Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(argv=None):

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = True
    bShowRAT = True
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True

    #/* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    #/* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    #/* for the --format or --formats options */
    #for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage()
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
            return Usage()

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage()

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if hDataset is None:

        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

        return 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report general info.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
            hDriver.ShortName, \
            hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
        if bShowFileList:
            for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Report projection.                                              */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

            print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[0], \
                    adfGeoTransform[1], \
                    adfGeoTransform[2], \
                    adfGeoTransform[3], \
                    adfGeoTransform[4], \
                    adfGeoTransform[5] ))

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                        pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                    "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                    i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                    gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                    gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report metadata.                                                */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

    if bShowMetadata:
        for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
            if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        print("Image Structure Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
    if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        print("RPC Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report corners.                                                 */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    print("Corner Coordinates:")
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                          0.0, 0.0 )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                          0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    #/* ==================================================================== */
    #/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
    #/* ==================================================================== */
    for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

        hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

        #if( bSample )
        #    float afSample[10000];
        #    int   nCount;
        #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
        #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );

        (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
        print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

        if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
            and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
            print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

        dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
        dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
        if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

            line = "  "
            if dfMin is not None:
                line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
            if dfMax is not None:
                line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

            if bComputeMinMax:
                adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                    line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                            adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))


        stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
        # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
        # stddev is negative
        if stats[3] >= 0.0:
            print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                    stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

        if bReportHistograms:

            hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
            if hist is not None:
                dfMin = hist[0]
                dfMax = hist[1]
                nBucketCount = hist[2]
                panHistogram = hist[3]

                print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                        nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                line = '  '
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


        if bComputeChecksum:
            print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

        dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
        if dfNoData is not None:
            if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                print("  NoData Value=nan")
                print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

        if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

            line = "  Overviews: "
            for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line = line + ", "

                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                if hOverview is not None:

                    line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                   (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                    pszResampling = \
                        hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                    if pszResampling is not None \
                       and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                       and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                        line = line + "*"

                    line = line + "(null)"


            if bComputeChecksum:

                line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
            print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

        nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
        if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

            hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

            line = "  Mask Flags: "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                line = line + "PER_DATASET "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                line = line + "ALPHA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                line = line + "NODATA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                line = line + "ALL_VALID "

            if hMaskBand is not None and \
                hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
            print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

        papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
        if papszCategories is not None:

            print("  Categories:")
            i = 0
            for category in papszCategories:
                print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                i = i + 1

        if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
            print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
        if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
            and hTable is not None:

            print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                    gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                    hTable.GetCount() ))

            if bShowColorTable:

                for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                    sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                    print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                            i, \
                            sEntry[3] ))

        if bShowRAT:
            #hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

            #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_bands_by_raster(self, band_count: int, raster_ds) -> list:
        :param band_count:
        :param raster_ds:
        band_list = []
        for i_band in range(band_count):
            band = raster_ds.GetRasterBand(i_band + 1)
            json_band = CJson()
            (x_block_size, y_block_size) = band.GetBlockSize()
            block = CJson()
            block.set_value_of_name('width', x_block_size)
            block.set_value_of_name('height', y_block_size)
            json_band.set_value_of_name('block', block.json_obj)

            band_type = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType)
            json_band.set_value_of_name('type', band_type)
            color_interp = gdal.GetColorInterpretationName(band.GetRasterColorInterpretation())
            json_band.set_value_of_name('color_interp', color_interp)
            description = band.GetDescription()
            if description is not None and len(description) > 0:
                json_band.set_value_of_name('description', description)

            b_min = band.GetMinimum()
            b_max = band.GetMaximum()
            if b_max is not None or b_min is not None:
                (b_min, b_max) = band.ComputeRasterMinMax(True)
                json_band.set_value_of_name('min', b_min)
                json_band.set_value_of_name('max', b_max)

            no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
            if no_data is not None:
                if math.isnan(no_data):
                    json_band.set_value_of_name('has_no_data_value', False)
                    json_band.set_value_of_name('has_no_data_value', True)
                    json_band.set_value_of_name('no_data_value', no_data)

            overviews = band.GetOverviewCount()
            if overviews > 0:
                band_overviews = []
                for i_overview in range(overviews):
                    overview = band.GetOverview(i_overview)
                    if overview is not None:
                        json_overview = CJson()
                        json_overview_size = CJson()
                        json_overview_size.set_value_of_name('width', overview.XSize)
                        json_overview_size.set_value_of_name('height', overview.YSize)
                        json_overview.set_value_of_name('size', json_overview_size.json_obj)
                        resampling = overview.GetMetadataItem('RESAMPLING')
                        if resampling is not None and resampling == 'AVERAGE_BIT2':
                            json_overview.set_value_of_name('resampling', '*')
                json_band.set_value_of_name('overviews', band_overviews)

            if band.HasArbitraryOverviews():
                json_band.set_value_of_name('has_arbitrary_overview', True)

            json_mask = CJson()
            json_mask.set_value_of_name('valid', True)
            mask_flags = band.GetMaskFlags()
            if mask_flags:
                mask_band = band.GetMaskBand()
                if mask_band is not None and mask_band.GetOverviewCount() > 0:
                    mask_overviews = []
                    for i_overview in range(mask_band.GetOverviewCount()):
                        mask_overview = mask_band.GetOverview(i_overview)
                        if mask_overview is not None:
                            json_mask_overview_size = CJson()
                            json_mask_overview_size.set_value_of_name('width', mask_overview.XSize)
                            json_mask_overview_size.set_value_of_name('height', mask_overview.YSize)
                    json_mask.set_value_of_name('overviews', mask_overviews)
            json_band.set_value_of_name('mask', json_mask.json_obj)

            unit = band.GetUnitType()
            if len(unit) > 0:
                band_unit = CJson()
                band_unit.set_value_of_name('type', unit)
                json_band.set_value_of_name('unit', band_unit.json_obj)

            category = band.GetRasterCategoryNames()
            if category is not None:
                categories = []
                for i in category:
                    if category[i] is not None:
                        value = category[i]
                json_band.set_value_of_name('categories', categories)

            scale = band.GetScale()
            offset = band.GetOffset()
            if scale != 1.0 or offset != 0:
                json_band.set_value_of_name('scale', scale)
                json_band.set_value_of_name('offset', offset)

            band_metadata = band.GetMetadata()
            if band_metadata is not None:
                metadata = []
                for i in band_metadata:
                    value = band_metadata[i]
                json_band.set_value_of_name('metadata', metadata)

            band_image_metadata = band.GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE')
            if band_image_metadata is not None:
                image_metadata = []
                for i in band_image_metadata:
                    value = band_image_metadata[i]
                json_band.set_value_of_name('image_structure_metadata', image_metadata)

            color_table = band.GetRasterColorTable()
            if color_interp == 'Palette' and color_table is not None:
                json_color_table = CJson()
                palette_interpretation = gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName(color_table.GetPaletteInterpretation())
                entry_count = color_table.GetCount()
                json_color_table.set_value_of_name('palette_interpretation_name', palette_interpretation)
                json_color_table.set_value_of_name('entry_count', entry_count)
                color_entry = []
                for i in range(entry_count):
                    entry = color_table.GetColorEntry(i)
                    # entry_RGB = color_table.GetColorEntryAsRGB(i, entry)      有必要吗?这句可以删掉?
                    json_color_entry = CJson()
                    json_color_entry.set_value_of_name('color1', entry[0])
                    json_color_entry.set_value_of_name('color2', entry[1])
                    json_color_entry.set_value_of_name('color3', entry[2])
                    json_color_entry.set_value_of_name('color4', entry[3])
                json_color_table.set_value_of_name('entrys', color_entry)
                json_band.set_value_of_name('color_table', json_color_table.json_obj)

            band = None
        return band_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(argv=None):

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bSample = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = False
    bShowRAT = False
    debug = False
    attach = False
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True
    dst_cub = None
    dst_lbl = None
    dst_hst = None
    bands = 1
    centLat = 0
    centLon = 0
    centerLon = False
    TMscale = 1.0
    UpperLeftCornerX = 0
    UpperLeftCornerY = 0
    falseEast = 0
    falseNorth = 0
    bMakeImage = True
    force360 = False
    base = None
    multiplier = None

    #/* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    #/* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    #/* for the --format or --formats options */
    #for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)

