Ejemplo n.º 1
    def session(self, ses=None):
        Creates a session if one does not already exist.

        If necessary, connects to the remote service and starts a transaction.

        if not self.__session:
            self.__session = ClientSession(self.app)

        if self.connect or self.xact:
            self.log(log_debug, 'connecting to ' + self.app)

        if self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "starting new db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.begin')

        return self.__session
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def session(self, ses=None):
        ''' Creates a session if one does not already exist.  If necessary, connects
            to the remote service and starts a transaction
        if not self.__session:
            self.__session = ClientSession(self.app)

        if self.connect or self.xact:
            self.log(log_debug,'connecting to ' + self.app)

        if self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "starting new db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.begin')

        return self.__session
Ejemplo n.º 3
class CSEditor(object):
    Contains generated methods for accessing fieldmapper objects using the
    following syntax:
        <ret> = <instance>.<action>_<schema>_<table>(<args>)

      * <instance> = CSEditor class instance
      * <action>   = 
        * create 
          <args>   = object to create
          <ret>    = the numeric ID of the newly created object
        * retrieve 
          <args>   = numeric ID of the object to retrieve 
          <ret>    = object, instance of osrf.net_obj.NetworkObject
        * batch_retrieve
          <args>   = list of numeric ID's
          <ret>    = list of objects, instances of osrf.net_obj.NetworkObject
        * update
          <args>   = object to update
          <ret>    = 1 on success
        * delete
          <args>   = object to delete
          <ret>    = 1 on sucess
        * search
          <args>   = a cstore-compatible search dict.  e.g. {"id":1}.  
            See cstore docs for the full range of search options.
          <ret>    = a list of search results.  For standard searches, this
                   will be a list of objects.  idlist searches will return
                   a list of ID's.
      * <schema>   = the name of the schema that contains the table
      * <table>    = the name of the table

    Each generated object has accessor methods corresponding to the fieldmapper
    name attributes for a given field. The following example demonstrates how to
    instantiate the CSEditor and a given table object, and how to invoke an
    accessor method on that table object:

    >>> import oils.utils.csedit
    >>> import oils.utils.idl
    >>> import osrf.system
    >>> osrf.system.connect('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 'config.opensrf')
    >>> oils.utils.idl.oilsParseIDL()
    >>> oils.utils.csedit.oilsLoadCSEditor()
    >>> editor = oils.utils.csedit.CSEditor()
    >>> rec = editor.retrieve_biblio_record_entry(-1)
    >>> print rec.tcn_value()

    def __init__(self, **args):
            Creates a new editor object.

            Support keyword arguments:
            authtoken - Authtoken string -- used to determine 
                the requestor if none is provided.
            requestor - existing user (au) object.  The requestor is 
                is the user performing the action.  This is important 
                for permission checks, logging, etc.
            connect - boolean.  If true, a connect call is sent to the opensrf
                service at session create time
            xact - boolean.  If true, a cstore transaction is created at 
                connect time.  xact implies connect.

        self.app = args.get('app', OILS_APP_CSTORE)
        self.authtoken = args.get('authtoken', args.get('auth'))
        self.requestor = args.get('requestor')
        self.connect = args.get('connect')
        self.xact = args.get('xact')
        self.__session = None

    def die_event(self):
        ''' Rolls back the existing transaction, disconnects our session, 
            and returns the last received event.

    def checkauth(self):
        ''' Checks the authtoken against open-ils.auth and uses the 
            retrieved user as the requestor

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Creates a session if one does not already exist.  If necessary, connects
    # to the remote service and starts a transaction
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def session(self, ses=None):
        ''' Creates a session if one does not already exist.  If necessary, connects
            to the remote service and starts a transaction
        if not self.__session:
            self.__session = ClientSession(self.app)

        if self.connect or self.xact:
            self.log(log_debug,'connecting to ' + self.app)

        if self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "starting new db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.begin')

        return self.__session

    def log(self, func, string):
        ''' Logs string with some meta info '''

        s = "editor[";
        if self.xact: s += "1|"
        else: s += "0|"
        if self.requestor: s += str(self.requestor.id())
        else: s += "0"
        s += "]"
        func("%s %s" % (s, string))

    def rollback(self):
        ''' Rolls back the existing db transaction '''

        if self.__session and self.xact:
             self.log(log_info, "rolling back db transaction")
             self.request(self.app + '.transaction.rollback')
    def commit(self):
        ''' Commits the existing db transaction and disconnects '''

        if self.__session and self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "comitting db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.commit')

    def disconnect(self):
        ''' Disconnects from the remote service '''
        if self.__session:
            self.__session = None

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Sends a request
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def request(self, method, params=[]):

