Ejemplo n.º 1
    def cleanup(self, quiet=False):
        idle_max = int(aboutconfig('useractivity.idle_max', IDLE_MAX_DEFAULT))
        assert idle_max >= 0

        if not quiet:
            print('Useractivity cleanup, running prune_idlers '
                  'with idle_max set to %d seconds.' % idle_max)

        pruned_users = prune_idlers(idle_max)
        if not quiet:
            print('Sent logout signal for %d logged on user(s): %s' %
                   ', '.join(i.username for i in pruned_users)))

        # Prune the table every now and then. And since we recommend
        # that this command is ran every minute, this should fix that
        # the job runs only about once or twice per day. (Or sometimes
        # more often, or less often :P)
        if randint(0, 719) == 0:
            keep_days = int(aboutconfig('useractivity.keep_days',
            if keep_days > 0:
                if not quiet:
                    print('Useractivity cleanup, running prune_table keeping '
                          '%s days.' % keep_days)
                if not quiet:
                    print('Useractivity cleanup, prune_table disabled.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process_request(self, request):
        # For speed reasons, we'll bypass the regular request.user.*
        # lookups and get the user_id from session directly. If we use
        # memcached users, this can save us a query or more.
        auth_userid = request.session.get('_auth_user_id')

        # Store the user_id to compare it after the request has been processed
            request._useractivitylog_user_pk = auth_userid
        except AttributeError:
            request._useractivitylog_user_pk = None  # AnonymousUser has no pk

        # A cronjob "./manage useractivity cleanup -v0" should be run every
        # minute or so.  It cleans up the activitylog, ridding it of open
        # entries of which the last_activity is too old.  This has to happen
        # or there will never be an "implicit logout".
        if settings.DEBUG:
            # .. or you could use this, sufficient for debug mode.
                int(aboutconfig('useractivity.idle_max', IDLE_MAX_DEFAULT)))

        # Mark users as "active again" before the response is generated.  This
        # way the users logged_in signal can prepare new data for before the
        # view is loaded (that is, if it triggers an implicit login).
        if request._useractivitylog_user_pk is not None:
            user_pk = request._useractivitylog_user_pk
            ip_address = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
            mark_active(user_pk, ip_address=ip_address, request=request)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MollieSmsBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.url = aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_mollie.url',
        self.default_args = default_args = {}
        default_args['username'] = \
        default_args['md5_password'] = \
        default_args['gateway'] = \
            aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_mollie.gateway', '2').encode('utf-8')
        default_args['charset'] = 'UTF-8'
        default_args['type'] = 'normal'  # SMSTYPE_CHOICES
        default_args['replace_illegal_chars'] = 'true'

        # If dlrurl is set, we feed it to mollie. If it's not set, we
        # use the default as set through the mollie interface.
        delivery_report_url = \
            aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_mollie.dlrurl', '').encode('utf-8')
        if delivery_report_url != '':
            default_args['dlrurl'] = delivery_report_url
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _logpath():
    Returns the logging path as defined in the aboutconfig autolog.path
    setting. The autolog.path setting is a colon-delimited list of paths
    to try. The paths are tried from left to right, if the path is
    relative it is relative to the first path found in the PYTHONPATH
    environment variable or the "current directory" if that path is

    If the path does not exist, _logpath attempts to create it. First
    when that fails it moves on to the next path.
    pathstr = select_writable_path(aboutconfig('autolog.path').split(':'))
    assert pathstr is not None, ('No usable logging path found in '
                                 'autolog.path setting!')
    return pathstr
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def send_sms(self, message, reply_to=None, tariff_cent=None):
        is_premium = reply_to is not None

        append_meta = {}
        extra_args = {
            'BATCHID': '%s-%s' % (self.batch_prefix or 'default', message.id),
            'N': message.remote_address,
            'M': message.body,
            'O': message.local_address,