    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-debug"):
            debug = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-attach"):
            attach = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-force360"):
            force360 = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-centerLon"):
            i = i + 1
            centerLon = float(argv[i])
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample"):
            bSample = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noimage"):
            bMakeImage = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-base"):
            i = i + 1
            base = float(argv[i])
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-multiplier"):
            i = i + 1
            multiplier = float(argv[i])
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage(argv[0])
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
        elif dst_cub is None:
            dst_cub = argv[i]
            return Usage(argv[0])

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])
    if dst_cub is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    if hDataset is None:
        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

    # Open the output file.
    if dst_cub is not None:
        dst_lbl = dst_cub.replace("CUB", "LBL")
        dst_lbl = dst_lbl.replace("cub", "lbl")
        dst_hst = dst_cub.replace("CUB", "History.IsisCube")
        dst_hst = dst_hst.replace("cub", "History.IsisCube")
        dst_hdr = dst_cub.replace("CUB", "hdr")
        dst_hdr = dst_hdr.replace("cub", "hdr")
        dst_aux = dst_cub.replace("CUB", "cub.aux.xml")
        dst_aux = dst_aux.replace("cub", "cub.aux.xml")
        if attach:
            attach_cub = dst_cub
            dst_cub = "XXX" + dst_cub
            dst_lbl = "XXX" + dst_lbl
            dst_hst = "XXX" + dst_hst
            dst_hdr = "XXX" + dst_hdr
            dst_aux = "XXX" + dst_aux
        if (EQUAL(dst_lbl, dst_cub)):
                'Extension must be .CUB or .cub - unable to run using filename: %s'
                % pszFilename)
            f = open(dst_lbl, 'wt')
            f_hst = open(dst_hst, 'wt')

#    else:
#        f = sys.stdout
#        dst_cub = "out.cub"

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report general info.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    if debug:
        print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
                hDriver.ShortName, \
                hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        if debug:
            print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
            if bShowFileList:
                for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                    print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    if debug:
        print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report projection.                                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            #print( "Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt )
            mapProjection = "None"
            #Extract projection information
            target = hSRS.GetAttrValue("DATUM", 0)
            target = target.replace("D_", "").replace("_2000",
                                                      "").replace("GCS_", "")

            semiMajor = hSRS.GetSemiMajor()
            semiMinor = hSRS.GetSemiMinor()
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
                mapProjection = "SimpleCylindrical"
                centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "PROJCS"):
                mapProjection = hSRS.GetAttrValue("PROJECTION", 0)

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Sinusoidal"):
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Equirectangular"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Transverse_Mercator"):
                    mapProjection = "TransverseMercator"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    TMscale = hSRS.GetProjParm('scale_factor')
                    #Need to research when TM actually applies false values
                    falseEast = hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting')
                    falseNorth = hSRS.GetProjParm('false_northing')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Orthographic"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Mercator_1SP"):
                    mapProjection = "Mercator"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Mercator"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Polar_Stereographic"):
                    mapProjection = "PolarStereographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_South_Pole"):
                    mapProjection = "PolarStereographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_North_Pole"):
                    mapProjection = "PolarStereographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Warning - Currently we can't parse this type of projection")
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)
            target = "n/a"
        print("Warning - No Coordinate System defined:\n")
        target = "n/a"

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:
        UpperLeftCornerX = adfGeoTransform[0] - falseEast
        UpperLeftCornerY = adfGeoTransform[3] - falseNorth

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            if debug:
                print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

                print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            if debug:
                print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], \
                        adfGeoTransform[2], \
                        adfGeoTransform[3], \
                        adfGeoTransform[4], \
                        adfGeoTransform[5] ))

        #Using a very simple method to calculate cellsize.
        #Warning: might not always be good.
        if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
            #convert degrees/pixel to m/pixel
            mapres = 1 / adfGeoTransform[1]
            mres = adfGeoTransform[1] * (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
            #convert m/pixel to pixel/degree
            mapres = 1 / (adfGeoTransform[1] / (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0))
            mres = adfGeoTransform[1]

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                if debug:
                    print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                if debug:
                    print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                            pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:
            if debug:
                print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                        "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                        i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                        gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                        gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report metadata.                                                */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
                papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
                if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                    print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                    for metadata in papszMetadata:
                        print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
        if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("RPC Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report corners.                                                 */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        print("Corner Coordinates:")
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                              0.0, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                              0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    #Get bounds
    ulx = GDALGetLon(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    uly = GDALGetLat(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    lrx = GDALGetLon( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    lry = GDALGetLat( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )

    if (centerLon):
        centLon = centerLon

    #Calculate Simple Cylindrical X,Y in meters from bounds if not projected.
    #Needs testing.
    if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
        #note that: mres = adfGeoTransform[1] * (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
        UpperLeftCornerX = semiMajor * (ulx - centLon) * math.pi / 180.0
        UpperLeftCornerY = semiMajor * uly * math.pi / 180.0

#/* ==================================================================== */
#/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
#/* ==================================================================== */
    if debug:
        bands = hDataset.RasterCount
        for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

            hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

            #if( bSample )
            #    float afSample[10000];
            #    int   nCount;
            #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
            #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );

            (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
            print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                            gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                            gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

            if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                    and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
                print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

            dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
            dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
            if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:
                line = "  "
                if dfMin is not None:
                    line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
                if dfMax is not None:
                    line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

                if bComputeMinMax:
                    adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                    if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                        line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                                        adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))

            stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
            # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
            # stddev is negative
            if stats[3] >= 0.0:
                print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

            if bReportHistograms:

                hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
                if hist is not None:
                    dfMin = hist[0]
                    dfMax = hist[1]
                    nBucketCount = hist[2]
                    panHistogram = hist[3]

                    print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                    line = '  '
                    for bucket in panHistogram:
                        line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


            if bComputeChecksum:
                print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

            dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
            if dfNoData is not None:
                if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                    print("  NoData Value=nan")
                    print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

            if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:

                        line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                       (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                        pszResampling = \
                                hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                        if pszResampling is not None \
                           and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                           and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                            line = line + "*"

                        line = line + "(null)"


                if bComputeChecksum:

                    line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                    for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
                print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

            nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
            if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

                hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

                line = "  Mask Flags: "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                    line = line + "PER_DATASET "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALPHA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                    line = line + "NODATA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALL_VALID "

                if hMaskBand is not None and \
                        hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                    line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                    for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
                print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

            papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
            if papszCategories is not None:

                print("  Categories:")
                i = 0
                for category in papszCategories:
                    print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                    i = i + 1

            if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
                print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
            if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                    and hTable is not None:

                print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                                gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                                hTable.GetCount() ))

                if bShowColorTable:

                    for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                        sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                        print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                                        i, \
                                        sEntry[3] ))

            if bShowRAT:
                hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

        #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

#/*                           WriteISISlabel()                              */
#def WriteISISLabel(outFile, DataSetID, pszFilename, sampleBits, lines, samples):
#Currently just procedural programming. Gets the job done...
    instrList = pszFilename.split("_")
    hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    #get the datatype
    print gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType)
    if EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Float32"):
        sample_bits = 32
        sample_type = "Real"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111111111111111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Float64"):
        sample_bits = 32
        sample_type = "Real"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111111111111111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "INT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "SignedWord"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "UINT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "UsignedWord"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Byte"):
        sample_bits = 8
        sample_type = "UnsignedByte"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111#"
            "  %s: Not supported pixel type. Please convert to 8, 16 Int, or 32 Float"
            % gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType))