        # XXX improve param logging here

        self.log(log_info, "request %s %s" % (method, unicode(params)))

        if self.xact and self.session().state != OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
            self.log(log_error, "csedit lost its connection!")

        val = None

            req = self.session().request2(method, params)
            resp = req.recv()
            val = resp.content()

        except Exception, e:
            self.log(log_error, "request error: %s" % unicode(e))
            raise e

        return val
Ejemplo n.º 4
class CSEditor(object):
    Contains generated methods for accessing fieldmapper objects using the
    following syntax:
        <ret> = <instance>.<action>_<schema>_<table>(<args>)

      * <instance> = CSEditor class instance
      * <action>   = 
        * create 
          <args>   = object to create
          <ret>    = the numeric ID of the newly created object
        * retrieve 
          <args>   = numeric ID of the object to retrieve 
          <ret>    = object, instance of osrf.net_obj.NetworkObject
        * batch_retrieve
          <args>   = list of numeric ID's
          <ret>    = list of objects, instances of osrf.net_obj.NetworkObject
        * update
          <args>   = object to update
          <ret>    = 1 on success
        * delete
          <args>   = object to delete
          <ret>    = 1 on sucess
        * search
          <args>   = a cstore-compatible search dict.  e.g. {"id":1}.  
            See cstore docs for the full range of search options.
          <ret>    = a list of search results.  For standard searches, this
                   will be a list of objects.  idlist searches will return
                   a list of ID's.
      * <schema>   = the name of the schema that contains the table
      * <table>    = the name of the table

    Each generated object has accessor methods corresponding to the fieldmapper
    name attributes for a given field. The following example demonstrates how to
    instantiate the CSEditor and a given table object, and how to invoke an
    accessor method on that table object:

    >>> import oils.utils.csedit
    >>> import oils.utils.idl
    >>> import osrf.system
    >>> osrf.system.connect('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 'config.opensrf')
    >>> oils.utils.idl.oilsParseIDL()
    >>> oils.utils.csedit.oilsLoadCSEditor()
    >>> editor = oils.utils.csedit.CSEditor()
    >>> rec = editor.retrieve_biblio_record_entry(-1)
    >>> print rec.tcn_value()
    def __init__(self, **args):
            Creates a new editor object.

            Support keyword arguments:
            authtoken - Authtoken string -- used to determine 
                the requestor if none is provided.
            requestor - existing user (au) object.  The requestor is 
                is the user performing the action.  This is important 
                for permission checks, logging, etc.
            connect - boolean.  If true, a connect call is sent to the opensrf
                service at session create time
            xact - boolean.  If true, a cstore transaction is created at 
                connect time.  xact implies connect.

        self.app = args.get('app', oils.const.OILS_APP_CSTORE)
        self.authtoken = args.get('authtoken', args.get('auth'))
        self.requestor = args.get('requestor')
        self.connect = args.get('connect')
        self.xact = args.get('xact')
        self.__session = None

    def die_event(self):
        ''' Rolls back the existing transaction, disconnects our session, 
            and returns the last received event.

    def checkauth(self):
        ''' Checks the authtoken against open-ils.auth and uses the 
            retrieved user as the requestor

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Creates a session if one does not already exist.  If necessary, connects
    # to the remote service and starts a transaction
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def session(self, ses=None):
        Creates a session if one does not already exist.

        If necessary, connects to the remote service and starts a transaction.

        if not self.__session:
            self.__session = ClientSession(self.app)

        if self.connect or self.xact:
            self.log(log_debug, 'connecting to ' + self.app)

        if self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "starting new db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.begin')

        return self.__session

    def log(self, func, string):
        ''' Logs string with some meta info '''

        meta = "editor["
        if self.xact:
            meta += "1|"
            meta += "0|"

        if self.requestor:
            meta += str(self.requestor.id())
            meta += "0"
        meta += "]"
        func("%s %s" % (meta, string))

    def rollback(self):
        ''' Rolls back the existing db transaction '''

        if self.__session and self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "rolling back db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.rollback')

    def commit(self):
        ''' Commits the existing db transaction and disconnects '''

        if self.__session and self.xact:
            self.log(log_info, "comitting db transaction")
            self.request(self.app + '.transaction.commit')

    def disconnect(self):
        ''' Disconnects from the remote service '''
        if self.__session:
            self.__session = None

    def request(self, method, params=[]):
        Sends a request.

        # XXX improve param logging here

        self.log(log_info, "request %s %s" % (method, unicode(params)))

        if self.xact and self.session().state != OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
            self.log(log_error, "csedit lost its connection!")

        val = None

            req = self.session().request2(method, params)
            resp = req.recv()
            val = resp.content()

        except Exception, e:
            self.log(log_error, "request error: %s" % unicode(e))
            raise e

        return val