def test1(): """Simple test to check if inverting an image can correctly recover the baseline coordinates which the image was created with. """ # Make a FITS image from a freq baseline coordinates uu_m = [0.0, 30.0, 50.0] vv_m = np.zeros_like(uu_m) amps = np.ones_like(uu_m, dtype='c16') grid, image_filename = make_image(uu_m, vv_m, amps, freq_hz=const.c.value, im_size=128, cell_size_uv_m=1, image_root_name='TEST', algorithm='FFT') # Load created FITS image and extract the image data and header # information relating to its coordinates. hdu_list = image = hdu_list[0].data.squeeze() im_size = hdu_list[0].header['NAXIS1'] freq_hz = hdu_list[0].header['CRVAL3'] cell_size_deg = fabs(hdu_list[0].header['CDELT1']) # FT the image back to the grid. ft_image = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fftshift(image))) # Get the image and grid coordiante extent (required for plotting) wavelength = const.c.value / freq_hz fov_deg = degrees(Imager.cellsize_to_fov(radians(cell_size_deg), im_size)) extent_lm = Imager.image_extent_lm(fov_deg, im_size) extent_uv_m = Imager.grid_extent_wavelengths(fov_deg, im_size) * wavelength # Plot the image, grid, and FT(image) to check if we have recovered # the input positions correctly. opts = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray_r') fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 6), ncols=4) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.98, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.2) plot_image(ax1, image, **dict(opts, extent=extent_lm, vmin=-3, vmax=3)) ax1.set_title('Image') plot_image(ax2, grid.real, **dict(opts, extent=extent_uv_m)) ax2.set_title('Grid') ax2.set_xlabel('uu (m)') ax2.set_ylabel('vv (m)') plot_image(ax3, ft_image.real, **dict(opts, extent=extent_uv_m)) ax3.set_title('FT(image).real') ax3.set_xlabel('uu (m)') ax3.set_ylabel('vv (m)') plot_image(ax4, ft_image.imag, **dict(opts, extent=extent_uv_m)) ax4.set_title('FT(image).imag') ax4.set_xlabel('uu (m)') ax4.set_ylabel('vv (m)') # Add markers for input positions marker_opts = dict(radius=3, color='r', fill=None) for pos in zip(uu_m, vv_m): ax3.add_artist(plt.Circle(pos, **marker_opts)) ax3.add_artist(plt.Circle(-np.array(pos), **marker_opts)) ax2.add_artist(plt.Circle(pos, **marker_opts))
def make_image(uu_m, vv_m, amps, freq_hz, im_size, cell_size_uv_m, image_root_name, algorithm='fft'): """Make a FITS image from the specified data. This function is slightly unusual in that the image size is specified using a grid pixel size rather than image pixel size or field-of-view. Args: uu_m (array_like, float): Baseline uu coordinates, in metres vv_m (array_like, float): Baseline vv coordinates, in metres amps (array_like, complex): Visibility amplitudes freq_hz (float): Observation frequency, in Hz im_size (int): Image dimension (assumes square image) cell_size_uv_m (float): Image grid pixel separation, in metres image_root_name (str): Output FITS image root name. algorithm (str): Imaging algorithm to use (FFT or W-projection) Returns: (dict, str): Dictionary containing the grid used to make the image, filename of the output fits image created. """ ra_deg, dec_deg = 0, 90 ww_m = np.zeros_like(uu_m) image_type = 'I' wavelength = const.c.value / freq_hz uv_cellsize_wavelengths = cell_size_uv_m / wavelength fov_rad = Imager.uv_cellsize_to_fov(uv_cellsize_wavelengths, im_size) # Create FITS image imager = Imager(precision='double') imager.set(fov_deg=degrees(fov_rad), size=im_size, algorithm=algorithm, weighting='natural', image_type=image_type, wprojplanes=-1, output_root=image_root_name) imager.set_vis_frequency(freq_hz) imager.set_vis_phase_centre(ra_deg, dec_deg) imager_data =, vv_m, ww_m, amps, return_grids=1) image_grid = imager_data['grids'].squeeze() return image_grid, '%s_%s.fits' % (image_root_name, image_type)
def make_image(uu_m, vv_m, amps, freq_hz, im_size, cell_size_uv_m, image_root_name, algorithm='fft'): """Make a FITS image from the specified data. This function is slightly unusual in that the image size is specified using a grid pixel size rather than image pixel size or field-of-view. Args: uu_m (array_like, float): Baseline uu coordiantes, in metres vv_m (array_like, flaot): Baseline vv coordiantes, in metres amps (array_like, complex): Visibility amplitudes freq_hz (float): Observation frequency, in Hz im_size (int): Image dimension (assumes square image) cell_size_uv_m (float): Image grid pixel separation, in metres image_root_name (str): Output FITS image root name. algorithm (str): Imaging algorithm to use (FFT or W-projection) Returns: (dict, str): Dictionary containing the grid used to make the image, filename of the output fits image created. """ ra_deg, dec_deg = 0, 90 ww_m = np.zeros_like(uu_m) image_type = 'I' wavelength = const.c.value / freq_hz uv_cellsize_wavelengths = cell_size_uv_m / wavelength fov_rad = Imager.uv_cellsize_to_fov(uv_cellsize_wavelengths, im_size) # Create FITS image imager = Imager(precision='double') imager.set(fov_deg=degrees(fov_rad), size=im_size, algorithm=algorithm, weighting='natural', image_type=image_type, wprojplanes=-1, output_root=image_root_name) imager.set_vis_frequency(freq_hz) imager.set_vis_phase_centre(ra_deg, dec_deg) imager_data =, vv_m, ww_m, amps, return_grids=True) image_grid = imager_data['grids'].squeeze() return image_grid, '%s_%s.fits' % (image_root_name, image_type)