    f.write('Object = IsisCube\n')
    f.write('  Object = Core\n')
    f.write('    StartByte = 1\n')
    #f.write('/* The source image data definition. */\n')
    f.write('    ^Core     = %s\n' % (dst_cub))
    f.write('    Format    = BandSequential\n')
    f.write('    Group = Dimensions\n')
    f.write('      Samples = %d\n' % (hDataset.RasterXSize))
    f.write('      Lines   = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterYSize)
    f.write('      Bands   = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterCount)
    f.write('    End_Group\n')
    f.write('    Group = Pixels\n')
    f.write('      Type       = %s\n' % (sample_type))
    f.write('      ByteOrder  = Lsb\n')
    if base is None:
        f.write('      Base       = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetOffset()))
        if EQUAL(sample_type, "REAL"):
            if (hBand.GetOffset() <> 0):
                    "Warning: a none 0 'base' was set but input is 32bit Float. ISIS will not use this value when type is REAL. Please use 'fx' to apply this base value: %.10g"
                    % (hBand.GetOffset()))
        f.write('      Base       = %.10g\n' % base)
        if EQUAL(sample_type, "REAL"):
                "Warning: '-base' was set but input is 32bit Float. ISIS will not use this value when type is REAL. Please use 'fx' to apply this base value."
    if multiplier is None:
        f.write('      Multiplier = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetScale()))
        if EQUAL(sample_type, "REAL"):
            if (hBand.GetScale() <> 1):
                    "Warning: a none 1 'multiplier' was set but input is 32bit Float. ISIS will not use this value when type is REAL. Please use 'fx' to apply this multiplier value: %.10g"
                    % (hBand.GetScale()))
        f.write('      Multiplier = %.10g\n' % multiplier)
        if EQUAL(sample_type, "REAL"):
                "Warning: '-multiplier' was set but input is 32bit Float. ISIS will not use this value when type is REAL. Please use 'fx' to apply this multiplier value."
    f.write('    End_Group\n')
    f.write('  End_Object\n')
    f.write('  Group = Archive\n')
    f.write('    DataSetId               = %s\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
    f.write('    ProducerInstitutionName = \"Astrogeology Science Center\"\n')
    f.write('    ProducerId              = Astrogeology\n')
    f.write('    ProducerFullName        = USGS\n')
    if "_v" in pszFilename:
        f.write('    ProductId               = %s\n' %
        f.write('    ProductId               = n/a\n')
    f.write('    ProductVersionId        = n/a\n')
    f.write('    InstrumentHostName      = n/a\n')
    f.write('    InstrumentName          = n/a\n')
    f.write('    InstrumentId            = n/a\n')
    f.write('    TargetName              = %s\n' % target)
    f.write('    MissionPhaseName        = n/a\n')
    f.write('  End_Group\n')
    if target <> "n/a":
        f.write('  Group = Mapping\n')
        f.write('    ProjectionName          = %s\n' % mapProjection)
        if ((centLon < 0) and force360):
            centLon = centLon + 360
        f.write('    CenterLongitude         = %.5f\n' % centLon)
        f.write('    CenterLatitude          = %.5f\n' % centLat)
        if EQUAL(mapProjection, "TransverseMercator"):
            f.write('    ScaleFactor             = %6.5f\n' % TMscale)
        f.write('    TargetName              = %s\n' % target)
        f.write('    EquatorialRadius        = %.1f <meters>\n' % semiMajor)
        f.write('    PolarRadius             = %.1f <meters>\n' % semiMinor)
        if EQUAL(mapProjection, "TransverseMercator"):
            f.write('    LatitudeType            = Planetographic\n')
            f.write('    LatitudeType            = Planetocentric\n')
        f.write('    LongitudeDirection      = PositiveEast\n')
        if (force360 or (lrx > 180)):
            f.write('    LongitudeDomain         = 360\n')
            f.write('    LongitudeDomain         = 180\n')
        f.write('    PixelResolution         = %.8f <meters/pixel>\n' % mres)
        f.write('    Scale                   = %.4f <pixel/degree>\n' % mapres)
        if lry < uly:
            f.write('    MinimumLatitude         = %.8f\n' % lry)
            f.write('    MaximumLatitude         = %.8f\n' % uly)
            f.write('    MinimumLatitude         = %.8f\n' % uly)
            f.write('    MaximumLatitude         = %.8f\n' % lry)

        #push into 360 domain (for Astropedia)
        if (force360):
            if (ulx < 0):
                ulx = ulx + 360
            if (lrx < 0):
                lrx = lrx + 360
        if lrx < ulx:
            f.write('    MinimumLongitude        = %.8f\n' % lrx)
            f.write('    MaximumLongitude        = %.8f\n' % ulx)
            f.write('    MinimumLongitude        = %.8f\n' % ulx)
            f.write('    MaximumLongitude        = %.8f\n' % lrx)
        f.write('    UpperLeftCornerX        = %.6f <meters>\n' %
        f.write('    UpperLeftCornerY        = %.6f <meters>\n' %
        f.write('  End_Group\n')
    f.write('Object = Label\n')
    #NOT correct
    f.write('  Bytes = 256\n')
    f.write('Object = History\n')
    f.write('  Name           = IsisCube\n')
    f.write('  StartByte      = 1\n')
    #NOT correct
    f.write('  Bytes          = 0\n')
    f.write('  ^History       = %s\n' % dst_hst)

    #remove history until we fix the size. This is causing issues with cathist
    #f_hst.write('Object = Astropedia_gdal2isis.py\n')
    #f_hst.write('  Version           = 0.1\n')
    #f_hst.write('  ProgramVersion    = 2013-06-05\n')
    #f_hst.write('  ExecutionDateTime = %s\n' % str(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))
    #f_hst.write('  Description        = \"Convert GDAL supported image to an ISIS detached label and raw image\"\n')

    #Export out raw image
    #Setup the output dataset
    print(' - ISIS3 label created:   %s' % dst_lbl)
    print(' - ISIS3 history created: %s' % dst_hst)
    if bMakeImage:
        print('Please wait, writing out raw image: %s' % dst_cub)
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI')
        output = driver.CreateCopy(dst_cub, hDataset, 1)
    if attach:
        #print 'sleeping 5 seconds'
        cmd = "/usgs/cdev/contrib/bin/run_cubeatt.sh %s %s" % (dst_lbl,
        #cmd = "cubeatt from=%s to=%s\n" % (dst_lbl, attach_cub)
        print cmd
        #subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _bandReport(hDataset, iBand, verbose, bComputeMinMax, bApproxStats,
                bStats, bReportStemleaf, bComputeChecksum,
                bShowMetadata, bShowRAT):
    hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand )
    (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
    d_type = gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType)
    c_interp = gdal.GetColorInterpretationName(hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation())
    if verbose:
        print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( 
               iBand, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, d_type, c_interp ))
    desc = hBand.GetDescription()
    if desc is not None and len(desc) > 0 and verbose:
        print( "  Description = %s" % desc )

    dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
    dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
    if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

        line =  "  "
        if dfMin is not None:
            line +=  ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
        if dfMax is not None:
            line +=  ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

        if bComputeMinMax:
            adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
              line +=  ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                      adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))

        if verbose: print(line)

    stats = hBand.GetStatistics( bApproxStats, bStats)
    # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
    # stddev is negative
    if stats[3] >= 0.0 and verbose:
        print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

    if bReportStemleaf:

        hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True, callback=gdal.TermProgress)
        if hist is not None and verbose:
            dfMin = hist[0]
            dfMax = hist[1]
            nBucketCount = hist[2]
            panHistogram = hist[3]


#            print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
#                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
#            line = '  '
#            for bucket in panHistogram:
#                line +=  ("%d " % bucket)
#            if verbose: print(line)

    checksum = hBand.Checksum()
    if bComputeChecksum and verbose:
        print( "  Checksum=%d" % checksum)
    dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
    if dfNoData is not None and verbose:
        if dfNoData != dfNoData:
            print( "  NoData Value=nan" )
            print( "  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData )

    if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

        line = "  Overviews: "
        for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

            if iOverview != 0 :
                line +=   ", "

            hOverview = hBand.GetOverview( iOverview );
            if hOverview is not None:

                line +=  ( "%dx%d" % (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                pszResampling = \
                    hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                if pszResampling is not None \
                   and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                   and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                    line +=  "*"

                line +=  "(null)"

        if verbose: print(line)

        if bComputeChecksum:

            line = "  Overviews checksum: "
            for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line +=   ", "

                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview( iOverview );
                if hOverview is not None:
                    line +=  ( "%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                    line +=  "(null)"
            if verbose: print(line)

    if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews() and verbose:
        print( "  Overviews: arbitrary" )

    nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
    if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA|gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

        hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

        line = "  Mask Flags: "
        if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
            line +=  "PER_DATASET "
        if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
            line +=  "ALPHA "
        if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
            line +=  "NODATA "
        if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
            line +=  "ALL_VALID "
        if verbose: print(line)

        if hMaskBand is not None and \
            hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

            line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
            for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line +=   ", "

                hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview( iOverview );
                if hOverview is not None:
                    line +=  ( "%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                    line +=  "(null)"
    unitType = hBand.GetUnitType()
    if len(unitType) > 0 and verbose:
        print( "  Unit Type: %s" % unitType)

    papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
    if papszCategories is not None and verbose:
        print( "  Categories:" );
        i = 0
        for category in papszCategories:
            print( "    %3d: %s" % (i, category) )
            i += 1

    if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0 and verbose:
        print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                    ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0 and verbose:
        print( "  Metadata:" )
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print( "    %s" % metadata )

    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0 and verbose:
        print( "  Image Structure Metadata:" )
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print( "    %s" % metadata )

    hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
    if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
        and hTable is not None and verbose:

        print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                    hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                hTable.GetCount() ))

        if bShowColorTable:

            for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                        i, \
                        sEntry[3] ))
    if bShowRAT:
        hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

    return { 'BandNum': iBand,
             'BlockSize': (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize),
             'Type': d_type,
             'ColorInterp': c_interp,
             'Minimum': dfMin,
             'Maximum': dfMax,
             'Description': desc,
             'CheckSum': checksum,
             'NoDataValue': dfNoData,
             'MaskFlags': nMaskFlags,
             'UnitType': unitType,
             'Categories:': papszCategories,
             'Metadata': hBand.GetMetadata_Dict(),
             'ColorTable': hTable,
             'RAT': hBand.GetDefaultRAT()}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv=None):

    print('Now in main!')

