Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_monotonic5():

    logger = getLogger('test_monotonic5')
    logger.info("Test  monotonic Poly(5)-Distribution")
    model = Models.Monotonic_pdf('M4', x, power=4, increasing=False)

    result, f = model.fitTo(dataset, silent=True, refit=5)
    with wait(1), use_canvas('test_monotonic5'):

    title = 'Positive decreasing polynomial'
    logger.info('%s \n%s' % (title, result.table(title=title, prefix='# ')))

Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_monotonic4():

    logger.info("Test  monotonic Poly(4)-Distribution")
    model = Models.Monotonic_pdf('M4', x, power=4, increasing=False)

    with rooSilent():
        result, f = model.fitTo(dataset)
        result, f = model.fitTo(dataset)

    if 0 != result.status() or 3 != result.covQual():
        logger.warning('Fit is not perfect MIGRAD=%d QUAL=%d ' %
                       (result.status(), result.covQual()))
        for phi in model.phis:
            logger.info("\tMonotonic4:  phi= %-17s " % phi.ve())

Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_pdf():

    logger = getLogger('test_pdf')

    effPdf = Models.Monotonic_pdf('P6', xvar=x, power=4, increasing=True)

    maxe = margin * effPdf(xmax)

    s0 = min(1.0 / emax, 1.0 / maxe)
    scale = ROOT.RooRealVar('scaleX', 'scaleX', s0, 0.2 * s0, 5.0 * s0)

    eff2 = Efficiency1D('E2', effPdf, cut=acc, scale=scale)

    r2 = eff2.fitTo(ds)

    logger.info("Fit result using-Monotonic_pdf \n%s" % r2.table(prefix="# "))
    logger.info("Compare with true efficiency (using Monotonic_pdf)\n%s" %
                make_table(eff2, title='using Monotonic_pdf'))

    with wait(2), use_canvas('test_pdf'):
        f2 = eff2.draw(ds, nbins=25)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_pdf () :

    effPdf = Models.Monotonic_pdf ( 'P6' , xvar = x , power = 3 , increasing = True )

    maxe   = margin * effPdf ( xmax )
    s0     = min ( 1.0 / emax , 1.0 / maxe ) 
    scale  = ROOT.RooRealVar ( 'scaleX' , 'scaleX' , s0 , 0.2 * s0 , 5.0 * s0  )
    eff2   = Efficiency1D ( 'E2' , effPdf , cut = acc  , scale = scale )
    r2     = eff2.fitTo ( ds )
    f2     = eff2.draw  ( ds )
    print (r2)
    for p in points :
        e  = eff2 ( p , error = True )
        ev = e.value()
        e0 = eff0 ( p ) / emax  
        print (' Point/Eff %4.1f %s%% (%.2f%%)'   % ( p , (100*e).toString ( '(%5.2f+-%4.2f)' ) ,  e0 * 100 ) )
Ejemplo n.º 5
if '__main__' == __name__ or '__builtin__' == __name__:
    logger = getLogger('test_fitting_efficiency')
    logger = getLogger(__name__)
# =============================================================================
## make
x = ROOT.RooRealVar('x', 'test', 0, 10)
xmin, xmax = x.minmax()

acc = ROOT.RooCategory('cut', 'cut')
acc.defineType('accept', 1)
acc.defineType('reject', 0)
varset = ROOT.RooArgSet(x, acc)
ds = ROOT.RooDataSet(dsID(), 'test data', varset)

eff0 = Models.Monotonic_pdf('E0', xvar=x, power=2, increasing=True)
eff0.phis = 3.1415 / 2, 3.1415 / 2
margin = 1.25
emax = margin * eff0(x.getMax())

for i in range(10000):

    xv = random.uniform(xmin, xmax)


    ev = random.uniform(0, emax)

    if eff0(xv) > ev: acc.setIndex(1)
    else: acc.setIndex(0)