        if is_premium:
            if tariff_cent is None:
                extra_args['RATE'] = int(aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.tariff', 40))
                extra_args['RATE'] = tariff_cent
            # session_id is required for the kickback fee if available
            session_id = _get_wireless_session_id(reply_to)
            if session_id is not None:
                append_meta['wireless_session_id'] = session_id
                extra_args['SESSIONID'] = session_id
            # operator is required for the kickback fee if available
            if reply_to.remote_operator is not None:
                extra_args['OPR'] = reply_to.remote_operator.entire_code('')
                message.remote_operator = reply_to.remote_operator
            sent, info = self.request(REQUEST_TYPE_PSMS, extra_args)
            # message concatenation is only available for normal SMS
            # otherwise the receiver would be billed tariff_cent for each
            # received message
            # can't imagine why, isn't that the whole purpose of this business?
            if len(message.body) > 160:
                extra_args['CONCAT'] = '1'
            sent, info = self.request(REQUEST_TYPE_SMS, extra_args)

        append_meta['wireless_response'] = info

        if sent:
            message.status = 'pnd'
            message.status = 'nak'

        message.meta_append(append_meta, commit=False)
        return sent
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(WirelessSmsBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.url = aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.url', 'http://gateway.wireless-services.nl/').rstrip('/').encode('utf-8')
     self.backup_url = aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.backup_url', 'http://gateway2.wireless-services.nl/').rstrip('/').encode('utf-8')
     self.password = aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.password').encode('utf-8')
     self.batch_prefix = aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.batch_prefix').encode('utf-8')
     self.default_args = {
         'API': API_VERSION,
         'AUTHTYPE': 'sha1',
         'TEST': aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.test', '0').encode('utf-8'),
         'UID': aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.username').encode('utf-8'),
         'ONUM': 1, # 0 is international number or 1 is national shortcode
         'NOT': '1', # enable notification request
         'MSGID': aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_wireless.message_id').encode('utf-8'),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def mark_active(user_pk, ip_address, request=None):
    Mark already existing useractivitylog entries as not being expired
    (update the last_activity timestamp).

    If no entry is found, a new one is created as an "implicit login"
    and a logged_in signal is sent.

    The request object is passed so signal listeners can do something with it
    if needed.
    # Previously, we did this:
    #     updated = (UserActivityLog.objects
    #                .filter(user__pk=user_pk, explicit_logout=None)
    #                .update(last_activity=datetime.now()))
    #     if updated == 0: mark_login(...)
    # However, that turned out to be very deadlock prone in postgres. A
    # second thread would do the same, and then this first transaction
    # would fail -- first at the end -- because the other one committed
    # it:
    # (It looks like both threads get the SHARE LOCK and then
    # try to get the EXCLUSIVE LOCK.)
    # > 2010-08-26 11:30:45 CEST DETAIL:  Process 18487 waits for ShareLock on
    #     transaction 15611944; blocked by process 18488.
    # > Process 18488 waits for ShareLock on transaction 15611943; blocked by
    #     process 18487.
    # > Process 18487:
    #   UPDATE "useractivity_useractivitylog" SET "last_activity" =
    #     E'2010-08-26 11:30:44.699673'
    #   WHERE ("useractivity_useractivitylog"."user_id" = 2 AND
    #     "useractivity_useractivitylog"."explicit_logout" IS NULL)
    # > Process 18488:
    #   UPDATE "useractivity_useractivitylog" SET "last_activity" =
    #     E'2010-08-26 11:30:44.731305'
    #   WHERE ("useractivity_useractivitylog"."user_id" = 2 AND
    #     "useractivity_useractivitylog"."explicit_logout" IS NULL)
    # > 2010-08-26 11:30:45 CEST HINT:  See server log for query details.
    # > 2010-08-26 11:30:45 CEST STATEMENT:
    #   UPDATE "useractivity_useractivitylog" SET "last_activity" =
    #     E'2010-08-26 11:30:44.699673'
    #   WHERE ("useractivity_useractivitylog"."user_id" = 2 AND
    #     "useractivity_useractivitylog"."explicit_logout" IS NULL)
    # So, instead, we separate the UPDATE from the SELECT and only
    # the timestamp if it is older than a certain amount of time.
    # But first, we check the cache to see if we're not overdoing it.
    cache_key = CACHE_KEY_FMT % (user_pk, ip_address)

    log_ids = cache.get(cache_key)
    if log_ids is None:
        log_ids = list(UserActivityLog.objects.filter(
        ).values_list('id', 'last_activity'))