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bSample = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = False
    bShowRAT = False
    debug = False
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True
    dst_img = None
    dst_lbl = None
    bands = 1

    #/* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    #/* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    #/* for the --format or --formats options */
    #for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)

    if argv is None:
        return 1

    nArgc = len(argv)

    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-debug"):
            debug = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample"):
            bSample = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage(argv[0])
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
        elif dst_img is None:
            dst_img = argv[i]
            return Usage(argv[0])

        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])
    if dst_img is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    if hDataset is None:
        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

    # Open the output file.
    if dst_img is not None:
        dst_lbl = dst_img.replace("IMG", "LBL")
        dst_lbl = dst_lbl.replace("img", "lbl")
        if (EQUAL(dst_lbl, dst_img)):
                'Extension must be .IMG or .img - unable to run using filename: %s'
                % pszFilename)
            f = open(dst_lbl, 'wt')
#    else:
#        f = sys.stdout
#        dst_img = "out.img"

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report general info.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    if debug:
        print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
                hDriver.ShortName, \
                hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        if debug:
            print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
            if bShowFileList:
                for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                    print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    if debug:
        print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report projection.                                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            #print( "Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt )
            mapProjection = "None"
            #Extract projection information
            target = hSRS.GetAttrValue("DATUM",
                                                  "").replace("_2000", "")
            semiMajor = hSRS.GetSemiMajor() / 1000.0
            semiMinor = hSRS.GetSemiMinor() / 1000.0
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
                mapProjection = "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"
                centLat = 0
                centLon = 0
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "PROJCS"):
                mapProjection = hSRS.GetAttrValue("PROJECTION", 0)

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Equirectangular"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Polar_Stereographic"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_South_Pole"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_North_Pole"):
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Warning - Can't parse this type of projection\n")
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)
        print("Warning - No Coordinate System defined:\n")

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            if debug:
                print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

                print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            if debug:
                print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], \
                        adfGeoTransform[2], \
                        adfGeoTransform[3], \
                        adfGeoTransform[4], \
                        adfGeoTransform[5] ))

        if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
            #convert degrees/pixel to km/pixel
            mapres = 1 / adfGeoTransform[1]
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] * (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
            #convert m/pixel to pixel/degree
            mapres = 1 / (adfGeoTransform[1] /
                          (semiMajor * 1000.0 * math.pi / 180.0))
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] / 1000.0

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                if debug:
                    print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                if debug:
                    print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                            pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            if debug:
                print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                        "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                        i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                        gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                        gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report metadata.                                                */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
                papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
                if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                    print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                    for metadata in papszMetadata:
                        print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
        if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("RPC Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report corners.                                                 */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        print("Corner Coordinates:")
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                              0.0, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                              0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    #Get bounds
    ulx = GDALGetLon(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    uly = GDALGetLat(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    lrx = GDALGetLon( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    lry = GDALGetLat( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )

    #/* ==================================================================== */
    #/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
    #/* ==================================================================== */
    if debug:
        bands = hDataset.RasterCount
        for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

            hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

            #if( bSample )
            #    float afSample[10000];
            #    int   nCount;
            #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
            #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );

            (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
            print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                            gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                            gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

            if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                    and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
                print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

            dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
            dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
            if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

                line = "  "
                if dfMin is not None:
                    line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
                if dfMax is not None:
                    line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

                if bComputeMinMax:
                    adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                    if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                        line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                                        adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))


            stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
            # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
            # stddev is negative
            if stats[3] >= 0.0:
                print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

            if bReportHistograms:

                hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
                if hist is not None:
                    dfMin = hist[0]
                    dfMax = hist[1]
                    nBucketCount = hist[2]
                    panHistogram = hist[3]

                    print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                    line = '  '
                    for bucket in panHistogram:
                        line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


            if bComputeChecksum:
                print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

            dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
            if dfNoData is not None:
                if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                    print("  NoData Value=nan")
                    print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

            if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:

                        line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                       (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                        pszResampling = \
                                hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                        if pszResampling is not None \
                           and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                           and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                            line = line + "*"

                        line = line + "(null)"


                if bComputeChecksum:

                    line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                    for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
                print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

            nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
            if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

                hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

                line = "  Mask Flags: "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                    line = line + "PER_DATASET "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALPHA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                    line = line + "NODATA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALL_VALID "

                if hMaskBand is not None and \
                        hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                    line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                    for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
                print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

            papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
            if papszCategories is not None:

                print("  Categories:")
                i = 0
                for category in papszCategories:
                    print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                    i = i + 1

            if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
                print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
            if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                    and hTable is not None:

                print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                                gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                                hTable.GetCount() ))

                if bShowColorTable:

                    for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                        sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                        print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                                        i, \
                                        sEntry[3] ))

            if bShowRAT:
                hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

        #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

#/*                           WritePDSlabel()                            */
#def WritePDSlabel(outFile, DataSetID, pszFilename, sampleBits, lines, samples):
    instrList = pszFilename.split("_")
    hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    #get the datatype
    if EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Float32"):
        sample_bits = 32
        sample_type = "PC_REAL"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111111111111111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "INT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "LSB_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "UINT16"):
        sample_bits = 16
        sample_type = "UNSIGNED_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#1111111111111111#"
    elif EQUAL(gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), "Byte"):
        sample_bits = 8
        sample_type = "UNSIGNED_INTEGER"
        sample_mask = "2#11111111#"
        print("  %s: Not supported pixel type" %

