my_result = {'date': datetime.date.today(), 'meanvalue': nodata}

            # Assign the date
            my_result['date'] = mydate
            # Assign the filename
            my_filename = dates_to_files_dict[mydate]

            # Map from array of Values
            my_result['meanvalue'] = files_to_values_dict[my_filename]

            # Map from array of dates

            logger.debug('ERROR: Error in deleting tmpdir. Exit')

        # Return result
        return resultDatesValues
            'ERROR: product not registered in the products table! - %s %s %s' %
            (productcode, subproductcode, version))
        return []