    if not log_ids:
        # There were no results? Implicit login
        mark_login(user_pk, ip_address=ip_address,
                   explicit_login=False, request=request)
        update_ids = []
        now = datetime.now()
        idle_max = int(aboutconfig('useractivity.idle_max', IDLE_MAX_DEFAULT))
        need_refresh_after = idle_max / 2 - 10  # 120 seconds -> 50
        old = now - timedelta(seconds=need_refresh_after)
        for i, (log_id, time) in enumerate(log_ids):
            if time < old:
                log_ids[i] = (log_id, now)  # overwrite cache with new value
        # Update the last_activity on these items
        if update_ids:
            rows = UserActivityLog.objects.filter(
            # Updating less than expected?
            if rows != len(update_ids):
                mark_login(user_pk, ip_address=ip_address,
                           explicit_login=False, request=request)
                cache.set(cache_key, log_ids, 900)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def send_sms(self, message):
        Use the mollie gateway to send out a message. The only
        difference between "premium" and "regular" sms is really
        whether we can charge the user or not. So the tariff_cent
        decides which type we'll use. Like the other extra parameters
        this should be found in the TextMessageExtra addon. If there
        is no such item, the tariff_cent will be assumed to be 0.

        For all premium sms, we must add a couple of parameters:
        tariff, (member), shortcode, keyword, (mid). These are required
        to be found in the TextMessageExtra add-on.

        For non-subscription premium sms you need the Mollie mid
        parameter for replies. For subscription premium sms, you do not
        need the mid, but must use the correct shortcode and keyword.
            extra = message.extra
        except TextMessageExtra.DoesNotExist:
            is_premium = False
            is_premium = bool(extra.tariff_cent)

        # Select optional parameters from the metadata. For now we only
        # accept 'gateway'.
        gateway = None  # none means default, other means override
        meta = message.meta
        if meta and isinstance(meta, list) and isinstance(meta[0], dict):
            gateway = meta[0].get('gateway')
        elif not is_premium and message.remote_operator:
            # Optionally use custom gateway for specific countries, like
            # 1 (business+) for Vodafone which is unreliable with 2
            # (regular). Same for Belgium where 50 is more reliable and
            # it doesn't unnecessarily quote-enclose the shortcode.
            # sms.backends.sms_mollie.gateway.204.04 = 1
            # sms.backends.sms_mollie.gateway.206 = 50
            oper_cc, oper_oc = (
                message.remote_operator.entire_code().split('-'))  # quick
            gateway = (
                aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_mollie.gateway.%s.%s' %
                            (oper_cc, oper_oc))
                or aboutconfig('sms.backends.sms_mollie.gateway.%s' %
                               (oper_cc, ))
                or None  # aboutconfig returns '' by default if not found

        # Compile premium_args
        if is_premium:
            # Attempt to match the tariff to the available choices:
            # select one of the TARIFF_CHOICES, rounding upwards if
            # there is no exact match.
            tariff_cent = int(extra.tariff_cent)
            tariff_cent = ([
                j for i, j in enumerate(TARIFF_CHOICES)
                if ((-1, ) + TARIFF_CHOICES)[i] < tariff_cent <= j
            ]  # noqa
                           or [TARIFF_CHOICES[-1]])[0]
            # It is either a reply or a subscription message.
            mollie_id = extra.foreign_reference or None
            subscribed = not mollie_id

            premium_args = {
                'tariff': '%03d' % tariff_cent,  # a three-char tariff
                'member': ('false', 'true')[bool(subscribed)],
            if extra.shortcode is not None:
                premium_args['shortcode'] = \
            if extra.keyword is not None:
                premium_args['keyword'] = \
            if mollie_id:
                premium_args['mid'] = unicode(mollie_id).encode('utf-8')
            premium_args = None

        # Send it on
        new_status, body_count = self._send(

        # Update info and return status
        assert body_count == message.body_count or message.body_count == 1, \
            ('Expected lazy mans 1 or correct body count (%d != %d for %d)' %
             (body_count, message.body_count, message.id))
        message.body_count = body_count
        if new_status != 'retry':  # some things you have to try again
            message.status = new_status
        return new_status == 'pnd'  # moved to pending => success