    f.write('PDS_VERSION_ID            = PDS3\n')
    f.write('/* The source image data definition. */\n')
    f.write('FILE_NAME      = \"%s\"\n' % (dst_img))
    f.write('RECORD_TYPE   = FIXED_LENGTH\n')
    f.write('RECORD_BYTES  = %d\n' % (hDataset.RasterYSize))
    f.write('FILE_RECORDS  = %d\n' %
            ((hDataset.RasterXSize * sample_bits / 8)))
    #f.write('LABEL_RECORDS = 1\n')
    f.write('^IMAGE        = \"%s\"\n' % (dst_img))
    f.write('/* Identification Information  */\n')
    f.write('DATA_SET_ID               = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
    f.write('DATA_SET_NAME             = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
        'PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCER_ID               = "LMMP_TEAM"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCER_FULL_NAME        = "LMMP TEAM"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCT_ID                = "%s"\n' % pszFilename.split(".")[0])
    if "_v" in pszFilename:
        f.write('PRODUCT_VERSION_ID        = "%s.0"\n' %
        f.write('PRODUCT_VERSION_ID        = "%s"\n' % "V1.0")
    f.write('PRODUCT_TYPE              = "RDR"\n')
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME      = "%s"\n' % instrList[0])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID        = "%s"\n' % instrList[0])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_NAME           = "%s"\n' % instrList[1])
    f.write('INSTRUMENT_ID             = "%s"\n' % instrList[1])
    f.write('TARGET_NAME               = MOON\n')
    f.write('MISSION_PHASE_NAME        = "POST MISSION"\n')
        'RATIONALE_DESC            = "Created at the request of NASA\'s Exploration\n'
        '                            Systems Mission Directorate to support future\n'
    f.write('                            human exploration"\n')
        'SOFTWARE_NAME             = "ISIS 3.2.1 | SOCET SET v5.5 (r) BAE Systems\n'
    f.write('                            | GDAL 1.8"\n')
    f.write('/* Time Parameters */\n')
    f.write('START_TIME                   = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('STOP_TIME                    = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT  = "N/A"\n')
    f.write('PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = %s\n' %
            strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))  #2011-03-11T22:13:40
    f.write('    ^DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION     = "DSMAP.CAT"\n')
    f.write('    MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE          = \"%s\"\n' % mapProjection)
    f.write('    A_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMajor)
    f.write('    B_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMajor)
    f.write('    C_AXIS_RADIUS                = %.1f <KM>\n' % semiMinor)
    f.write('    KEYWORD_LATITUDE_TYPE        = PLANETOCENTRIC\n')
        '    /* NOTE:  CENTER_LATITUDE and CENTER_LONGITUDE describe the location   */\n'
        '    /* of the center of projection, which is not necessarily equal to the  */\n'
        '    /* location of the center point of the image.                          */\n'
    f.write('    CENTER_LATITUDE              = %5.2f <DEG>\n' % centLat)
    f.write('    CENTER_LONGITUDE             = %5.2f <DEG>\n' % centLon)
    f.write('    LINE_FIRST_PIXEL             = 1\n')
    f.write('    LINE_LAST_PIXEL              = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterYSize)
    f.write('    SAMPLE_FIRST_PIXEL           = 1\n')
    f.write('    SAMPLE_LAST_PIXEL            = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterXSize)
    f.write('    MAP_PROJECTION_ROTATION      = 0.0 <DEG>\n')
    f.write('    MAP_RESOLUTION               = %.4f <PIX/DEG>\n' % mapres)
    f.write('    MAP_SCALE                    = %.8f <KM/PIXEL>\n' % kmres)
    f.write('    MINIMUM_LATITUDE             = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % lry)
    f.write('    MAXIMUM_LATITUDE             = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % uly)
    f.write('    WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE        = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % ulx)
    f.write('    EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE        = %.8f <DEGREE>\n' % lrx)
    f.write('    LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET       = %.1f\n' %
            ((ulx / kmres * 1000) - 0.5))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET     = %.1f\n' %
            ((uly / kmres * 1000) + 0.5))
    f.write('OBJECT = IMAGE\n')
    f.write('    NAME                       = \"%s\"\n' % (pszFilename))
        '    DESCRIPTION                = "Export data set from LMMP portal.\n'
    f.write('                                 see filename for data type."\n')
    f.write('    LINES                      = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterYSize)
    f.write('    LINE_SAMPLES               = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterXSize)
    f.write('    UNIT                       = METER\n')
    f.write('    OFFSET                     = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetOffset()))
    f.write('    SCALING_FACTOR             = %.10g\n' % (hBand.GetScale()))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_TYPE                = %s\n' % (sample_type))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_BITS                = %d\n' % (sample_bits))
    f.write('    SAMPLE_BIT_MASK            = %s\n' % (sample_mask))
    f.write('    BANDS                      = %d\n' % hDataset.RasterCount)
    f.write('    BAND_STORAGE_TYPE          = BAND_SEQUENTIAL\n')
    if (sample_bits == 32):
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = 16#FF7FFFFB#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = 16#FF7FFFFC#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = 16#FF7FFFFD#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 16#FF7FFFFF#\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 16#FF7FFFFE#\n')
    elif (sample_bits == 16):
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = -32768\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = -32767\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = -32766\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 32767\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32768\n')
    else:  #8bit
        f.write('    CORE_NULL                  = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION   = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION  = 0\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION  = 255\n')
        f.write('    CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 255\n')
    f.write('END_OBJECT = IMAGE\n')

    #Export out raw image
    #Setup the output dataset
    print('Please wait, writing out raw image: %s' % dst_img)
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI')
    output = driver.CreateCopy(dst_img, hDataset, 1)
    print('Complete. PDS label also created: %s' % dst_lbl)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_info(filename, full_report=True):  #,  argv=None):

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = True
    bShowRAT = True
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    projection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True

    info = {}

    # Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call
    # GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered
    # for the --format or --formats options
    # for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
    # {
    #    if EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") and i + 2 < argc and EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP"):
    #    {
    #        CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );
    #        i += 2;
    #    }
    # }
    # GDALAllRegister();

    # if argv is None:
    #     # argv = sys.argv
    #     argv = [filename]
    # argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    # if argv is None:
    #     return 1
    # nArgc = len(argv)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    #      Parse arguments.
    # # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     i = 1
    #     while i < nArgc:
    #         if string_equal(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
    #             print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
    #                   (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
    #             return 0
    #     info["GdalVersionInfo"]
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-mm"):
    #             bComputeMinMax = True
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-hist"):
    #             bReportHistograms = True
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-stats"):
    #             bStats = True
    #             bApproxStats = False
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
    #             bStats = True
    #             bApproxStats = True
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-checksum"):
    #             bComputeChecksum = True
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
    #             bShowGCPs = False
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-nomd"):
    #             bShowMetadata = False
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-norat"):
    #             bShowRAT = False
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-noct"):
    #             bShowColorTable = False
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
    #             i = i + 1
    #             papszExtraMDDomains.append(argv[i])
    #         elif string_equal(argv[i], "-nofl"):
    #             bShowFileList = False
    #         elif argv[i][0] == '-':
    #             return Usage()
    #         elif pszFilename is None:
    #             pszFilename = argv[i]
    #         else:
    #             return Usage()
    #         i = i + 1
    #     if pszFilename is None:
    #         return Usage()

    # Open dataset

    dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if dataset is None:
        info["Error"] = f"gdalinfo failed - unable to open '{filename}'"
        return info

    # general info

    driver = dataset.GetDriver()
    info["Driver"] = f"{driver.ShortName} : {driver.LongName}"

    file_list = dataset.GetFileList()
    info["Files"] = "none associated" if not file_list else file_list
    info["Size X"] = dataset.RasterXSize
    info["Size Y"] = dataset.RasterYSize

    # projection

    projection = dataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if projection is not None:
        srs = osr.SpatialReference()
        if srs.ImportFromWkt(projection) == gdal.CE_None:
            projection = srs.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
        projection = projection.strip().strip("\n").strip("\t")
        projection = "Not defined"

    info["SRS"] = projection
    # geotransform

    geo_transform = dataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    gt = {}
    if geo_transform is not None:
        if geo_transform[2] == 0.0 and geo_transform[4] == 0.0:
            gt["Origin"] = f"{geo_transform[0]:.15f}, {geo_transform[3]:.15f}"
            # print("Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % (
            #     geo_transform[0], geo_transform[3]))

            gt["Pixel Size"] = f"{geo_transform[1]:.15f}, {geo_transform[5]:.15f}"
            # print("Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % (
            #     geo_transform[1], geo_transform[5]))

            gt["transform"] = f"{geo_transform[0]:.16g}, {geo_transform[1]:.16g}, {geo_transform[2]:.16g}, {geo_transform[3]:.16g}, {geo_transform[4]:.16g}, {geo_transform[5]:.16g}"
            # print("GeoTransform =\n"
            #       "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n"
            #       "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % (
            #           geo_transform[0],
            #           geo_transform[1],
            #           geo_transform[2],
            #           geo_transform[3],
            #           geo_transform[4],
            #           geo_transform[5]))

    info["geotransform"] = gt

    # GCPs
    gcps = {}
    if bShowGCPs and dataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        projection = dataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if projection is not None:

            srs = osr.SpatialReference()
            if srs.ImportFromWkt(projection) == gdal.CE_None:
                projection = srs.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
            #     print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pretty_wkt)
            # else:
            #     print("GCP Projection = %s" %
            #           projection)
        gcps["projection"] = projection

    return str(info)
    # TODO

    # gcs = dataset.GetGCPs()
    # i = 0
    # for gcp in gcs:
    #     gcs[i] = f"{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}"
    #     print("GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
    #           "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % (
    #               i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info,
    #               gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine,
    #               gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ))
    #     i = i + 1

    info["GCPs"] = gcps

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    #      Report metadata.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List()
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

    if bShowMetadata:
        for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
            papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
            if papszMetadata:
                print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        print("Image Structure Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report subdatasets.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
    if papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report geolocation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report RPCs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = dataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
        print("RPC Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if projection:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(projection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report corners.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    print("Corner Coordinates:")
    GDALInfoReportCorner(dataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", 0.0, 0.0)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(dataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", 0.0,
    GDALInfoReportCorner(dataset, hTransform, "Upper Right",
                         dataset.RasterXSize, 0.0)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(dataset, hTransform, "Lower Right",
                         dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize)
    GDALInfoReportCorner(dataset, hTransform, "Center",
                         dataset.RasterXSize / 2.0, dataset.RasterYSize / 2.0)

    # ====================================================================
    #      Loop over bands.
    # ====================================================================
    for iBand in range(dataset.RasterCount):

        hBand = dataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

        # if( bSample )
        # {
        #    float afSample[10000];
        #    int   nCount;
        #    nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
        #    print( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );
        # }

        (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
        print("Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" %
              (iBand + 1, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,

        if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                and hBand.GetDescription():
            print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

        dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
        dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
        if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

            line = "  "
            if dfMin is not None:
                line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
            if dfMax is not None:
                line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

            if bComputeMinMax:
                adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                    line = line + ("  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" %
                                   (adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1]))


        stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
        # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
        # stddev is negative
        if stats[3] >= 0.0:
            print("  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" %
                  (stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3]))

        if bReportHistograms:

            hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
            if hist is not None:
                dfMin = hist[0]
                dfMax = hist[1]
                nBucketCount = hist[2]
                panHistogram = hist[3]

                print("  %d buckets from %g to %g:" %
                      (nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax))
                line = '  '
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


        if bComputeChecksum:
            print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

        dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
        if dfNoData is not None:
            if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                print("  NoData Value=nan")
                print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

        if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

            line = "  Overviews: "
            for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line = line + ", "

                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                if hOverview is not None:

                    line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                   (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                    pszResampling = \
                        hOverview.GetMetadataItem("RESAMPLING", "")

                    if pszResampling is not None \
                       and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                       and string_equal(pszResampling[0:12], "AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                        line = line + "*"

                    line = line + "(null)"


            if bComputeChecksum:

                line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
            print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

        nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
        if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

            hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

            line = "  Mask Flags: "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                line = line + "PER_DATASET "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                line = line + "ALPHA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                line = line + "NODATA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                line = line + "ALL_VALID "

            if hMaskBand is not None and \
                    hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.GetUnitType():
            print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

        papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
        if papszCategories is not None:

            print("  Categories:")
            i = 0
            for category in papszCategories:
                print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                i = i + 1

        scale = hBand.GetScale()
        if not scale:
            scale = 1.0
        offset = hBand.GetOffset()
        if not offset:
            offset = 0.0
        if scale != 1.0 or offset != 0.0:
            print("  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % (offset, scale))

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
            print("  Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata:
            print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
        if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                and hTable is not None:

            print("  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" %
                      hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation()), hTable.GetCount()))

            if bShowColorTable:

                for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                    sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                    print("  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" %
                          (i, sEntry[0], sEntry[1], sEntry[2], sEntry[3]))

        if bShowRAT:
            # hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

            # GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(argv=None):

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bSample = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = True
    bShowRAT = False
    debug = False
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True
    dst_xml = None
    template_xml = None
    bands = 1
    iOverview = None

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv)
    if argv is None:
        return 1
    nArgc = len(argv)

    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
    #/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1
    while i < nArgc:

        if EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version"):
            print("%s is running against GDAL %s" %
                  (argv[0], gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")))
            return 0
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-debug"):
            debug = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm"):
            bComputeMinMax = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist"):
            bReportHistograms = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats"):
            bStats = True
            bApproxStats = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample"):
            bSample = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum"):
            bComputeChecksum = True
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp"):
            bShowGCPs = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd"):
            bShowMetadata = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat"):
            bShowRAT = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct"):
            bShowColorTable = False
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") and i < nArgc - 1:
            i = i + 1
        elif EQUAL(argv[i], "-nofl"):
            bShowFileList = False
        elif argv[i][0] == '-':
            return Usage(argv[0])
        elif pszFilename is None:
            pszFilename = argv[i]
        elif template_xml is None:
            template_xml = argv[i]
        elif dst_xml is None:
            dst_xml = argv[i]
            return Usage(argv[0])
        i = i + 1

    if pszFilename is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])
    if template_xml is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])
    if dst_xml is None:
        return Usage(argv[0])

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Open GDAL dataset.                                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = gdal.Open(pszFilename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if hDataset is None:
        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*     load XML template file (generally fgdc-template.xml)             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
    tree = etree.parse(template_xml, parser)

    for lworkcit in tree.getiterator('lworkcit'):
        for citeinfo in lworkcit.getiterator('citeinfo'):
            title = citeinfo.find('title')
            if title is None:
                title = etree.SubElement(citeinfo, 'title')
            title.text = pszFilename

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report general info.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    if debug:
        print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
                hDriver.ShortName, \
                hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        if debug:
            print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
            if bShowFileList:
                for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                    print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    if debug:
        print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report projection.                                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
            mapProjection = "None"
            #Extract projection information
            target = hSRS.GetAttrValue("DATUM",
                                                  "").replace("_2000", "")
            semiMajor = hSRS.GetSemiMajor()  #/ 1000.0
            semiMinor = hSRS.GetSemiMinor()  #/ 1000.0
            invFlat = hSRS.GetInvFlattening()
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
                mapProjection = "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"
                centLat = 0
                centLon = 0
            if (pszProjection[0:6] == "PROJCS"):
                mapProjection = hSRS.GetAttrValue("PROJECTION", 0)

                for horizsys in tree.getiterator('horizsys'):
                    planar = etree.SubElement(horizsys, 'planar')
                    mapproj = etree.SubElement(planar, 'mapproj')
                    mapprojn = etree.SubElement(mapproj, 'mapprojn')

                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Equirectangular"):
                    #for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                    mapprojn.text = "Equirectangular"
                    centLat = None
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    if centLat == None:
                        centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    equirect = etree.SubElement(mapproj, 'equirect')
                    #for equirect in tree.getiterator('equirect'):
                    stdparll = etree.SubElement(equirect, 'stdparll')
                    #for stdparll in equirect.getiterator('stdparll'):
                    stdparll.text = str(centLat)
                    #for longcm in equirect.getiterator('longcm'):
                    longcm = etree.SubElement(equirect, 'longcm')
                    longcm.text = str(centLon)
                    #for feast in equirect.getiterator('feast'):
                    feast = etree.SubElement(equirect, 'feast')
                    feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                    #for fnorth in equirect.getiterator('fnorth'):
                    fnorth = etree.SubElement(equirect, 'fnorth')
                    fnorth.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_northing'))

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                # Change to merc instead of transmer
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Mercator"):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Mercator"
                    centLat = None
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    if centLat == None:
                        centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('standard_parallel_1')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    scale = hSRS.GetProjParm('scale_factor')
                    for merc in tree.getiterator('transmer'):
                        for stdparll in merc.getiterator('stdparll'):
                            stdparll.text = str(centLat)
                        for longcm in merc.getiterator('longcm'):
                            longcm.text = str(centLon)
                        for sfequat in merc.getiterator('sfequat'):
                            sfequat.text = str(scale)
                        for feast in merc.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in merc.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Orthographic "):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Orthographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin ')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    for orthogr in tree.getiterator('orthogr'):
                        for stdparll in orthogr.getiterator('stdparll'):
                            stdparll.text = str(centLat)
                        for longcm in orthogr.getiterator('longcm'):
                            longcm.text = str(centLon)
                        for feast in orthogr.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in orthogr.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic"):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Stereographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    for stereo in tree.getiterator('stereo'):
                        for latprjc in stereo.getiterator('latprjc'):
                            latprjc.text = str(centLat)
                        for longpc in stereo.getiterator('longpc'):
                            longpc.text = str(centLon)
                        for feast in stereo.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in stereo.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Sinusoidal"):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Sinusoidal"
                    centLon = None
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('longitude_of_center')
                    if centLon == None:
                        centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    for sinusoid in tree.getiterator('sinusoid'):
                        for longcm in sinusoid.getiterator('longcm'):
                            longcm.text = str(centLon)
                        for feast in sinusoid.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in sinusoid.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Robinson"):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Robinson"
                    centLon = None
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('longitude_of_center')
                    if centLon == None:
                        centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    for robinson in tree.getiterator('robinson'):
                        for longpc in robinson.getiterator('longpc'):
                            longpc.text = str(centLon)
                        for feast in robinson.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in robinson.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if (EQUAL(mapProjection, "Polar_Stereographic")
                        or EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_North_Pole")
                        or EQUAL(mapProjection, "Stereographic_South_Pole")):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Polar Stereographic"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    scale = hSRS.GetProjParm('scale_factor')
                    for polarst in tree.getiterator('polarst'):
                        for stdparll in polarst.getiterator('stdparll'):
                            stdparll.text = str(centLat)
                        for svlong in polarst.getiterator('svlong'):
                            svlong.text = str(centLon)
                        for sfprjorg in polarst.getiterator('sfprjorg'):
                            sfprjorg.text = str(scale)
                        for feast in polarst.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in polarst.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                # Change to building projection XML section instead of replace
                if EQUAL(mapProjection, "Transverse_Mercator"):
                    for mapprojn in tree.getiterator('mapprojn'):
                        mapprojn.text = "Transverse Mercator"
                    centLat = hSRS.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')
                    centLon = hSRS.GetProjParm('central_meridian')
                    scale = hSRS.GetProjParm('scale_factor')
                    for transmer in tree.getiterator('transmer'):
                        for latprjo in transmer.getiterator('latprjo'):
                            latprjo.text = str(centLat)
                        for longcm in transmer.getiterator('longcm'):
                            longcm.text = str(centLon)
                        for sfctrmer in transmer.getiterator('sfctrmer'):
                            sfctrmer.text = str(scale)
                        for feast in transmer.getiterator('feast'):
                            feast.text = str(hSRS.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
                        for fnorth in transmer.getiterator('fnorth'):
                            fnorth.text = str(

                #Create cellsize block for all projections
                planci = etree.SubElement(planar, 'planci')
                plance = etree.SubElement(planci, 'plance')
                plance.text = 'row and column'
                coordrep = etree.SubElement(planci, 'coordrep')
                absres = etree.SubElement(coordrep, 'absres')
                ordres = etree.SubElement(coordrep, 'ordres')
                plandu = etree.SubElement(planci, 'plandu')

            if debug:
                print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Warning - Can't parse this type of projection\n")
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)
        print("Warning - No Coordinate System defined:\n")

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            if debug:
                print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

                print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            if debug:
                print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                        "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                        adfGeoTransform[0], \
                        adfGeoTransform[1], \
                        adfGeoTransform[2], \
                        adfGeoTransform[3], \
                        adfGeoTransform[4], \
                        adfGeoTransform[5] ))

        if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
            #convert degrees/pixel to km/pixel
            mapres = 1 / adfGeoTransform[1]
            lonres = adfGeoTransform[1]
            latres = adfGeoTransform[5]
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] * (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0) / 1000.0
            #convert m/pixel to pixel/degree
            mapres = 1 / (adfGeoTransform[1] / (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0))
            lonres = adfGeoTransform[1] / (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
            latres = adfGeoTransform[5] / (semiMajor * math.pi / 180.0)
            xres = adfGeoTransform[1]
            yres = adfGeoTransform[5]
            kmres = adfGeoTransform[1] / 1000.0

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                if debug:
                    print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                if debug:
                    print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                            pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            if debug:
                print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                        "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                        i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                        gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                        gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report metadata.                                                */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
                papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
                if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                    print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                    for metadata in papszMetadata:
                        print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
        if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("RPC Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("  %s" % metadata)

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/*      Report corners.                                                 */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if debug:
        print("Corner Coordinates:")
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                              0.0, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                              0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize )
        GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                              hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                              hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    #Get bounds
    ulx = GDALGetLon(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    uly = GDALGetLat(hDataset, hTransform, 0.0, 0.0)
    lrx = GDALGetLon( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    lry = GDALGetLat( hDataset, hTransform, hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )

    #/* ==================================================================== */
    #/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
    #/* ==================================================================== */
    if debug:
        bands = hDataset.RasterCount
        for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

            hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)
            (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
            print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                            gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                            gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

            if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
                    and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
                print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

            dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
            dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
            if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

                line = "  "
                if dfMin is not None:
                    line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
                if dfMax is not None:
                    line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

                if bComputeMinMax:
                    adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                    if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                        line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                                        adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))


            stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
            # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
            # stddev is negative
            if stats[3] >= 0.0:
                print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                                stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

            if bReportHistograms:

                hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
                if hist is not None:
                    dfMin = hist[0]
                    dfMax = hist[1]
                    nBucketCount = hist[2]
                    panHistogram = hist[3]

                    print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                                    nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                    line = '  '
                    for bucket in panHistogram:
                        line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


            if bComputeChecksum:
                print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

            dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
            if dfNoData is not None:
                if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                    print("  NoData Value=nan")
                    print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

            if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:

                        line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                       (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                        pszResampling = \
                                hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                        if pszResampling is not None \
                           and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                           and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                            line = line + "*"

                        line = line + "(null)"


                if bComputeChecksum:

                    line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                    for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
                print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

            nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
            if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

                hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

                line = "  Mask Flags: "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                    line = line + "PER_DATASET "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALPHA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                    line = line + "NODATA "
                if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                    line = line + "ALL_VALID "

                if hMaskBand is not None and \
                        hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                    line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                    for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                        if iOverview != 0:
                            line = line + ", "

                        hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                        if hOverview is not None:
                            line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                            line = line + "(null)"

            if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
                print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

            papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
            if papszCategories is not None:

                print("  Categories:")
                i = 0
                for category in papszCategories:
                    print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                    i = i + 1

            if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
                print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            if bShowMetadata:
                papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
                papszMetadata = None
            if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                    papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("    %s" % metadata)

            hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
            if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
                    and hTable is not None:

                print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                                gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                                hTable.GetCount() ))

                if bShowColorTable:

                    for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                        sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                        print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                                        i, \
                                        sEntry[3] ))

            if bShowRAT:
                hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

        #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

            if iOverview is not None:
                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                if hOverview is not None:
                    line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                    line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
            print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

        nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
        if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

            hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

            line = "  Mask Flags: "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                line = line + "PER_DATASET "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                line = line + "ALPHA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                line = line + "NODATA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                line = line + "ALL_VALID "

            if hMaskBand is not None and \
                hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
            print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

        papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
        if papszCategories is not None:

            print("  Categories:")
            i = 0
            for category in papszCategories:
                print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                i = i + 1

        if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
            print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
        if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
            and hTable is not None:

            print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                    gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                    hTable.GetCount() ))

            if bShowColorTable:

                for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                    sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                    print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                            i, \
                            sEntry[3] ))

        if bShowRAT:
            hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

            #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

#/*                      WriteXML bits to FGDC template                  */
    for rasttype in tree.getiterator('rasttype'):
        rasttype.text = "Pixel"
    hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    for ellips in tree.getiterator('ellips'):
        ellips.text = target
    for semiaxis in tree.getiterator('semiaxis'):
        semiaxis.text = str(semiMajor)
    for denflat in tree.getiterator('denflat'):
        denflat.text = str(invFlat)
    if (pszProjection[0:6] == "GEOGCS"):
        for latSize in tree.getiterator('latres'):
            latSize.text = str(latres)
            if debug:
                print 'Lat resolution: %s' % (latSize.text)
        for lonSize in tree.getiterator('lonres'):
            lonSize.text = str(lonres)
        for geogunit in tree.getiterator('geogunit'):
            geogunit.text = "Decimal degrees"
        for absres in tree.getiterator('absres'):  # in meters
            absres.text = str(xres)
            if debug:
                print 'X resolution: %s' % (absres.text)
        for ordres in tree.getiterator('ordres'):
            ordres.text = str(abs(yres))
        for plandu in tree.getiterator('plandu'):
            plandu.text = "meters"
    for southbc in tree.getiterator('southbc'):
        southbc.text = str(lry)
    for northbc in tree.getiterator('northbc'):
        northbc.text = str(uly)
    for westbc in tree.getiterator('westbc'):
        westbc.text = str(ulx)
    for eastbc in tree.getiterator('eastbc'):
        eastbc.text = str(lrx)
    for rowcount in tree.getiterator('rowcount'):
        rowcount.text = str(hDataset.RasterYSize)
    for colcount in tree.getiterator('colcount'):
        colcount.text = str(hDataset.RasterYSize)
    for vrtcount in tree.getiterator('vrtcount'):
        vrtcount.text = str(hDataset.RasterCount)
    for metstdn in tree.getiterator('metstdn'):
        metstdn.text = "FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata"
    for metstdv in tree.getiterator('metstdv'):
        metstdv.text = "FGDC-STD-001-1998"

#/* ==================================================================== */
#/*      writeout sparse XML for merging                                 */
#/* ==================================================================== */
        #tree.write(dst_xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True) #mp doesn't like declaration
        tree.write(dst_xml, pretty_print=True)
    except ImportError:
        print("Failed to write out XML document")

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(rfile):
    graster = gdal.Open(rfile)
    band = graster.GetRasterBand(1)
    stats = band.GetStatistics(True, True)

    def EQUAL(a, b):
        return a.lower() == b.lower()

    bComputeMinMax = False
    bShowGCPs = True
    bShowMetadata = True
    bShowRAT = True
    bStats = False
    bApproxStats = True
    bShowColorTable = True
    bComputeChecksum = False
    bReportHistograms = False
    pszFilename = None
    papszExtraMDDomains = []
    pszProjection = None
    hTransform = None
    bShowFileList = True

    #bReportHistograms = True	#-hist
    bStats = True  #-stats
    bApproxStats = True  #-stats

    hDataset = gdal.Open(rfile, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    if hDataset is None:

        print("gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'." % pszFilename)

        return 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report general info.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    hDriver = hDataset.GetDriver()
    print( "Driver: %s/%s" % ( \
            hDriver.ShortName, \
            hDriver.LongName ))

    papszFileList = hDataset.GetFileList()
    if papszFileList is None or len(papszFileList) == 0:
        print("Files: none associated")
        print("Files: %s" % papszFileList[0])
        if bShowFileList:
            for i in range(1, len(papszFileList)):
                print("       %s" % papszFileList[i])

    print("Size is %d, %d" % (hDataset.RasterXSize, hDataset.RasterYSize))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    #      Report projection.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    pszProjection = hDataset.GetProjectionRef()
    if pszProjection is not None:

        hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
            pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)

            print("Coordinate System is:\n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)
            print("Coordinate System is `%s'" % pszProjection)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report Geotransform.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    adfGeoTransform = hDataset.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
    if adfGeoTransform is not None:

        if adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 and adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0:
            print( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] ))

            print( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] ))

            print( "GeoTransform =\n" \
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n" \
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g" % ( \
                    adfGeoTransform[0], \
                    adfGeoTransform[1], \
                    adfGeoTransform[2], \
                    adfGeoTransform[3], \
                    adfGeoTransform[4], \
                    adfGeoTransform[5] ))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report GCPs.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowGCPs and hDataset.GetGCPCount() > 0:

        pszProjection = hDataset.GetGCPProjection()
        if pszProjection is not None:

            hSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            if hSRS.ImportFromWkt(pszProjection) == gdal.CE_None:
                pszPrettyWkt = hSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt(False)
                print("GCP Projection = \n%s" % pszPrettyWkt)

                print( "GCP Projection = %s" % \
                        pszProjection )

        gcps = hDataset.GetGCPs()
        i = 0
        for gcp in gcps:

            print( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n" \
                    "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)" % ( \
                    i, gcp.Id, gcp.Info, \
                    gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, \
                    gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY, gcp.GCPZ ))
            i = i + 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report metadata.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List()
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

    if bShowMetadata:
        for extra_domain in papszExtraMDDomains:
            papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List(extra_domain)
            if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
                print("Metadata (%s):" % extra_domain)
                for metadata in papszMetadata:
                    print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        print("Image Structure Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report subdatasets.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("SUBDATASETS")
    if papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report geolocation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("GEOLOCATION")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report RPCs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if bShowMetadata:
        papszMetadata = hDataset.GetMetadata_List("RPC")
        papszMetadata = None
    if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(papszMetadata) > 0:
        print("RPC Metadata:")
        for metadata in papszMetadata:
            print("  %s" % metadata)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if pszProjection is not None and len(pszProjection) > 0:
        hProj = osr.SpatialReference(pszProjection)
        if hProj is not None:
            hLatLong = hProj.CloneGeogCS()

        if hLatLong is not None:
            hTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(hProj, hLatLong)
            if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find(
                    'Unable to load PROJ.4 library') != -1:
                hTransform = None

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Report corners.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
    print("Corner Coordinates:")
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", \
                          0.0, 0.0 )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", \
                          0.0, hDataset.RasterYSize)
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize, 0.0 )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize )
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", \
                          hDataset.RasterXSize/2.0, \
                          hDataset.RasterYSize/2.0 )

    # ====================================================================
    #      Loop over bands.
    # ====================================================================
    for iBand in range(hDataset.RasterCount):

        hBand = hDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)

        (nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize) = hBand.GetBlockSize()
        print( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s" % ( iBand+1, \
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, \
                gdal.GetDataTypeName(hBand.DataType), \
                gdal.GetColorInterpretationName( \
                    hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) ))

        if hBand.GetDescription() is not None \
            and len(hBand.GetDescription()) > 0 :
            print("  Description = %s" % hBand.GetDescription())

        dfMin = hBand.GetMinimum()
        dfMax = hBand.GetMaximum()
        if dfMin is not None or dfMax is not None or bComputeMinMax:

            line = "  "
            if dfMin is not None:
                line = line + ("Min=%.3f " % dfMin)
            if dfMax is not None:
                line = line + ("Max=%.3f " % dfMax)

            if bComputeMinMax:
                adfCMinMax = hBand.ComputeRasterMinMax(False)
                if gdal.GetLastErrorType() == gdal.CE_None:
                    line = line + ( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f" % ( \
                            adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] ))


        stats = hBand.GetStatistics(bApproxStats, bStats)
        # Dirty hack to recognize if stats are valid. If invalid, the returned
        # stddev is negative

        if stats[3] >= 0.0:
            print( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f" % ( \
                    stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3] ))

        if bReportHistograms:

            hist = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(force=True,
            if hist is not None:
                dfMin = hist[0]
                dfMax = hist[1]
                nBucketCount = hist[2]
                panHistogram = hist[3]

                print( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:" % ( \
                        nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax ))
                line = '  '
                for bucket in panHistogram:
                    line = line + ("%d " % bucket)


        if bComputeChecksum:
            print("  Checksum=%d" % hBand.Checksum())

        dfNoData = hBand.GetNoDataValue()
        if dfNoData is not None:
            if dfNoData != dfNoData:
                print("  NoData Value=nan")
                print("  NoData Value=%.18g" % dfNoData)

        if hBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

            line = "  Overviews: "
            for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                if iOverview != 0:
                    line = line + ", "

                hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                if hOverview is not None:

                    line = line + ("%dx%d" %
                                   (hOverview.XSize, hOverview.YSize))

                    pszResampling = \
                        hOverview.GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING", "" )

                    if pszResampling is not None \
                       and len(pszResampling) >= 12 \
                       and EQUAL(pszResampling[0:12],"AVERAGE_BIT2"):
                        line = line + "*"

                    line = line + "(null)"


            if bComputeChecksum:

                line = "  Overviews checksum: "
                for iOverview in range(hBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if hBand.HasArbitraryOverviews():
            print("  Overviews: arbitrary")

        nMaskFlags = hBand.GetMaskFlags()
        if (nMaskFlags & (gdal.GMF_NODATA | gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0:

            hMaskBand = hBand.GetMaskBand()

            line = "  Mask Flags: "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET) != 0:
                line = line + "PER_DATASET "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) != 0:
                line = line + "ALPHA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_NODATA) != 0:
                line = line + "NODATA "
            if (nMaskFlags & gdal.GMF_ALL_VALID) != 0:
                line = line + "ALL_VALID "

            if hMaskBand is not None and \
                hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount() > 0:

                line = "  Overviews of mask band: "
                for iOverview in range(hMaskBand.GetOverviewCount()):

                    if iOverview != 0:
                        line = line + ", "

                    hOverview = hMaskBand.GetOverview(iOverview)
                    if hOverview is not None:
                        line = line + ("%d" % hOverview.Checksum())
                        line = line + "(null)"

        if len(hBand.GetUnitType()) > 0:
            print("  Unit Type: %s" % hBand.GetUnitType())

        papszCategories = hBand.GetRasterCategoryNames()
        if papszCategories is not None:

            print("  Categories:")
            i = 0
            for category in papszCategories:
                print("    %3d: %s" % (i, category))
                i = i + 1

        if hBand.GetScale() != 1.0 or hBand.GetOffset() != 0.0:
            print( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g" % \
                        ( hBand.GetOffset(), hBand.GetScale()))

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List()
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        if bShowMetadata:
            papszMetadata = hBand.GetMetadata_List("IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
            papszMetadata = None
        if bShowMetadata and papszMetadata is not None and len(
                papszMetadata) > 0:
            print("  Image Structure Metadata:")
            for metadata in papszMetadata:
                print("    %s" % metadata)

        hTable = hBand.GetRasterColorTable()
        if hBand.GetRasterColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex  \
            and hTable is not None:

            print( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)" % (\
                    gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName( \
                        hTable.GetPaletteInterpretation(  )), \
                    hTable.GetCount() ))

            if bShowColorTable:

                for i in range(hTable.GetCount()):
                    sEntry = hTable.GetColorEntry(i)
                    print( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d" % ( \
                            i, \
                            sEntry[3] ))

        if bShowRAT:
            #hRAT = hBand.GetDefaultRAT()

            #GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, None );

    return 0